I received a call little while ago from a young woman in Philadelphia who asked me if I would take a survey. She was funny- couldn't even pronounce Sonoma or Mendocino county correctly. Just a hired hand who didn't know who was behind the "survey". At first it seemed like a general survey about Sonoma County politics and the direction the county is taking, but it quickly turned into a painfully obvious propaganda hit piece on the part of Linda Hopkins (or her supporters) to try to sway voters to vote for her in the upcoming run-off election. The one good thing about it was, I had previously thought Hopkins won! I had seen all of these "thank you Sonoma County" stickers on her signs and just assumed it was over. So thanks to Linda (or whoever was behind it) for letting me know Noreen still has a chance!
Obviously a lot of thought and effort had gone into this "survey" as it starts out seeming neutral but slowly leads the survey taker into buying into negative information (much of it entirely erroneous) about Noreen Evans. I wonder how many other west county folks were approached to take the survey. It's a complete waste of time - as it went along I found myself getting angry that someone running for office in West County would stoop to such dirty tactics in order to try to win votes. Shame on you Linda (or whoever was responsible) – do you really think we're that stupid? Jeezus....