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  1. TopTop #1
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Unsurprisingly, the PD has endorsed Lynda Hopkins.
    I'm still on the fence, but leaning that way myself.

    The biggest concern about her is her funding. However, I believe she is of good character and her heart it truly in the right place. I don't think she will let her backers push her to a vote she doesn't feel good about. I don't think she is a big money shill. I think we are blessed with a good crop of candidates and the money interests picked her as better to work with than Noreen, who is not unblemished.

    I hope to do an interview with her and really press her on her backing and what kind of leverage that may buy them.

    Tim, Tom and Marion are also worthy contenders. I've been particularly impressed by Marion, but I'd like to see her get some background (Planning Commission?) before stepping into such a big role. I know Lynda has limited background, too, but she has been a quick study and it seems up to the job.


    PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Voters in Sonoma County’s 5th District, which stretches from Roseland to Bodega Bay and includes all coastal areas, have a choice on June 7. And it’s not just about picking which of five candidates to succeed Efren Carrillo as “mayor” of west county. The choice is whether to help the county move forward or take a step back. It’s that simple.

    Among the candidates, Lynda Hopkins presents the best opportunity to move past the acrimonious political battles of yesteryear toward new and creative ways of addressing the prevailing needs of today. These needs include creating affordable housing, fixing roads, adapting to a changing climate and providing sound fiscal management for a county with a $1.5 billion budget and lingering — and potentially staggering — pension problems.

    An organic farmer, the Stanford-educated Hopkins, 32, emerged on the political scene with her sensible, middle-ground recommendations for resolving conflicts over plans by the Lytton Rancheria Band of Pomo Indians to build up to 360 homes, as well as a hotel resort and a 200,000-case winery, on properties west of Windsor. Although lacking in experience in elected office, Hopkins has proven to be a quick study on county issues and has demonstrated innovative thinking with ideas such as creating community improvement districts in Bodega Bay and along the Russian River as a way to ensure these residential pockets directly benefit from tourist dollars spent there. She’s suggested using Open Space District land already paid for with taxpayer funds to help mitigate requirements for tiger salamander habitat to encourage needed projects such as affordable housing. She also seeks a no-nonsense approach to dealing with the county’s pension problems including providing greater transparency on unfunded liabilities and promising action and extended oversight on the recommendations of the citizens’ pension advisory committee, which are due to be released July 12. “The more I learn (about unfunded liabilities), the more depressed I become,” said Hopkins. “What is it going to look like in the next recession?” These are the right questions to ask.

    By contrast, these are not the questions that voters can expect from Noreen Evans, 60, who has a strong pro-public employee union voting record and, by virtue of her experience in the state Legislature, is the presumptive favorite in this race. She is unapologetic about her part in boosting pension benefits while serving on the Santa Rosa City Council, which involved the kind of retroactive 50 percent increase in retirement benefits that now saddles local governments with massive unfunded liabilities making it harder to meet basic needs such as repairing streets and caring for parks. Her track record in the Legislature in this area was no less disappointing. In 2005, as the folly of these enhanced benefits was becoming evident, Evans authored legislation that would have raised the cap on pensions for firefighters and police from 90 percent to 100 percent of salaries. At the time, the pension costs in Sebastopol, where Evans now makes her home, had soared from less than $100,000 a year to roughly $750,000 in five years. And when local governments were drowning in pension-related costs in 2012, she threw them an anchor instead of a life raft, supporting AB 1692, which hindered the ability of governments to find relief in bankruptcy court.

    We have praised Evans for her work in a number of areas ranging from protecting state parks from closure to banning the kind of imitation toy firearms that was involved in the shooting of 13-year-old Andy Lopez. But given her track record, voters should have little confidence that she will put their interests ahead of those of public employee unions.

    County Planning Commissioner Tom Lynch of Guerneville has a far better grasp on the county’s pension problems and is another strong candidate in this race. The other two, Marion Chase of Santa Rosa and Tim Sergent of Forestville, are both bright and well-intentioned. But neither can match the others in terms of support or knowledge of the workings of the county.

    The Press Democrat recommends Lynda Hopkins for supervisor.
    Last edited by Barry; 05-16-2016 at 01:12 PM.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  3. TopTop #2
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    I am utterly flummoxed by some of what I read about Hopkins and some of the people who should know better. Who do you think raised all that money? Did she go to gravel, real estate, wine and other big players and convince them that she was the one? Everyone know who did that work. The same guys, - erik the k, bosco, and other pro biz types - who have managed to keep control of the BOS for years.

    It is time for a change, and Noreen would be that very important 3rd vote in support of the issues we in the 5th care about. And whoever said Hopkins wasn't a good person? Come on Barry, you don't honestly think she will be unswayed by her supporters, do you?

    And whoever said Noreen was unblemished? Who can be in the positions she has been in and not be subject to mistakes and criticism, but she is totally willing to acknowledge her endorsers and contributors.

    Big surprise, the Bosco (the invisable DINO in the china shop) owned PD has endorsed Hopkins. And don't tell me he doesn't have influence over the paper.

    If Hopkin wins, I am done having anything to do with this s**t.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Unsurprisingly, the PD has endorsed Lynda Hopkins.
    I'm still on the fence, but leaning that way myself.
    Last edited by Barry; 05-17-2016 at 12:20 PM.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  5. TopTop #3
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    So would you be a little more specific about Noreen's "blemishes ?" It seems that the article from the PD is just putting her down for being too generous with public employee retirement benefits. How big are these benefits? Are they over the top? What if any are Noreen's other blemishes?

    Aren't the "money interests" you refer to, whom you think picked Lynda over Noreen because they think she's "better to work with," the same interests that promoted Efren Carillo? How did that work out?

    In election after election, has there ever been a time in West County that the money interests promoted a candidate who, once in office, voted against their money interests? If not, why do you think that now it would be different with Lynda?

    Tim, Tom, and Marion may be great, but I suspect that the votes will mostly be split between Noreen and Lynda, and any votes for the others will fail to have any effect on tipping the balance.

    I'm not really up and highly informed on all the issues and history of political struggles in West County, so I ask you these questions with sincere curiosity.
    Last edited by Barry; 05-17-2016 at 12:23 PM.
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  7. TopTop #4
    wisewomn's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't a lot of the pluses being said about Lynda Hopkins (new face, same promises, etc) also said about Efren Carrillo, who I believe was funded by many of the same sources as Hopkins?
    Last edited by Barry; 05-17-2016 at 12:43 PM.
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  9. TopTop #5
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    You are not wrong. Hopkins may be a bright, smart and kind person, but people need to know who is funding her. I will be utterly shocked if west county liberals vote for her.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by wisewomn: View Post
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't a lot of the pluses being said about Lynda Hopkins (new face, same promises, etc) also said about Efren Carrillo, who I believe was funded by many of the same sources as Hopkins?
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  11. TopTop #6
    wisewomn's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Thanks for the clarification. And wasn't Carrillo supposed to be young, educated, and environmentally aware? We all saw how well that went.
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  13. TopTop #7
    Barbara Harris's Avatar
    Barbara Harris

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    I am amazed that she (or anyone, actually), would consider running for this important office without any notable or significant experience.Instead, someone who is interested in serving one’s community needs and requires experience, beginning with school board, city council, specific committees, et. al. This as mandated precedence helps to ensure understanding of prior and current issues. This merely makes sense, no matter one’s possible quick learn.

    And, I honestly do not think that learning quickly could ever reveal the dynamic and understanding of an entire county’s established protocol toward decision making. As well as understanding the diverse population, housing, education, and economic disparities.

    And, that the sources of her financial support are directly connected with interests which are counter to existent needs. In fact, these could interfere with our vulnerable part of the county with consideration of aggressive winery expansion, events, water use, and the annexation of Roseland (which could too easily suffer from potential gentrification).

    The choice of representation requires an experienced and seasoned leader who has developed access to the systems and infrastructure with accompanying decision makers. A team is made of those who have been actively involved, however disparate. That is what occurs when one runs for an important office. To have a record of involvement. A learning curve requires having been involved previously. Rather than the “fresh” outlook which resembles a learning curve we cannot afford when so much is at stake. We are at a time like none other now in West County; a firm understanding of what is necessary to preserve, improve, retain, defer, encourage, alter and eliminate.

    My affiliation remains with Noreen Evans who has proven, throughout her experience, service and decision-making that she is fully equipped to represent us.
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  14. TopTop #8
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occihoff: View Post
    So would you be a little more specific about Noreen's "blemishes ?" It seems that the article from the PD is just putting her down for being too generous with public employee retirement benefits. How big are these benefits? Are they over the top? What if any are Noreen's other blemishes?
    Her big blemish, IMO, is her support for the generous retroactive increase to the public employees pension plan, who, not surprisingly are among her big supporters (I don't know their financial support, but I'm guessing it is substantial - anybody have the data?). This is major. I'm sure you can find other financial supporters that had a financial interest in being in her good graces (ie Big Wine, etc.). I have nothing against Noreen. I'd be very happy to have her be our Supervisor.

    Quote Aren't the "money interests" you refer to, whom you think picked Lynda over Noreen because they think she's "better to work with," the same interests that promoted Efren Carrillo? How did that work out?
    Aside from his poor personal behavior, Efren's policy actions, on balance were acceptable to me, with one glaring exception (that I remember), Dutra. On the plus side, he put enormous energy into getting Sonoma Clean Power up and running. That is huge!

    Quote In election after election, has there ever been a time in West County that the money interests promoted a candidate who, once in office, voted against their money interests? If not, why do you think that now it would be different with Lynda?
    Can anybody help with this?

    Quote Tim, Tom, and Marion may be great, but I suspect that the votes will mostly be split between Noreen and Lynda, and any votes for the others will fail to have any effect on tipping the balance.
    That's where it stands now, but it could change. As the campaign continues they appear to be more credible to me.
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  15. TopTop #9
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Perfectly describes the situation. Thanks

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barbara Harris: View Post
    I am amazed that she (or anyone, actually), would consider running for this important office without any notable or significant experience....
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  17. TopTop #10
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    So just how generous are those increases to the public employees pension plan? How much money do they get? Usually we liberals are staunchly for the workers. Would I be shocked if I realized how lavish these worker's life styles have become?

    I seem to recall being shocked to hear how much money former Supervisors get, and that they get it for the rest of their lives, like an annuity, even if they only served one term! Have I got that right?

    Dutra was, and remains, a blight to the environment. Carillo's support for that was a boon to the industry, which presumably contributed lots of money to his campaign. But which of Carillo's supporters was opposed to Sonoma Clean Power? Did Carrillo stick his neck out and vote against some anti-clean power interests who had formerly supported him?

    I must say that on the face of it I am less bothered by overly generous financial support for workers than I am by overly generous financial support for big corporations that pollute the environment.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Her big blemish, IMO, is her support for the generous retroactive increase to the public employees pension plan, ...
    Last edited by Barry; 05-17-2016 at 09:31 PM.
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  19. TopTop #11
    twodogs's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Richard Nichols: View Post
    ...Come on Barry, you don't honestly think she will be unswayed by her supporters, do you?...
    Bosco likely does hold some sway at the PD. And just as likely so does Darius Anderson, the PD's primary owner whose wife gave Noreen Evans a $2,500 contribution.
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  21. TopTop #12
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    I'm shocked. You mean to tell me Mz Anderson has critical thinking skills???

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by twodogs: View Post
    Bosco likely does hold some sway at the PD. And just as likely so does Darius Anderson, the PD's primary owner whose wife gave Noreen Evans a $2,500 contribution.
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  22. TopTop #13

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    You know it's funy how the Press Democrat never has 'concerns' about any candidate being "too close' to gravel mining or real estate or wineries or developers. Their 'concern' is always directed at any candidate who is 'too close' to the working class who make this county run. I wonder why that is? I mean it isnt as if the wineries and real estate PAC don't have millions in business deals that come before the Board of Supervisors- for example Air B and B etc. But no worries about them buying influence! Keep being 'concerned' about working people's pensions...that's the real issue...

    Barry I think you are being sold a bill of goods if you can choose a candidate funded by Real Estate,Big Wine and the same company that Noreen Evans fought to stop gravel mining in our Russian River- (Syar)-
    Noreen has the strength to stand up against big corporate interests. She has already demonstrated that.
    Lynda is a neophyte being propped up by big money interests who are banking that she will owe them. If you are willing to stake the beauty and affordability of our coast on that...then by all means vote for the Business Candidate-Lynda Hopkins.
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  24. TopTop #14
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    We progressives in the WC need to keep pointing out who supports who, and the fact that Noreen is a social and environmental progressive. Thank you Lisa, for speaking out for working people. My wife was at SRJC for 17 years and a staunch union supporter, and she gets a much needed reasonable pension from PERS. I'm sick of these people who keep harping about pensions. Jeez, where would we retired people be without pensions, and workers paid in to the system. It is not an entitlement, but an earned right.
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  26. TopTop #15
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by twodogs: View Post
    Bosco likely does hold some sway at the PD. And just as likely so does Darius Anderson, the PD's primary owner whose wife gave Noreen Evans a $2,500 contribution.
    I'm shocked. Do you mean to tell me that Noreen is backed by the big time developer and local power player, Darius Anderson? I guess we know who will be pulling Noreen's strings...
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  28. TopTop #16
    riverosprey's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Thank you Barry for your sage observations.

    Richard and Brenda Nichols, known ya for 30 years, love ya...don't begrudge Brenda her pension for all her good works with Calpers at JC...the problem is politicians like Noreen voted for the retirement benefit without funding it; and now we're cutting all the essential services government once provided for generations, and cutting all the programs our generation benefited from, but are no longer available for the Millennials and GenExer's, and increasing their tuitions five fold to pay for the retirements. And Noreen Evans and Lisa Maldonado are unrepentant as we all move on the same conveyor belt toward insolvency like Detroit.

    However, for lack of a campaign based on ideas and solutions, and trying to use the "guilt by association" idiocy that will not work with Fifth District voters (are we really that lacking?). I offer you the latest "496 Independent Expenditure Report" for SEIU PAC supporting Noreen Evans.

    Come on people, $42,164.41 from SEIU PAC, gee maybe Noreen will continue her 100% record supporting the first wave of retiring boomers, while she orchestrates the demise of all the other social programs we fought for generations to provide for the least of thee among us?

    And they're telling us Lynda Hopkins is in the pocket of Ag and Business interests. Lynda is already getting second looks from the Farm Bureau (supports ban on GMO's) and Realtor's NORBAR PAC (Lynda joined Noreen in favor of rent control at the Roseland debate).

    If you want to send a message that you support a candidate who's pretty much self-financed, and has never been in anyone's pocket for 35 years (in spite of Lisa Maldonado's slanders :), vote for Tom opposed to others who've never voted in the Fifth District.

    Love and respect to All! Tom Lynch
    Last edited by Barry; 05-18-2016 at 11:19 AM.
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  30. TopTop #17
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    I thought it was his wife who contributed. It is possible that she has a mind of her own.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    I'm shocked. Do you mean to tell me that Noreen is backed by the big time developer and local power player, Darius Anderson? I guess we know who will be pulling Noreen's strings...
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  32. TopTop #18
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Barry, you never really answered some important questions in my previous post, so I'm repeating them now in the hope that you or somebody can shed some light:

    How big are these retired public employee benefits? Are they really over the top? Is this all you have against her? ( You said you liked her and would actually be happy if she got elected.) If her staunch support for union benefits is financially crazy and destroying our economy, as Tom Lynch and the Press Democrat claim, what does she have to say in her defense? Can a person with her extensive legislative experience really be that financially blind?

    Aren't the "money interests" you refer to, who you think picked Lynda over Noreen because they think she's "better to work with," the same interests that promoted Efren Carillo? How did that work out?

    I pointed out previously that Carillo's terrible gravel mining vote did not seem to be on the same level as his vote for Sonoma Clean Power--which you mentioned as a balancing plus to his record--because who was against Sonoma Clean Power? How many votes would he expect to lose? What do you say?

    In election after election, has there ever been a time in West County that the money interests promoted a candidate who, once in office, voted against their money interests? If not, why do you think that now it would be different with Lynda? Barry couldn't cite such a staunch independent and asked y'all for help. So can't any of you waccoites who follow local politics more closely than I do come up with an example?
    Last edited by Barry; 05-19-2016 at 09:12 AM.
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  34. TopTop #19
    sambacat's Avatar
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    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    The Press Republicrat has been on the wrong side of environmental candidates 99% of the time. Noreen Evans has an extremely well-proven track record in this regard and is endorsed by Sonoma County Conservation Action, which vets every candidate in the county thoroughly on his/her environmental action or inaction. Personally, pensions are not my highest priority -- urgent and positive action on climate change and preserving Sonoma County's nature and natural resources are.
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  36. TopTop #20
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Sheesh - I sure wish people would get off this one-issue pension straw man! Really! One would think that is all the West County cares about. What about parks, coast, open space, climate change, affordable housing and on and on! Noreen was one vote almost 20 years ago on a unanimous city council that voted along with all the other city councils to increase the benefits of PUBLIC SAFETY personnel - you know the ones that put out fires and save our lives. It was considered important at that time to not have 70 year old policemen chasing down murderers and car thieves - therefore they allowed for attractive early retirement for these people that risk their lives for us.

    Then the recession hit and since about 1/3 of pension funds come from investment income, all pension funds took a big hit - just like everyone else did. Noreen was stuck in the Assembly when this all came down and happened to be chair of the Budget Committee having to deal with this huge cut. She managed to save parks, in-home care workers, food stamps and so many other things that would have gone under the ax if she hadn't been there. She also stopped the levying of beach fees! And the pension thing is pretty much now straightened out at the county anyway.

    Please people take a look at the whole picture, the qualifications, and do your own research on pensions before taking the word of Tom Lynch and the Press Democrat. I really think fifth district voters are smarter than that - I sure hope so anyway.....

    ALSO, why is everyone so upset that working people in unions are getting fair pay, and not concerned about the over-the-top salaries that developers and big winery owners get?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Her big blemish, IMO, is her support for the generous retroactive increase to the public employees pension plan, who, not surprisingly are among her big supporters...
    Last edited by Barry; 05-19-2016 at 10:11 AM.
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  37. TopTop #21
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Noreen has socialized with Darius and his wife from her days in Sacramento - they like her. I truly doubt this one contribution will out-balance, Sierra Club, SCCA, Sebastopol Tomorrow, most of the Sebastopol council, Lynn Woolsey, Lucy Kortum, etc. etc. etc. Go to Noreen's web site for a full list of environmental progressive supporters.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Richard Nichols: View Post
    I thought it was his wife who contributed. It is possible that she has a mind of her own.
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  39. TopTop #22

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    I have been a self employed resident of the 5th district for the last 25 years and have often disliked seeing formerly diverse farms resort to growing only grapes for the uncommon good. Since it has been going on for so long and with such fervor I have grown to accept the reality I should have fought against to begin with. I just sat around and watched my county allow it to happen....

    It is too easy and political to overly criticize, but I think Lynda Hopkins should not be penalized for taking money from " big wine" in wine country as it is to be expected, and lord knows we all need local gravel mined with low carbon footprint. Money for a campaign is tough to come by for such a young 32 year old candidate and private sources are a necessity. Not everyone has the mighty unions behind them for support, with kind respect to Ms. Moldonando.

    The most qualified by my estimation is Mr.Tom Lynch of the planning commission. He won't waste a bunch of time and money learning the ropes, but will immediately and tirelessly dive right in and get to the business of fixing running a fiscally sound county.
    Last edited by Barry; 05-19-2016 at 10:13 AM.
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  41. TopTop #23
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occihoff: View Post
    Barry, you never really answered some important questions in my previous post, so I'm repeating them now in the hope that you or somebody can shed some light:

    How big are these retired public employee benefits? Are they really over the top? Is this all you have against her? ( You said you liked her and would actually be happy if she got elected.) If her staunch support for union benefits is financially crazy and destroying our economy, as Tom Lynch and the Press Democrat claim, what does she have to say in her defense? Can a person with her extensive legislative experience really be that financially blind?
    According to Noreen, the average county pension is $2,600/month ($31,200/year). Keep in mind that's an average so some people get less, and some people get yet more. While this isn't exorbitant, I would call it generous. It would be fine if it were funded, and it was in balance with the rest of the county's spending obligations, such as maintaining roads and caring for the homeless. It's also a whole bunch more than my pension or yours, or most all non-government workers. The big problem was when the pension benefit was raised by 50%, retroactively, with no corresponding increase in funding. Noreen supported this while she was on the Santa Rosa City Council.

    She doesn't address pensions on her website. She has addressed it in the Supervisor forums, but essentially said it was the recession's fault. I think it goes beyond that.

    Is this all I have against her? Yes, but I also have a problem with the fierce character assassination practiced by her vocal supporters.

    Quote Aren't the "money interests" you refer to, who you think picked Lynda over Noreen because they think she's "better to work with," the same interests that promoted Efren Carillo? How did that work out?

    I pointed out previously that Carillo's terrible gravel mining vote did not seem to be on the same level as his vote for Sonoma Clean Power--which you mentioned as a balancing plus to his record--because who was against Sonoma Clean Power? How many votes would he expect to lose? What do you say?
    I think the environmental and economic benefit of Sonoma Clean Power outweighs the Dutra and Syar votes, although of course it would be have better had he voted the "right" way on those issues. Efren was a mixed bag.

    I'm sure there was opposition to Sonoma Clean Power, and no doubt PG&E would have heavily supported any politician willing to oppose it. He worked tirelessly to make it come to life, besides just not being against it.

    There's also Preservation Ranch. He refused to take a position on it in the campaign and his opposition was sure he was going to sell out on that, too. But instead he lead a very environmentally responsible deal to protect it.

    Quote In election after election, has there ever been a time in West County that the money interests promoted a candidate who, once in office, voted against their money interests? If not, why do you think that now it would be different with Lynda? Barry couldn't cite such a staunch independent and asked y'all for help. So can't any of you waccoites who follow local politics more closely than I do come up with an example?
    Lynda has already taken positions at odds with her backers, including supporting the GMO ban proposition (opposed by the Farm Bureau) and supporting rent control (opposed by the real estate industry).

    I just think her inherent values will be a bulwark against the pressures of her supporters.
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  43. TopTop #24
    riverosprey's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    All well said Barry...

    Noreen doesn't have a clue-doesn't have a plan-to make these massive unfunded pensions sustainable.

    This from Transparent California, average retirement for a full-time career (30 years) is $74,786. Sonoma County also pays into Social Security (not Marin nor Santa Rosa), and has a massive unfunded retiree medical benefit (none for Santa Rosa).

    Go to or and learn what a debacle we're in and how it is destroying government services and creating a younger generation of indentured debt slaves. Not to mention Lisa M. the tens of thousands of good paying union jobs LOST, as we no longer hire new workers, retirement without rehirement (sorry we don't have any money to sustain these services), and the few new younger workers are getting half the retirement of the Boomers.

    (Thank you Lisa and Noreen for voting to halve the retirement of the next generation without changing the retirement for older workers).

    I LOVE Everybody!

    Tom Lynch

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    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    According to Noreen, the average county pension is $2,600/month ($31,200/year). Keep in mind that's an average so some people get less, and some people get yet more. While this isn't exorbitant, I would call it generous. ...
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  45. TopTop #25
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Hear, Hear, Barry.
    The elephant in Noreen's living-room is this unfunded pension obligations issue that she continues to ignore. As the County heads to the fiscal cliff, it will be on a potholed road, rolling roughshod over unfunded social programs. Noreen evades any questions regarding the imperative resolution of this inconvenient reality .

    Any viable candidate will need support, and Lynda's is upfront and honest. It is presumptuous to assume it will buy influence. More likely, it is support of an individual perceived to be without the obligations to a contrary special interest, of the sort Noreen has to the Unions.

    A vote for Noreen is a vote to kick our County's biggest can down the road and watch as our roads grow even worse, families continue to be housing challenged, and our parks spend more time chasing ever dwindling funding options, among other things.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    According to Noreen, the average county pension is $2,600/month...
    Last edited by Barry; 05-20-2016 at 11:10 AM.
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  47. TopTop #26
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Wow, thank you scamperwillow for this information, and for all the information you put forth in your previous post! It's so important in complex situations such as elections to have deeper, fuller, factual information about candidates, rather than perceptions based on limited viewpoints or slanted half truths that fail to reveal the whole context in which the candidate's actions occurred. Your list of endorsers was particularly useful. I think that for the many voters like me who do not or cannot take the time to become scholars of the political world, it is a wise shortcut to look at who are the endorsers.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    Noreen has socialized with Darius and his wife from her days in Sacramento - they like her. I truly doubt this one contribution will out-balance, Sierra Club, SCCA, Sebastopol Tomorrow, most of the Sebastopol council, Lynn Woolsey, Lucy Kortum, etc. etc. etc. Go to Noreen's web site for a full list of environmental progressive supporters.
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  49. TopTop #27
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Thank you photolite, as well as Tom Lynch, for your pertinent information and point of view. But what is Lynda Hopkins' hopefully brilliant solution to this financial mare's nest fundamentally brought on by a wilting economy? And has Noreen Evans really failed to respond to questions regarding this most basic issue? I find that hard to believe! Any of you Evans supporters out there have an answer?

    Also, I become uneasy when people start bashing unions. For many decades unions have fought uphill battles for worker's rights, and their power has steadily eroded over the years as the wealthy power brokers and their government supporters have beaten them down. Unions may become soiled by corruption, but this corruption looks minor compared to the massive corruption perpetrated by the big plutocrats.
    Last edited by Barry; 05-20-2016 at 11:11 AM.
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  50. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  51. TopTop #28
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    You are welcome - here is a direct link to Noreen's supporters to make it easy:
    Last edited by Barry; 05-20-2016 at 11:11 AM.
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  53. TopTop #29
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Thank you very much, Barry, for your pertinent and informative response!

    What is the "fierce character assassination" you refer to? I wouldn't say I have heard anything that bad from anybody on either side in this wacco debate.

    Is it not true, as has been said, that the 50% raise was approved by everyone else on the Council as well? That would put the matter in a different context.

    I'm glad to hear that Efren did those good things, and that Lynda has taken those stands. Maybe this just means that West County voters are so liberal and environmental that the Farm Bureau, the wine industry, the real estate industry, etc., have to settle for backing candidates that are less whole-heartedly big business-friendly than they would really prefer.

    Hopefully it will not be a disaster whoever wins this race. I'm still for Noreen because she's well known, experienced, and backed by organizations that I trust more than Lynda's backers.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    According to Noreen, the average county pension is $2,600/month ($31,200/year). Keep in mind that's an average so some people get less, and some people get yet more. While this isn't exorbitant, I would call it generous....
    Last edited by Barry; 05-20-2016 at 11:07 AM.
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  55. TopTop #30
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: PD Editorial: Lynda Hopkins for 5th District supervisor

    Thanks for the link for Noreen's "supporters", most of which "endorse" Noreen.

    Can you provide information of the people and organizations who have supported Noreen financially, along with the dollar amounts who made contributions in excess of $1,000 or so?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    You are welcome - here is a direct link to Noreen's supporters to make it easy:
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