I just posted this to my email list and thought I'd add it here. It may help to clarify for you the wars going on in Ukraine and Syria, and the role of ISIS. It may not be what you think. ~ Ruth

The war in Ukraine is for control of pipelines delivering natural gas to Europe. Much of the gas comes from Russia, and the goal is to stop Russia from selling into the European market and instead replace it with only Ukrainian gas and gas from the Middle East. Thus the odd coalitions fighting both these wars. ISIS represents Saudi interests and is fighting in Ukraine against Russia. Ukraine is supplying weapons to ISIS, (many of which are supplied by NATO) to help the effort in Syria. The US has long been supplying ISIS with weapons and other equipment, although this is publicly said to be accidental. Turkey is buying stolen oil from ISIS and has shot down a Russian plane bombing the oil fields and truck convoys. Russia is fighting to keep Assad in power as he is the chief obstacle to the new pipeline that will compete with Russian gas interests. Is your head spinning yet?

Just remember – no country wages war to impose democracy or any other political system on another country. It's too costly. It's always about resources and money. There has to be a material payoff.

From August, 2013 "This week, it appears that the long planned U.S.-led war in Syria may finally commence. For nearly two decades, Gulf nations, and their Western-based militaries have been plotting an overthrow of the Syrian government. The aim is clear: To topple the Assad family-controlled regime and replace it with a new “democratic” government that is friendly to Sunni/Saudi interests in the region."

Why Syria? An Examination Of The Iran-Iraq-Syria Pipeline

Lots of pipeline maps here to give you a picture of contested areas: https://bit.ly/1RX2xGH

The US-Russia gas pipeline war in Syria could destabilise Putin -

Migrant Crisis & Syria War Fueled By Competing Gas Pipelines


US Intelligence Confirms US Support for ISIS
