Dearest WaccooBB community,

I'm currently in a Body Mind-Centering (BMC) program specializing in Infant Developmental Movement. This program is focused on the arrival of the infant into its environment and body during the first year of life and how best to facilitate and support this process unique to every child. How movement arises and is integrated, how it is developed and experienced, and how it corresponds to presence within self, in the environment, and in relation with others are main focuses in this approach. I'm looking for parents and care-givers with infants between the ages of birth and 12 months to meet and talk with as part of my training.

These meetings would be in the context of observation sessions. They would last from 30 minutes to an hour and would involve simply observing the infant moving and being in space; identifying movement patterns and talkig with the parents/caregivers. I can meet you where ever it is conveient, at your house or outside somewhere in a park.

This is a great opportunity to find out more information about BMC fundamentals and their practical application with regards to infants.

If you would like to contact me to set up an appointment or find out more information please reply or call 707-322-3777 (available at this number after the 15th).

Here is a website with more information about the approach.

Thanks so much, ellie erdman