Around four years ago I began to be followed around town ... it was frightening and I didn't know what was happening ... I started to document this through photographs and I can show that the same people and the same vehicles showed up in many different locations as I went about my business ... it was tough to deal with ...

I found out in time that this was happening to a lot of other people who called it "gang stalking" so I reported it using that terminology. I now know that it would be better described as US Domestic Counteintelligence Activities and that it is now a part of our domestic defense utilizing civilian groups who are being trained to watch fellow citizens who might be guilty of crimes.

But I'm not guilty of crimes so who put me on this list? ... I'm still working on that one ... I welcome anyone in this community to charge me with something ... anything ... and if that is not possible then please leave me alone ... our government is run by big money so the chances of corruption in a secret program run by secret policing groups is huge ... again, show me the proof of wrong doing and if you can't do that then please leave me alone to live my life in peace ...

Out of respect for Barry, I am now going to let this issue drop ... two more links that you should read ...