Ode To My Apricot Tree

Oh Apricot tree my sweet Apricot tree,
Let me become one with thee.
Your sensual pleasure brings delight to me.
My tongue is servant to none other but thee.
Forever grateful you’re in my yard,
You’re antiquity renowned in every regard.

Oh Apricot tree my beautiful Apricot tree,
Your leaves of green are my canopy.
They protect me from the warm day’s Sun,
As your fruits start to ripen my coveting has begun.
Old Grandpa planted you here on one fine day,
So I can reap your bounty in the month of May.

Oh Apricot tree my bountiful Apricot tree,
Your pubescent fruit brings lustful joy to me.
These seeds of stone for you I gladly cast,
To bear more fruit for me is all I ask.
I see Birds and Bees encircling you here to mate,
On your delicate pink petals they do fornicate.
I devour your flesh and taste your meats,
My senses consumed with your tartened treats.

Oh Apricot tree my beautiful Apricot tree,
With golden-ripe fruit your branches weep.
Our names carved deep into your bark
As memories reignite this adolescent spark.
Please drupe your fruit here on my lips,
As I caress them with these eager fingertips.
I’ll squeeze your velvet plums so fine,
And sip your spirited warm barack wine.

Oh Apricot tree my bountiful Apricot tree,
You compliment my dining table fair,
Your tastiness preserved with utmost care.
Your fruits now slathered across my bread,
This salivating tongue pleases my starving head.
Your thick amber skin gives life to all,
As Autumn’s leaves change and begin to fall.

Oh Apricot tree my Apricot tree,
Let me drink you in because you are so divine.
Your golden aphrodisiac that spans old Shakespeare’s rhymes.

©2012 Tim Gega