Please take a moment to help our little town by sending a quick email protesting the proposed Open Space Park in Forestville.

A grant of tax money from the county is being sought by a citizens group to purchase an 8 acre parcel costing $1.5 million that lies adjacent to downtown Forestville to make it open space, meaning that it can never be built on or developed, EVER. Its a complete waste of your tax money.

I am opposed to the Forestville Open Space Grant for the following reasons:

  • It eliminates a future tax base that would enable El Molino High and Forestville Elementary to stay in operation. Both are in danger of closing due to declining enrollment.
  • Its out of scale for the town; the entire downtown commercial part of Forestville is less in acreage than this proposed "park" would be.
  • If there is one thing Forestville has plenty of, its open space. Why spend your tax money to purchase what is already abundant.
  • The County already owns a parcel in downtown Forestville right next to the 8 acres that is under construction as a park at the entrance to the West County Trail.
  • Forestville has more park space than the population utilizes: Forestville Youth Park, Steelhead Beach, Riverfront Regional Park, Sunset River Beach Park, Forestville River Access (formerly Mother's Beach) West County Regional Trail, Wohler Bridge Park.

You may write your own email, or if you would like, simply copy and paste the above underlined sentence and bullet points with the subject of your email as "NO OPEN SPACE IN FORESTVILLE"

Here are links to the powers that be that can save Forestville and your tax money.

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]