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  • 05-24-2016 06:00 PM to 09:30 PM
    All Events

    Ancestral Healing - The Family Constellation Process as Shamanic Ceremony

    Join us for an evening of healing at the soul level.

    Ancestral Healing / Family Constellation is a transformative therapeutic modality which is essentially an experiential demonstration of what we now know as epigenetics, as trauma and emotions can be transgenerationally inherited. Much of the energetic blueprint of our consciousness is inherited and imprinted by those who came before us. As we bring awareness to what was previously unconscious, we create the opportunity for transformation.

    Find resolution to life long patterns in relationship, finance, addiction, illness, disconnection, etc... As we deepen our connection to our ancestors and lifetimes of wisdom.

    1296 Tilton Road, Sebastopol
    Sliding scale: $44-33
    Contact if any questions: Sunny Jackson, MNLP, CCHT - 925-667-7025