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  • 02-13-2016 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
    All Events

    Free Community BodyTalk Balancing

    The BodyTalk System is a truly revolution in integrative healthcare. ( Bridging ancient healing systems with modern quantum physics, BodyTalk uses light stimulation of our own electromagnetic fields that naturally bring about a healing response.
    You will learn the Cortices Technique - a powerful technique which if applied daily can harmonize and optimize the functioning of the brain and therefore improve your overall health. The Cortices technique can strengthen your immune system, balances the eletrical circuits of the brain, improve blood, cerebral spinal fluid and lymphatic circulation within the brain and repair the functioning of the fight or flight mechanism of the sympathetic nervous system.

    RSVP - Call 415-238-6254 or text - space limited to 5 individuals.
    For more information, visit: or

  • 02-13-2016 07:00 PM to 09:30 PM
    All Events

    Drumming Into Love

    Drumming Into Love....find Your Rhythm & Feel The Wellspring of Love
    w/ Sahar Pinkham & Janet Caliri
    The Sweetness, we spend our days yearning for and searching out through relationships of every kind, is available now. Join us, as we dive into this Infinite Pool of Bliss
    Through drumming, guided meditation and song, Sahar invites us to access The Sweetness Within. With guest teacher, Janet Caliri
    * Bring a drum if you have one.
    Saturday, 2/13, 7:00pm - 9:30pm
    Donation: $10-$20.
    ~ May your breathing be deep and your Creative Soul fly.
    Contact: Sahar Pinkham at 707.824.1796 or [email protected].
    Janet Caliri is the founder of Visible Transitions. After gone through many life transitions herself, the latest being a five year illness that stole her life force, Visible Transitions was born. This photographic methodology effectively supports both kids and parents who are challenged in or about to embark upon a life transition.
    Sahar Pinkham CHT, percussionist and therapist, has played music and lead kirtans for 34 years. He is creator of Sacred Movement and producer of the journey cd "Jammin' With The Infinite".
    He studied tablas with Zakir Hussein, called "the worlds' greatest drummer" by Mickey Hart. He now teaches tablas, djembe, and conga out of his studio in Sebastopol. He teaches The Sacred Art of Drumming; an 8-week series designed to give an experiential knowledge through drumming of ones' True Nature along with tools to express this in daily life. Sahar facilitates the mens' series Exploring The Male Heart and has a private counseling and hypnotherapy practice.