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  1. TopTop #1
    natural home

    Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    CPUC is is reconsidering restructure of PG&E...comments requested until Jan. 30th

    CPUC proceeding # 1.15-08-019

    What actions should be taken as a result of PG&E's on-going safety failures so that natural gas and electric service has just and reasonabe rates,including replacing PG&E management,breaking corporate structure,reconstituting Pg&E. including getting rid of the board all-together Opening comments are due January 30th .This is an excellent time to put utilities back as a service business. Perhaps, even make it a community owned, profit shared business. Any utility company should not make a profit, but support the common good.
    Could we really make that happen in Sonoma County..please make comments for change.
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  3. TopTop #2
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by natural home: View Post
    ...Could we really make that happen in Sonoma County..please make comments for change.
    We already have made it (partially) happen in Sonoma County

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  5. TopTop #3
    forveterans49's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    PG&E has to be taken over by the state. This group has caused a lot of trouble for us and is so corrupt. Break it up and let the state run it.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by natural home: View Post
    CPUC is is reconsidering restructure of PG&E...comments requested until Jan. 30th

    CPUC proceeding # 1.15-08-019

    What actions should be taken as a result of PG&E's on-going safety failures so that natural gas and electric service has just and reasonabe rates,including replacing PG&E management,breaking corporate structure,reconstituting Pg&E. including getting rid of the board all-together Opening comments are due January 30th .This is an excellent time to put utilities back as a service business. Perhaps, even make it a community owned, profit shared business. Any utility company should not make a profit, but support the common good.
    Could we really make that happen in Sonoma County..please make comments for change.
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  7. TopTop #4
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    PG&E has to be taken over by the state. This group has caused a lot of trouble for us and is so corrupt. Break it up and let the state run it.
    Wrong. Let it go bankrupt.
    We're going to have government ran electricity in a state where solar is mandatory for new build? No Thanks.
    People will cry we'll lose electricity, but reality is someone will buy up the parts.
    Quote The company could take billions of dollars of liabilities from fatal blazes in 2018 and 2017, with analysts covering the stock estimating it to be between $24 billion to $30 billion.
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  9. TopTop #5
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    I don't especially like defending PG&E... however, have you considered that changes in the climate, and global warming, have something to do with the fires?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    PG&E has to be taken over by the state. This group has caused a lot of trouble for us and is so corrupt. Break it up and let the state run it.
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  11. TopTop #6
    forveterans49's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Yes, I know that global warming has a lot to do with the fires. I am not speaking to that. PG&E has been a corrupt group for years and we don't need any more of this privately-owned, for-profit organization.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    I don't especially like defending PG&E... however, have you considered that changes in the climate, and global warming, have something to do with the fires?
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  13. TopTop #7
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    Yes, I know that global warming has a lot to do with the fires. I am not speaking to that. PG&E has been a corrupt group for years and we don't need any more of this privately-owned, for-profit organization.
    sure, they are pofp and not an altruistic charity. But corrupt? They seem to be a bit on the above -average side of the corporate -citizen spectrum to me. I'd rather pay higher taxes and have them be a gummint agency but most differ... people hate taxes and government more than they do our corporate overlords for some weird reason
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  15. TopTop #8
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    Yes, I know that global warming has a lot to do with the fires. I am not speaking to that. PG&E has been a corrupt group for years and we don't need any more of this privately-owned, for-profit organization.
    The problem is government keeps helping them out.
    They keep hauling Bernie around the beach, but whenever they get distracted, they forget he's dead. Government permanently taking over won't bring him back to life. Finding a suitable replacement is the only option.
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  16. TopTop #9
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Issues w PG&E are complex. PG&E is regulated by the CA Public Utilities Commission, which approves their rates. There are public watchdogs always scrutinizing PG&E, looking at how to reduce rates, and provide for better service.

    In 2014, public power programs such as Sonoma Clean Power were authorized. Sonoma Clean Power gets 1/3 of their power from renewable sources (wind, solar, geothermal), while 22% PG&E's power is from renewable sources. Sonoma Clean Power uses PG&E lines to transmit power. However, I think PG&E provides the basic services for gas & electric in N CA.

    If PG&E were held liable for the recent losses due to wildfires, they'd go bankrupt. I don't believe PG&E has the resources to reimburse homeowners for losses due to the wildfires. The company would be reconstituted as say AG&E. AG&E would have basically the same equipment, power lines, employees, and managers that are currently PG&E. Those are the elements that provide gas & electric to N CA. It's easy to call PG&E corrupt, and that they should be replaced. The reality is that any replacement would just be a name change. This is not to say PG&E can't be improved, or limit the risks from wildfires.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    Yes, I know that global warming has a lot to do with the fires. I am not speaking to that. PG&E has been a corrupt group for years and we don't need any more of this privately-owned, for-profit organization.
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  18. TopTop #10
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    What about a government run utility system? There will be horrified cries of the dread SOCIALISM!!, but don't many other developed countries have such a system?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    ...If PG&E were held liable for the recent losses due to wildfires, they'd go bankrupt...
    Last edited by Barry; 01-12-2019 at 11:23 AM.
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  19. TopTop #11

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Let's add more complexity, like the fact pge sued to stop competition from Sonoma clean power, or the revolving door between pge and cpuc commissioners. This is corruption in modern terms. If pge goes bankrupt there is more possibility of change than corporate protection. Will it mean we pay more to suck juice off the grid? Yeah!
    Last edited by Barry; 01-12-2019 at 11:25 AM.
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  20. TopTop #12
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    CEO has stepped down and Exec VP named interim CEO.
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  22. TopTop #13

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

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    Barricades have gone up to keep reporters away.

    Governor Gavin Newsom issued the following statement on PG&E's intention to file for bankruptcy:

    "PG&E provides gas and electric service to 16 million Californians. From the moment I was elected, I have been closely monitoring the impact of PG&E's existing and potential future liability for the deadly wildfires on the victims of the fires and the consumers who rely on PG&E for their electric and gas service. When I took office one week ago today, I immediately instructed my team to meet with the California Public Utilities Commission, CAISO, PG&E, and labor unions representing the workers who work for PG&E. My staff and I have been in constant contact throughout the week and over the weekend with these stakeholders and regulators. Everyone's immediate focus is, rightfully, on ensuring Californians have continuous, reliable and safe electric and gas service. While PG&E announced its intent to file bankruptcy today, the company should continue to honor promises made to energy suppliers and to our community. Throughout the months ahead, I will be working with the Legislature and all stakeholders on a solution that ensures consumers have access to safe, affordable and reliable service, fire victims are treated fairly, and California can continue to make progress toward our climate goals."
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  24. TopTop #14
    RicoBoccia's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    This is incorrect in one respect. Bankruptcy is definitely not just a name change. In BK, the court effectively takes over the company and decides how its assets will be distributed (if it's to be dissolved) or how it will be run in the future (if it is to continue operating, as PG&E will). The CEO just quit, and in BK, some portion of other, next-level management will likely be replaced, so no matter what, it will not have the same management going forward. And it's easy to call PG&E corrupt because the evidence of corruption is significant. In 2014, the state began investigating PG&E for inappropriate private communication with its own regulators. All such communication is supposed to be public, for obvious reasons. Since then, PG&E's lawyers have actively worked to hamper that investigation. These are classic corrupt practices when it comes to regulated companies like utilities.

    The case for a state takeover is a good one. If all the death and destruction cause by PG&E's negligence (if not outright fraud, for which there is also evidence) is not enough, the very fact that they regularly have to shut off service to large numbers of customers when the wind comes up in order to protect against yet more catastrophic fires makes clear that they are incompetent in the basic job of providing electricity safely. And you're right about reimbursing those harmed by the utility's negligence: It was underinsured, probably because its finances were unsustainable overall, yet another measure of incompetence. The question of whether a gov't-run utility would be better/safer/no more expensive is a whole other thing.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    ... The company would be reconstituted as say AG&E. AG&E would have basically the same equipment, power lines, employees, and managers that are currently PG&E. Those are the elements that provide gas & electric to N CA. It's easy to call PG&E corrupt, and that they should be replaced. The reality is that any replacement would just be a name change. This is not to say PG&E can't be improved, or limit the risks from wildfires.
    Last edited by Barry; 01-14-2019 at 06:23 PM.
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  26. TopTop #15

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    They just went through a bankruptcy filing in 2001, during the so-called energy crisis. Calpine went bankrupt too. The primary purpose of bankruptcy is to discharge debts and liabilities. Those suing PG and E over the Nuns, Tubbs and other Sonoma County fires will find it difficult to impossible to collect on claims, assuming they can prove claims, for instance.
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  28. TopTop #16
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by RicoBoccia: View Post
    The case for a state takeover is a good one.
    I'd say that chance DIED today.
    What investors and potential money the company had are gone after today.
    Legislature had it's time, now it's time for Judicial.
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  29. TopTop #17

    Re: Cpuc asks for public comment on pg@e safety failure

    Considering the state of the State we're in, having the State take over PG&E is almost as scary as the Rothschilds who own PG&E and every other utility in our country... lock 'em up and make California safe again! Trouble is, so much corruption in this state of confusion, we really don't KNOW what we know about how to resolve our problem with "them" or "it" I keep praying the "More will be revealed" will come much sooner than later! We simply MUST get a consciousness shift going among ourSelves to pick up some higher awarenesses and inspirations to leap us forward to new ways of "handling" our transition to free energy, free will, freedom. Pray with me that the incoming Light frequencies will illuminate all of us and inspire us to great outcomes ~ even if only in our dreams... others will mirror our inspiration and create their own great outcomes, and we continue on this timeline as long as we choose it.

    Who will be the Free Energy Czar who can co-create The Plan to get us out of the mess created by our lack of knowledge, our lack of inspiration, and who can lead the utilities into the future without the corruption killing us off? Where are the conscious/awake individuals with brilliant chops who could do such a thing? I certainly don't know anyone like that!

    OK, end of rant.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by forveterans49: View Post
    PG&E has to be taken over by the state. This group has caused a lot of trouble for us and is so corrupt. Break it up and let the state run it.
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