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  1. TopTop #1
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I was made to feel uncomfortable sipping coffee with a friend outside Andy's Market on Saturday morning. with Two stocky police officers seated near us. Both appeared to be wearing bulletproof vests and had oversized holstered guns dangling from their sides. Part of their conversation involved weaponry. This is not what I expect in a place which labels itself as the "Peace City." Is the Sebastopol Police Department expecting an insurrection or terrorist incident to happen at or near Andy's Market? I doubt it.

    After the policemen left, I asked two patrons whether they had the same objection as I did. One responded that the arming of the officers for urban warfare pointed to the growing militarization of the police.

    Next time, my friend and I may have our morning coffees elsewhere.
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  3. TopTop #2

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Name:  Greenband.jpg
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    Here's a picture of the County Sheriff's Deputy that came to my home to harass me. I pulled it off his Facebook Page. It suggests to me he is probably a gun nut.

    As far as Sebastopol Police, I don't know, but I think bullet proof vests are standard issue, and a 9mm pistol. Sheriff deputies are also required to carry a Taser and i think also pepper spray and a few other things. Baton? Sending any officer out these days without a bullet proof vest would be negligence.

    People who enjoy talking about weaponry have a problem.
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  5. TopTop #3

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    “Over sized holstered gun” that is standard issue, not anything unusual. If you are not comfortable with guns you will usually have an issue with any gun at all. I know this first hand. OC, Taser, handcuffs, badge and bullet proof vest, standard issue.

    You say “this is not what I expect from a place that calls itself ‘peace city”, you do know we had somebody killed, in “peace city”, during the Apple Fair? We have gangs, this side of the 101, Todd rd and Hearn ave area!

    I saw police at two other coffee shops the other day so if that bothers you, where are you gonna go? There is crime, it is real, happens in Sebastopol just like anywhere else, this is not college, there are no safe spaces, and I’m sure that Police Officer, who I’m sure would help you in a minute, wants, and should, be able to go home to their family!

    as far as: People who enjoy talking about weaponry have a problem. Is that a actual clinical diagnosis or are you just making that up?
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  6. Gratitude expressed by 9 members:

  7. TopTop #4

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I also take some issue with: MikeHs post:
    1) seems like you are stalking a sheriff. You said that he came to your home to harass you, did you file charges? Make a complaint? If you did not, you are part of the problem. YOU went on HIS Facebook, you post pictures of him making claims, who is harassing whom?
    2) if I take a picture of me with a mountain in the back ground, am I a mountain climber? He took a picture, with dead foul, you conveniently say “gun nut” but nothing about being a “hunter”??? Seems like YOU have an agenda.
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  9. TopTop #5
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by MikeH: View Post
    Here's a picture of the County Sheriff's Deputy that came to my home to harass me. I pulled it off his Facebook Page. It suggests to me he is probably a gun nut.
    People who enjoy talking about weaponry have a problem.
    as George Carlin said about driving, anyone faster than me is a maniac, anyone slower is a moron.

    I have as much or more skepticism about the way policing is done as anyone, but it's a bit silly to find their interest in guns, their size (!?) and their equipment as outside the pale. Like it or not, we don't live in a non-violent, all-vegetarian world, and many if not most don't even think that would be desirable. People can be interested in guns without being 'gun nuts' - although to be fair, I guess that term can mean what you want it to.

    But I think it's better to save the outrage for the not infrequent events where the police deserve it.
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  11. TopTop #6
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I think it's good when police eat or drink coffee in with the public in public establishments. It integrates them into the neighborhood better. Last year I was eating in Chipolte in Santa Rosa, where there were 2 SR policemen. I'd had a problem with cars being left for days in front of a property I own, and I was able to talk to them about it & get the laws that apply.

    I think it's quite isolating being a policeman... so I think it's good when they stop for coffee or food in a restaurant. It seems we always want the police when we need them... and other times... often disdain them.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Reheymann: View Post
    I was made to feel uncomfortable sipping coffee with a friend outside Andy's Market on Saturday morning. with Two stocky police officers seated near us. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 10:55 AM.
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  13. TopTop #7
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    The reality is that they're everywhere, and they're armed.

    A peaceful city doesn't get that way without some resident protesting of injustice and violence. This doesn't sit well with law enforcement, for the most part.

    So, they need to be ready for any kind of "uprising", even in Sebastopol. It's also obvious that many in law enforcement enjoy the power of confrontation using their weapons as a show of force.

    But they serve a purpose, and many of us have had to call on them during our lifetimes.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 10:55 AM.
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  14. TopTop #8

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Reheymann: Outside Andy's? Sounds like sheriff's deputies.

    So cops shouldn't take coffee breaks? And they should be diminutive? And "weaponry" talk? Sounds like shop talk.

    The Sherriff used to have a "ride along" program - and the Sebastopol PD also. You might want to check them out. Believe it or not they are real human beings.

    Shandi: " It's also obvious that many in law enforcement enjoy the power of confrontation using their weapons as a show of force." Is that from a published study or just your observation?

    Mike H: a "gun nut" because he hunts ducks?
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 10:56 AM.
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  16. TopTop #9
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I am grateful for all the responses to my post entitled "Militarized Sebastopol Police." However, most responses don't address my main point. I am not anti police. I understand police must bear weapons to protect themselves and the community. I don't believe police should refrain from patronizing coffee shops.

    My concern is that policing not be heavy handed, with police intimidating and injuring citizens they are charged with protecting. The growing police state throughout America has worrisome consequences for both the police and law abiding citizens. See the Bill Moyers article below.

    Not Just Ferguson: 11 Eye-Opening Facts About America’s Militarized Police Forces
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 10:59 AM.
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  18. TopTop #10

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Valid starting point Reheymann; bad extrapolation: "Militarized Sebastopol police", "stocky", "bulletproof vests", "oversized holstered guns" (thank goodness they were holstered), "arming of the officers for urban warfare". More balance, please.

    Such poor wording leads to pictures demonizing duck hunters as "gun nuts" and feeds the views of the 46.4% of the electorate that "owns the libs" - the 48.5 % Clinton voters.
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  20. TopTop #11

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    “Assault rifle” is a myth now. California changed the words around and now, you you have a sling shot, with a handle, arm brace, and can hold no. 8 ball bearing, that is a assault weapon In California.

    Ever try and hide a assault rifle, in your baggy gym shorts or pants, impossible. Hand guns are better at that.
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  21. TopTop #12
    79paul's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Maybe you should have bought them a coffee and struck up an honest conversation.
    Stalking him on FB then drawing conclusions because he's a duck hunter is totally uncalled for.
    Our little burg of Sebastopol is not Mayberry of old. Unfortunately, there are real threats out there on our roads and in peoples' homes that need a certain amount of firepower to respond. Just like in every occupation, there are mostly good cops and a few bad ones. You should think twice before painting them with such a broad brush.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:03 AM.
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  23. TopTop #13
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by 79paul: View Post
    ...Stalking him on FB then drawing conclusions because he's a duck hunter is totally uncalled for....
    You are confusing me with another poster who went to Facebook to stalk an officer. I refuse to use Facebook.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:04 AM.
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  24. TopTop #14
    79paul's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Sorry, yes, looks like I confused the two posts. My apology.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Reheymann: View Post
    You are confusing me with another poster who went to Facebook to stalk an officer. I refuse to use Facebook.
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  25. TopTop #15

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by 79paul: View Post
    Stalking him on FB then drawing conclusions because he's a duck hunter is totally uncalled for.
    On the contrary, I've every right to look up who this retard running around with a gun and a badge is after he harassed me, violated my rights, came onto my property with no cause, intimidating me, threatening me with jail and other consequences. I did nothing! Especially since my tax dollars were paying to carry his sorry ass on the public payroll.

    Anyway, you can have your opinion. Including your opinion of me. My opinion is you can stick your opinion.
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  27. TopTop #16
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    People are hilarious.

    We want police.
    We (nationally) complain they are unfair to minorities.
    We expect them to always react correctly to someone holding a gun.
    We complain when they show up in a coffee shop with a bulletproof vest.

    Let's just send them out unarmed and defenseless and expect them to take a bullet for us anyways.
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  29. TopTop #17
    danargraves's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    I think it's good when police eat or drink coffee in with the public in public establishments. ...
    Many times I will buy their coffee for these people including paramedics and firefighters let alone thank them for what they do.
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  31. TopTop #18
    Kay M

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    What catches my eye is your opener"I was made to feel uncomfortable", since that is the excuse of the many white Becky s who have been calling the police on black people who are minding their own business, perhaps drinking coffee in public while black. Getting along with each other is the task at hand, uncomfortable though it may be. 🌹
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  33. TopTop #19

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    And with that thought process,,, the stupidiness really begins.
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  34. TopTop #20
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I'm grateful for the varied responses, pro and con, to my initial post, and for several notes of gratitude. This has been a teachable moment for me. The only response I absolutely disagree with is the response where the poster took it upon himself to shame a police officer by posting his Facebook photo and making unproven assumptions. If I have problems with a police officer, I would file a complaint with the police and consider taking legal action.

    Besides myself, a dozen or so readers of have participated in a discussion of whether Sebastopol police are behaving properly. We've had no input from the Sebastopol Police Department. My friend and I have agreed to forward my post and all responses it generated to a city councilman. We will ask whether he thinks it would be worthwhile to hold a council meeting in which concerned citizens and the police chief give their input.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:41 PM.
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  36. TopTop #21
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Reheymann: View Post
    ...... We've had no input from the Sebastopol Police Department. My friend and I have agreed to forward my post and all responses it generated to a city councilman. We will ask whether he thinks it would be worthwhile to hold a council meeting in which concerned citizens and the police chief give their input.
    I may be missing something, but huh? I haven't seen anything in this thread that is actionable in any way. What would you expect the subject to be, or their response? This started with an expression of discomfort about the way they present themselves. But this thread doesn't have any suggestions about ways they should change.

    There's some general acknowledgement that people often don't trust the police, sometimes with good reason. Is that the discussion you want to start?

    If I was the chief, the last thing I'd want to engage in is some online discussion over the appropriate behavior of police in general, and the level of militarism in their field. A council meeting would be worse; what would the 'agenda item' for that be? It might be an interesting conversation face-to-face, but it sounds like nothing but trouble online without any specific issue to address.

    The ride-along suggestion is a good one, if you're that interested in knowing more about the police perspective and in a chance to explain yours.
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:42 PM.
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  38. TopTop #22
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Your comparison is not a valid. My complaint was not directed at the police offers at Andy's who were behaving properly, but at their bulletproof vests and semi-automatic weapons. This suggests a police force that is militarized. Sebastopol is not Stockton or Modesto--both very high crime cities. I am not aware of any crimes taking place in Sebastopol which would warrant fitting police officers making their daily rounds fitted with bulletproof vests. This smacks of of intimidation of innocent citizens.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Kay hafiza mathieu: View Post
    What catches my eye is your opener"I was made to feel uncomfortable", ...
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:43 PM.
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  39. TopTop #23

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    But we do live in a high crime area! You can’t be that blind. No, Sebastopol isn’t as bad as Stockton but Santa Rosa is alot worse then Sebastopol, how far away is that? Direct line on the 12!

    as far as bulletproof vest is concered, again, STANDARD ISSUE! Nothing to see here folks.

    as far as the “semi-automatic weapons” maybe It is you. You see, I grew up with guns in the house, shooting since I was 7, won my first shot gun at 10. A gun on the hip, holstered, doesn’t bother me. You make it sound like he was waving it around like it was a stir stick from his coffee. Maybe that is “your proception” when you see any gun. I understand this, people who are not use to being around guns, (I.e. a lot of Californians) are afraid of ANY GUN.

    You might of had coffee with me, I shop at Andy’s, Fircrest, Fiesta, all over Sebastopol. I carry concealed. You can’t see mine, (shouldn’t be able to), but you probably wouldn’t be intimated by my “semi-automatic weapon!” A gun is like a tv remote control, you can load it, make ready, and set it on the table. IT AINT GONNA HARM NO ONE! EVER!!! Ya gotta pick it up first!

    and yes, I am a psychologist. Smart as a whip and funny too. (Disclaimer: I can’t make an actual clinical diagnosis because I’ve never talked to you directly and I haven’t been paid dammit!)
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  41. TopTop #24
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    So those things piled on top of the cop's trash cans were ducks? How many ducks does a guy have to slaughter to feed his family? Were the ones on the top that you could see the only dead ducks, or were there more corpses piled in the can below? Did he have to use a machine gun, or what, to kill so many ducks? Why did he take such satisfaction in posting his mass murder of ducks on his facebook page, like this is who I am, folks, ain't I wonderful? I don't know, fellow waccovians, maybe once you get to know this guy you get to liking him, but I sure wouldn't bet on it looking at his facebook post!

    Everybody seems to have piled on poor Reheymann here, and although I think it is good that you all are expressing support for the police and the very difficult, essential, and sometimes dangerous work that they do, I have to express some support for Reheymann and his instinctive unease about police, because in my many decades on this planet I have seen them do some good things and I have seen them use the special power we invest in them to do some very bad things.

    So I don't know about you, but I must admit that every time I see a cop I feel a little wary, a little mistrustful, just like Reheymann, because that guy has been invested with the power to do just about anything he wants to with me. And I just hate it that year after year so many black men are brutalized and murdered by vicious, racist, and sadistic cops, and they almost always get away with it because the police department and the politicians bend over backwards to back them up, no matter what!
    Last edited by Barry; 07-31-2018 at 11:38 PM.
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  43. TopTop #25
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occihoff: View Post
    ...., I have to express some support for Reheymann and his instinctive unease about police, because in my many decades on this planet I have seen them do some good things and I have seen them use the special power we invest in them to do some very bad things. So I don't know about you, but I must admit that every time I see a cop I feel a little wary, a little mistrustful, just like Reheymann, because that guy has been invested with the power to do just about anything he wants to with me. And I just hate it that year after year so many black men are brutalized and murdered by vicious, racist, and sadistic cops, and they almost always get away with it because the police department and the politicians bend over backwards to back them up, no matter what!
    oh, I'm totally with you on the unease bit. And I think it's good that they're scrutinized, and that there's a big movement in the country focusing on exactly the militarization issue. Usually, though, there's no reason to focus on cops on the job, going about their day. They signed up for a job which gives them a lot of power, so some extra scrutiny and some unease on the parts of people around them are to be expected. But except for the cases where individual cops have acted improperly, the attention on policing should be aimed at the departments and their policies.
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  44. TopTop #26

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Here's a court filing you may find worth reading, because it cost us $1.9 Million to settle this lawsuit against the Sheriff's Office. We had been told that everything was done by the book, and the suit was without merit. Apparently efforts to have it dismissed failed. The filing is attached as a pdf file.

    On the evening of May 16, 2014, Glenn Swindell and his wife, Sarah Swindell, had an argument while driving home from a work function. Upon arriving home, Glenn and two of his children entered their home as Sarah delayed in exiting the vehicle. Glenn locked the front door of the house, and the argument continued as Sarah stood outside. Sarah then called 911, reported the incident -- which she stated was nonviolent -- and requested assistance in getting her children.

    The responding sheriff deputies ("deputies") made contact with Glenn through the locked front door of the home, and Glenn agreed to release his children. Glenn then demanded that the deputies leave. He also made clear that he had a fear of law enforcement, stating that he was afraid they would shoot him as they had shot a thirteen-year-old child, Andy Lopez.

    At some point, the deputies and their supervisors learned that Glenn was the lawful owner of two firearms. They also searched his Facebook page and falsely reported to other deputies that Glenn had made disparaging statements about law enforcement. Angered and frustrated, the deputies and their supervisors undertook a plan to punish Glenn for refusing to speak with them or let them into his home.

    In order to secure a search and arrest warrant, the deputies and their supervisors fabricated evidence and lied about the circumstances relating to the incident, including:

    a) That Glenn Swindell had committed a battery upon Sarah Swindell;
    b) That Glenn Swindell had imprisoned Sarah Swindell;
    c) That Sarah Swindell felt fearful and intimidated by Glenn Swindell's actions;
    d) That Glenn Swindell had barricaded himself in his home;
    e) That Glenn Swindell had cut off communications with the Sheriff personnel who were present at his home and property;
    f) That Glenn Swindell had used his firearms in committing a felony; and
    g) That Glenn Swindell had committed a public offense.

    At some point during the incident, Sarah Swindell approached the deputies and requested that the situation be de-escalated. In response, the deputies threatened to take Sarah's children from her if she failed to cooperate.

    The deputies and their supervisors then summoned the Sonoma County Sheriff's Office SWAT. Approximately 50 officers responded. Upon arriving at the scene, one of the SWAT supervisors (identified as Doe 6) exclaimed, "Why don't you just kill the fucker!" The SWAT team then proceeded to use a military assault vehicle, concussion bombs, and chemical agents to break down the garage door and enter the Swindell home.

    Upon gaining entry, the SWAT unit learned that Glenn was in the attic, that he feared the police would kill him, and that he was armed. At no time, however, did Glenn indicate that he intended to harm anyone.

    After Glenn refused to come out, the SWAT unit began to pump gas into the attic. Given Glenn's extreme fear of the police, the deputies and SWAT officers knew that Glenn was unlikely to leave the attic notwithstanding the extreme pain that the gas would inflict. After suffering intense mental and physical anguish as a result of the gas, Glenn took his own life with a single gunshot to his head.
    Attached Files
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  46. TopTop #27
    Reheymann's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    Thanks so much for posting this story of Swindell's murder/suicide, Michael. It is truly shocking. More details about Swindell's fate are available in this article that appeared on February 27, 2015 in The Press Democrat:

    Anyone living within and outside Sonoma County who is not concerned about police overreaction and murder has his head in the sand.
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  48. TopTop #28

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    'Midst all the angst, misinformation and poorly thought out opinions expressed on this thread, a ray of goodness from ... Rohnert Park. They had the real good sense to entice Jeff Weaver out of retirement. Jeff was a really fine Chief of the Sebastopol police and ran a great operation. The report from the PD
    (catch the "high moral and ethical values" and "kind man"):

    Rohnert Park taps former Sebastopol police chief to run its public safety department

    THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | July 31, 2018, 7:09PM

    "Rohnert Park officials have selected former Sebastopol Police Chief Jeff Weaver to serve as interim director of the city’s public safety department, an appointment made one week after the current director, Brian Masterson, abruptly announced he would be retiring from the agency amid controversy over his department’s highway drug seizure program.

    Weaver, 51, who is retired, has been a law enforcement leader in Sonoma County for decades, serving 13 years as Sebastopol’s police chief and as a mentor to generations of local cadets as an instructor at the Santa Rosa Junior College police academy.

    If his appointment is confirmed by the City Council on Aug. 14, Weaver will be the second law enforcement veteran tapped by Rohnert Park officials to bring expertise and stability to its unified police and firefighting agency amid public fallout from the city’s aggressive asset forfeiture missions and the resignation of its top drug officer.
    Rohnert Park City Manager Darrin Jenkins said he chose Weaver because he has “a reputation for high moral and ethical values.

    “He’s a kind man, and I think he’ll bring some stability in the leadership,” Jenkins said.

    Continues here
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  50. TopTop #29
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I want to point out that while the title of this thread references "Sebastopol Police" the initial post just references "police officers" at Andy's. Andy's is outside the city limits. So the officers are likely to be deputies of the Sonoma County Sherriff's office, rather than "Sebastopol Police".

    Also, I have the highest respect of Jeff Weaver, the former Chief of the Sebastopol Police Department. I congratulate him and Rohnert Park on his new appointment. I have not met the new Chief of Sebastopol Police: James Conner.
    Last edited by Barry; 08-01-2018 at 11:20 AM.
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  51. TopTop #30
    Shepherd's Avatar

    Re: Militarized Sebastopol Police?

    I share Barry's high respect for former Sebastopol Police Chief Jeff Weaver. He is an honorable man who served our small town well, helping make our place safer. I wish him the best in his new work in Rohnert Park. He also trained our new Police Chief James Conner, who seems to be doing community policing with regard for our beloved small town and its safety.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Also, I have the highest respect of Jeff Weaver, the former Chief of the Sebastopol Police Department. I congratulate him and Rohnert Park on his new appointment. I have not met the new Chief of Sebastopol Police: James Conner.
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