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  1. TopTop #31
    american dream's Avatar
    american dream

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    'Paid crisis actors'?! ' Provided funds'?? Quotation marks around 'school'??? Is this response a sick joke or is the writer actually serious?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Arleez: View Post
    Thank you for reading & for doing the actual research on the numbers/facts in this post from Shepherd. His post is an emotionally driven rant/script from MSM (mainstream media) which does little to provide dialogue/discussion regarding what is actually going on with these "school" shootings nationwide over the past few years.

    What is now being divulged is that most of these school kids are either paid crisis actors or they were provided funds by several sources invested in furthering this MSM narrative and thus not being involved in organizing these events.

    Thank you for pointing to the erratic & emotionally driven disinformation in his post.
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  3. TopTop #32
    santoshimatajaya's Avatar
    Supporting Member

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    i can't support your view. feel like i need to weigh in on that. Shepherd's piece is not a rant in anyway, from my vantage point. you are entitled to yours, respectfully. i just feel a strong need to vote for Shepherd's views and disagree with yours. with all due respect~

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Arleez: View Post
    Thank you for reading & for doing the actual research...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-29-2018 at 04:23 PM.
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  5. TopTop #33
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    This revealing article points to some things that some of us might have guessed. The unfortunate part is that we may know the "why", but there's no "way" out of this activity that has it's basis in fear.

    Our present administration is ramping up fear across the board, under the banner of making America great again, so we may expect to see more less educated white men relying on guns to protect their loved ones,.....and their egos.

    But ultimately it seems that these very guns are the ones that maim their families, and in turn are used on themselves.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by viajera: View Post
    There is an interesting article about gun violence in the March issue of Scientific American.
    Why are White Men Stockpiling Guns by Jeremy Adam Smith
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  7. TopTop #34
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    YES! I have long been exasperated by the fact that even staunch gun control advocates seldom bring up that first phrase of the second amendment, thus allowing gun fanatics to bully everybody around. That "well-regulated militia" phrase clearly shows that the intent of the framers was specifically to prevent local citizen militias from being disarmed by a more powerful national army, and in the eighteenth century these "militias" consisted of individual citizens with single-shot rifles who could be rallied in the case of an invasion by the British army.

    Our founding fathers would be spinning in their graves if they could hear that some fanatics were waving the second amendment around to support their conviction that they should have an unfettered right to own machine guns and bazookas, and perhaps even form private armies to fight the federal government!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by KittyW: View Post
    Wow - here is a very eye-opening analysis.

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  9. TopTop #35

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Well this thread won’t die, maybe we can archive it, anyway...

    I guess the shooting yesterday by that leftist kook, female, Iranian muslim, you tuber just blows the angry white, male thing out the water!

    And to occihoff, lookup the definition of
    mi·li·tia, a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
    a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army.
    all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.

    And like I’ve said before, you should know something about the subject. Sorry to inform you but Bazookas are not guns.

    And as far as the single shot rifle, we have come a long way. you need to give up driving your Prius and get a horse and buggy. Kill your power, destroy your phone, reap what you sow.
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  11. TopTop #36

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    I just don't get the point you, Damage, are trying to make here. First, not sure where the "leftist kook" comment came from--what exactly made her a "leftist kook" in your eyes? I heard she was a vegetarian and an animal advocate. Is that what you mean by "leftist kook", or is there something else that would fit this definition for you? Also, not sure why you mentioned that she was a "female" and not "the angry white male thing". Once again, not sure what you are talking about. Seems like all these mass shootings/bombings/etc., have been done by a variety of different people, from different backgrounds, religions, ages, and genders, and for different reasons. I just don't get the intensity of your comments here. Please clarify before the archiving begins... thanks.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Damage: View Post
    Well this thread won’t die, maybe we can archive it, anyway...

    I guess the shooting yesterday by that leftist kook, female, Iranian muslim, you tuber just blows the angry white, male thing out the water!...
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  13. TopTop #37

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Leftist-radical, reforming, or socialist
    Kook-crazy or eccentric person

    Well she definitely wasn’t a right winger, they love their steaks, hamburgers, hotdogs and their Bible and Pocket Constitution too!

    Well she owned a gun you say? Well even
    Dianne Feinstein owns a gun and had a concealed weapon permit.

    And she was a female. But we could maybe argue that point, have you looked at her videos? She moved like she was from Saturn or Jupiter maybe!!!

    And please remember, I stayed at a Holiday inn express. I’m an expert in my field of study.
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  14. TopTop #38

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Damage, I truly love your humor. I have been laughing for the last 5 minutes, rereading your post, a much needed relief, so thanks. By the way, how does a man from Saturn or Jupiter move, as opposed to the women?

    P.S. Maybe you've answered this before and I missed it, but what happened at that Holiday Inn Express that made you an expert in your field, and what is your field?
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Damage: View Post
    ... She moved like she was from Saturn or Jupiter maybe!!!

    And please remember, I stayed at a Holiday inn express. I’m an expert in my field of study.
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  16. TopTop #39
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by cw707: View Post
    P.S. Maybe you've answered this before and I missed it, but what happened at that Holiday Inn Express that made you an expert in your field, and what is your field?
    that's an old meme, from before the term was hijacked by Dawkins and then the interweb denizens.

    I don't see why there's such glee that finally, someone other than a white man ran amok with a gun.
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  18. TopTop #40

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    If you ever get the chance watch Mars Attacks, 1996. Explains everything you could ever know about aliens, tactical warfare, and how to properly reheat food.

    As far as the Holiday Inn, well let’s just say you can confuse Las Vegas Metro Vice Squad with a pound of oregano and a kilo of brown sugar.
    Please don’t ever take me too serious, Imma SARCASM EXPERT.
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  20. TopTop #41

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    There is no “glee” that people are dead, no matter what weapon was used.
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  22. TopTop #42
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Damage: View Post
    If you ever get the chance watch Mars Attacks, 1996. Explains everything you could ever know about aliens, tactical warfare, and how to properly reheat food.
    Name:  mars1.jpg
Views: 728
Size:  16.2 KBName:  mars2.jpg
Views: 687
Size:  10.5 KB
    the trading cards were better than the movie. OT, but we're reaching the end of this one, aren't we?
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  24. TopTop #43
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    Thank you for your scholarly input!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Damage: View Post
    Well this thread won’t die, maybe we can archive it, anyway...

    I guess the shooting yesterday by that leftist kook, female, Iranian muslim, you tuber just blows the angry white, male thing out the water!

    And to occihoff, lookup the definition of
    mi·li·tia, a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency.
    a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army.
    all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.

    And like I’ve said before, you should know something about the subject. Sorry to inform you but Bazookas are not guns.

    And as far as the single shot rifle, we have come a long way. you need to give up driving your Prius and get a horse and buggy. Kill your power, destroy your phone, reap what you sow.
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  26. TopTop #44

    Re: Millions of Students Demand "Never Again" to Gun Violence

    In my humble opinion the only persons who should be allowed to own semi automatic rifles are those who are guarding un-permitted Weed Farms. Everyone else should be unarmed.
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