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  1. TopTop #1
    Shandi's Avatar

    Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    A friend feeds his cat Fancy Feast, in spite of negative information I've shared with him about this brand. He gave me this recently opened can, and asked what I thought was growing out of it. Besides looking something like a toupe, I can only guess that it's a fungi of some kind.

    It's been growing rapidly, and I'd love to do a time lapse video, over a 24 hr. period, but I don't have a video camera.

    Has anyone ever seen this kind of thing before, or know what could have caused it?
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  3. TopTop #2
    Stargazer's Avatar

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    Thank you Shandi for posting this info and picture of this sickening disgusting fungus that can grow in some cat foods such as what you have shown! I have learned along time ago that Fancy Feast Beast cat food is junk. I have never tried to pursue the growth of fungus as you've demonstrated. (Great work! Important Point Proven!) Shocking to see this, but not surprising. What some companies will do for profit!! Very sad. Please people, do not support companies that will make your animals sick, causing them to suffer or will just kill them prematurely! I can give you all a few examples. I will refrain from proving my point more in depth in this thread. I will explain my reasoning. I have done lots of animal rescue for many years. I have had lots of success with the way I care for animals and how I do it. Not all animals are healthy to begin with for numerous reasons. Many animals, cats and others can be nursed back to health if fed and cared for in a proper healthy way most of the time. It takes knowledge, time, commitment, motivation and a big heart called LOVE!

    I have a cat who was a rescue that I've nursed back to health who I have had now for about three years. I will keep her for the duration of her life. She has always had a sensitive stomach, so I have to be very careful with what I feed her. She can only eat small amounts at one time or she can vomit up the food. She is only fed quality food with healthy ingredients.

    The results have been phenomenal. She has gained enough weight from a skinny emaciated cat to a healthy weight. Her skin and fur is shiny. She does not have any fleas. She is very happy and healthy. Her eyes are bright and she knows she's loved. She shows me lots of gratitude all the time. How much better can one do? Mission accomplished! She is very alive and well. She was starving and almost dead when she ended up on my property a few years back.

    I had tried Fancy BEAST Feast along time ago. My options with this cat who was and still is finicky due to her condition have always been limited. When I fed this cat years back and tried Fancy Beast she immediately threw up the Beast! I have found that there are only certain brands of cat food that I will feed cats even if they do not have sensitive stomachs. In any event, this is not the only "junk food" that is in a can and fed to cats. I cringe when I am at the pet supply store and I see people buying "Friskies" and other inferior types of cat food.

    Most of the time, my cats of which I've have cared for many throughout the years, get fresh wild salmon, fresh fish of some kind that I feel is safe for consumption, free range chicken & turkey in addition to some dry food that has no fillers, no by products and are without artificial ingredients.This method of feeding has generally kept the fleas away too. Therefore these cats have healthy skin, fur and usually have better health than animals that are fed junk food. (Similar to people who eat healthily verses junk food eaters.)

    Paying a little more for better food also keeps the vet bills down. Therefore one will have a happier, healthier animal who will live a longer more pain free life. Please know that some of the flea & tick products will also hurt or kill your animal. Some are Frontline & Advantage. Most people do not know this and many vets will promote this kind of stuff. (poison) Many vets promote the Hills brand of cat food. Why? Because these kinds of companies fund their education, therefore their paybacks are huge profits. Please everyone, be mindful of what you put in or on your animals body. There are effective solutions to many issues that are natural and are safer healthier products. In most cases better quality food is not very expensive in the long run if one has healthier happier animals.

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    A friend feeds his cat Fancy Feast, in spite of negative information I've shared with him about this brand. He gave me this recently opened can, and asked what I thought was growing out of it. Besides looking something like a toupe, I can only guess that it's a fungi of some kind.

    It's been growing rapidly, and I'd love to do a time lapse video, over a 24 hr. period, but I don't have a video camera.

    Has anyone ever seen this kind of thing before, or know what could have caused it?
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  5. TopTop #3
    Ronaldo's Avatar

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    Here in Guerneville none of four feral cats I feed would touch a newly opened can of Friskies. They would take one whiff and back off, oddly even though my sense of smell is good I could detect no foulness myself. I realized something was truly amiss when even the raccoons avoided this pet "food".

    People love their animals and the pet food industry takes advantage of this caring by what I suspect is collusion on the pricing of their products. Like the food industry in general profit is the guideline not nutrition or wholesomeness.

    In the forties my grandmother would feed the cats cow lungs or other organs which she first cooked, these were practically given away at the butcher shops back then. For a special treat she would take a large can of Puss n Boots and mix it with a good amount of bread, sometimes adding an egg to the concoction.

    Were captives of the pet food industry since there are no longer any inexpensive foods available for our pets. And what is available is highly questionable since it is made from foods no longer fit or desirable for humans.

    Note: I was wondering what happened to my toupee, you seem to have found part of it!
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  7. TopTop #4
    Dorothy Friberg's Avatar
    Dorothy Friberg

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    Ain't nature great? I get big green mold on my lemons too, if I give them enough time to grow hair.
    Last edited by Barry; 01-23-2018 at 12:28 PM.
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  8. TopTop #5
    EmeraldMatra's Avatar

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST

    I have been researching pet foods for the Occupy Sonoma County shopper's guide. I am only researching the brands sold at Whole Foods because I already know that Purina etc. are going to be bad. I have not 100% completed my research, but I have researched most of them now and the only pet food I have found that does not contain GMOs is Newman's Own. They are 100% non-GMO, certified humane, the animals are grass-fed/grass-finished/organic and the chickens are pasture raised. Most of their ingredients are organic. Newman's Own is not for profit and what a difference that is making in the quality of their products, particularly their pet foods. I did one big sweep and this is the only company I found that is non-GMO. I am doing a more refined search now in case I missed a product I can recommend. Stay tuned for a full report that I will be publishing.

    The highest rates of cancer are in dogs and this is why. Even the health food brands have GMOs and they all have the same excuse. They all have non-organic canola oil which is nearly all of it genetically modified. They say that they can't find non-GMO canola oil but Newman's Own has it. A lot of products have organic or non-GMO canola oil. And most organic products stopped using canola oil because it's not a good oil.

    Put pressure on your pet food companies and they will change, Don't accept their excuses and feed this toxic food to your beloved pets. Supporting this toxic pet food is also supporting the pet cancer industry. At the expense of our loved ones.

    More information will be coming on this soon. Meanwhile, be sure to use the Occupy Sonoma County Shopper's Guide. I do all of this research for YOU.

    Love, Emerald
    Last edited by Barry; 01-23-2018 at 12:30 PM.
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  10. TopTop #6
    Thad's Avatar

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    I tore down a mold infested building and where it had been piled I saw a few patches of something like this growing after the rains. The ones I saw were more gray.
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  11. TopTop #7
    Ronaldo's Avatar

    Re: Fancy Feast is now Fancy BEAST-See what grew in a can of cat food!

    You may be onto something, check out the image link in Figure 3, at the bottom of the file:

    The fungus looks like ones that are in the Phycomyces genus.
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