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  1. TopTop #571
    KittyW's Avatar

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jude Iam: View Post
    ...The hundreds of thousands of dollars for the mailers, signs, ads, calls, etc. will highly likely win 'cheesy farm waif' her (SWING VOTE) seat. ...
    With degrees in Coastal Land Management and Land Use Policy from Stanford University, Lynda is no "cheesy farm waif." She's a well-educated and passionate supporter of the environment.

    (btw, the name calling here reminds me of Trump...political discourse has sunk to new lows even here in lovely Sonoma county....)

    Yes, I've noticed that people have been priced out West County -- and priced out of all of California for the last 27 years that I've been here. There have been massive migrations to Oregon and other less expensive locales for decades. This is nothing new and nothing unique to Sonoma County. People are being priced out of SF, Napa, Marin, Oakland, Berkeley the Peninsula and elsewhere -- Sonoma County isn't some isolated island.

    Given the complex nature of the forces at work, I prefer a smart young energetic Supervisor with deep education on land use policy and environmental stewardship over a Sacramento lawyer.

    I think Lynda's ideas for affordable housing are far better than Noreen's "big government" approach that risks exacerbating the pension mess far worse than it already is.

    Noreen's bad pension decisions are a sign of bad fiscal management, as well as cronyism with special interest groups. Bad fiscal management has very long-term and far-reaching effects.
    Last edited by Barry; 10-31-2016 at 01:26 PM.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  3. TopTop #572
    Phyllis Beals

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Actually, for the record Kitty, Stanford doesn't issue a degree in Coastal Land Use Policy.Lynda's Bachelor's degree is in Poetry and her Masters is in Earth Systems with an emphasis in journalism.
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  5. TopTop #573
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by applefan: View Post
    Im just so sickened by the vitriol in Linda's mailers, even tho in theory she did not sponsor them but Erik K did.
    Putting Elizabeth Warren on the front page of one of them seemed so.....Trumpian. I am turned off.
    Perhaps you were not aware of the Evans' campaign strategy of negativity from the very start. Hopkins tried to take the high road and discuss issues but finally had enough of Noreen's BS. Since Noreen has no vision of the future she has to use old style politics and focus her campaign on denigrating her opponent.

    Have you not been paying attention?

    Vote your conscience, but think hard before voting.
    Last edited by Barry; 10-31-2016 at 01:27 PM.
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  7. TopTop #574
    jenielson's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    While we're correcting the record, the program is called Earth Systems Science in the School of Earth, Energy, and Environmental Sciences. Today, completing a Masters program requires at least one course under each of three headings: Analysis of the Earth System, Measurement of the Earth System (quantitative methods), and Earth System Processes, Models, and Human-Environmental Interactions, plus 2 quarters of Seminars.

    In all a Masters student is required to take 45 units of advanced courses. By my rough estimate, this could mean that they must take 60-75% of all courses offered.

    If the department functions anything like it did in my day, students also can get directed into under-attended and special courses taught by visiting faculty.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Phyllis Beals: View Post
    Actually, for the record Kitty, Stanford doesn't issue a degree in Coastal Land Use Policy.Lynda's Bachelor's degree is in Poetry and her Masters is in Earth Systems with an emphasis in journalism.
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  9. TopTop #575
    KittyW's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Phyllis Beals: View Post
    Actually, for the record Kitty, Stanford doesn't issue a degree in Coastal Land Use Policy.Lynda's Bachelor's degree is in Poetry and her Masters is in Earth Systems with an emphasis in journalism.
    Correction, Phyllis: According to her resume, Lynda earned 2 Bachelors and a Master degree:

    At Stanford University, Lynda immersed herself in interdisciplinary environmental problem solving. She earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Coastal Land Use and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Writing. Serving as a head teaching assistant for the Earth Systems program, she paid her way through two years of further study to earn a Master of Science Degree in Land Use Policy.
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  11. TopTop #576
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Hmmm - I don't see any land use planning classes in there......
    Last edited by Barry; 10-31-2016 at 06:36 PM.
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  13. TopTop #577

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Yesterday I received yet another silly and deceptive mailing from the Hopkins PAC stating that Lynda “has lived in the West County” for 10 years while Noreen Evans just moved to Sebastopol in 2015. However, I understand that Lynda has only actually lived in the Fifth District for a short time herself, whereas Noreen has lived and served in Sonoma County for many more years. Personally, I’m very grateful that Noreen was able to move to Sebastopol to run for office. We really need someone of her caliber to be on the Board of Supervisors now when there are so many crucial issues that affect our district as well as the entire county.

    (In Lynda’s memoir published in 2011, “Wisdom of the Radish”, I learned that she was from San Diego and came here to help her boyfriend farm on his family land. From reading that book I would not have guessed that she had much interest in Sonoma County or public service. I was especially struck by her statement on page 88 that she “could never remember the names of the twenty or so tiny towns that are sprinkled across the county, let alone have any clue how to get to one of them”.)
    Last edited by Barry; 10-31-2016 at 01:30 PM.
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  14. TopTop #578

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    You haven't answered my question?

    Noreen accepted money from big nasty corporations.

    So then it is entirely possible to accept money from donors and not do their bidding. Right?
    In fact I answered your question at some length, which you even gave me gratitude for. Perhaps I was too verbose, so here is a shorter answer, leaving out the false equivalency part.

    Yes, it is possible that Lynda can have her big money donors buy this election for her and then vote against them. It is also possible that I will be struck by lightning leaving my house tomorrow morning. If you make your voting decision based on what is possible rather than on what both reason and experience tell us is overwhelmingly probable, then you will get the BOS you deserve.

    Patrick Brinton
    Last edited by Barry; 10-31-2016 at 01:31 PM.
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  15. Gratitude expressed by 12 members:

  16. TopTop #579
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    I'm struck by how many Evans supporters are harping on the fact that she was "given" a farm. Another way of characterizing it would be to say that she married into a farming family, which might be more accurate and sounds less like something unsavory.

    I just returned from Bodega Bay and was struck by the fact that I saw not a single Evans sign in that town yet many homes and small businesses chose to display Vote For Lynda Hopkins signs. It made it clear to me who the Coastal community prefers. Similarly, driving down Bohemian Hwy., lots of Hopkins signs gracing homes. Did see a homemade Evans sign, followed by a defaced Hopkins sign.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jude Iam: View Post
    In case you haven't noticed (since you are fairly new here), many, many people are leaving - priced out. Lynda's ability to stay has been by the grace of her in-laws gifting a farm. Everyone should be so lucky. Jude
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  17. TopTop #580
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    Drive a little further up the coast and you will see a ton of Evans signs. Coastal folks love Noreen - they know what she has done for them. For example:

    AB 32 (2005) Co-authored California's groundbreaking climate change law
    SB 369 (2011) Crab Fisheries
    SB 470 (2011) Salmon Fisheries
    SB 588 (2011) Coastal resources
    SB 685 (2011) Coastal resources and Native American tribal use
    SB 974 (2011) Funding for State Parks
    SB 1078 (2011) Funding for State parks
    SB 1251 (2011) Ocean Protection Council
    SB 1511 (2011) State Parks general plan
    SB 197 (2013) Salmon fisheries
    SB 241 (2013) Oil Severance tax
    SB 617 (2013) CEQA
    SB 754 (2013) CEQA
    SB 1381 (2013) GMO Labeling Act
    AB 596 (20109) Community Planning Grants
    AB 1923 (2009) Solar Energy protections'
    AB 2849 (2007) Bees
    AB 2923 (2007) Designation of wilderness lands

    And check out this web site where you will learn a lot more.

    Oh and look again - there are a number of Evans signs in Bodega Bay.
    For example:

    Name:  sign at Diekmans.jpg
Views: 1224
Size:  96.9 KB

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post

    I just returned from Bodega Bay and was struck by the fact that I saw not a single Evans sign in that town yet many homes and small businesses chose to display Vote For Lynda Hopkins signs. It made it clear to me who the Coastal community prefers. Similarly, driving down Bohemian Hwy., lots of Hopkins signs gracing homes. Did see a homemade Evans sign, followed by a defaced Hopkins sign.
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  19. TopTop #581
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    Some people like scamper state the facts, others prefer to speculate on sign placements as a way to twist reality.
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  21. TopTop #582
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by pbrinton: View Post
    .... Do you really think she will be able to withstand their pressure when it counts, knowing that failing to tow the line will result in all that support going to someone else when she is up for reelection? ...
    Follow the logic... Let's say Lynda wins and really is committed to protecting the environment and doesn't "tow the line" of her donors that would conflict with protecting the environment.

    When she runs for reelection, those same donors may or may not support her, but she is now the incumbent with an environmentally friendly record and could get the support her constituents and environment organizations. Though she may or may not have the SEIU's support depending on what steps she takes to reign in the pension problem, and if the SIEU can find someone else that will tow their line.
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:36 PM.
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  23. TopTop #583

    Vote to Preserve the 5th, Vote for Noreen

    Or, let's say she doesn't want to break ties with her friends and big businesses who have given her $310,000.00 (that's right, $310,000.00), and counting to represent them on the Board of Supervisors.

    Let's say she does exactly what her developer donors hoped she would when they gave her all that money. She votes in favor of rampant vineyard expansion that drains our water table. She votes to mitigate the damage caused by gravel mining with expanded gravel mining. (She actually supports this plan.) She votes to permit fast-tracked, unfettered development.

    When she votes as her donors expect, can we take it back and say we should have elected the person who has already proven she will protect the environment? Can we get the water back? Un-mine the river? (No. The answer is No.)

    This election cannot get here soon enough. I'm exhausted pushing back against so much illogic.

    Namaste West County.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Follow the logic...
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:34 PM.
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  25. TopTop #584
    Goat Rock Ukulele's Avatar
    Goat Rock Ukulele

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Isn't that pretty much the Evans story? So why vote for Hopkins on the "what if" hope?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Follow the logic... Let's say Lynda wins and really is committed to protecting the environment and doesn't "tow the line" of her donors that would conflict with protecting the environment...
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:36 PM.
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  27. TopTop #585
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Yeah, that's what I thought: Lots of "ifs" in this scenario....
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Goat Rock Ukulele: View Post
    Isn't that pretty much the Evans story? So why vote for Hopkins on the what if hope?
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:35 PM.
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  29. TopTop #586

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Follow the logic... Let's say Lynda wins and really is committed to protecting the environment and doesn't "tow the line" of her donors that would conflict with protecting the environment.....
    Well, Barry, I have to say I am impressed by your ability to spin scenarios that fit your evident preconceptions. I find it hard to understand the extent of your enthusiasm for Lynda Hopkins. It seems to me that the longer you look the flimsier she gets. If what you want is a cuter and cleaner version of Efren Carillo, you've got her. Does it not bother you that she has never held any public office, and has absolutely no track record? Why the rush to seat her at the very top? In some reality somewhere all your predictions that she will turn out to be the first person in human history to take the vast majority of her money from an interest group, and then turn on them once in office may actually come true, but I would prefer you carried on your experiment with some less important position. That way in the much more likely event that she runs true to form, the rest of us will not be damaged so much.

    Patrick Brinton
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:36 PM.
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  30. TopTop #587
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Goat Rock Ukulele: View Post
    Isn't that pretty much the Evans story? So why vote for Hopkins on the "what if" hope?
    Two main reasons:

    1) Next generation innovative leadership. I find her to be a creative thinker, including her stances on affordable housing and TOT tax distribution.

    2) She is not in bed with the SEIU.
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  32. TopTop #588
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Sara S: View Post
    Yeah, that's what I thought: Lots of "ifs" in this scenario....
    There's one "if", and that's "if" an organic farmer is dedicated to being a good steward of the environment.
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  34. TopTop #589
    Sara S's Avatar
    Sara S
    Auntie Wacco

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Yeah, sure; I supported Carrillo when he first ran for Sup (or Soup? I have a problem with Mic and Mike, too....but I digress). He sounded real good, but one of his first acts was to approve a tasting room at a winery on Meyers Grade Road, an old and winding lane; this was not long after the then Director of Public Works announced, at a meeting in Annapolis, that the County was going to maintain only 150 miles of the county roads, and let the rest "go back to gravel." His later votes made me rather glad that he got caught in his underwear.

    Really, Barry, have you ever heard a politician running for office say that he will certainly vote the way his campaign donors want him to?
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  36. TopTop #590

    Go Noreen

    The 'organic farmer' angle has run its course. We all agree, nobody in the West County wants to eat Roundup. However, that has very little to do with the politics at hand. Noreen has demonstrated that she will stand up for our environment. There is no 'if" in that, it's ironclad and proven.

    The much bigger if:

    "If" your candidate will promote the interests of the developers and corporate entities who paid $310,000.00 to put her in our board seat.

    Big businesses are 'all in'...$310,000.00 worth, and counting. That's how badly they want to control the 5th District's vote in Sonoma County. This isn't an adorable campaign from some lil' sweet pea with a small town dream. This is a power grab, from the same ol' power brokers with a farm waif's face on it.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    There's one "if", and that's "if" an organic farmer is dedicated to being a good steward of the environment.
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  38. TopTop #591
    geomancer's Avatar

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Noreen has a PROVEN voting record of support for environmental issues over many years in pubic service, and contributions be damned. Hopkins has a pleasing demeanor and promises only. THAT is the difference.

    The big money boys are backing Hopkins for a reason. They are smart investors.

    I've seen this movie many times in a long life: find an attractive newbie, back him/her with a shitload of cash, then call in the chips when there is a close vote, as Efren Carrillo eventually did on the Dutra asphalt plant.

    If Hopkins wins, I predict she will vote as a progressive whenever the vote isn't close, but when it comes down to a one vote margin, she'll do as Efren did. She'll sell us out.

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  39. TopTop #592
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    There's one "if", and that's "if" an organic farmer is dedicated to being a good steward of the environment.
    not saying she is or she isn't but being an organic farmer isn't much evidence as such. An organic farm is a business whose product is organic produce and/or meat. Doesn't directly have anything to do with coastal or open-space protection, which to many in this county is what's meant by being a 'steward of the environment'. Instead, it has to do with labeling of your product. Some of the complaints about her revolve around her ties to other businesses, because it's not obvious that any of them have ties to the land preservationist movement.
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  41. TopTop #593
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    You can bet your booty Noreen will vote the way HER campaign donors [such as the SEIU] want her to.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Sara S: View Post
    Really, Barry, have you ever heard a politician running for office say that he will certainly vote the way his campaign donors want him to?
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  42. TopTop #594

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    I have personally spoken with a pro-GMO winemaker who told me that they made a "signicant contribution" to Hopkins. This winemaker is an influential force in the Russian River. I have yet to see her name on any Hopkins donor lists, but that doesn't surprise me. Though well-intentioned she may be, I am concerned that Hopkins is too naive to know what she is getting into. I would go with experience (and track record) any day and that's Evans.
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  44. TopTop #595
    O.W.'s Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I am a Noreen supporter and have received this letter from Padi Selwyn and Ernie Carpenter that started circulating today. I don't want to take a chance that the big biz folks and out of town special interests supporting Hopkins will do anything to preserve our county's heritage in a sensible way. It is all about power and greed and that is destroying our country, not a value that I would ever endorse. I want my family to be able to stay here and have a good life.

    I worked briefly with Noreen at the start of the Community Separators initiative process and was impressed with her cut to the bottom line suggestions that were excellent. She knows how to get issues resolved. I am voting for a known record with someone who has lived in this county while raising her children.

    We’ve been through a lot of campaigns, and this is
    easily the ugliest Sonoma County has ever seen.
    5th District voters are being carpet-bombed with
    negative, deceptive ads on their phones, their computers and in their
    People are fed up with it.

    It’s up to you – are you going to tolerate this

    Every day, a tiny group of rich men and special
    interest groups spend more and more money to smear the reputation of a
    committed, 20-year public servant who has spent her career fighting for us and
    against many of these special interests. This small group is deceiving voters
    about Noreen Evans’ outstanding record in an
    attempt to elect their favored candidate.

    Contrary to the deceptive image they’re trying to
    create, Noreen has spent her entire career
    fighting for ordinary people

    • Noreen fought against big banks to stop home
    • As Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee and later
      as Chair of the Senate Banking and Finance Committee, Noreen fought back against
      payday lenders’ attempts to expand predatory lending.
    • Noreen wrote legislation to label GMO foods (and is
      one of the biggest individual donors to our local GMO-ban campaign, Measure
    • She co-authored SB 670 which banned suction mining on
      the Russian River.
    • Noreen wrote legislation that enabled the Open Space
      District to preserve Jenner Headlands.
    • Noreen stopped offshore oil-drilling proposals during
      the budget crisis.
    • Noreen co-authored AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions
      Act of 2006, establishing a comprehensive program to reduce greenhouse
    • Noreen fought the tough battles in the State Capitol
      to stabilize California’s budget during the Great Recession without closing our
      parks and without de-funding our schools.

    Noreen has always been there for us, fighting the
    tough battles on our behalf. And she will continue fighting for us on the Board
    of Supervisors.

    But reading the propaganda coming from Big Money,
    voters would think she did the exact opposite.

    The differences between Noreen and her opponent are
    very real. See for yourself--you can see all Noreen’s donations from this
    campaign on her website here. By comparison, you can see her
    opponent’s donations here.

    As you can see, none of the donations listed in the
    special interest mailer from earlier this week are from this election –

    Why are they lying to you about Noreen’s contributions
    and Noreen’s record? They are hoping you--and other voters--will be deceived and
    will vote against Noreen.

    It’s up to you in these closing days. Let Big Money
    use dirty tricks to elect their favored candidate... or join us to share with
    other voters what’s really at stake in this election. You can wave signs, walk
    precincts, call voters, and help get out the vote on Election

    Noreen and her supporters are running the strongest
    grassroots campaign Sonoma County has ever seen.
    Noreen and hundreds of volunteers have already
    contacted over 20,000 voters by phone and knocking on doors. Noreen has over
    1,000 individual donors. We are working hard to tell voters they can vote for
    someone who cares about their daily lives. And we’re having fun doing

    Please take this opportunity to join the winning
    campaign. Together we’ll show what the people of the 5th District can

    Sincerely, Padi Selwyn & Ernie Carpenter
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  46. TopTop #596
    KittyW's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    This is a great track record, thanks for posting OW. Here in the last days of the campaign, I'm leaning towards the Noreen camp for the first time. Perhaps a Sacramento lawyer isn't all that bad.

    However, one of my biggest concern is Noreen's handling of pensions and push to use those funds for government-funded housing projects. I don't think that solves anything and potentially creates an even bigger mess.

    But perhaps Lynda should start with a lesser position and work her way up. I'm not 100% decided.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by O.W.: View Post

    Contrary to the deceptive image they’re trying to
    create, Noreen has spent her entire career
    fighting for ordinary people

    • Noreen fought against big banks to stop home
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 09:35 AM.
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  48. TopTop #597

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    Evans has a number of signs in Bodega Bay. Some homemade from grassroots supporters, and made by local West County artists; others posted on t-posts and displayed at supporters properties. There are MANY signs in Jenner and North and along Bohemian Highway.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    I'm struck by how many Evans supporters are harping on the fact that she was "given" a farm. Another way of characterizing it would be to say that she married into a farming family, which might be more accurate and sounds less like something unsavory.

    I just returned from Bodega Bay and was struck by the fact that I saw not a single Evans sign in that town yet many homes and small businesses chose to display Vote For Lynda Hopkins signs. It made it clear to me who the Coastal community prefers. Similarly, driving down Bohemian Hwy., lots of Hopkins signs gracing homes. Did see a homemade Evans sign, followed by a defaced Hopkins sign.
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  50. TopTop #598
    Kate Fenton's Avatar
    Kate Fenton

    Re: Press Democrat Strongly Supports Hopkins - BIG BUSINESS SUPPORTS ITS OWN

    Yes, many signs on the coast for Evans--Jenner and Bodega Bay as well as the Russian River and Occidental.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by drosatti: View Post
    Evans has a number of signs in Bodega Bay. Some homemade from grassroots supporters, and made by local West County artists; others posted on t-posts and displayed at supporters properties. There are MANY signs in Jenner and North and along Bohemian Highway.
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  52. TopTop #599
    sambacat's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: Hopkins signs...

    Wow Barry, that's some darn tootin speculation. I mean, what if Bush didn't support the war machine and oil industry that supported him? Wouldn't that have been lovely. Seriously, have you ever ever seen politicians not support their financial supporters? Hello??
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Follow the logic...
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 01:38 PM.
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  54. TopTop #600
    sambacat's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Yes, I agree. I think Hopkins has good intentions, but it would be good for her to start at City Council or School Board level and work her way up. With good experience and a good track record for voters to consider, they would have a more viable record to make a decision on than just a "new approach". Starting off vying for the very pinnacle of County leadership, the Board of Supervisors, is what made me suspect of, not her, but of the people financing her campaign for this position.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by KittyW: View Post
    ...But perhaps Lynda should start with a lesser position and work her way up. I'm not 100% decided.
    Last edited by Barry; 11-01-2016 at 09:42 AM.
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  55. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

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    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 11-20-2015, 12:07 PM

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