There's a right-leaning group called "Sebastopol Citizens" that was formed to oppose the proposed leaf blower ban in 2011. SInce then their leader, John Necker, has regularly attended City Council meetings and has published informative, biased, and sometimes entertaining notes about the meetings.
Recently they sent out a questionnaire to the candidates for city council on 10 questions. Neysa Hinton, Michael Carnacchi and Craig Litwin responded. Jonathan Greenberg did not.
The questions are below. Click here to goto the Sebastopol Citizens page with the answers. Click on the question there to see the answers.
1. What is your assessment of the economic vitality of Sebastopol?
2. What would you do to improve the affordability of Sebastopol for young families?
3. How do we get a business in the current CVS retail space that serves the community?
4. What is your analysis regarding the LED public lighting replacement strategy?
5. Do you believe there is enough reputable scientific evidence to support the Council's banning of smart meters because of health concerns? Please explain.
6. Name three things you would do to further the health, safety & well-being of our senior community? How would you pay for these?
7. As a member of the City Council, how would you gather and represent the divergent views of the community, especially when they conflict with your own?
8. Do you believe Council members should be subjected to term limits? Why or why not?
9. Generally speaking, so you believe marijuana is a danger to teen users? How do you know what percentage of students in Sebastopol are regular users?
10. What are the pros and cons of the proposed hotel project on the town square? Are you pro or con?