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  1. TopTop #61
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I'm surprised, given your sensitivity, that you didn't respond at all to the now famous "bullshit" piece by Lynda.
    And that came right from her, not from an independent group. You might also consider the "carpet bagger" and pension smear campaign waged by Lynda's surrogates.

    The piece you refer to seems to me to express the concerns that many of us feel about this election. The folks sponsoring Hopkins have had their stranglehold on county electoral politics for years, making sure to get Gore, Carillo and Rabbit in office. Please don't pretend you don't know who the Bosco Boys are and what they want. None of this means Lynda is a bad person, but she is unquestionably supported by folks who have their own self interests in mind.
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  3. TopTop #62
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    The "special interest" group you refer to are interested in protecting our county from the ravishes of over development. Their special interest is in serving the community. If you are not aware of Lynda's "special interests" I suggest you look at here list of endorsers and supporters

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    [Paid for not by Noreen's campaign but by special interests investing in her....
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  5. TopTop #63
    Roberta Llewellyn's Avatar
    Roberta Llewellyn

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Thanks Barry for the post and bringing to light the negative ad campaign recently made against Lynda Hopkins...I agree with you that this is not needed - not by either of the appear this is often used as a turn to default by political candidates and it is in my mind a mistake especially in this particular (local) election. It is relatively simply to view both candidates qualifications and experience and each of us can do our own analysis without being hit over the head with hyperbole!

    This doesn't need to happen in Sonoma County currently albeit it is happening in our national election, which has sadly become a mudslinging, but nonetheless, an election of huge consequence and one where it is essential that we all vote. Even though I feel, as many do, we have an especially unqualified business man running who appear to have bizarre intent or need in running for president.

    Clearly this is not the case in the local election with the two candidates running for supervisor who both share genuine regard for improving the lives of the residents, and address the issues, and environment of Sonoma County. Both of these women has something to bring forth that will contribute positively to the residents and environment here.

    As I have previously posted though, I seriously feel, Noreen Evans will make the better Supervisor and bring to action her exceptional experience into the position. This county is truly fortunate to have these two terrific women willing and able to participate in running for supervisor and I shan't be too disappointed with who ever comes out the winner. I am though with you Barry, and wish to comment in saying I hope Noreen and her support people see this post and yours as well; and, to keep in mind, that the journey matters, and the how of getting to the destination is what hopefully Green Politics is all about!
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  7. TopTop #64
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I am struck by how we, as an electorate, are really tired of politics as usual, and how we wish we could change the dominant paradigm. The approval rating for Congress at the national level is at record low, around 20%. The view of the state legislature is almost equally dim. Yet somehow we dislike everyone but the incumbent, who, as if by magic, keeps getting re-elected. So nothing changes, the status quo marches on along with our dissatisfaction. So, here we are, with a choice for some new blood at the local level, a real, genuine young person with a fresh look at our county. Yet the old, professional, retread politician gets so much support from, dare I say it, old conservatives. Yes, it's voting for the status quo if you support Noreen. Just look at the negative tone of her campaign. More of the same old bullshit. You think Sebastopol is progressive? Prove it. As far as I can see Sebastopol is an aging, lily white, high income enclave. It's nice to be able to afford being a "liberal" as you drive to Whole Foods in your Lexus SUV.

    Shake things up, make something new happen! You say Hopkins is supported by business interests? Well, what is wrong with some entrepreneurial progress? Are we so afraid of anything changing, even for the better? Folks, there are so many checks and balances in play here, does anyone really think that the west county will be overrun by 50 new wineries, and housing tracts everywhere and rampant pollution and environmental desecration just because Lynda Hopkins might get elected? We have a chance to move on, right now.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-22-2016 at 11:17 AM.
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  9. TopTop #65
    Roberta Llewellyn's Avatar
    Roberta Llewellyn

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Hi JBox,

    Thanks for the post...and, I've been thinking the same thing along the lines though of how KPFA Radio is stuck in it's own religion and can't see outside the box of it's purist creed of: Thou shall not take corporate money... and, now they are going to hell in a handbasket and can't pay their bills big time and have taken the funds they get from their local listeners and shared them with other Pacifica stations who are slipping down hill and weakening. Why should Berkeley's KPFA have agreed to support all the other Pacifica Stations because they're listeners couldn't cough it up? Listener supported KPFA Radio has grown old, we are seniors now, many of us are on fixed incomes and can't come up with the scratch...why not find corporation with integrity and use their resource? Monitor the money with good management, bookkeeping, and a Local Board that doesn't give away the store next time around? Take the money but follow it; scrutiny is needed and integrity.

    Are we all so sure there isn't a way to use funds for righteous purposes and handle it in keeping with not giving/doing them special favors or slanting our message or losing sight of what it is for? I worked at KPFA some years back as the Receptionist for over different periods including a year one time in the new building and also as a Journalist for a series of funded programs on "Pomo Indian Oral Histories" with producer/Journalist Vic Bedoian; we are now both heartsick at what is happening to the station and it's potential closure due to poor management and lack of funding.

    Creative ideas have been needed some time back and changing the paradigm to one that works including obtaining funds from those who have it; carefully, mind you, not carelessly. Now we may lose forever a vibrant voice, albeit, it has need an overhaul for a long time with new voices, youthful energy, cultural programs with significant artists coming to the station and doing theatre, readings, and...anyway, the Drama and Literature Dept. are gone now, have you noticed, anyway, you get my gist.

    Lynda Hopkins is an honest(as far as I can ascertain) and sincere candidate and I hear what you're saying....I think money is needed in West County besides for the rich growers of both herb and vine to infuse the culture and people who do not have the money or resources. Housing is a huge problem here and Lynda has some great ideas - check out her plan in this regard for affordable housing and, this includes temporary housing to permanent housing as is being developed in other places (San Jose, for instance...) where a huge infusion of funding grants etc. have been obtained for homeless people with a few very dedicated people administrating and implementing it's manifesting.

    Good call JBox to not demonize money entities but to find away to utilize them appropriately, and this doesn't make Lynda or you or me, are evil!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    I am struck by how we, as an electorate, are really tired of politics as usual, and how we wish we could change the dominant paradigm. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-22-2016 at 11:19 AM.
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  11. TopTop #66

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Roberta Llewellyn: View Post
    ... Listener supported KPFA Radio has grown old, we are seniors now, many of us are on fixed incomes and can't come up with the scratch...why not find corporation with integrity and use their resource? ...

    Lynda Hopkins is an honest(as far as I can ascertain) and sincere candidate and I hear what you're saying....
    As a senior who's been around and worked in public radio for a bit, I'm surprised you'd suggest that KPFA "find corporation with integrity and use their resource" to stay solvent. The quality that public radio and TV stations possess that keeps them from being at the mercy of corporations, lies in not taking their money. Multimillion dollar corporations have a way of purchasing influence in American media and ultimately, our government. I hope we all make informed decisions, without falling for the doe-eyed farm girl bit. There are tens of millions of dollars at stake for her supporters--I would hate to see a novice take her lumps at our expense when those development and big ag millionaires come the get what they've paid for at the board of supes.
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  13. TopTop #67
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Candidates and money
    EDITOR: I respect Hugh Helm (“Hopkins’ supporters,” Letters, Sept. 15), but he is wrong about Lynda Hopkins, whom I am confident he has never met. But let’s accept his premise, and that of others across the political spectrum, that politicians are bought by their supporters. That tells us that Noreen Evans, a longtime friend of Helm’s who lived, as he does, until her politically inspired move to the west county, in the eastern portion of Santa Rosa, has been bought by the SEIU, her biggest financial backer.

    So we have a choice of a candidate who we must, according to Helm, assume is in the pocket of developers but whose every act can be watched and commented on through the very public planning process, or one in the pocket of a union with which she is to negotiate salaries, etc. via a process that is completely non-transparent and not open to any form of public review.

    If you like the pension problems we have now, be sure to vote for Evans. Remember that she’s likely eligible for those pension benefits, too. Let’s send this fox back to Santa Rosa, and keep her out of our chicken coop by electing Lynda Hopkins.

    RICHARD POWER, Sebastopol
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  15. TopTop #68

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    ...If you like the pension problems we have now, be sure to vote for Evans. Remember that she’s likely eligible for those pension benefits, too. ...
    Hopkins will also be eligible for a county pension if she is hired to be supervisor. Hopkins also just moved here. Hopkins has no record to measure, all we know for sure is that she took a whole lot of money from Syar gravel mining, big developers, and large wineries from outside the 5th district.

    When interviewing a person for a job, if they keep repeating the name of the college they went to ten years ago, it's a pretty good indicator that that's all they have worth mentioning on the resume. I and lots of my friends and local neighbors attended fine universities. We've since stopped mentioning them much because we developed careers and have other interests. I fail to see how anyone who does not have great personal wealth, or winery or development interests, would vote for Hopkins. Could it be a matter of ageism? That's not altogether fair, progressive, or enlightened. We are better than that.
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  17. TopTop #69
    jenielson's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Noreen stands for community values: safe streets and sidewalks for school children, protecting rural values (supporting coastal access, greenbelts--including the Southeast Greenway), affordable housing, and adequate pay for working people. Somehow I cannot see any of those issues as "special," in terms of bringing in lots of money or exerting political influence. Those are the building blocks of society.
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  19. TopTop #70
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    I am struck by how we, as an electorate, are really tired of politics as usual, and how we wish we could change the dominant paradigm. ...
    AWE-- easier said than done. I have never referred to people up here as Progressive. Oh, i know things "might" look that way but rich, white, elite, hip, alternative, does not translate to Progressive thinking.
    If we were really Progressive we would probably not elect either one of these people. As always, people say they will work with what they've got. And, what we have is an old polished politician who will tell you that you have to know when to push and know when to compromise. Unfortunately, the longer one is in a position of power, little pushing gets done and the attitude of go along to get along becomes the norm.

    Lynda Hopkins is fresh blood. Unfortunately, she is arrogant to think she's gonna come along and shake up the good ole boy network Or the power structure for that matter which has "allowed" her to even run for this office. There is NOT one Progressive person on the Board of Supervisors now or probably ever. We have had some folks who have done some good stuff but no one has been a Progressive. that we can't even get someone on for the 5th District who is bilingual, at least, is pathetic. I want to believe that Noreen will be better, and she Will. And, that's because these two women are my only choice. I'm sorry but i get the sense from listening to Lynda Hopkins that she is smart, enthusiastic, but for me, she has NO experience to come into this office. I feel she will be run over and flattened like one of those cow-pies in her most recent video she made about "bullshit".
    Both women are good people, sometimes good people are just not good enough.
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  21. TopTop #71

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I'm not sure what would be "progressive" about electing a rich kid with no work experience but lots of corporate, for-profit support, while rejecting the woman with a record of striving for the working class and for the environment.

    I don't know what kind of car either candidate drives, but I know one of them was given the gift of a Sonoma County farm just for getting married. What the heck does being "a real, genuine young person" have to do with anything? She's a real genuine daughter of wealth and privilege. That's the opposite of 'refreshing.' At least Effren had to work his way through. I guess his handlers picked a 'fresh faced' woman this time, just to make sure the pants would stay up after election day.

    Hopkins' supporters sure are making a great effort to sell inexperience and the fact that she hasn't earned a thing in her life, including a job--like any job ever-- as positives. Of course she has never made a professional mistake, because she has never had a profession.

    No thank you, Lynda. You will not be referred for this job. You do not meet the minimum requirements for the position. Thank you for your interest.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-23-2016 at 02:09 PM.
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  23. TopTop #72

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I appreciate the response, but can't help but note more of the selective information from Ms. Evans' campaign, a dirty old trick I'd expect from our former absentee senator (so glad to have an active Senator today in Michael Maguire)...

    1. The donations raised by the Builders and Alliance groups were presumably raised by members of their organizations, which in looking at their websites, are all local businesses. Are there any Fortune 500/actual "corporate" interests that donated? This is a broad generalization without demonstrating who those donors truly are, and only tells part of the story!

    2. Ms. Evans states Syar is funding the campaign, yet by her own admission, notes Syar didn't actually contribute. How does she know money was "funneled"? Pure speculation! Ms. Evans, please elaborate on how you made such a connection!

    3. Ms. Hopkins stated in the paper she DOES support rent control. Regarding "her (Hopkins') allies at the California Apartment Association"), can Ms. Evans produce evidence linking their collaboration and that they're "allies". In looking at campaign finance disclosure requirements, I DID find a donation from the association supporting Ms. Evans' campaign ($1,000 to Evans)...interesting. Also, the California Real Estate PAC subsequently highlighted in the news article ($7,800 to Evans)...even more interesting. Instead of speculating/broad brushing donations, can't she post the actual evidence from the government that can be found online like I did? Or is she going to continue lying to all of us by saying "she's supported by the syar gravel mine company" and then at the end of the lie, note it's not actually from that business???
    Name:  CA Apartment Association Donation_JPEG.jpg
Views: 1438
Size:  60.8 KBName:  CA Real Estate PAC Donation_JPEG.jpg
Views: 1587
Size:  78.2 KB

    5. Ms. Evans is supported by "special interests", she's just not disclosing who they are! Unions, wineries, businesses, the apartment group and real estate PAC. Go to her website, click on the county link to view donations and see for yourself.

    Why am I posting this? Last night, I went to a debate in Monte Rio and Ms. Evans insistently said "follow the money, all of our donations are on my website". Well, I looked last night after the meeting and found all of Ms. Hopkins' donations, but none of Ms. Evans'...hmm...who's the real one "hiding the truth." Look around these sites and see for yourself!


    Ernie, Guerneville
    Last edited by Barry; 09-23-2016 at 02:17 PM.
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  25. TopTop #73
    occihoff's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I don't hear anything so awful in this ad. It's certainly milder than the Hopkins "sh-t" ad! What bothers you so much about it, Barry?

    In any case, aren't you concerned about the identity of Hopkins' financial backers? How does this weigh into the balance for you?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Here's a radio hit piece against Lynda Hopkins by the Coalition for a Better Sonoma County
    Last edited by Barry; 09-23-2016 at 02:19 PM.
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  27. TopTop #74
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Everyone on the Board of Supervisors is eligible for a Pension- not sure what the point is about Evans.
    and their pensions are ridiculous....and THEY harp about Pensions- i simply don't get it!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post

    Candidates and money
    EDITOR: I respect Hugh Helm (“Hopkins’ supporters,” Letters, Sept. 15), but he is wrong about Lynda Hopkins, whom I am confident he has never met. But let’s accept his premise, and that of others across the political spectrum, that politicians are bought by their supporters. That tells us that Noreen Evans, a longtime friend of Helm’s who lived, as he does, until her politically inspired move to the west county, in the eastern portion of Santa Rosa, has been bought by the SEIU, her biggest financial backer.

    So we have a choice of a candidate who we must, according to Helm, assume is in the pocket of developers but whose every act can be watched and commented on through the very public planning process, or one in the pocket of a union with which she is to negotiate salaries, etc. via a process that is completely non-transparent and not open to any form of public review.

    If you like the pension problems we have now, be sure to vote for Evans. Remember that she’s likely eligible for those pension benefits, too. Let’s send this fox back to Santa Rosa, and keep her out of our chicken coop by electing Lynda Hopkins.

    RICHARD POWER, Sebastopol
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  28. TopTop #75
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    From 4 years ago. Different time, different race.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Drakeian: View Post
    ...I DID find a donation from the association supporting Ms. Evans' campaign ($1,000 to Evans)...interesting. Also, the California Real Estate PAC subsequently highlighted in the news article ($7,800 to Evans)...even more interesting. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-23-2016 at 02:22 PM.
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  30. TopTop #76

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Really, Barry? Hyperbole? Hit piece? Struck me as being pretty mild, actually. It listed some of Linda's backers (not by name) and described some of the negative effects their businesses have locally in fairly generic terms. I doubt if this will result in anyone claiming that the are due any kind of payback from Noreen if she is elected. Do you have any specific information about these people that leads you to believe otherwise? Are they some kind of front for business interests or something? I think there is a difference between backers who represent broadly based memberships and actual businesses with a direct financial interest in BOS decisions.

    I think you are the one indulging in hyperbole.

    Also as moderator and ultimate decision maker as to what gets posted here, don't you feel you have a duty to personally present an impartial front on WACCO (even if you naturally have your own opinion)?

    Patrick Brinton

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Here's a radio hit piece against Lynda Hopkins by the Coalition for a Better Sonoma County

    I don't know about you, but the hyperbole of this really turns me off. ....
    Last edited by Barry; 09-23-2016 at 02:23 PM.
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  32. TopTop #77
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by pbrinton: View Post
    ....Also as moderator and ultimate decision maker as to what gets posted here, don't you feel you have a duty to persnally present an impartial front on WACCO (even if you naturally have your own opinion)?
    OT and unsolicited, but: I don't think Barry has any such duty; I get the feeling that he likes to see a range of opinions, which I appreciate, so I don't get any sense of censorship or selection (yeah, if done well you can't see it...). And what's the fun of having a website if you can't express yourself on it??
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  34. TopTop #78
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mouse: View Post
    I...Hopkins' supporters sure are making a great effort to sell inexperience and the fact that she hasn't earned a thing in her life, including a job--like any job ever-- as positives. Of course she has never made a professional mistake, because she has never had a profession. ...
    This is not true.

    You can see Lynda's professional background here, including founding and running an organic farm practicing community supported agriculture (CSA) , being a reporter SonomaWest, and as Executive Director of Sonoma County Farm Trails.
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  36. TopTop #79
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by pbrinton: View Post
    Really, Barry? Hyperbole? Hit piece? Struck me as being pretty mild, actually. ...
    It was definitely a hit piece. Hyperbolic? Maybe, maybe not. I just don't see the developers taking over and the Russian River to be mined again with Lynda's blessing. I suppose I just had a gut reaction to hearing a professionally produced hit piece.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by pbrinton: View Post
    ...Also as moderator and ultimate decision maker as to what gets posted here, don't you feel you have a duty to personally present an impartial front on WACCO (even if you naturally have your own opinion)?
    I pay a lot of attention to being as even handed as possible when I am acting as moderator, including Barry's Picks and any private or public call outs of inappropriate behavior.

    I also occasionally will state my opinion about an issue or candidate as moderator, trying to claim whatever limited superpowers my role confers.

    But mostly I participate as another member.

    I fully expected to support Noreen in this election. My only concern is an unease with her closeness with the SEIU who she will need to negotiate with if elected. The SEIU is clearly a self-interested group, but I want the county managed for the benefit of the county as a whole.

    I have really big problem with the negativeness of her campaign and supporters.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:45 PM.
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  38. TopTop #80
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by occihoff: View Post
    ...In any case, aren't you concerned about the identity of Hopkins' financial backers? How does this weigh into the balance for you?
    I feel pretty confident the Lynda's heart is in the right place and will stay there. The big money players had 2 prominent candidates to pick from. Just because many of them picked Lynda doesn't mean they own her.

    Furthermore, I am not anti-development. We need development for affordable housing, and other worthy uses. It just needs to be done in an environmentally sensitive way. I trust that Lynda's will be a staunch defender of the environment.

    Have you seen her speak? I strongly urge you and everybody else to attend at least one of the upcoming 2-person forums and debates:

    Candidates Forum Ssponsored by Sunrise Rotary Sebastopol
    Monday, October 03, 2016 at 06:00 PM
    Community Church of Sebastopol in Sebastopol

    Roseland Debate, hosted by the Sonoma County Gazette
    Thursday, October 6th
    Location TBD
    6:00PM to 8:00PM

    Candidate Forum, hosted by the League of Women Voters
    Monday, October 10, 2016 at 06:30 PM
    Sebastopol Community Center

    I have been very impressed by Lynda so far and I think she is an exceptionally promising young leader and at the moment I support her. However I will be attending at least 1 and probably both of the Sebastopol Forums above with an open mind.
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  40. TopTop #81
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    So in your even handed way would you call the Bullshit video a hit piece?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    ...I pay a lot of attention to being as even handed as possible when I am acting as moderator, including Barry's Picks ...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:47 PM.
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  42. TopTop #82
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Richard Nichols: View Post
    So in your even handed way would you call the Bullshit video a hit piece?
    I wouldn't characterize it as hit piece. It was primarily a defensive piece where she walked down the list of attacks on her. She did include some return zingers that I would have prefered that she had avoided.
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  44. TopTop #83
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    YOU wouldn't characterize it as a hit piece because you are in her camp.
    I'm kind of shocked, that as the moderator of this forum, you would take sides.

    And you ain't seen nothin yet as Lynda's handlers start to realize that Noreen is likely leading at this point, and will be hitting her hard, as they have done before in other races.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    I wouldn't characterize it as hit piece....
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:48 PM.
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  46. TopTop #84
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Oh and by the way she lied. Only one developer supports her? Do you really buy that?
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    I wouldn't characterize it as hit piece. ....
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:49 PM.
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  48. TopTop #85
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    There is plenty of negativity go around on all sides. This is politics. Barry, have you ever seen an important race like this that didn't have negativity. Let's see um... Clinton/Trump? Fudge/Gore? etc. It is the nature of politics and when the race is this important - defining the future of our county, you can expect everything from all sides.

    Do you truly think that newcomer/beginner Lynda will be able to stand up to the huge wine and development monster that has given her well over $300,000? She may think she can, but please look at history. If she doesn't bend their way, you can be sure they will be looking for another candidate for the next time around.

    This is a huge "NOT Noreen" campaign run by the same Republican consultant/lobbyist that brought us Carillo and Gore and tapping the same money - mostly from the fourth district and Santa Rosa (Santa Rosa Chamber of commerce and Sonoma County Alliance, and North Coast Builders Exchange for example). As soon as they heard Noreen was running, they started courting Lynda. Ask her about her early meetings with Eric the K.

    And where did you hear that Noreen doesn't want to build housing? It is a main plank in her platform to build workforce housing for Workers (not McMansions).

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    ...I have really big problem with the negativeness of her campaign and supporters.
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:50 PM.
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  50. TopTop #86
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Richard Nichols: View Post
    YOU wouldn't characterize it as a hit piece because you are in her camp....
    Barry has already stated he expects to support Noreen. Knock off the bullshit speculation and ignorant commentary, Richard.

    [From Barry: As stated above, I expected to support Noreen, but I am currently leaning towards Lynda ]
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 01:52 PM.
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  52. TopTop #87

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    That's an awfully strong word.. Are you sure of that or are you, as one who is on Noreen's staff, getting carried away?
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    Oh and by the way she lied. Only one developer supports her? Do you really buy that?
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  54. TopTop #88

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    I think who to vote for is simple, its about what the voter thinks is best. Evans i think of as a no growth candidate. Current policy trends and the challenges created she will carry forward.

    Hopkins is more a smart growth candidate. Its no wonder gravel, real estate, and building interests support her. Policy she is likely to support would result in more road work and residential development.

    Evans efforts would probably result in similar commercial development, politicians know who pays for government, but less residential and road work. She is more union friendly, and this could result in higher labor cost for services and big building projects.

    Both are environmentalists and support access and conservation. Hopkins seems more friendly to agricultural interests and thus seems less likely to support regulations restricting ag operations.

    What makes a politician is ability to get things done. Evans record is mixed and hopkins is scanty. But what little there is shows she might be a real mover. Whatever you think of carrillo he knows how to make it happen.

    Hopkins seems a little more flexible than evans. So if there was an issue which is usually a political hot potato she might be more willing to engage with enough public pressure.

    I wish i had a guess about who whould be better at retail politics, helping out a constituent who is struggling with a government process. I value this alot.
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  56. TopTop #89
    riverosprey's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Thank you Barry for sharing your honest opinions in this forum.

    Majority at Monte Rio Forum Wednesday night, saw Lynda Hopkins as an exciting, visionary, courageous new leader, that Sonoma County needs, to overcome the twenty years of Noreen Evans failed politics, that has created the worst fiscal disaster in the history of Santa Rosa and Sonoma County. Noreen did not do well against Lynda Hopkins, who took her to task over and over, saying her solutions will not work, period.

    Lynda Hopkins has run on the issues, all her volunteers are told talk about the issues, don't denigrate the other candidate, talk about the positive vision of our campaign. Noreen's whole campaign along with her paid staff, and the first wave of retiring boomer hacks that control the unions, are told Noreen can't win with her issues and vision, Noreen needs to portray Lynda Hopkins as the candidate of special interests. They have spent over $100,000 with PAC money, Lynda Hopkins ZERO, even though Noreen Evans entire political career has been captive to the special interests of unions, Indian tribes, trial lawyers, ag interests including about the pot calling the kettle black...with $Millions of dollars for Noreen, representing special interests at the expense of our children (I absolutely believe this).

    As Lynda Hopkins said at Wednesday nights Monte Rio debate...who better to drag the vineyard and winery industry kicking and screaming into reform, than an organic farmer with a vision of what the future of agriculture in Sonoma County should be...with no GMO's, reduced use of pesticides and herbicides, continuation of Sonoma County's brand of organic, humane, agriculture mindful of reduced nutrient loads and riparian restoration as a biological filter to clean waterways and fish migration.

    Noreen doesn't have a clue about affordable housing, Low Flow, the homeless, ag-reform and the need to reinvent local government in order to restore lost services once provided for generations, but no more. Her solutions border on demagoguery. I believe Lynda Hopkins will be a GREAT Supervisor representing the future of the Fifth District and soon after her defeat, Noreen will move back to the other side of 101 for a long, healthy, well deserved retirement.

    kind regards, Tom Lynch

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    I feel pretty confident the Lynda's heart is in the right place and will stay there. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 09-24-2016 at 08:59 AM.
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  58. TopTop #90
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: 5th District Supervisor Race 2016: Noreen Evans vs Lynda Hopkins

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sealwatcher: View Post
    "bullshit speculation and ignorant commentary..." It's exactly this that I deplore. Amongst a long list of deplorables. If Barry indeed stated that, I wasn't aware. Thus I too must be speculating and ignorant.

    Dear Mr Box, why so harsh? Richard's hardly ignorant! He's long time wise in the ways of the county. Seems you would have more in common with each other than you may now know.
    See #81 on this thread. Perhaps I was a bit harsh, sorry Richard.
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