What doesn’t make sense to me is why corporations like SYAR (cement manufacturers….that mine gravel from the Russian River), conventional wineries (that spray glyphosate/herbicides etc), the construction industry, the Farm Bureau (pro GMO) and other pro business orgs would donate to a candidate who says she is an organic farmer and professes to have a “proven commitment to protecting our environment and caring for our land”.
Businesses such as the above consider their contributions to be investments, not donations that they give just to be nice, right?
Will these industries hope to “get” something for their investment?
If so, what do they hope to gain?
This doesn’t seem to fit with the overall “green” message of this campaign.
Are these profit based "interests" (along with Koenigshofer, Upchurch and the rest of Efren's "handlers") the ones you want to be making the important decisions about what happens to and in Sonoma County?