I am hoping those who are interested might take a moment to let me know their stand on something. I have a foot in both camps on the subject of farming, in that I do farm. I believe ag is very important to this counties ambiance and draw. It is a beautiful place to live and visit, both. Over the years, my having been here since 1989, I have noticed the decline of orchards for vineyards, as I am sure you have, as well. Most are not organic. Many have inserted themselves into pre-existing neighborhoods, where people live because they enjoy nature, solitude, peace, and quiet. Vineyards, especially for many years at the onset, are not conducive to this lifestyle. There is large machinery, traffic from workers, dust/mud, and long days of noise and activity. This is then followed by the spraying of poisons into the ecosystem, and over the property boundary which air does not recognize. This is often done at night, with lights and noise added to the insult of air/water contamination.
I have friends who are going through this destruction of their lives right now. They are so distraught, in that their once coveted peace and quiet has been destroyed and they are met with casual, weak attempts to placate by the owners of the vineyard. They have been told by the owners that they do not have to do anything and can do whatever they want, that any effort on their part to buffer the situation is out of the goodness of their hearts. I wonder if this is so.
If this is so, how can that be? Why is there not a substantial buffer between residential neighborhoods and vineyards, with a required WIDE pollinator hedgerow to protect the residents from noise, air pollution, and visual mar? Not everyone is enamored with vineyards, thinking them so very beautiful. It could be, and is, argued that a vineyard is better than a bunch of houses. Are these the only two options?
Please, if you would like to share your thoughts and shed some light on how you feel about this, I would be most interested in the feedback.