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  1. TopTop #91
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    a few weeks ago i wrote Julie Coombs and quoted Big Yellow Taxi to her. she wrote back to me, and said it wasn't "All" the Trees....ugh
    Don't it always seem to go, no matter who you vote for, they are a BIG disappointment!
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  3. TopTop #92
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    We want so much to believe in someone, and most of the time the reality never quite measures up to our expectations.

    But then there are those heroines who rise up armed with factual truth and a call to action and those who hear the call, and respond with creative energy to fight the destruction in process.

    Women leaders have emerged, as a transparent and powerful guiding force for all to witness and support.

    I also want to acknowledge the men who are part of this expression in finding justice for the trees and the
    citizens. Mostly, it seems to be women who've stepped forward.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  5. TopTop #93

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification


    Following is a summary of points fully detailed and substantiated elsewhere by civil engineer Richard Canini. He sent a similar version to City Council:

    A. Santa Rosa City promised by City Council Resolution 9540 and 9533 to maintain the Rosenberg fountain:

    "... City shall at all times keep said water feature and surrounding area and said plaque in first class condition and repair, including,witiiout limitin the generality of the foregoing, shall maintain all lawns and plantings in green and fresh growing condition ... "

    ​This promise was made​ on the occasion of the city accepting money from Mrs Rosenberg for the fountain, aka "water feature." Maybe the city can be compelled by court order to keeps its promise. Maybe a lawyer would know. Maybe the district attorney or state attorney general would know and care (or not).

    B. The city has a history of illegally using water and sewer funds for the council's pet projects. The city may do so again on the OCS project.

    C. The new parking spaces are to be metered, and the money from the meters is to go to the downtown parking district. Apparently the tax payers will pay for the parking spaces--but only the downtown parking district, aka property owners, will get the money from the parking meters. Is this legal? Maybe a lawyer would know. Maybe the district attorney or state attorney general would know and care (or not).

    D. The construction of the parking spaces unquestionably increases the value of the adjoining properties. This increase in value, enrichment, is a free gift of public funds to for-profit enterprises. Is using tax payers' money to enrich for-profit enterprises legal? Maybe a lawyer would know. Maybe the district attorney or state attorney general would know and care (or not).

    E. If the city did not disclose the cost of the OCS project during its required budget hearings, to spend public funds on the OCS project may violate the law. Maybe a lawyer would know. Maybe the district attorney or state attorney general would know and care (or not).

    Yours for government accountability, Richard M Canini PE
    A reminder:
    Tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 23, citizens have 3 minutes each to speak to City Council about the Old Courthouse Square project, starting "no earlier than 5:00pm." You won't be alone! (And there are still some trees standing.)
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-23-2016 at 12:37 PM.
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  7. TopTop #94

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    And here are Jason Nutt's responses (in purple) to Richard Canini's questions. After Canini sent the questions, Mr. Nutt took 2 months to respond, sending his responses 5 days after the city began cutting down the people's trees. Please dig in.
    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Nutt, Jason <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 12:28 PM

    Mr. Canini –

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your email. I have worked with the Finance, Parking and Water departments on the responses provided below. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Very truly yours,
    Jason Nutt | Director of Transportation and Public Works
    Transportation and Public Works Department|69 Stony Circle | Santa Rosa, CA 95401

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Richard Canini <[email protected]>
    Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 12:59 PM


    How will the financial co$t of the Old Courthouse Square project be met. Where will the money come from to pay for this project ?
    At their September 22 meeting, the City Council approved expenditure of up to $10 million with approximately half coming from existing project fund sources and the other half from certificates of participation or other traditional borrowing.

    How will the loan(s) be repaid ?
    The General Fund will pay for the debt service.

    The parking spaces will be metered, correct ?
    Yes, newly constructed parking spaces will be metered to be consistent with the existing downtown parking practices.

    Where will the money from the meters go?
    Consistent with existing practices, metered parking will be the responsibility of the downtown parking district. Parking user fees are recorded in the Parking Fund and are used to develop, maintain and operate parking facilities, including on-street parking.

    Who or what gets the meter money ?
    The downtown parking district.

    What happens to the money collected from the meters ?
    Parking user fees are collected by the downtown parking district and utilized to develop, manage and maintain the parking facilities.

    Where will the money from parking violation tickets go ?
    Violations will follow current practice which helps support the parking enforcement team.

    Who or what gets the parking violation ticket money ?
    The General Fund.

    What happens to the money collected from the parking violation ?
    The General Fund provides funding for parking enforcement. Funds are used to pay for the parking enforcement team.

    Will the parking meter money and parking violation ticket money go into the general fund ?
    Parking violation fines go to the General Fund and are used to support the parking enforcement team. Parking user fees are recorded in the Parking Fund and are restricted to use for parking purposes.

    Will this money be used to pay for the Old Court House Square project ?
    The Parking Fund has allocated $300,000 in FY 2016/17 for its proportional cost of construction of parking spaces on the new Hinton and Exchange Streets. Consistent with current and past practice, the downtown parking district funds will be used to pay for the parking management equipment and striping of the new parking spaces.

    It is clear addition parking will increase the commercial value of buildings and businesses adjoining the square. The property and business owners will be enriched, by this public project. Will the properties will be reassessed [ interesting word ] for property tax purposes ?
    The Courthouse Square Reunification project will not specifically result in the re-assessment of any adjacent private properties.

    Will the properties and businesses adjoining Old Court House Square pay for their enrichment or will the cost be borne by all the general fund tax payers ?
    As described above, the project is being financed through existing project funds and certificates of participation.

    Water and sewer funds will only be spent for direct water and sewer cost correct ?

    Extraneous ancillary cost will not be charged to water and sewer funds, correct ?
    Correct. Sewer and water funds would be used for the design and construction of sewer and water mains and include related items such as; excavation, contaminated soil disposal, installation of pipe and service laterals, valves, manholes, testing, backfill material, trench paving and other disturbed surfaces restored to original or better condition, portions of traffic control and storm water pollution prevention.

    The bid tab and contract will be open for public inspection, correct ?
    Yes, all Public Works projects are advertised and posted for public viewing at the Public Works Dept and on the City web page at: https://webeditor7/departments/
    The contract award is also posted as part of the agenda for City Council or BPU public meetings.

    If you allow water and sewer funds to be spent on things other than water and sewer you could go to jail, correct ? [NO RESPONSE]

    Santa Rosa City promised, gave its word, no public funds would be spent on the Old Courthouse Square project. Will you keep this promise ? [NO RESPONSE]

    Yours for the common good, R Canini
    Last edited by Barry; 02-23-2016 at 02:20 PM.
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  9. TopTop #95
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    I know I will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about? Yes the trees are beautiful, but they are not that old, not old growth, there will be more trees than we started with when they are done. This is not a natural place for redwoods. Unifying the square will make a much nicer community gathering spot, than two spots with cars whizzing through. There are whole forests of old growth trees and rain forests being destroyed everyday - and all the wildlife that depend on them. Let's focus on that. This is really just not that big a deal.

    Also the trees are going to be used in some creek restoration projects that will help heal some of the destruction we have done.

    AND Julie Combs is a wonderful representative on almost every issue - let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by beshiva: View Post
    a few weeks ago i wrote Julie Coombs and quoted Big Yellow Taxi to her. she wrote back to me, and said it wasn't "All" the Trees....ugh
    Don't it always seem to go, no matter who you vote for, they are a BIG disappointment!
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-23-2016 at 12:38 PM.
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  11. TopTop #96
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    If we are to have a square then it must be "fair and square". It's not wanting the square that's wrong, but the several questionable practices to which the process (getting there) seemingly EVADED insofar as full disclosure and transparency.

    Thank you for your support!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    I know I will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about? ...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-23-2016 at 12:40 PM.
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  13. TopTop #97
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Maybe this City Charter Section below will help explain if the Rosenberg fountain is protected.

    Sec. 53. Continuing Ordinances in Force.
    All lawful ordinances, resolutions, and regulations in force at the time this charter shall take effect, and not inconsistent with its provisions, are hereby continued in force until the same shall have been duly amended, repealed or superseded.

    A. Santa Rosa City promised by City Council Resolution 9540 and 9533 to maintain the Rosenberg fountain:

    "... City shall at all times keep said water feature and surrounding area and said plaque in first class condition and repair, including,without limiting the generality of the foregoing, shall maintain all lawns and
    plantings in green and fresh growing condition ... "

    ​This promise was made​ on the occasion of the city accepting money from Mrs Rosenberg for the fountain, aka "water feature." Maybe the city can be compelled by court order to keeps its promise. Maybe a lawyer would know. Maybe the district attorney or state attorney general would know and care (or not).


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by BothSidesNow: View Post
    Following is a summary of points fully detailed and substantiated elsewhere by civil engineer Richard Canini...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-23-2016 at 12:41 PM.
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  15. TopTop #98
    beshiva's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    you are right in some respects. i think we must choose our battles, certainly seems there are too many fires to put out...however, it always helps to gather information and in doing so you can bring people along in a gentle way, perhaps, even trying to think in terms "we are all in this together". OUr elected officials get elected, and then don't seem to give a damn or at least not enough. this particular issue (and there are many) was pushed through, ignoring the concerns of the public in the guise that we are children and they know better for US. We could only wish and pray they would be so expedient when it comes to taking care of our homeless, or leaning on Law Enforcement when they step way over their bounds, or why did it take the killing of a child to annex Roseland (only 27 years) or why not annex Moorland (oh that's right they don't have the $$).

    the way i see, it is about THEIR priorities. just saying, this could have waited and something else more important and dire projects $$$ could have been spent on...

    julie coombs is wonderful. she makes mistakes too.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    I know I will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about?...
    Last edited by Barry; 02-23-2016 at 02:22 PM.
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  17. TopTop #99
    KWilson's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    I can understand your point (and won't stone you for it ). Yes, there are much more important things in the world to be outraged by. But, for me, this is about a sense of place, and the fact that I live less than a mile from these trees and have enjoyed them for over 2 decades. Generations have grown up with these trees in our collective downtown backyard. I keep hearing that redwoods are not native to the area...and that is simply not true. Redwoods are native to the entire north coast, including the Santa Rosa plain. They are living, breathing things that should not be killed for the sake of parking and pavement.

    Yes, unifying the square will make a nicer community gathering spot. But, installing 2 new streets along the east and west side of the square will only add more traffic and it would be much nicer without them. We have at least 4 parking garages that are always half empty within blocks of the square. It appears the art of walking has been replaced by the need to drive everywhere, at a time when most of us could use the exercise.

    There are many cities that have a block or two where no cars are allowed and it makes for a vibrant pedestrian cityscape (Grafton Street in Dublin, Ireland comes to mind). Places like this invite people to get out of their cars and shop, dine, enjoy live music on the streets, etc. They make the city what it is.

    Instead, our City Council chose to push through this plan which, once the tree removal became public knowledge, has elicited more opposition than any issue in recent memory. They had their minds made up and the tree cutting work out to bid before we even got a chance to speak at the overflow council meeting. It is a combination of the lack of respect for nature and the lack of respect for the voices of the people that they claim to represent that has made this a big issue, for me.

    Lastly, Sonoma County is known for it's progressiveness. We have been at the forefront of the permaculture movement. We have a young, vibrant community of people who care deeply about the environment. How out of touch are the city leaders? Very much so, it appears. The ideal reunited square for me would be one where the city hires someone like our local Sebastopol Permaculture Artisans, ("
    an ecological company that designs, builds and maintains regenerative and resilient landscapes and settlements." )

    Imagine a downtown landscape that captures and treats polluted storm water runoff, at the same time highlighting native plants and beautiful landscaping. One with a park-like setting with the beautiful old redwoods and cedar trees, and a playground for kids made from the wood of the limbs that were just freshly cut from the poor trees. It's not too late for the city to stop the destruction in its tracks, admit they were wrong, and come up with a much less expensive, regenerative plan that is locally designed and approved by the people of the city!

    Instead, what we'll see is business as usual, politicians out of touch, nature plowed down for pavement, and a disheartened populace angry at the government....sigh.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    I know I will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about?...
    Last edited by Barry; 02-23-2016 at 02:24 PM.
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  19. TopTop #100
    Jude Iam's Avatar
    Jude Iam

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    the heart of the redwood empire is being torn out - the redwoods there cut!
    symbolic and actual.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    i know i will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about? Yes the trees are beautiful, but they are not that old, not old growth, there will be more trees than we started with when they are done. This is not a natural place for redwoods. Unifying the square will make a much nicer community gathering spot, than two spots with cars whizzing through. There are whole forests of old growth trees and rain forests being destroyed everyday - and all the wildlife that depend on them. Let's focus on that. This is really just not that big a deal.

    Also the trees are going to be used in some creek restoration projects that will help heal some of the destruction we have done.

    And julie combs is a wonderful representative on almost every issue - let's not throw the baby out with the bath water.
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  21. TopTop #101
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by beshiva: View Post
    y...bring people along in a gentle way, perhaps, even trying to think in terms "we are all in this together". OUr elected officials get elected, and then don't seem to give a damn or at least not enough. this particular issue (and there are many) was pushed through, ignoring the concerns of the public in the guise that we are children and they know better for US
    but maybe we aren't all 'in this together' if by that you mean we all (except for those officials who somehow don't give a damn) want the same thing.

    this thread is packed with people, many who don't live in Santa Rosa, who are, in a Trump-like fashion, vilifying anyone who doesn't feel exactly as they do. I have yet to see anyone acknowledge that some might prefer the new look over the current one on its merits. Personally, I find the current setup pretty charmless, like much of Santa Rosa. "Lipstick on a pig" to me is a few not-particularly-old-or-healthy redwoods in a sterile urban environment.
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  23. TopTop #102
    lauren's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    I think a lot of people are in for the reunification, but they didn't have to tear all those trees down and they don't have to put 4 lanes of parked cars and 2 lanes of moving traffic within the square. Hopefully I will get time to physically show the plan I proposed to them with only one reply and no followup on what he told me.(one of the council members).

    The health hazards of the extra car exhaust on everyone frequenting the square are nothing to sneeze at (or cough or choke or get cancer from). My plan adds 60 spaces away from the center of the square and puts them at the perimeter.

    As far as sterile, if they go with the plan they have; you will get sterile. The police will not be able to patrol like they want either with 4 lanes of parked cars blocking their visual path. The restaurants will have to deal with the fine black soot that they don't have right now.
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  25. TopTop #103

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    I know I will probably get stoned for this, but really, aren't there a lot more important causes than this to activate about.......
    For me it's far more about the irresponsible money allocation. There are a LOT more important things to spend 10 million of our property taxes on and that take precedence over parking spaces by miles.
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  27. TopTop #104
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Oh please......if Santa Rosa's courthouse square is the heart of the empire, we are all in trouble......

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jude Iam: View Post
    the heart of the redwood empire is being torn out - the redwoods there cut!
    symbolic and actual.

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  29. TopTop #105
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Sarcasm is a way to put someone in their place. More gentle than stoning, but in the same spirit. As for being in trouble, yes, you are correct on that, whether you realize or not.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    Oh please......if Santa Rosa's courthouse square is the heart of the empire, we are all in trouble......
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  31. TopTop #106
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Actually there has been someone who said they'd prefer a more streamlined look, although I don't recall the exact words, or who it was. But you could find it if you want.

    I haven't seen much vilifying except toward the city council who apparently pulled a fast one on the residents,
    and completely ignored their opposition.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    but maybe we aren't all 'in this together' if by that you mean we all (except for those officials who somehow don't give a damn) want the same thing.

    this thread is packed with people, many who don't live in Santa Rosa, who are, in a Trump-like fashion, vilifying anyone who doesn't feel exactly as they do. I have yet to see anyone acknowledge that some might prefer the new look over the current one on its merits. Personally, I find the current setup pretty charmless, like much of Santa Rosa. "Lipstick on a pig" to me is a few not-particularly-old-or-healthy redwoods in a sterile urban environment.
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  33. TopTop #107
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    RAISING FUNDS for Lawsuit to Slow Courthouse Square

    Hello everyone,

    As much as we would like to believe in City Council's ability to be clean about public participation for the funding of Courthouse Square, I think it would be wise to at least begin to immediately raise funds to see what resources we can pull together.

    If any of you are resourceful in this area then I invite you to contact us right away. Thank you for your support!
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  34. TopTop #108
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Square

    Hi everyone,

    Quick update, as I'm hitting the hay. Please forgive any type-o's.

    I just returned from the Santa Rosa City Council meeting at midnight, after being there most of the day. We had many opportunities for good commentary.

    We utmost believe there has been a City Charter Section 10 violation, and perhaps one other. Its not as if we can't prove the violations. It's not as if we can't refer the matter of City Charter violations to the Civil Grand Jury of Sonoma County (not what it's cracked up to be). Or, to submit for attention to the District Attorney or State Attorney General. But these are long lead times to admonishment, and if lucky to prosecution. But it won't help protect our civil rights in the immediate.

    Which means that a lawsuit is one way to stymie the Courthouse Square long enough to raise awareness to the funding issue and lack of public vote. We raise awareness by bringing the City Council back to the use of the City Charter to allow for public participation in the funding plan for Courthouse Square.

    But in the meantime, a goal of raising $3,000 - $4,500 would likely be all it takes to hire a municipal attorney to file a lawsuit and stop any further movement of the Square for a reasonable amount of time.

    AS FOR THE TREES: There are those who will not venture further, as they feel "what's the use"? Conversely, there are those who think the project is still worth stopping on grounds of a City Charter violation, (civil rights) which we think is easy to prove. Imagine for a moment if the Charter violation can be substantiated. Then what? Perhaps this would invalidate the Council's decision to further Courthouse Square on the grounds of malfeasance? Would an educated legal review of the evidence be worth raising $3,500 for representation in a lawsuit?

    Many have been greatly hurt and betrayed by the "manner" in which City Council navigated the process to passing the Courthouse Square Project. Now fast forward and ask yourself: is the manner in which Council denied public participation to funding knowledge of Courthouse Square acceptable to you? Is it acceptable that Council may have deliberately sought to block your input into funding of the Square? Is it acceptable that Council, by way of inhibiting your public input through community boards may very well have cost you a vote on a $20 million dollar project?

    If your answer is a resounding "no", then we ask that you give us your pledge of help (NO MONEY for now). But we will need it very soon! For we must swiftly set up a verified and legally documented local bank trust account for receipt of donations. We don't need much. If each person gave $10, then we would only need 300 donations to raise $3,000. We will look into some type of online fund-raising tool. We have a couple of people helping here.

    Please give it some thought. For us, this is NOW a matter of a civil rights violation. And really, wasn't that the case all the time; trees or no trees? The tress were awful enough to see destroyed. But if we let the City Council get away with violating our City Charter, THE PEOPLES City Charter, which is the legal equivalent of our nations Constitution, then we have much bigger things to worry about.

    Thank you for your support!
    Last edited by Barry; 02-24-2016 at 08:10 AM.
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  36. TopTop #109
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Sq

    I will pledge $20 from my social security income. I hope to see others step up to stand up for our rights to be heard. Many small donations can make a big difference, as shown by Bernie Sanders. If we don't use the limited amount of power we have, we will lose it, and continue to be steamrolled by those in positions to make decisions about how our tax money is spent, while completely disregarding our voices. We vote with our pennies every time we buy something. Let's buy some power!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jennifer Novascone: View Post
    But in the meantime, a goal of raising $3,000 - $4,500 would likely be all it takes to hire a municipal attorney to file a lawsuit and stop any further movement of the Square for a reasonable amount of time....
    Last edited by Barry; 02-24-2016 at 02:39 PM.
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  38. TopTop #110
    KWilson's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    I understood Jude's comment to be referring to the fact that Santa Rosa is our biggest city in Sonoma County and Old Courthouse Square is the heart of the city. In a way, it IS the heart of the redwood empire, like it or not Scamperwillow.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by scamperwillow: View Post
    Oh please......if Santa Rosa's courthouse square is the heart of the empire, we are all in trouble......
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  40. TopTop #111
    lauren's Avatar

    Re: RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Sq

    I was thinking the same thing this morning. This is like the Bernie movement on a local scale. I don't have a job right now and I'll kick in a few bucks.

    Yes, the word "steamrolled" is a good one and I was thinking "ramrodded" too.There were people of many ages at the council meeting last night, which I was impressed by; young people getting into the process and reminding me of the times when we were fighting for racial justice, the end of the VietNam war, the breakup of monopolies (which have now seeped back in because the fight is never over), the cleaning up of the environment, and implementing the will not to be steamrolled into compliance by the "powers that be".

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    I will pledge $20 from my social security income....
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  42. TopTop #112
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    Re: RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Sq

    Thank you! We have calls in to attorneys to size things up. We will need time to understand scope, cost, merit of case, etc.

    We appreciate any support toward the fund should it come to fruition. I'll keep the updates coming in.

    In the meantime, if anyone has had decent experience with online fundraising and has time to help with that, it sure would be a blessing. Not yet, but if/when.

    Thank you for your support!
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    I will pledge $20 from my social security income....
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  43. TopTop #113
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Sq

    There are several online fundraising sites, and some take a higher percentage than others. I'm only familiar with GoFundMe, but there are others.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Jennifer Novascone: View Post
    ...We appreciate any support toward the fund should it come to fruition...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-25-2016 at 12:54 PM.
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  45. TopTop #114
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    ...this thread is packed with people, many who don't live in Santa Rosa, who are, in a Trump-like fashion, vilifying anyone who doesn't feel exactly as they do...
    I'm not up on this topic very much, but I do believe the Courthouse Square project has been in the works for quite a few years now, perhaps a couple decades, and there has been endless public posturing and arguing over that period and now they are finally gong ahead with the project with all their ducks in a row. Now all the waccos come out screaming like this is something new that is being ramrodded ahead without any public comment. Well, folks, that's just not so
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-25-2016 at 01:17 PM.
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  47. TopTop #115
    larryjhanson's Avatar

    Re: RAISING FUNDS for Civil Rights Violation Lawsuit Santa Rosa City Council Courthouse Sq

    I can pledge $20 to this cause. All of the points I read here have validity. When I found out about this plan just a couple months ago and went to a few council members to voice my concern, I thought I was a Johnny Come Lately since they all said this process had been going on for years.

    Yes, it had been in the works for years but most folks thought unification was simply bringing both parts together and removing Mendocino Avenue in the middle. That the big, mature trees would come down to do the reunification was not a part of most people's understanding. This should have been clearly communicated in public documents before it became a done deal. The process Santa Rosa City planners and city council used was definitely deceptive and technically could be shown to be in violation of CEQA, I don't know. This project has so many ramifications to it and almost none of it good. They should not just quietly get away with this travesty.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    ...Many small donations can make a big difference, as shown by Bernie Sanders. ...
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 02-25-2016 at 01:18 PM.
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  49. TopTop #116
    joloseb's Avatar

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification

    Name:  photo.jpg
Views: 1177
Size:  2.2 KB
    Gualala Spring 2016!
    People get ready, Save the Redwoods of our Sonoma County Natural Heritage before it's gone !

    Large Scale Logging slated for this 'summer' 2016 all along lower Gualala River watershed.
    Gualala river park system was outbid by outside exploitive logging profiteers on this part of the river.

    Camp, Enjoy Nature, Recreate, and Protect the Forest. Occupy, monitor, publicize, and RESIST!
    Gualala Spring 2016!

    Interactive Maps showing the terrible extent of the proposed THPs (timber harvest plans):

    Gualala Spring 2016!

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  51. TopTop #117

    Re: Contesting the Approved Santa Rosa Courthouse Square Reunification


    Redwood dreams
    EDITOR: It is with sadness that I have observed the trees being removed from the Santa Rosa downtown square. My father, landscape architect Leland Noel, had a certain legacy in mind for “the city designed for living” when he had these redwood trees planted. His dream was shade for the children. His dream was shelter for bird song. His dream was laughter of family and celebration of community coming together under them. I know he would be disappointed in the decisions that resulted in the killing of these magnificent giants, sequoia sempervirens. We have all lost something extremely precious.
    Santa Rosa
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  53. TopTop #118
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    CHANGE: RAISING FUNDS for Email-Blast & Mail Campaign Santa Rosa Courthouse Square

    Hello everyone!

    UPDATE to fundraising strategy and a request for volunteers and one coordinator.

    We would be ever so grateful for this short-term request of volunteerism. We have much time into this ourselves. Our BIG attempt to demand democracy in allowing a peoples vote (not City Council's) for Courthouse Square funding.


    For now the fundraising strategy has changed from requesting donations for legal fees to requesting donations for a media email blast campaign to Santa Rosa homeowners and renters. We mention renters not only because their vote has been denied as the rest of Santa Rosans, but because they are pressuring City Council to refrain from Courthouse Square on different cause. You see, they NEED the money allocated to alleviate the critical housing shortage in Santa Rosa.

    We will seriously look at a snail mail campaign as well. If we do this, we HAVE AN OFFER to make to a good graphic artist to donate design of the mailer-postcard and email blast template. That is, free piggy-back advertisement on our outgoing mailer piece reaching thousand of homes. We have no issue with a small graphic related advertisement on the outgoing mailer, so long as it does no take away from the campaign message. As for the email blast: it will come with metrics for measurement, like click through, open rate, and actual time spent reading the email. Total cost for all = $4,500. Though, we could sure use some help from anyone who wants to price out other email and snail mail blast services for cost comparison. Please feel free to contact us and we can send you a link to the type of service we're looking for to make it easy to shop around.

    So why NO lawsuit?

    The short answer is that we can indeed use a lawsuit to stop the Courthouse Square. However, we think that with the time we have remaining before City Council attempts to pass a resolution for funding, that it would be better to use donated funds to demographically target Santa Rosan's who will object most to the $10 million dollar funding of Courthouse Square. In the long run, Santa Rosa residents are the support we will need no matter what. So why not educate them now?

    Lastly, if anyone is interested in lending a hand with whatever small amount of time and talent you may have, we'd be deeply appreciative the gesture. Take heart that this campaign will not last for an indefinite amount of time. Wheeew right? For we have a specific time-line to meet in order to achieve our goal.

    The good news is that we have two editors who have contacted us. One through Waccobb and the other outside. Many thanks in advance to Colleen and Janet should the need arise. We're not sure what editing comes with the email blast purchase package, so give us a little time to sort this out.

    We need two signature gatherers in downtown Courthouse Square. We will train and supply materials in a heart-beat. Its easy to understand. Qualities of a good signature gatherer is someone who is respectful when prospective signers say "no". Does not engage in argumentative debate, and are drama and hyperbole free. And lastly being sharp on one's game; well spoken and good clean attire goes a long way!

    Lastly, we need social media novices or experts who would donate time spreading the word about the cause for the Courthouse Square project so that Santa Rosa citizens may exercise their choice for the Square by VOTE! Places like Facebook,, Twitter. Please give us your ideas!

    Thank you for your support!
    Last edited by Barry; 02-26-2016 at 12:35 PM.
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  55. TopTop #119
    Jennifer Novascone's Avatar
    Jennifer Novascone

    LETTER Sent to City of Santa Rosa Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Debbi Lauchner


    Hello Ms. Lauchner,

    Below is a link to information regarding use of COP's as reviewed by the Placer County Grand Jury. The review and subsequent report was generated from a public complaint in 2001-2002. I'm sending this report to you because it exemplifies our public concerns. It confirms our stance and or fears over use of COP's as a form of finance for municipalities and when inadequate public participation results in fiscal controversy.

    Also, we have Cc:d this email to the CAB... Santa Rosa "Community Advisory Board". We are attempting to educate them as well so they are better able to convey our community input and concerns to Santa Rosa City Council. As a side-note: we have proposed to CAB to place on their agenda an opportunity for our group to present an easy to understand slide show-speech about Certificates of Participation.

    We want to achieve a goal of educating CAB to influence City Council to:

    --- Use the Santa Rosa City Charter Section 10 and 28 to enable the citizens of Santa Rosa to participate in the financial decision making process of Courthouse Square. Notably, we want for public participation to the maximum level of public awareness through news media, that which City Council should provide, since the funding mechanism of "Certificates of Participation" is complex and not easily conveyed in public hearings, study sessions and the like.

    --- We would like this participation to show itself in the same manner as City Council allowed for transparency and public participation for the design review of Courthouse Square. These methods are:

    --- Public survey... not sure which form, perhaps Internet or by mail, which ever is known for achieving the highest participation and best metrics to measure results.

    --- Retroactive public hearings, study sessions, special meetings, downtown subcommittee meetings, 1st and 2nd community meetings, and CIP meetings for Courthouse Square. All this for the lost opportunity (precious time) of public participation to give public comment and participation to the finance aspects of Courthouse Square.

    We think it's reasonable to ask for this, since the same weight of public participation was given to the ethics, transparency and disclosure of design review for Courthouse Square. We strongly plea for retroactive consideration. We think that City Charter sections 10 and 28 will validate our plea. We think that citizens were not given due process through City Charter for public participation via CAB and CIP at the time it was necessary for a public review-full disclosure of the finance methods for Courthouse Square. Retroactive status would go back as far as September 22, 2015 or earlier when talks of finance of Courthouse Square were taking place.

    For example:

    Guideline 17 page 41 of the CDIAC primer for use of COP's, aka, "Certificates of Participation", as well as, the Placer County Grand Jury Complaint Review of use of COPs, state that it is widely known that the public has long been left out of full disclosure in COP funding. The inadequate of disclosure by local governments has led to a public distrust of COP's to fund city projects. Thus, we think this substantiates further the reasonableness of our concerns for full public disclosure of COP finance of Courthouse Square before City Council votes for a resolution.

    We citizens are in an emergency mode to attempt to influence City Council to pay attention to the fiduciary and moral duty of ethics and transparency it upholds for the interests of the citizens it represents.

    Lastly, by continually reaching out the City Council with our concerns to the finance of Courthouse Square, our group is doing its civic duty for all of Santa Rosa citizens to strongly state that we are ringing the alarm bell. We want to document to City Council and other outside entities who may assist us, that we are taking and have taken all the necessary steps to enact our civic responsibilities to gain City Councils cooperation.

    We thank you for your patience and support with this matter.

    DEFINITION COPs for Waccobb readers:

    A Participation Certificate (PC) (also known as a Certificate of Participation) is a financial instrument, a form of financing, used by municipal or government entities which allows an individual to buy a share of the lease revenue of an agreement made by these entities.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-26-2016 at 12:36 PM.
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  57. TopTop #120
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: CHANGE: RAISING FUNDS for Email-Blast & Mail Campaign Santa Rosa Courthouse Square

    Jennifer, Thank you for sticking with this, "like a dog with a bone". I resonate with your determination and dedication.

    I have a background in marketing, advertising and print design, although it's been a number of years since I had clients, I would be happy to evaluate any forthcoming designs, for potentially effective results. I've worked with many graphic artists, and have needed to educate most of them about designs that produce the desired results. Creativity is wonderful and appreciated. However, in a campaign like this where reaching the goal is not just desirable, but critical, it's important to evaluate in terms of
    potential effectiveness of the message.

    I can usually spot an ad that's not effective, and I built a business around this skill. I've even contacted Wacco advertisers, and found that they weren't getting results. (even graphic artists!)

    If this ends up being a snail mail campaign, it will be extremely critical. Email is flexible in that the message can be modified, and won't be as costly.

    So, I'm offering this skill gained from many years. I do editing on a regular basis, in addition to marketing consulting. I don't promote this service, but get referrals, and can provide testimonials if desired.

    Also, I would offer to promote the message on social media. Normally, I'd volunteer to coordinate, but there may be someone else more qualified and with more energy. I'd be happy to be a support person to a coordinator.
    Last edited by Barry; 02-26-2016 at 12:37 PM.
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