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  1. TopTop #211
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I see helmet laws in much the same way as I see seat belt laws. These laws don't protect anyone but ourselves, but I can see them mandated for children under 16, since we're responsible for their safety.

    They are different in the nature of "how" we're being mandated to "protect" ourselves. One is by use of a outside device, the other is by use of injections. You may not see a difference, and care more about helmet mandates than vaccine mandates. You do have a choice about whether or not to use a helmet. All you're risking is a ticket or a head injury, and maybe death, but at least you have a choice. No one is going to strap you down and put a helmet on you whenever you choose to ride your bike or motorcycle. Mandated vaccines will be forced on everyone, whether they want them or not.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    ok, then while you're at it, can you add helmet laws and drunk-driving-at-0.8% laws to your list? we already have laws allowing drunk drivers who cause harm to be prosecuted, and what the hell is the justification for helmet laws anyway? missing helmets don't hurt anyone else. I don't really care one way or the other about vaccines - my precious bodily fluids aren't precious anymore and haven't been for a while - but I'm dead serious that the other two are just as invalid laws and are unquestioned by most people.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  3. TopTop #212
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Since you disagree that vaccines cause harm, can you site proof of this? Also, why would billions have been paid for vaccine harm when there actually has been none? I'd like to get on the opposite side of this issue., and be able to trust that mandated vaccines are for my benefit. Can you convince me?

    As for banning semi-automatic weapons, that might not be effective, since those who want them can get them with the right connections and enough money. This doesn't mean I'd be opposed to banning them, but like the "war on drugs" it might prove ineffective.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    Thank you Mr. Fish. I keep coming back to my previous point about gun control. Would it be fair to say that ALL anti-vaxxers would oppose banning semi-automatic weapons (or whatever they're called)? ...
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  5. TopTop #213
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    The fact that vaccines cause harm in some people is not even up for debate. Even the CDC admits this. All you need to do is take a look at the product insert for any vaccine and you will find a long list of warnings, contraindications, and adverse effects - some very severe. And take a look at the the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Some people are genetically predisposed to vaccine injury, but the terrifying thing about this bill is that there are no tests to determine who will be damaged from vaccines.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    *I imagine some of you will say that vaccines have been proven to do harm. We disagree.

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  7. TopTop #214
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    "Even if we don't prevail today, we will have lawsuits and the lawsuits will allow us to have discovery and we get to subpoena people, and they have no idea the shit storm that is coming! They will become victims of their own legislation."

    I love this, I've believed for a long time that they will eventually hang themselves with their own deceit and power mongering. I think that day is almost here.

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  9. TopTop #215
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    It is true that helmet laws are about protecting the person who is wearing it according to the state's perception, and I agree that needs to be a personal decision rather then state mandated just like seat belts, but that has nothing to do with the state mandating vaccines that are injuring and killing children with an autism rate that is soaring, 'protecting' them only by falsified corporate statistics...forcing toxins into the little ones' bodies who are not prepared for an attack on the immune system at such young ages...actually any age as far as I'm concerned.

    And all your posts have supported vaccines arguing with any sources that showed differently, so it's interesting you would say that you don't care one way or another.

    I wonder if you have subjugated yourself to the 48 shots that are recommended for children 6 and under. I asked you (and the other 'gratitude' bunch that like your posts on vaccines) if this has happened both on 5/31 and in March. No one has answered as of yet.

    Do you have children? Have you ever seen a child seizure from vaccines? Probably not. I have. I have seen many vaccine-injured children and adults.

    So by attempting to minimize the issue by saying how the state mandates laws that are said to protect a person but infringe on them, does nothing but divert the seriousness of what is happening to our children's health through mandatory vaccines...and what can happen to us next as it may soon happen to the child-care workers besides the children.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    ok, then while you're at it, can you add helmet laws and drunk-driving-at-0.8% laws to your list? we already have laws allowing drunk drivers who cause harm to be prosecuted, and what the hell is the justification for helmet laws anyway? missing helmets don't hurt anyone else. I don't really care one way or the other about vaccines - my precious bodily fluids aren't precious anymore and haven't been for a while - but I'm dead serious that the other two are just as invalid laws and are unquestioned by most people.
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  11. TopTop #216

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    we have a two party political system. republicans are consistently voting against this bill, perhaps for the reason, medical choice, which you hold dear. if a quarter of the democrats broke rank the bill would die. voting green encourages democrats to stay together. cross party alliances on wedge issues like mandated medical care shake up the status quo far more often than third party popularity.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HolisticKids: View Post
    The CA Democratic party made a resolution to support this bill. The democrats are fully invested in controlling our health care choices - completely bought by big pharma. I was a democrat for many years, then switched to Green Party about 10-15 years ago. I am sick of the democrats and their hypocrisy. Does everyone know that Hillary Clinton has big-time Monsanto financial ties and is determined to stop GMO labelling and provide Monsanto with everything they want? And she is fully behind big pharma's vaccinate every American campaign.

    Since when does being progressive mean endorsing forced compliance with a medicine procedure? These democrats have to go.

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  12. TopTop #217
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by sharingwisdom: View Post
    .... all your posts have supported vaccines arguing with any sources that showed differently, so it's interesting you would say that you don't care one way or another.

    I wonder if you have subjugated yourself to the 48 shots that are recommended for children 6 and under. I asked you (and the other 'gratitude' bunch that like your posts on vaccines) if this has happened both on 5/31 and in March. No one has answered as of yet.

    Do you have children? Have you ever seen a child seizure from vaccines? Probably not. I have. I have seen many vaccine-injured children and adults.
    just to answer direct questions:

    if there's a theme to my posts, it's that I find the certainty of the anti-vax crowd offputting and I find their arguments sometimes worth pursuing but inconclusive. I prefer public policy to be based on the mainstream of science, regardless of their occasional conflicts of interest. I'm following it because I'm interested and open to changing my mind, but anecdotes and outliers are nothing more than additional data points, not definitive in themselves.
    I say I don't care much - which should be obvious because I haven't studied with enough detail to engage with real researchers. In effect, I'm delegating (*) that responsibility to representatives and instead deciding on their trustworthiness, I guess. Frankly, I think most people are doing that too but aren't willing to recognize it.

    And of course I'm sympathetic to those harmed, and I don't deny there are some - many, considering the size of the population. I'm equally sympathetic to those who've related stories of disease-related horrors. I've never seen any convincing claims that the numbers of those two unfortunate classes are equal. And relying on images of those who are hurt takes the argument to the level of those in front of abortion clinics with pictures of a dead fetus. It attempts to overwhelm reason with emotion, and is a tactic that discredits the case of those employing it.

    (*) by the way, for those misinterpreting that term: 'delegate' doesn't mean abdicate - I use it in the sense of a manager who trusts representatives to do the detail work and present summaries of the relevant issues along with qualified conclusions. It's most definitely NOT blind trust in authority.
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  14. TopTop #218
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Your response indicates "just to answer direct questions", but I don't actually see that you have. Can you point me to those I've missed?
    Last edited by thedaughter; 06-11-2015 at 01:41 PM.
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  15. TopTop #219
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Your response indicates "just to answer direct questions", but I don't actually see that you have. Can you point me to those I've missed?
    oops. Missed the personal testimonial part.. I had too much fun with the idea part.
    anyway, yeah, I have kids. They're fairly grown up, weren't raised as livestock exactly but did get all the shots and reasonable but not excessive care. So did I as far as I know - I'm scared of needles but on occasion I've had flu shots. And no, I haven't seen a kid in seizure from a shot. I've seen kids in a seizure who've had shots, so maybe I'm slower to draw the cause-and-effect than some.
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  16. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  17. TopTop #220
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Mainstream science seems to be corporate-owned science these days. Why are the whistleblowers risking their lives and careers (even big Pharma reps) to come forward in what isn't science at all...just twisted and fabricated pseudo research using tax payers money? And your definition of real researchers is...??? Nazi, Fritz ter Meer was found guilty of slavery and mass murder, served only 7 years in prison and went on to become the Chairman of the Board of Bayer in 1956. You still trust vaccines? No agenda there.
    Even Ralph Nader decries how big Business has taken control.

    Wow, trusting our representatives to do detail work with qualified conclusions...hmmm...who qualifies them? Which lobbyist bought them? the reps pass fracking & TPP (hopefully not but will know tomorrow), pay off Wall Street, start new wars, lie about Iraq, fund Israel, support torture, kill our own citizens with drones, and on and on. The House of Rep says that EPA must take advise from industry shills not independent scientists...can it get any clearer?

    And you didn't take those 48 vaccines because you're afraid of the needle but want babies to have them and think it's fine?? Didn't you know that they have great combos now...try the 13 vaccines in one to get you going so you only have to have one shot and are 1/4th done. Six Month-Old Baby Dies Just Five Days After Receiving 13 Vaccines

    And maybe those disease-related stories come from pro-vax crowd offputting and is a tactic employing it, or getting the disease due to the vaccines or being around those who shed from the vaccines. And relying on those images of those who get the disease just might be too overwhelming and emotionally based too... huh?

    So I wonder if people often don't see what they don't want to see, because if the underbelly was exposed, it might feel emotionally overwhelming.

    "There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." - Dr. J. Anthony
    Morris (formerly Chief Vaccine Control Officer at the US Federal Drug Admin.)

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by podfish: View Post
    just to answer direct questions:
    Last edited by Barry; 06-12-2015 at 06:14 PM.
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  19. TopTop #221
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Looks like they may vote on SB277 today or this weekend, and then pass it on to Jerry Brown to sign into law. I have no doubt now that they will pass this law. From the beginning, it was never intended for this to go through due process in our legislature the way bills are supposed to.

    The good news is that this bill has created a lot of awareness about vaccines that didn't exist before. And they have "awoken the mommies". The awakened, empowered parents are not going away. Hundreds of thousands across the country are currently coming together to stand up for medical freedom. There are bills like this in about 30 other states, and there is the federal bill that effects everyone. And also the upcoming ones that force vaccines on adults. As more people understand what is happening, more will wake up and it will get to the point where they can't ignore us.

    I've shifted into a positive outlook that the lawsuits will soon begin and this criminal campaign will be seen in the light of day. And more of the truth will come out in court. And the media can no longer black it out.

    Truth, love, freedom, health and well-being will prevail!

    Last edited by Barry; 06-13-2015 at 01:53 PM.
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  21. TopTop #222

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Against SB277: Uphold the Constitution Petition

    “When People fear their government, there is tyranny. When government fears the People, there is liberty.” -Thomas Jefferson

    Dear Allies,
    We are about to embark on a very exciting and promising endeavor. We have seen that playing their game has not gotten us where we should be. And so it is time to step outside of their matrix. We, the People, DEMAND that those who serve Us uphold The Oath they swore to the United States and the California Constitutions.

    We ask that you RISE UP with us and claim back your Rights as established in our great US Constitution. Join us in petitioning our legislators to uphold their sacred Oath and demand that they address and resolve our concerns.

    ➤➤ WE WILL BE HAND DELIVERING THIS PETITION TO ALL 120 Legislators and our Governor on MONDAY, June 15th, so they are forewarned before they vote. This action will only be effective if 1000s of people sign this petition and share it.

    Do not hesitate.

    “We, the People” is not just an expression. It is the phrase that our founding fathers chose to define the true Sovereigns of this Nation, namely, We, the People of America, from whom ALL political power is derived. We then delegated limited Constitutional authority to government to serve us.

    In today’s America, because of false education, teachings, political maneuvering, propaganda, and for countless other reasons, many people think that it is the People who must serve government. That is not how our Nation was created, and that is not the law. Please understand this: Our government, created by the People, serves us. It does so pursuant to the Constitution, oaths taken to it, and the limited powers delegated by it to government. That is the extent of government’s legal and lawful power. Anything beyond that is usurpation of power, without authority, insurrection and sedition, and possibly, treason. Our Constitution is now and has been, for many years, the only thing that has kept this Nation from outright tyranny. Our duty is to protect it so it can protect us.

    ✸ Mark Twain once said: “In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man — brave — hated — scorned. When his cause succeeds, however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” ✸

    The overwhelming majority of American People have been asleep, disinterested, too busy or too timid to take action. That recognition could spur them to awaken to their personal responsibilities, become that Patriot, and take effective action against those who would ruin this great Nation.
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  23. TopTop #223
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by intheflow88: View Post

    Against SB277: Uphold the Constitution Petition
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  25. TopTop #224
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    To make an intelligent decision about any course of action one first looks at all of the published data to determine the risks ... I was alarmed to read this today ...

    Government Wipes Recent Vaccine Injury Data from Website
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  27. TopTop #225
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    From the Sacramento Bee ...

    Drug companies donated millions to California lawmakers before vaccine debate
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  29. TopTop #226

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    > Subject: Call for investigation into drug co. payments to Sen. Pan And Speaker Atkins
    > Reply-To: "Autism Action Network"
    > CA: Call for investigation into payments to Pan and Atkins
    > Take Action!
    > Call Cal AG Harris and US Attorney Wagner
    > A small miracle occurred: a major corporate news outlet has actually done some real reporting on the mountains of money from drug companies that is the driving force behind SB 277. Reporter Jim Miller of the Sacramento Bee dug into the readily available public records on campaign contributions to California legislators and found the number one recipient was none other than SB 277 author State Senator Richard Pan, who received more than $95,000 just since 2013. Right behind Pan is Speaker of the Assembly Toni Atkins at more than $90,000.
    > We are calling upon California Attorney General, and announced US Senate Candidate, Kamala Harris and Benjamin B. Wagner, US Attorney for the Eastern District of California, to launch investigations into what appears to be an obvious quid pro quo of fee for service among our elected officials.
    > Please click on the Take Action link to send a message to Attorney General Harris and US Attorney Wagner asking for investigations into the pattern of payments by drug companies followed by legislation from Pan, Atkins and others that are enormously lucrative for the drug companies.
    > Please call Attorney General Kamala Harris office and request an investigation at Phone: (916) 445-9555
    > And Please call US Attorney Benjamin B. Wagner and request a federal inquiry at (916) 554-2700
    > Read the article here:
    > Please share this message with friends and family, and please post to social networks. And if you would like to receive news and Action Alerts from the Autism Action Network please signup at
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  31. TopTop #227

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Recall efforts spurred by SB277 corruption

    Repost by: venusian9

    Ever since SB277 was introduced, I've been grumbling that "someone ought to recall" Pan and others who advocate forced medical procedures without informed consent. Well, hallelujah! "Someone" has started the process. Below is their statement of intent:

    It is time we send a clear message to lawmakers – these are our kids, not yours. If you try to take away our rights as parents, we will try to take away your rights as lawmakers.

    As you already know, parents and children here in California are up against big money pharmaceutical companies, medical associations, doctors and politicians with seemingly endless amounts of campaign cash from special interest donors.

    We want everyone to be safe and healthy and our organization is NOT anti-vaccine.

    We believe that it should be up to the parent to decide what is best, and when, for each child based on receiving factual and non-hysterical health information.

    Tell all your friends, family and fellow-travelers about this recall effort, aimed at sending a message to our "representatives" in the legislature. It's a long-overdue step, one which will help restore balance between genuine public benefit and blatant corporate welfare.

    PS On Monday or ASAP please call Call Cal Attorney General Harris and US Attorney Wagner on my previous post.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-22-2015 at 11:08 AM.
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  33. TopTop #228

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Against SB277: Rally - United against SB277

    Posted by: "Christina Hildebrand

    Update: The Assembly could vote as soon as tomorrow (Monday) at which point
    it will go back to the senate for concurrence as soon as Thursday and could
    be on the Governor's desk by Friday.

    We are having another critical rally up in Sacramento. The focus of this
    one is to bring out the African American and Latino community - united in
    our fight. I know it has been hard for many in these two groups to make it
    to Sacramento of financial reasons, but if there is a time for them to come
    it is this Thursday, so please encourage them.

    Thanks and see you there!

    Christina Hildebrand
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  34. TopTop #229

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Berkeley Press Conference: Constitutionality of SB277
    Posted by: "Christina Hildebrand" Please attend or listen.

    WHAT: Press conference to discuss the legal implications and
    constitutionality of the proposed Senate Bill 277
    (conducted in English, Spanish,
    and Russian)
    WHEN: Monday, June 22, 2015, 11:00 am-12:00 pm
    WHERE: Historic Berkeley City Hall, 2134 Martin Luther King Jr. Way,
    California 94704 OR listen to the livestream
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  36. TopTop #230
    Glia's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thank you for posting this. It is good news on this issue, for once! You should cross-post it or move it to the Political Action Alerts section.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by intheflow88: View Post
    > Subject: Call for investigation into drug co. payments to Sen. Pan And Speaker Atkins
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  37. TopTop #231
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Since you " want everyone to be safe and healthy and are not anti vaccine", please explain how, should the mandatory bill be defeated, you intend to make that happen. It sounds to me it will take an intense, voluntary and very expensive effort and I am looking forward to your spelling out in exacting detail, your personal and financial commitment..
    Thank you, Gypsey.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by intheflow88: View Post
    ...We want everyone to be safe and healthy and our organization is NOT anti-vaccine. .... ...
    Last edited by Barry; 06-23-2015 at 01:33 PM.
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  38. TopTop #232

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Against SB277: Page 5 of the SacBee
    A Voice for Choice is running a series of political cartoons in the Sac Bee
    this week. The first is on page 5a today.

    Donate to Defeat SB277 Now!
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  40. TopTop #233

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Against SB277: Update and to-dos

    from Christina Hildebrand

    Well as expected the Assembly passed SB277 on the floor on Thursday. Although I will say it was by a closer margin than we thought and there were a few Democrats that broke party lines and lead to a really good discussion on the floor. They passed it by 46 to 31 with 3 abstentions. They needed 40 votes to pass it, so we lost by 7!

    We had an amazing rally afterwards. You can view the live stream below

    So where do we go now…First and foremost we need to get the petitions signed by as many as possible…

    1. Call and Fax Governor Brown’s office and ask him to Veto SB277: Phone: (916) 445-2841

    2. Sign the petition asking Governor Brown's to Veto SB277:
    Sign Petition to Veto SB277

    3. Sign the petition telling our Legislature to uphold their
    Constitutional Oath because SB277, SB792 and AB1117 are unconstitutional:
    Sign Petition to Uphold the Constitution -

    4. Donate to A Voice for Choice so we can get the legal suits and
    referendum set up. ( THANK YOU!!!




    Last edited by Barry; 06-28-2015 at 12:30 PM.
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  42. TopTop #234

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    VETO SB277: Tweet tweet tweet

    (If you don't know the first thing about Twitter, please pass this on to someone who does and Facebook).

    We have created a Twitter Campaign that we need everyone who is on twitter to do so it goes viral. Here is what you need to do (to have the greatest impact, it is important not to deviate from the instructions). Also DO NOT post on twitter instructions to do this, because we want to keep it clean there. Once we get enough people doing it, people will work out what they need to do. I am hoping these two groups will be the catalyst for it.

    Wear a white shirt (preferably).

    On a piece of paper, write


    Take a selfie with that piece of paper

    Tweet the picture with

    #HearUs VETO #SB277 @JerryBrownGov

    Then retweet any followers that do the same

    Let’s get this viral.




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  43. TopTop #235

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    (Courtesy posting with my full support of urgent and critical info being gathered and relayed by intheflow88)


    Name:  YHYC banner.jpg
Views: 899
Size:  10.9 KB

    Three Bills to Be Voted On This Week: SB 277, SB 792, and AB 1117
    This is not just about parental rights. It is about the many initiatives being pushed in the State of California and all across the United States, measures that seek to erode our rights to bodily sanctity and personal freedoms. We must look at the bigger picture; every step we take is gained ground. Contact governor Brown NOW, REPEATEDLY! Phone calls, emails, faxes, Tweets, letters, postcards, anything and everything you can think of. Keep it simple, respectful, and focused on CA’s equal right to education and the constitutionality of the bill. Then contact your senator and do the same.


    Petition Governor Brown



    SB 792: Tuesday June 30 Assembly Health Committee
    SB 792 is the first open-ended ADULT vaccine mandate, requiring 7 shots of 3 vaccines for child care workers: measles, pertussis and flu (though measles and pertussis are delivered in the combo MMR and TDaP).
    Please call, email, fax, Tweet all Assembly Health members. Demand they amend the bill.
    Talking Points:
    • SB 792 must include either the same opt-out as the Healthcare Worker Exemption, and/or Religious Exemption.
    • There must be a mechanism for informed consent on the contraindications for pre pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation for all three vaccines (found on vaccine inserts).
    • Demand the State pick up all costs associated with meeting the mandate that are not covered by insurance. Otherwise child care facilities will be overburdened.
    State Capital to rally for health freedom:

    AB 1117 Wednesday, July 1 Senate Health Committee
    Why push a mandate when you can pay off the doctors? AB 1117 sets up a Medi-Cal fund to give cash incentives to planned care and health care providers for fully vaccinating children under 2 years of age.
    Please call, email, fax, Tweet all Senate Health members.
    Talking Points:
    • Informed consent is paramount, and incentivizing inherently risky medical procedures violates this global standard.
    • Discriminates by targeting low-income families
    • AB 1117 has the potential to further restrict Medical Exemptions since it gives cash incentives to health care providers for vaccinating.
    The rally for this one too:

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  44. TopTop #236

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    (Courtesy posting with my full support of urgent and critical info being gathered and relayed by intheflow88)

    Name:  VFC 3.png
Views: 880
Size:  21.2 KB

    Twitter and FB livestream feed of 24/7 Vigil against SB277

    What: As part of the #HearUs Movement a person, wearing white, will stand vigil 24/7, outside the Capital until Governor Brown vetoes SB277. They will stand there as an icon reminding Legislators that we are keeping vigil on them, and requesting the Governor to #HearUs and to Veto #SB277. This will be livestreamed 24/7. After a press conference, Otto Coleman, Ella McCauley, Nathan Pearce and a number of other children, who will be denied access to the schools they love if SB277 passes, will deliver petitions signed by over 50,000 California Residents, as well as close to 3,000 letters addressed to the Governor asking him to Veto SB277. They will also deliver a second petition, with over 10,000 signatures, asking Governor Brown to uphold his constitutional oath and Veto SB277.

    Why: To request the Governor Veto SB277 because it is unconstitutional and goes against Governor Brown’s previously stated ethics. He has been known to veto bills, such as for mandatory ski helmets and mandatory kindergarten, stating that “I believe parents have the ability and responsibility to make good choices for their children.” We ask that he grant the same beliefs when it comes to our children’s health care and education.

    Who: Children, whose parents are a part of A Voice For Choice, and a number of other organizations, including, but not limited to, Our Kids Our Choice, California Coalition for Vaccine Choice, Awake California and the California Coalition for Health Choice, will be delivering the petitions and letters.

    Parents, grandparents and citizens from across California will be standing vigil as part of the #HearUs Movement.

    Where: Press Conference - North Steps, Capital Sacramento (Possible change to Capital Press Room, if available), and then proceed to Governor Brown’s office. Vigil – L Street Sidewalk by Capital Parking Garage Entrance

    When: BeginningMonday, June 29, 2015, 2pm PST, and ongoing

    Spread the word…

    This is where the live stream will be posted – starting around 3pm PST today. Please help to get these freedom fighters followed and liked and out to the masses. #HearUs @JerryBrownGov VETO #SB277

    Also please like/follow A Voice for Choice

    We're looking for volunteers to come to the capitol at some point this week for 4 hour shifts- only 2 hours will be actively standing vigil, the other 2 hours will be spent being present for whomever is there standing vigil so they have someone to speak on their behalf in case they are approached, and to keep tabs on the live stream camera.

    If you can be part of this and can get to Sacramento we will have security with us from dusk to dawn.
    Please email me directly.
    [email protected]
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  45. TopTop #237
    HolisticKids's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Governor Brown has signed SB277 into law. We now live in a fascist state where our government dictates what vaccines are injected into our children's fragile, developing bodies. This was a life-or-death fight for freedom and most of the people whom it affects don't know that this is now law. Although I'm truly worried about the future of our children, I do think the answer is to create home school networks or independent schools where children can be healthy and be free to learn critical thinking and creative expression.

    feeling heartbroken.
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  46. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  47. TopTop #238

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Name:  445,233,982.png
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  48. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  49. TopTop #239
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HolisticKids: View Post
    ... I do think the answer is to create home school networks or independent schools where children can be healthy and be free to learn critical thinking and creative expression.
    believe it or not, I'm sympathetic to those of you who feel disempowered by the government taking coercive action. I don't think that means they were wrong to do so. And I think your vision of home schools as a place to learn critical thinking isn't backed up by the facts - unless you mean 'critical' in the sense of 'in opposition' as opposed to being guided by evidence. You true believers are unshakable in your conviction that your research gives you insight into a truth that the rest of us are either to ignorant or lazy or bought-off to understand. Maybe so, but the other explanation is that the 'popular wisdom' is based on more evidence than are the fringe points of view - which statistically, the anti-vaxxers are.
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  50. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  51. TopTop #240

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Name:  hitler2.png
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    SB277 PASSED

    Forced toxic injections from the most corrupt government in history and people lining themselves and their kids up for them with an arrogant holier than thou smile without any hesitation or question.

    WOW. This is a repugnant and gruesomely foreboding day.
    Name:  hitler3.png
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    Hitler would be smiling.

    Without a revolution now, we will soon lose the rest of the freedom and rights America was once so proud of.

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  52. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

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