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  1. TopTop #31
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    This proves only that there are two sides to this coin, as there are with any issue.

    A new neighbor moved in next door a few weeks ago. He is obviously disabled, but I didn't know by what until we spoke a few days ago. He has caretakers come every day. He was affected by the polio vaccine as a child, and has many physical and mental issues. So, he didn't get polio, but he got something that destroyed his health.
    He has a trust, but I don't know if it's vaccine compensation or not.

    I wouldn't make a any serious decision based on one incident or one piece of information. But many people do. Life presents many dangers, and all we can do is be informed with facts as much as possible, keeping in mind that facts can and will be skewed by the informant. So, being aware of the source is important. Even then, sources we believe in, like our church, our doctor, our vet for example, may have a hidden agenda.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Goat Rock Ukulele: View Post
    I couldn't agree more. My mind was made on the issue when I did a job for a couple who at one time were against vaccines. They had a ten year old son who in the 1980s right here in Santa Rosa got polio at the age of 3 or 4 His body was basically a round ball, he couldn't stand too much light, he was a real mess and always would be thanks to the foolishness of his parents. You talk about heartache they lived it every day as they attended him.
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  3. TopTop #32

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    mostly i read news and yes i most appreciate sources which challenge my knowledge and assumptions. easy to find in this info age. arthunter's links i have looked at many times. the one you include is similar to others i've read, yes we pay plenty for adverse vaccine reactions, adds up too 3 billion! i've also looked at many links people have shared to support vaccination. it's a complex story and there are many questions where more research is needed. one reason i think the vacist (thats vaccine fascist) strategy is a mistake is that the present situation where people have choice is such a research goldmine. the fact data for adverse vaccine reactions is not collected by the cdc is a huge red flag. so many scientific medical recommendations have been changed after further research into health results.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Do you really watch news from sources you don't agree with? Please share those with us. Seems like there's hardly enough time to watch those sources that we most likely agree with. Do you read all the information presented here on WaccoBB that are in opposition to your beliefs? Can you share those, and what you've learned?

    Are you checking out the information listed by ArtHunter?: For example: (this is just the latest one)
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  5. TopTop #33

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    my chosen assumption is that people usually have good intent and are the most complex part of a complicated world, duality just doesn't do us justice. also i willingly assume that all communication is an honest attempt to communicate. so the medical scientists who replaced the mercury with aluminum as vaccine preservatives were doing so because of concerns expressed by parents of autistic kids and their own desire to keep the vaccines available. and the bureaucrats who delayed this change and suppress data on vaccine reactions truly believe these choices were best for overall public health. while i don't dismiss the possibility of conspiracy, i don't see one here. so to take the discussion off into a rpr community might limit the information shared. the history of human health and public health policy is a vast, fascinating, and important from the personal to the global level topic. we need all to figure anything out.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Alex: View Post
    The quick answer - the RPR community is tired of back and forth with people who won't take time to really understand the gravity of the questions we put on the table.

    How many toxic adjuvants, their confirmed damages and ramifications of no required standard testing of long term effects before mass inoculation are you able to discuss intelligently? Have you even bothered to look at adjuvant issues before injecting yourself or your child with them? The pro-vaxxers don't want to talk about it.

    The posts anti-vaxxers have made here aren't just quick fished copies of things that support a rebellious point of view that our egos need to defend. It's questions born of serious homework and great concern that point to an even bigger picture of greater concern. Our questions are ignored by pro-vaxxers and stagnate from having to deal instead with their condescending responses that vaccines are 'harmless', that harm is 'nonexistent' and we are 'embarrassing ourselves' for asking.

    Then the pro-vaxxers post links to mainstream media propaganda - that we don't want or need to argue about anymore either - because it ALSO ignores our questions and we see through it. This pattern happens over and over in all controversial subjects and we don't see this repeating scenario as productive 'sharing' so we want our own club to be able to move forward.

    I think it will become apparent over time that the RPR community will actually make much more balanced, comprehensive progress inclusive of ALL data by ourselves because we really do ignore nothing. Time will tell.
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  7. TopTop #34
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thanks for more clarification on your position. What news sources do you read? Which would you recommend? And, can you share the topics where you've been challenged, and changed your assumptions because of new information you've received?

    In the past few months, many of my assumptions about veterinarians and pet food companies have been challenged so much that I've become an advocate in this area. I've found that even with the evidence about vets/pet food, many pet guardians refuse to accept it, because they want to "trust" their vet and they think that they don't have a choice. And, their vet is so "nice and friendly". As I discover more revealing information, I post in the "pets and other critters" category. I'm now involved in research on yearly mandatory vaccines for pets, beyond the initial ones.

    I understood everything you said except this: "one reason i think the vacist (thats vaccine fascist) strategy is a mistake is that the present situation where people have choice is such a research goldmine." Can you explain this further?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    mostly i read news and yes i most appreciate sources which challenge my knowledge and assumptions. easy to find in this info age. arthunter's links...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-28-2015 at 02:02 PM.
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  9. TopTop #35
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    My belief is that when big money is involved, "good intent" goes by the wayside. "Follow the money" is my guide. I wish that public health was actually a priority, but I see evidence everywhere I look, that it's not.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    my chosen assumption is that people usually have good intent and are the most complex part of a complicated world, duality just doesn't do us justice. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-28-2015 at 02:03 PM.
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  11. TopTop #36

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Rossman, your words are a great illustration of the two mindsets and how little they have to really share with each other. Bluepill wants to make comforting assumptions about government intent and blindly comply, Redpill wants answers to disturbing questions before compliance. Both sides think their world is round, and the other still arguing it's flat.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post chosen assumption is that people usually have good intent...
    Questioners think it's deadly dangerous to make pretty assumptions about anybody in power telling us to obey them after countless examples of their proven corruption, lying, stealing, data manipulation and total absence of good intent.

    Quote ...i willingly assume......the medical scientists who replaced the mercury with aluminum as vaccine preservatives were doing so because of concerns expressed by parents of autistic kids......and the bureaucrats who delayed this change and suppress data on vaccine reactions truly believe these choices were best for overall public health.....
    Nice assumptions, but the serious questions and deadly lies still exist. You know enough? to assume how nice the scientists and CEO's at Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Novartis, Sanofi and Merck are? Do you care about the specific mercury affects or aluminum in a newborn's bloodstream they knew about? You're not showing any interest in those questions or the rest.

    Quote ...while i don't dismiss the possibility of conspiracy, i don't see one here....
    What facts comprise this conclusion? Any of the 100's+ of disturbing facts?

    Quote .... so to take the discussion off into a rpr community might limit the information shared.....
    ??? Why isn't this saying.... 'if you go off by yourself there's going to be missing out on input from people like me.....but I'm not interested in understanding adjuvants, bacteriophages, nanobots, reporting manipulation, autism damage payouts, diploid cells, lab vs wild virus contagion, Bill of Rights ramifications of forced anything..... because big pharma scientists are so nice, they don't mean to hurt me.... "

    Questioners don't want to just argue about whether things should be talked about or not. We want to actually talk.

    Problem is that it takes a lot of work to really understand even one of these complex issues to discuss it intelligently. Would you try something? Take just one issue - adjuvants - read and watch 25 articles and videos on vaccine adjuvants - both sides - and come back and tell us what you learned.
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  13. TopTop #37
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I wanted to add that anyone looking for more info (videos, clips, interviews etc) can find it on PBS' website simply by clicking videos and then doing a search with the word "vaccines."

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    I suggest everyone interested in this subject watch the episode on FRONTLINE (PBS) called Vaccine Wars.

    [Video included! it's HD so zoom to full screen and sit back! Note that it is from 2010 - Barry ]
    Last edited by Barry; 03-29-2015 at 12:19 PM.
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  14. TopTop #38

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    alex your matrix mindset is just too limiting for me. hopefully you get that i share many of the same concerns as you about vaccination and that sb277 sucksass. of course formulating vaccines is a tradeoff, a balance of risk and gain. do you really believe they are a cynical attempt to poison the general population to extract money, reduce population, and weaken our bodies and minds?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Alex: View Post
    Rossman, your words are a great illustration of the two mindsets and how little they have to really share with each other. Bluepill wants to make comforting assumptions about government intent and blindly comply, Redpill wants answers to disturbing questions before compliance. Both sides think their world is round, and the other still arguing it's flat.

    Questioners think it's deadly dangerous to make pretty assumptions about anybody in power telling us to obey them after countless examples of their proven corruption, lying, stealing, data manipulation and total absence of good intent....
    Last edited by Barry; 03-29-2015 at 09:17 AM.
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  16. TopTop #39

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    i agree that money can corrupt both intent and science and understanding the money involved is essential for a wholistic knowledge of the topic. i'm not sure about the vaccine industry. it seems limited to a few large companies who are actively subsidized in production and research because of relatively low profit potential.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    My belief is that when big money is involved, "good intent" goes by the wayside. "Follow the money" is my guide. I wish that public health was actually a priority, but I see evidence everywhere I look, that it's not.
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  17. TopTop #40

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    your posts on pet care have educated and inspired me to be even more raw/organic/herbal for all the animals i care for (1 cat, 2 dogs, 6 goats, 85 chickens !: ). it is frightening to understand the problems with kibble and know how i have poisoned in the past.

    the sebastopol independent charter school has immunization rates below 25%. my 10yr old has had a few shots related to foreign travel and barnyard risks. she and her schoolmates appear to be healthier than the students at other public schools. is this true and why? forcing vaccination would eliminate islands which could make it possible to answer these questions with more depth.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    In the past few months, many of my assumptions about veterinarians and pet food companies have been challenged so much that I've become an advocate in this area. ...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-29-2015 at 12:22 PM.
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  18. TopTop #41
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thank you for acknowledging that my pet posts have helped, and I'm sure that you probably share this information with others who care for animals.

    I'm wondering about how you know that your daughter and her classmates appear to be healthier than students at public schools.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    your posts on pet care have educated and inspired me to be even more raw/organic/herbal for all the animals i care for...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-29-2015 at 12:22 PM.
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  19. TopTop #42
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Low profit potential? Really? Can you provide some sources for this information? It seems so strange that drug companies would even consider doing business if the potential for profit was low. Something about this doesn't ring true in this multi-billion dollar industry, and the billions it pays out in health damages. But, I'm open to knowing more about this.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    i agree that money can corrupt both intent and science and understanding the money involved is essential for a wholistic knowledge of the topic. i'm not sure about the vaccine industry. it seems limited to a few large companies who are actively subsidized in production and research because of relatively low profit potential.
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  21. TopTop #43
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Even if there is no specific intent to poison us, reduce population, or weaken our bodies and minds, there is an intent to extract money, as much as possible. We are just "collateral damage".

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    alex your matrix mindset is just too limiting for me. hopefully you get that i share many of the same concerns as you about vaccination and that sb277 sucksass. of course formulating vaccines is a tradeoff, a balance of risk and gain. do you really believe they are a cynical attempt to poison the general population to extract money, reduce population, and weaken our bodies and minds?
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  22. TopTop #44

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    alex your matrix mindset is just too limiting for me.
    Limiting?? Don't get that at all, but don't need an explanation.

    Quote ... hopefully you get that i share many of the same concerns as you about vaccination and that sb277 sucksass.
    No I didn't, but saying so, your interest here plus being unalarmed about the low vaccinated % at the school, and saying you might investigate the $3B paid in adjuvant damages tells me you might be a bit on the fence and taking a second look at some things.

    Quote ...of course formulating vaccines is a tradeoff, a balance of risk and gain....
    There's another one of those sentences that sounds logical, but again if not what you personally really know, it's another easier to live with assumption. I've seen enough data that I would no longer shrug off vaccines as acceptable risk.

    Quote ... do you really believe they are a cynical attempt to poison the general population to extract money, reduce population, and weaken our bodies and minds? .
    I would say the agendas behind vaccines, and technologically now more than ever, are completely other than what they are sold as being. Besides the easily confirmable ingredient dangers and their suspicious agendas, there's snowballing massive profit but that's not the primary intent. The many faceted agendas of biological weaponry are even more daunting.

    I think forced vaccinations is one of the biggest issues with the most dire ramifications to liberty and health facing everyone alive today and future generations.

    Watch this 4 minute snip of a Department Of Defense lecture on just one gene targeted vaccine application as identified by the University of Kentucky among countless others already mapped and LONG used for targeting. I'm trying to point out how far greater advanced this all is than most people have ANY idea. Genes have been mapped far beyond what you have any clue. You're next.

    Name:  UofK VMAT2.jpg
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    Last edited by Alex; 03-29-2015 at 03:37 PM.
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  24. TopTop #45
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I wasn't sure where to post this YouTube video, so here it is, from
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  26. TopTop #46
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    This is a complex issue and a lot of research is required to decide about vaccine safety ... but the real issue of this thread is whether or not vaccines should be mandatory ... do we allow our government to dictate what risks we should take? ... shouldn't that be up to each and every citizen? .... as long as there are records which verify health damage from vaccines, and there are plenty, how can they be mandated?

    There's been a lot of reporting from the international community about the serious consequences of Bill Gates' vaccine program ... this is hard to verify because it's only being reported by international press ... the American press won't touch it ...

    Judges demand answers after children die in controversial cancer vaccine trial in India

    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-30-2015 at 12:30 PM.
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  28. TopTop #47

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    charters are public schools. as a parent (lots of experience in this life role), i look at mood, engagement, and physical signs to guess how a kid is doing. there are lots of different things that effect wellbeing. at alex's urging i did read a literature review of studies documenting negative effects of vaccine additives. the most interesting part was the experience of the author. she is a professor of paleomicrobiology who was helping her husband develop a sids monitor. the data showed that the funky breathing associated with sudden infant death was associated with vaccination. as soon as they reported this to public health researchers they were shut down.

    if true another example of establishment arrogance. while i choose to believe that public health officials have good intentions, stories like this indicate they don't trust people to care for themselves. understandable given all the stupid stuff we do that makes us sick. i think this prejudice leads to bad policy and research choices, as well as justifying vacist propaganda. vaccination is one of the few success stories of western scientific preventative medicine. so in this reductionist biomechanical world it is clung to, over promoted, and increasing shoved at the populace while any contra indications are squashed. no conspiracy, just arrogance and self blinding stupidity. this is my understanding of the situation.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    ...I'm wondering about how you know that your daughter and her classmates appear to be healthier than students at public schools.
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-30-2015 at 12:41 PM.
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  29. TopTop #48
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    "Besides the easily confirmable ingredient dangers and their suspicious agendas, there's snowballing massive profit but that's not the primary intent. The many faceted agendas of biological weaponry are even more daunting."

    Alex, what DO you think the primary intent is? Is the next sentence about weaponry somehow related to what you believe it is?

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  31. TopTop #49
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I appreciate your information. I can understand how we can compare our unvaccinated children to their vaccinated playmates, but this doesn't give an accurate picture. There are so many variables, and we're only looking at a few kids. It may be true that our kids are healthier because of other factors like food, environment, parenting, etc. I'm not disagreeing with the premise, but it's really a limited perspective to say that unvaccinated kids are healthier than vaccinated ones.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    charters are public schools. as a parent (lots of experience in this life role), i look at mood, engagement, and physical signs to guess how a kid is doing...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-30-2015 at 12:45 PM.
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  32. TopTop #50
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    International cancer vaccine trials are concerning but the issue we folks here in the USA are focusing on is whether or not to mandate vaccinations for our children and the exponential result to the children of the world to prevent recognized, destructive diseases..

    I am 70 years old so I have lived through the "unvaccinated years" and friends who died. I also remember the horror of a tainted polio vaccine and those who were damaged vs the now millions who were protected from that same vaccine.

    I am not sure how I feel about mandatory vaccination, which seems coercive, but I also understand the importance of vaccines here and in the developing world, and wonder why we would want to deny benefit to many to suit a few.

    To sum up, I am a proud proponent of vaccination to prevent disease because I have lived through the consequences of a world without these safeguards.

    To the anti-vaxx people, how many of you have lived in an unvaccinated world?

    Just asking.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by arthunter: View Post
    This is a complex issue and a lot of research is required to decide about vaccine safety ...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-31-2015 at 12:17 PM.
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  34. TopTop #51

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    ...Alex, what DO you think the primary intent is? Is the next sentence about weaponry somehow related to what you believe it is?...
    Sorry if this seems vague but it's so complex. I think the 'primary' intent is the combined political/medical/scientific/military awareness of the huge benefits to them of the sum of the parts, and has fast tracked their aggressive pursuit of more and more that can be packed into this extremely convenient means of inserting controls in all the most fundamental issues of life - health, liberty and money all at once plus the convenience of it's built in reinforcement over and over all life long. When you add the star wars level biological weaponry capability, once you are injected, you are even more of a sitting duck of their will and high-tech triggers and no longer 100% in control of your body or mind for life.

    That said, I agree with Shandi that whatever side you're on, the emphasis and joint efforts right now should be the absolute war against SB277 representing the end of the fundamental American right to 'self determination' - there will be few nail holes left in the coffin of the Bill of Rights after that loss.

    By the way, adults are next. Look up the National Adult Immunization Plan (NAIP) target date of 2020. Obamacare was fast tracked first to organize the tracking of you.

    Name:  2015-03-30_2252.png
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    Last edited by thedaughter; 03-31-2015 at 12:19 PM.
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  36. TopTop #52
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I'm 72, and vaccines have been around longer than I have. I wasn't sure when they were first introduced, so I did a search, and in the meantime saw this: "Vaccines Did Not Save Us"

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    International cancer vaccine trials are concerning...
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  38. TopTop #53
    arthunter's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Another movie coming out about this ....

    Last edited by Barry; 03-31-2015 at 01:20 PM.
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  40. TopTop #54
    kpage9's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Hi Alex,

    you say

    "When you add the star wars level biological weaponry capability, once you are injected, you are even more of a sitting duck of their will and high-tech triggers and no longer 100% in control of your body or mind for life."

    i have two reactions:

    1) if you think anyone is EVER 100% in control of their body or mind for life, can always pretend, i guess, but no way is it true for any of the mere mortals i know.

    2) i still wonder this: in your understanding, who is "they" and what IS their will? Again I think you're giving an awful lot of credit to mere mortals. (The Them as opposed to the Us in #1.)

    but let's see if i followed at least the meaning of your paragraph, pruned of adjectival phrases:
    The intent (of vaccination efforts) is the awareness of the benefits to them of the sum of the parts (which has fast-tracked) their pursuit of this means of inserting controls. And you thus become a helpless victim of their will.

    And further editing the participles out, I THINK we have this: The intent of vaccination is to subjugate us to unspecified but weapons-related purposes.

    THANKS much for tackling an answer, even knowing it was not to a "red pill" comrade.

    Last edited by thedaughter; 04-01-2015 at 12:24 PM.
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  42. TopTop #55

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    of course! and it would be possible to study the question, just difficult, expensive, and time consuming. and no company could make money with the answers, so it won't happen. and yet the data collection on our personal choices continues to expand exponentially, so maybe yes...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    ...I can understand how we can compare our unvaccinated children to their vaccinated playmates, but this doesn't give an accurate picture...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 04-01-2015 at 12:25 PM.
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  44. TopTop #56
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Great Trailer! Former Rep. Dan Burton was at the end of it. In 2002, after his daughter, Danielle Sarkine, had her son immunized with 9 vaccines as recommended, the child developed autism right after. His daughter responds to false statements by WEBMD about what happened...corporate distortions as usual. Rep. Burton helped create the National Vaccine Compensation Program.

    He also talks in the following article how studies are done and the two schools of thought around vaccines and autism. I appreciated his research and showing the flaws that occurred. https://adventuresinautism.blogspot....ngress-on.html

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by arthunter: View Post
    Another movie coming out about this ....
    Last edited by thedaughter; 04-01-2015 at 12:25 PM.
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  46. TopTop #57

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    its unusual for our government to release companies from liability for their product and set up courts to compensate damage from product use, as well as a powerful profit sweetener. i do not know, do the drug companies pay the costs and compensation awarded in vaccine courts or us?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Low profit potential? Really? Can you provide some sources for this information?...
    Last edited by thedaughter; 04-01-2015 at 12:26 PM.
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  48. TopTop #58
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    I just came across this information about the American History of Compulsory Vaccines, and it's ties to Eugenics (I didn't know what that meant. Think Hitler and a master race.):
    Last edited by Barry; 04-02-2015 at 03:05 PM.
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  50. TopTop #59
    sharingwisdom's Avatar

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    There are many corporations that are sued when they aren't peddling vaccines. And Taxpayers are responsible for settlements of the vaccine accountability nor liability for the corporations....which is one of the points...if its such a wonderful thing, then why is their no makes the corporations like Gods. Notice that all of the below companies are also vaccine producers,

    *2005: Serono (now Merck Serono) paid $704 million after pleading guilty to two felony charges for fraudulent marketing related to a growth hormone to treat wasting in HIV patients.
    *2007 Bristol Myers Squibb was fined $515 million in 2007 to settle charges of illegal marketing of Abilify, atypical antipsychotic drug, to child psychiatrists for children and seniors.
    *2007: Purdue Pharma paid $634.5 million for fraudulently misbranding Oxycontin, and suggesting it was less addictive and less abused than other painkillers.
    *In 2009 Eli Lilly was fined $1.4 billion for the illegal marketing of its antipsychotic drug Zyprexa for off-label uses, often to children and the elderly.
    *In 2009, Pfizer paid $301 million for illegal marketing of its drug Geodon, and in 2009: Pfizer pays $2.3 billion for marketing fraud related to Bextra, Lyrica and other drugs.
    *2010: Allergan paid $600 million for aggressively pushing Botox for unapproved uses.
    *2010: AstraZeneca settled for $520 million for trying to persuade doctors to prescribe its psychotropic drug Seroquel for unapproved uses ranging from Alzheimer's disease and ADHD to sleeplessness and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
    *2011: Merck settles for $950 million to resolve fraudulent marketing allegations related to Vioxx.
    *In July ‘12, GlaxoSmithKline was found guilty of the largest health fraud in US history, and was fined $3 billion after pleading guilty to three counts of criminal misdemeanor and other civil liabilities relating to a number of different drugs, including Paxil and Wellbutrin and downplaying safety risks of Avandia.
    * In June ‘12, Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay $2.2 billion for illegally marketing its drug Risperdal
    *2012: Abbott Laboratories settles for $1.6 billion for aggressively promoting their seizure drug Depakote for off-label use in elderly dementia patients, despite lacking evidence of safety or effectiveness.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rossmen: View Post
    its unusual for our government to release companies from liability for their product and set up courts to compensate damage from product use, as well as a powerful profit sweetener. i do not know, do the drug companies pay the costs and compensation awarded in vaccine courts or us?
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  52. TopTop #60

    Re: NO on Mandatory vaccines bill SB277

    Thank you Kathy! Trying to coherently explain complex stuff in a short post is hard enough and leaves so much room for interpretation. Your response is a ray of hope of a non RP actually trying to understand and ask instead of attack, here's big hugs for that.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by kpage9: View Post
    ...I THINK we have this: The intent of vaccination is to subjugate us to unspecified but weapons-related purposes.
    Really good try at my badly worded paragraph, and really close. I'd rephrase... first it's an incredibly convenient and powerful one stop ongoing political, health, experimentation and financial manipulation and control tool for numerous major industries, then if that all weren't bad enough, on top of it is the star wars level weaponry aspect. I'm not sure what you meant that we're never 100% in control of, but it's not having a chip, nanobyte, metal or specific DNA/gene target in you that can wait dormantly for someone else's use and trigger of a health or mind functionality.

    How do I condense 1000's of books, sites, forums, documentaries and interviews of 100 years of just vaccine history and it's politics the RP community shares into a sentence to answer who 'they' and their 'will' is for you?

    Blue doesn't mean you are wrong, it means you are utterly unaware of big stuff right on the other side of a thin curtain. The worldwide RP community has pulled back those curtains and could talk for hours about the many interweaving 'wills' and long lists of 'they'. I can't summarize all the homework it takes to get to that point in a short answer.

    If you want to peek behind that curtain, I'd like to suggest you read this recent thread on a different forum. They're all RP people, but don't all agree either. But take note of what perspective and depth of information necessary is taken for granted communally, how only interested in respectfully comparing facts they are and how the only interest is truth.

    Media Blitz Against Anti-Vaxxers

    Even here at wacco in 2009 someone noticed that the swine flu epidemic came from the military base responsible for biological weapons.

    They keep trying to scare us into forced vaccinations. I want to again stress that FIRST PRIORITY now is stopping the new one, SB277. We have so lost America if this passes both for the 'self determination' loss and the subjugation of the WHOLE next generation by forced injections over and over for LIFE. If you need to just know why it's not good for your kids first to act, here's step 1.

    Last edited by Alex; 04-02-2015 at 09:22 PM.
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