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  1. TopTop #1

    Do you know Obamacare turned Medi-Cal into a loan?

    Are you retired or close, 55+ and on Medi-Cal by choice or threat or already automatically forced into Medicare at 65? Do you understand what changed in California with Obamacare?

    This Dec. 15, 2013 exposure by the Seattle Times:
    "Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death"
    CLAUSE #16. After my death, the State has the right to seek reimbursement from my estate for all the Medi-Cal benefits I received after age 55...
    Name:  12-14-14 state by state.png
Views: 821
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    ... prompted 16 states to not adopt Medicaid expansion, 7 are reconsidering and 28 adopted it:
    ...and so far two states (Washington and Oregon) changed their rules to limit estate recovery to Medicaid costs related to long-term care, as required by the 1993 federal law.

    California agreed to the 'Medicaid Expansion Clause' which means all 55+ Medi-Cal/Caid/Care use is now an accumulating debt of charges you cannot agree to or know along the way.... leaving your heirs powerless to contest any charges or prevent confiscation of however much of your estate to satisfy it after your death.

    Do you think the ridiculously low amounts Medi-cal pays doctors and hospitals is going to be what is on your bill? NO. Years from now your kids are very likely going to get a tally including a $150 charge for the $40 Medi-cal paid your doctor for your 1-12-15 office visit with the 'additional fees' included. A doctor will get $3000 for an operation now, I bet your kids will be charged $7000 later.... etc. Why else would there be locked door secrecy to your tally?

    If you really don't understand Obamacare, here are excellent plain english explanations of the Obamacare machine and the ramifications that can be seen now. I expect that this minimum disclosure and soft-scare-tactic enrollment stage is just stage 1. Once they've got everyone on the dotted line, it can easily become even more burdensome without your consent.



    Opponents of Obamacare see it as a huge privacy intrusion and a violation of the 13th Amendment with the unlawful forced choice of one debt quagmire or the other. Your assets are either bled dry while healthy with any of the debilitatingly expensive monthly plans, let alone any outrageous deductibles if you get sick, OR your estate/heirs get slapped with all your massively inflated Medi-Cal bills after you die. The ultimate real bottom line purpose - the greatest beneficiaries are the financial windfall for all tentacles of the medical supply industry, and the government for the conveniently tied in deep access to one of the last vestiges of remaining privacy and freedom we still had.
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  3. TopTop #2
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Do you know Obamacare turned Medi-Cal into a loan?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Alex: View Post
    Are you retired or close, 55+ and on Medi-Cal by choice or threat or already automatically forced into Medicare at 65? Do you understand what changed in California with Obamacare?

    This Dec. 15, 2013 exposure by the Seattle Times:
    "Expanded Medicaid’s fine print holds surprise: ‘payback’ from estate after death"...

    There is more information, that is less inflammatory, about this here.

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  5. TopTop #3
    meherc's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: Do you know Obamacare turned Medi-Cal into a loan?

    This has been the case long before Obamacare, called estate recovery. There are ways to circumvent it.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    There is more information, that is less inflammatory, about this here.
    Marilyn Meshak Herczog, EA
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