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  1. TopTop #1
    HHF's Avatar

    KItty in NEED, Plz Help! (See Shadow's pics!)

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    is petite, sweet, loving, & playful. She didn’t feel well this week. Her vet said she needs further healthcare (lab work) to confirm the cause of her failing eyesight & detached retinas (above pics taken 7/22), then she’ll need meds. She may have a thyroid inbalance, high blood pressure, or a kidney disease—all of which are reversible if treated soon, & her retinas can re-attach.

    Unfortunately I (her human momma) am a disabled single mom on a low fixed income, in debt from a family law case, so have no funds to cover her treatment. Without treatment her health will likely decline.

    Your heartfelt contribution of any amount for Shadow’s care can be made asap to the VCA Forestville Animal Hospital (707) 887-2261 toward her treatment plan # 63232300.

    Thank you so much!

    Please see details below:

    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-25-2014 at 10:26 AM.
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  3. TopTop #2
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Update: Shadow's lab work fees are now covered & she'll be getting her diagnostic labs this afternoon! Thank you to those who read, donated, & sent well wishes! Now we'll wait for test results, then find out how much her meds will cost. Plz stay tuned for further updates! A sincere big thanks from us both!
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  5. TopTop #3
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Thank you all for the interest & offers to help Shadow! She made it thru her tests today, & we'll know more about the results & what's next by Monday AM. Will post an update then! In the meantime, anyone who wants to help or ask questions, please message me. Sending special thanks to the several anonymous guardian angels who made today's vet visit possible, especially the anonymous folks at The Package Store in Forestville! The love & kindness from everyone is a much appreciated blessing!
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  6. TopTop #4
    eyemusic's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Many meds that are prescribed for cats can be purchased at a fraction of the veterinarian's prces at pharmacies like Walmart and Costco or even Rite Aid. I'm not promoting these pharmacies, but why pay 3 times as much for the same meds at the vet's office when the vet can phone in the prescription to any pharmacy and is required by state law if requested to do so.

    Some people don't know about this option and since we want the best for our kitties, every option should be explored before assuming the cost of meds is too great to purchase them.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HHF: View Post
    Update: Shadow's lab work fees are now covered & she'll be getting her diagnostic labs this afternoon! Thank you to those who read, donated, & sent well wishes! Now we'll wait for test results, then find out how much her meds will cost. Plz stay tuned for further updates! A sincere big thanks from us both!
    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-28-2014 at 11:08 AM.
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  8. TopTop #5
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by eyemusic: View Post
    Many meds that are prescribed for cats can be purchased at a fraction of the veterinarian's prces at pharmacies like Walmart and Costco or even Rite Aid. I'm not promoting these pharmacies, but why pay 3 times as much for the same meds at the vet's office when the vet can phone in the prescription to any pharmacy and is required by state law if requested to do so. Some people don't know about this option and since we want the best for our kitties, every option should be explored before assuming the cost of meds is too great to purchase them.
    Thank you for this info! I didn't know regular pharmacies could disperse pet meds. I was thinking of checking online tho, too, once I find out what the vet recommends we do next. Thank you eyemusic!
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  9. TopTop #6
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Yes, they said they'll call this AM, but haven't yet. If I don't hear anything by late AM, I'll phone them to see if the results are in! Shadow wasn't feeling too good last nite, but yesterday AM she could definitely see well & was very playful & energetic. I think she can see good in the light, but not much at all after dusk. Thank you all so much for being here!! I'll post again soon! <3
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  10. TopTop #7
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    I'm on the way to p/u meds now before the pharmacy closes, then home to Shadow, & will post an update from the test results & Dr's recommended next steps then! Thx all! xo
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  11. TopTop #8

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by HHF: View Post
    Thank you for this info! I didn't know regular pharmacies could disperse pet meds. I was thinking of checking online tho, too, once I find out what the vet recommends we do next. Thank you eyemusic!

    Costco is usually the least expensive, and YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER- even for human meds, although you get a bit of a discount if you are a member. Occasionally Target costs even less, so it's worth calling for prices before having your vet phone it in. My vet tries to kep costs as low as possible; sometimes, the least expensive place for meds is my vet, so do check with yours. Sending Shadow hugs...
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  13. TopTop #9
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! Monday Eve UPDATE:

    Ok, I made it to the pharmacy in the nick of time, got home & gave Shadow her 1st dose of blood pressure meds. Here's the good & bad news:

    All Shadow's blood work came back normal, which really surprised Dr. Parra. The main 3 causes for high blood pressure in kitties are kidney disease, thyroid disease and diabetes, but Shadow has none of those, which is the good news!

    But we still don't know why her blood pressure is high, so Dr. says we need to do a couple of other tests. She'll start with some additional blood work to check for heartworms. Another would be taking x-rays of her chest to make sure her heart looks OK. Next would be to do an ultrasound of her tummy, looking for other causes, like possibly an adrenal tumor, which can cause elevated blood pressure.

    In the meantime, she wants to retest her blood pressure 7 to 10 days after the start of her blood pressure meds, which doc says is crucial, cuz her blood pressure was so high.

    Below is the treatment plan provided today for the additional diagnostics. Doc said we can start with the first test, then move on to the next step only as needed until we find the underlying cause of her high blood pressure.

    I'm full of gratitude that we've gotten this far, though a bit discouraged by the new costs we're facing. I had no idea there'd be additional testing. At this point, we're completely dependent on donations. Since donations are being called in directly to the vet, mostly anonymously, I'm unsure what's currently available and how far we'll be able to proceed.

    Shadow & I are so grateful to everyone who's following along, sending donations, showing concern, or helping in spirit! I'll post again hopefully tomorrow if I get more details about what current funds are available & how much more we need to raise.

    To donate, you can call Dr Parra's office directly. Thank you all SO much!!!!

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  14. TopTop #10
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! - Update

    Thank you everyone who's sending in donations & good wishes! So far we have enough funds to cover the heartworms test, since they can use the first blood draw to run the test. Once we get the results In a few days, we'll find out if Shadow needs the diagnostic images. She's doing okay, 2 days into the meds, but definitely can't see much if at all, when the sun starts going down. She banged her head into a doorway today, misjudging, but it didn't seem to slow her down. :( She cries a bit when first picked up, so I think her tummy may hurt. Otherwise, she's in good spirits, eating well, & is 2 days in taking her BP meds. Thank you all for staying tuned!
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  15. TopTop #11
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! - Update 7/31/14

    Shadow's been on the BP meds 4 days now & is definitely able to see better! Yay!! I think there's improvement even when the sun goes down (though don't think she's regained full sight then yet). She seems to have an ongoing tummy ache though, since she cries when her belly gets touched. The Heartworm blood test came out negative, so that's good. She's scheduled for a blood pressure re-check on Mon 8/4 ($34.95, already covered by donations!), so Dr Parra can find out if the medication & dosage is working correctly. Since we still didn't discover why her blood pressure got so elevated, doc would like to do the abdomen xray next, & it'd be helpful if we could do it when she's in already on Monday.

    We're currently short by $185 to cover the xray & then $70 for the xray report (see latest treatment plan). If that gives us answers, we're hoping we won't need to do the ultrasound. Thank you all so much for your help & generosity so far! Hopefully, we have just a little farther to go to get a diagnosis & make Shadow well again. So again, we're hoping for additional donations to cover her next step. With much appreciation, Shadow & mom, xo

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    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 08-01-2014 at 11:06 AM.
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  17. TopTop #12
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Dr. Parra just phoned & is hoping we can raise the funds this weekend so while Shadow is there on Monday afternoon to get her blood pressure checked, we may also be able to do the chest x-ray. That would rule out an enlarged heart, which could be a cause of spiked BP, & would be treatable if caught in time. Doc also said Shadow's initial BP was extremely high, so she'll likely need BP monitoring & the meds long term.

    Thanks to a caring donor this AM, we're getting closer to the goal! But we're still $143 short for the Xray & $70 for the xray report ($213 total). If any of you have friends who may be in a position to help, please pass our need & info on! I'd appreciate any suggestions for quick fundraising, or any help offered to put the word out!

    Shadow's sight is steadily improving & she seems to be doing well on the meds. Thanks so much for all the love & generosity & care toward her well-being. Gratefully, we wish you all love & blessings!
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  18. TopTop #13
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Just to let you all know, Shadow's eyes are looking great & she's been able to see even in the evening light! While I'm still concerned that she cries when her belly is touched, she clearly feels better otherwise--THANKS (!!!) to everyone's love, support, donations & prayers! Last night she was so playful! She saw & chased a lazer beam lite, played with paper, pouncing & jumping around like her usual self! Tomorrow she goes to recheck her blood pressure in Forestville. We're still hoping some donations come in the AM (plz see previous treatment plan & costs we're trying to cover), as Dr. Parra says it's important we find the cause of her high BP so we can maintain her improvement. I'll update again when there's news tomorrow. GRATEFULLY, ~ Shadow & Mama, THX!!!!

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  20. TopTop #14
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! Wow!!

    We are at the vets office NOW, & was just about to leave after Shadow's BP re-check & talking with Dr. Parra. As I reached for the door to go, I was told that another donation just came in while we were in the exam room! The news brought tears to my eyes! Now, thanks to a wonderful anonymous donor, we have enough to stay for the x-ray today! We're just a little short for the x-ray report, but we have a few days more to come up with that. The important thing is that Shadow is getting the next step of her treatment plan accomplished today, which Doc says is needed to keep her well! Thank you to today's special donor & all those who've contributed so far!!!!! Thank you all so much for your caring generosity, which proves there are angels among us! Thank you so much! Stay tuned, I'll update more news probably tonight!
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  21. TopTop #15
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! 8/4 update

    Hi Everyone! Here's the rest of today's update: Shadow's blood pressure was much better today! It averaged 165, as opposed to almost 300 at our first visit. She'll stay on the same dosage of BP meds for now & need her BP rechecked in 6 weeks. After examining her, Dr Parra thinks her vision is better, but doesn't think her retinas have fully re-attached yet. She doesn't know if they ever will or not. She believes Shadow can see better with one eye than the other. Doc says we still need to discover the reason for her high BP. She wants to rule out an enlarged heart, tumor, or cancer. Once we know the cause, she may need additional meds to keep the underlying problem in check & improve her longevity & quality of life. We got the x-ray today, thanks again to today's amazing anonymous donor!!!! We should know more in a few days. If her chest x-ray doesn't reveal the cause, doc says we should get the ultrasound, which is the most expensive diagnostic on the treatment plan. Shadow & I can't thank all you guardian angels enough!! Many blessings!!! xoxox
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  22. TopTop #16
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! 8/6

    Quick note: Shadow's eating & drinking way more than her usual (likely from the meds). Dr. Parra is supposed to call me tomorrow to discuss the xray results. Hopefully we'll know then if we have a diagnosis to treat or if we'll need the ultrasound. Will check in then. Thank you everyone for following along & helping us thru this journey!!
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  24. TopTop #17
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! Aug 15 update

    Sorry for the delay in posting this update about Shadow. I meant to post sooner, but advocating for the best interest of a child in a broken family law system tends to be all consuming on many levels, & my time. energy, & resources have been limited. Anyway, Shadow is eating well & seems to see pretty well during the day. When Dr Parra phoned me last week, she said she believes Shadow sees better in one eye than the other, & that her retinas have not fully reattached (& may not ever), but controlling her blood pressure is crucial. After being on the meds for several weeks, she needs to go back for a BP recheck soon. Doc also said Shadow's chest X-ray looked ok, which is good, but still gives us no indication of why her blood pressure spiked so highin the first place. She had examined her belly & ruled out kidney disease, & didn't see any indication of cancer or tumors. She also said xrays can't pick up small issues like an ultrasound can. So, she still stressed the importance for Shadow to see the cardiologist vet to get a chest ultrasound, if we can fund it, which will tell us whether she has a heart problem. While it doesn't seem to be urgent, she said it's really unusual that the underlying cause of high blood pressure is so hard to discover. Since Shadow's responding to her meds well, the likelihood of the underlying cause being early & treatable is good. In the meantime, I've followed up with the Pet Fund & several other funding sources. Unfortunately, they consider Shadow's medical needs as urgent care which they can't fund, & so far funds are pretty much depleted. As soon as I get the next treatment plan, I'll post again. In the meantime, anyone wishing to contribute to Shadows care, please call Dr Parra. Thanks all, & I'll be in touch again soon. xo ~ Shadow/momma
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  25. TopTop #18
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Hi folks! Sorry this is taking so long, & going on & on. Please know I'm doing my best but am having a hard time keeping up as I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, emotionally & financially depleted by a number of challenging hardships hitting all at the same time. Thanks so much for hanging in & caring about Shadow through her journey toward health. She's almost done with her 1st jar of blood pressure pills & needs her BP rechecked next Monday 8/25/14. I'm posting the newest treatment plan from Dr Parra in Forestville, but she said it's important we follow up with the cardiologist she's referring us to at the Rohnert Park, VCA. Unfortunately that will be the most expensive diagnostic yet. Apparently it takes several weeks to get in, & without funds, I'm not sure if we can move forward or not. I'll phone them tomorrow & am hoping they'll be able to email a treatment plan estimating their costs. I'll post here as soon as I get it. Anyone who is able to help fundraise or make calls to agencies that might help, please do! Anyone wanting to donate on Shadow's behalf can do so directly to Dr. Parra's office at (707) 887-2261 or to the cardiologist office at (707) 584-4343. Thanks for being Shadow's guardian angels!
    P.S. As of 8/21/14, the R.P. VCA is ordering her records from Forestville, speaking with their cardiologist, & working on emailing us a treatment plan. In the meantime, we still need a small donation to cover Shadow's BP recheck, hopefully by Monday. Unfortunately, my limited budget will only cover her next jar of meds. Thx so much for reading & caring!
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  26. TopTop #19
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help!

    Hi All, I hope someone is still out there & able to respond. Otherwise, I'm not sure what to do anymore. I'm uploading the 2 current treatment plans for Shadow: the BP recheck she needs as early this week as possible (just $35.65) and the cardiologists estimate for her (which I'm hoping will be the lower estimate of $575, which is better than Dr. Parra had originally quoted by about $400 less!). Hope to hear something encouraging soon. Thank you all for everything donated so far!! You are all amazing. ~ Shadow & Mama
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  27. TopTop #20
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! (see Shadow's new pics)

    Thank you so much to everyone for the generous donations & support toward Shadow's health. She's doing much better (see pics from today!) & seems to be maintaining her eyesight with the help of blood pressure meds. She finished her 1st prescription & I'm leaving to Guerneville now to pick up another prescription which Dr Parra called in for her today.

    For now, I'm kinda giving up on getting further diagnostics to search for the underlying cause of her BP spike, since the cardiologist & ultrasound is so expensive. Unless I can get a grant or other aid somehow, I don't see how to fund that. But Dr Parra really wants to have her BP rechecked asap. She's a week overdue now, but I'm still $26 short currently. In any case, thank you all for being here for Shadow over these last 6 weeks! XOX
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    Last edited by Barry; 09-03-2014 at 01:33 PM.
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  28. TopTop #21
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! (See Shadow's pics!)

    Shadow is doing wonderfully, thanks to all of you who cared enough to help us last Fall with donations for her healthcare, & for the emotional support & kind concern. Her blood pressure meds allowed her previously detached retinas to heal & re-attach! So she can now see well again! I've taken her back to Dr. Para to get her BP checked twice since (using my CareCredit which I just paid off).

    I also refill her prescription meds every 2 months. Next week she need a well-kitty check-up & BP re-check at Forestville Vets, before Dr. Para will be able to update her medication prescription. Unfortunately, my budget is very tight again & I'm still trying to figure out how to fund my own healthcare (I have surgery scheduled next month in FL with a specialist, but my insurance doesn't want to cover my medical bills out of state).

    I hate to ask for help again, but if anyone has it in their heart to contribute directly to Forestville VCA, that would be a Godsent! I don't think it'll cost much this time (I'm sure it's less $100--anyone can phone them & ask the amount needed for Shadow's next appt). Thank you again to all of Shadow's caring WaccoBB friends! Hope to hear fro you soon. Thank you very much for your generosity! Shadow thanks you very much!!!

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------

    From: VCA Forestville Animal Hospital
    Date: Sun, Jun 28, 2015
    Subject: Shadow, We Have An Important Message for You.

    To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add
    to your address book or approved senders.
    Time flies when you're having fun.
    Shadow, it's time to schedule your next visit.

    Dear Shadow & Momma,

    Physical exams, parasite control, diagnostic tests and dental care are essential to your pet's health. As part of the exam, your veterinarian will determine your pet's complete vaccination needs based on an assessment of your pet's lifestyle and environment. Our medical records for Shadow tell us the following services are due:

    Physical Exam - 07/08/15

    Annual wellness exams and preventive healthcare is important for all pets. Ask us how our VCA CareClub wellness plans and other wellness services and products can help.

    If your pet has already visited us for this reason, please disregard this reminder.

    Call us today for an appointment or click here to request an appointment online!

    (707) 887-2261
    VCA Forestville Animal Hospital
    VCA Forestville Animal Hospital
    5033 Gravenstein Highway North | Sebastopol, CA 95472 | (707) 887-2261

    Last edited by Bella Stolz; 07-04-2015 at 10:25 AM.
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  29. TopTop #22
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! (See Shadow's pics!)

    Shadow's appt is set, per the Forestville VCA confirmation message below. She has 2 pills left so we have to get in for the appointment before Dr. Para can call in her prescription. I will update again when they call me back with the exact amount needed for the exam & BP check. It will likely be pretty close to the $100 I estimated needing. Thank you all for reading & considering donating to Shadow's needed care! <3 <3

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: VCA Forestville Animal Hospital 699
    Date: Mon, Jul 6, 2015 at 11:05 AM
    Subject: Appointment Confirmation for Shadow at VCA Forestville Animal Hospital

    We're confirming the Medical appointment for Shadow . Please review the details below and let us know if you have any questions.

    Pet Name: Shadow
    Reason: Medical
    Appointment Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2015
    Appointment Time: 4:30 PM
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  30. TopTop #23
    HHF's Avatar

    Re: KItty in NEED, Plz Help! (See Shadow's pics!)

    Shadow had her appt with Dr. Para & is doing great! Her exam went very well, blood pressure was perfect this time!--much better than any of her visits since a year ago (when this whole issue started)! Her retinas are attached, eye sight recovered, she passed with flying colors, & her new prescription filled! We're taken care of once again, thanks to this awesome community, & one special donor in particular who had gotten help some time ago with her kitty, & passed the favor on to cover us! Thank you SO much!!! We're very happy & grateful. May you be blessed for your kindness & generosity! THANKS IMMENSELY ! ! ! <3 <3 <3

    ~ Shadow & Mama
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