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  1. TopTop #31
    markwjam's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    sorry, incorrect about the squash with the hard outer shell...I was once a manager in a produce store..hard winter squash with scratches or ,especially dents, will quickly rot..

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Since squash has a hard outer shell, being scratched isn't going to affect this vegetable. Does everyone avoid any squash that has a scratch? Melons, too? How do you know when it was picked? Do you have inside information on when produce is picked at various stores? Because that's something many of us could benefit from knowing.
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  3. TopTop #32
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by eric: View Post
    If Butternut and Acorn Squash are advertised on sale for 99cents, then it's plain and simple to differentiate that Spaghetti Squash is a completely different variety of squash, and therefore not on sale.
    Eric, there was no butternut nor acorn squash in the box labeled with the "99 cents" sign, nor, I think anywhere in the store, so they couldn't very well have been advertising them. If they'd been there before, they were gone. Many customers don't visually know the difference between spaghetti and acorn or butternut squashes, so couldn't be expected to realize the squash in the box labeled "99 cents" actually cost more. Plus, the "99 cents" was more prominent than the "butternut or acorn squash", so many wouldn't even have read those words.

    Quote Best Buy, is another great example, they have literally tens of thousands of items in their inventory. It seems almost impossible if not highly improbable that they could accurately keep track of the multitude of price fluctuations that take place in their system on a regular basis.
    Eric, again you miss the point. Nobody is faulting anyone for making simple mistakes. I've said all along that the problem is that when I pointed it out, the employee didn't take 10 seconds to rectify it, thus making me wonder if he's just a flake or if there's a store-wide or chain-wide policy of misrepresenting prices similar to what Safeway just got busted for. That's the issue--not someone's simple mistake.

    Eric, you've been consistently distorting/ignoring my clearly stated positions in this thread. At this point, I'm trying to figure out if you're a troll or just an idiot. I see no other hypotheses that might explain your apparent blithering obtuseness.
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  5. TopTop #33
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    I avoid buying any produce with dents, but I just cooked a spaghetti squash with scratches, that I've had for 2 weeks, and it was delicious. How quickly will squash with scratches rot? And does it depend on the age of the squash? I have no idea of how young or how old my squash was, but it was delicious in spite of it's scratches.

    I wonder if produce depts end up throwing away a lot of scratched squash, or if they just sell it anyway, knowing it's prone to rot fast.
    I'm pretty sure I've seen a lot of scratched squash and melons, but I'll be looking closer now, and may even talk to the produce managers when I notice.

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge with consumers. We appreciate it!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by markwjam: View Post
    sorry, incorrect about the squash with the hard outer shell...I was once a manager in a produce store..hard winter squash with scratches or ,especially dents, will quickly rot..
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  7. TopTop #34
    Victoria Street's Avatar
    Victoria Street

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    50 Supermarket Tricks You Still Fall For
    Food experts, industry analysts, and store employees share their insider strategies on how to save money on groceries, stay healthy, and beat the supermarkets at their own game.

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  9. TopTop #35
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Victoria Street: View Post
    50 Supermarket Tricks You Still Fall For
    Food experts, industry analysts, and store employees share their insider strategies on how to save money on groceries, stay healthy, and beat the supermarkets at their own game.
    Read more:
    Interesting stuff, Victoria!
    Folks, here's the item from the article linked above that's most relevant to this thread:
    "The store I worked at would make some of its sales very specific...and, in my opinion, very deceptive. For example, it would offer 50 percent off a ten-ounce package of deli ham and put the sign right between the ten-ounce packages and the 16-ounce ones. Shoppers would wind up grabbing the wrong one and paying full price."
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  11. TopTop #36

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    Eric, there was no butternut nor acorn squash in the box labeled with the "99 cents" sign, no...
    Eric, again you miss the point. ...
    Eric, you've been consistently distorting/ignoring my clearly stated positions in this thread. At this point, I'm trying to figure out if you're a troll or just an idiot. I see no other hypotheses that might explain your apparent blithering obtuseness.

    * *The fact of the matter is I visited Grocery Outlet on the 5th of this month, Dixon, two days after you posted your rant, which I still think is absolutely hilarious, by the way. I believe I stated the obvious: "Grocery Outlet was out of Butternut and Acorn Squash on 3/3/14", and on 3/5/14, I saw that the store had restocked Butternut, and Acorn Squash, Dixon. By the way, these varieties of squash look vastly different, it's like the difference between apples and oranges...

    * * *Therefore you, or anyone else is an idiot, if you can't recognize, or read the label on the box, or look at the sticker on the squash itself, or ask what type of squash it is that you're buying. If you or anyone else is too cheap, ignorant, or stupid, to not know what Spaghetti Squash is, or to be willing to spend some extra money if it means that much to you... Then look at your damn receipt and demand a refund for the said Spaghetti Squash, that you possibly thought was on sale because you, or anyone else, for that matter, weren't aware of the difference in the first place.
    Stand up for your rights Dixon!!! and use something called awareness!

    * * Your paranoid squash conspiracy theory is amusing. You even mentioned questioning one Grocery Outlet, employee about an "on sale" sign. Then you questioned the entire forum here on Waccobb. Don't you think you may have gotten a more informative and insightful response to your question by asking a more knowledgable Grocery Outlet employee, or even following up by directing your question at the store manager?*

    * * * I responded to you that the store had "restocked" the squash on 3/5/14, the sale was still going on and the sign was still up, and no, I didn't think the store was trying to intentionally mislead ignorantly unaware people that have no idea what variety of squash it is that they're potentially buying.*

    * * *So if you're still trying to figure out if I'm a troll, or an idiot. I guess that you're someone that probably has a hard time figuring out how to tie their own shoe.*You're obviously someone who can't figure out how to find a simple answer to a simple question you've been pondering for six days now. A question easily resolvable by using some rational thinking, or even making a phone call to Grocery Outlet, or even the BBB for that matter.

    I'm just someone whom politely answered your question, attempting to humor you a bit while I was at it.
    I'll tell you what you can do with your squash Dixon, eat it all! It's good for you!

    * * * **
    Last edited by Barry; 03-08-2014 at 02:40 PM.
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  13. TopTop #37
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Re: "eric"--
    I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to reason with him and giving him the benefit of the doubt, but as he's made it clear that he's a troll, I won't be feeding him any more after this, and I recommend the rest of you follow the same policy.

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  15. TopTop #38
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    Photo? I saw no photo.
    Name:  squash.jpg
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    For those of you who are keeping score at home in this squashwar...

    Dixon had posted on 3/3 :
    "...There was a big box of spaghetti squash with a sign that said "Score! Butternut or Acorn Squash 99 cents". Since the squash in the box was neither butternut nor acorn squash,..."

    The photo on the right was taken by Eric on 3/5 (and was edited in on a post from 3/4, which is why it was not seen in either instant emails or the digest ), after the bin had restock and and was referenced on a later post as:
    " I do know that the very next day on 3/5, the squash had been restocked and was still on sale for .99 cents, and asparagus was on sale for only .50 cents..."

    Maybe I'm an "idiot" too, but those look like spaghetti squash to me

    Regarding Dixon's assessment of eric:
    I wasted a lot of time and energy trying to reason with him and giving him the benefit of the doubt, but as he's made it clear that he's a troll, I won't be feeding him any more after this, and I recommend the rest of you follow the same policy.

    I'm not saying who is right/justified or wrong or an idiot or a troll, but I'd say you've met your hard-edged match, Dixon

    How about we turn down the heat on this discussion to simmer?
    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 01:12 PM.

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  17. TopTop #39
    jesswolfe's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    The bottom line is buyer beware. We don't always know what is being done intentionally or not. So its really important to be aware of what you are paying for. I am on a very low budget and buying food is an ordeal at times. I finally got frustrated and started a little database of all the things I buy and where I buy them. Once I started keeping track it soon was apparent where the cheapest foods are that I tend to buy. Its not always what you think either. One store will have some things at good prices but not all. Food Max and Grocery Outlet aren't always cheapest.

    Of course the price of gas needs to be added to the discussion. If I don't have the gas, I might not be able to get the best price because I need to buy local.

    By the way, Safeway has been in court before about their pricing shenanigans. And their settlement the last time was pretty similar to the one posted on this thread. They are pretty notorious. Definitely watch out for how things are scanned when you buy there.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Victoria Street: View Post
    50 Supermarket Tricks You Still Fall For
    Food experts, industry analysts, and store employees share their insider strategies on how to save money on groceries, stay healthy, and beat the supermarkets at their own game.

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  19. TopTop #40
    rekarp's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Barry - thank you for the picture and clarification. The squash in this picture is neither butternut nor acorn. So the sign is incorrect. Are they charging 99 cents for this squash? If not then they are misleading the public. If so they probably don't know their squash, and anyone who buys it thinking it is butternut or acorn doesn't know their squash either.

    I don't detect troll-like or ignorant behavior from Eric. Dixon - your post about Eric seems inappropriate to me.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    For those of you who are keeping score at home in this squashwar...
    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 01:08 PM.
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  21. TopTop #41
    Victoria Street's Avatar
    Victoria Street

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

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  23. TopTop #42
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    These are definitely spaghetti squash. I poke a hole in them with a sharp knife, then microwave for 10 minutes, cut off the blossom end, cut in half lengthwise and scoop out the seeds, then scrape out the "spaghetti" strands until there's not much flesh left. Then I heat up a little "virgin olive oil" on low, lightly saute some fresh chopped garlic, and mix in the squash. I top it off with Parmesan cheese, and it's really delicious. Many people use red or alfredo sauce, but this is my favorite way.

    I've had it two nights in a row, from one little spaghetti squash, and will have two more meals with it. By the way, I would avoid buying any that look like the one pictured in the front with a lighter color on it. This looks like where it laid on the ground, and I think that may not last long. I look for uniform color, but scratches don't really bother me.
    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 01:11 PM.
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  25. TopTop #43
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by rekarp: View Post
    The squash in this picture is neither butternut nor acorn. So the sign is incorrect. Are they charging 99 cents for this squash?
    I was told by 2 employees that evening that they were charging more than 99 cents for that squash.

    Quote If not then they are misleading the public.

    Quote I don't detect troll-like or ignorant behavior from Eric. Dixon - your post about Eric seems inappropriate to me.
    I appreciate the feedback, Ron. I always like to hear when people think I'm wrong, as it gives me a chance to make my case--and sometimes to be corrected.

    Understand this: I am very slow to label people trolls. I've been a Wacco member since the beginning and been involved in a zillion conversations, some of them pretty contentious, yet have only written off 2 or 3 people as trolls (before eric) in all that time! People can spew fallacy and abuse at me without my calling them trolls. They can demonstrate stupidity or insanity or extreme closed-mindedness and irrationality without my calling them trolls. They can frustrate and enrage me without my calling them trolls. "Troll' is a very negative term, and refraining from using it lightly is a Golden Rule issue.

    For me to call a person a troll, they must give me reason to believe that they're purposely fucking with people just for the sheer sick pleasure of it. For me, the best evidence of that is when people who are apparently smart enough to know better repeatedly distort or ignore what someone has clearly said in order to misrepresent their position and give them shit based on that distortion of their position, even after the position is further clarified. This is what eric has done in nearly every post he's made to this thread.

    In his first post here (#7) he says "Do you really think the good folks at Grocery Outlet, were trying to mislead the public over low priced squash? Really?", implying that I had jumped to that conclusion, when I'd made it absolutely clear that that was just one hypothesis I was considering.

    In his post #22, he tries to stir the pot again by saying "I'm certainly no squash expert, yet invariably that looks like Spaghetti Squash in the photo I posted", as if he thinks I'm unaware of that, though I'd made it absolutely clear I was aware of it.

    In his post #30, he says "It seems almost impossible if not highly improbable that they could accurately keep track of the multitude of price fluctuations that take place in their system on a regular basis.", implying that my complaint is about something that could be just an honest mistake. But I'd already made it crystal clear that that wasn't my complaint at all; my concern was that they didn't change the misleading sign when it was pointed out to them--a totally different issue with possibly disturbing implications.

    Finally, in his post #36, eric reiterated some really obvious stuff as if he thought I was unclear on it, such as the fact that the store had run out of and then restocked the advertised butternut and acorn squash, in spite of the fact that I'd made it clear I knew that.

    Throughout his posts, he also made really poor, fallacious arguments supposedly refuting the possibility that the store may have been purposely misleading customers--but that in itself doesn't make him a troll. What makes him a troll is his repeatedly ignoring or distorting my clearly stated positions, even after I pointed out he was doing it, in order to attack his insulting distortions of my position. If it were stupidity on his part I could be more forgiving, but judging from his articulateness and lack of errors in spelling, grammar, etc. I don't think we can accept the stupidity hypothesis. That leaves us with the troll conclusion.

    I've learned the hard way not to feed trolls, and probably shouldn't have even responded to your concern about eric, Ron, as that's a sort of troll-feeding too, but I didn't want you or anyone to think bad of me. So whether or not you agree with my conclusion, I hope you can see that I arrived at it honestly, and didn't jump to it.
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  27. TopTop #44
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post

    Maybe I'm an "idiot" too, but those look like spaghetti squash to me
    You're not an idiot, Barry, those are spaghetti squash.

    None of the 99-cent squash are pictured--only the more expensive spaghetti squash. If this picture was taken after the evening in which I pointed out the misleading sign, this means they still hadn't corrected it--which certainly seems to increase the likelihood that they're intentionally misleading customers about their prices.
    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 01:18 PM.
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  28. TopTop #45
    Ronaldo's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Name:  Bridge_Troll.jpg
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    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    Understand this: I am very slow to label people trolls. I've been a Wacco member since the beginning and been involved in a zillion conversations, some of them pretty contentious, yet have only written off 2 or 3 people as trolls (before eric) in all that time! People can spew fallacy and abuse at me without my calling them trolls. They can demonstrate stupidity or insanity or extreme closed-mindedness and irrationality without my calling them trolls. They can frustrate and enrage me without my calling them trolls. "Troll' is a very negative term, and refraining from using it lightly is a Golden Rule issue.

    For me to call a person a troll, they must give me reason to believe that they're purposely fucking with people just for the sheer sick pleasure of it. For me, the best evidence of that is when people who are apparently smart enough to know better repeatedly distort or ignore what someone has clearly said in order to misrepresent their position and give them shit based on that distortion of their position, even after the position is further clarified. This is what eric has done in nearly every post he's made to this thread....
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  30. TopTop #46

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Dixon, you asked...
    ".Can any of you Waccoids share experiences/info that might shed light on the ethicality or lack of it displayed by Grocery Outlet? Similar info regarding other local stores would be helpful too. Thanks![/QUOTE]"

    You were leaning towards the opinion of a plot by Grocery Outlet, to mislead people into purchasing more expensive squash than advertised. I on the other hand didn't feel Grocery Outlet, used such insidious sales tactics, and anyone that knows squash should be able to differentiate between Butternut, Acorn, and or Spaghetti Squash.
    I even posted a picture of the aforementioned sign, and I acknowledge it could be misleading to some people if they weren't aware, or couldn't read, or differentiate between the varieties of squash, or didn't read nor pay attention to a label on the box, a sticker on the squash itself, ask a simple question, or if they didn't even look at their receipt for that matter...
    I've never had a problems with dishonesty or a lack of ethics at any Grocery Outlet's, whatsoever. I know full well if a person have any gripes with anything purchased there, down to even not liking how an item tastes, G.O., will provide a full refund.
    I've even received a refund at G.O., because my cat didn't enjoy eating the cat food I purchased there...

    Just because I didn't agree with you Dixon, does that mean I'm either an idiot, or a troll!?
    I'm leaning towards thinking you're more of a complete squash-hole for labeling me as such.
    I was merely stating my opinion, and if you don't like it, and want to bring things down to such a lowly insulting level than so be it...

    At this point find this all to be somewhat preposterously meaningless. Six days have passed since the original post, and the aforementioned sign is gone, Grocery Outlet, doesn't even have any squash left in stock. Statistically, 930,000 people have died in that six day time period and you're going on and on about squash? And calling me insulting names in the process, because you maybe can't perceive the ridiculousness and intrinsic meaninglessness of this argument in the first place? Maybe there's nothing more important going on in your world?

    Yes, I might have approached this subject with some lightheartedness, yet now I feel you have brought this down to new low levels. I don't feel that what I stated was either trolling, or idiotic, or otherwise... I merely chose to entertain the other side of an argument. If you feel that justifiably gives you the right to victimize me with horrendously hideous insults then maybe it's your character that should be in question.

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    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 11:56 PM.
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  32. TopTop #47
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    >>> ... you're more of a complete squash-hole...

    I don't have any opinion on this thread, but I needed to express my admiration for the epithet. Thankfully it was applied to Dixon, not to me, and I don't think it was at all deserved, but it sets a new standard for snark on the World Wide Web.


    [I wholeheartedly concur! ~ Barry]
    Last edited by Barry; 03-09-2014 at 11:58 PM.
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  34. TopTop #48

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    For me to call a person a troll, they must give me reason to believe that they're purposely fucking with people just for the sheer sick pleasure of it. For me, the best evidence of that is when people who are apparently smart enough to know better repeatedly distort or ignore what someone has clearly said in order to misrepresent their position and give them shit based on that distortion of their position, even after the position is further clarified. This is what eric has done in nearly every post he's made to this thread.

    In his first post here (#7) he says "Do you really think the good folks at Grocery Outlet, were trying to mislead the public over low priced squash? Really?", implying that I had jumped to that conclusion, when I'd made it absolutely clear that that was just one hypothesis I was considering.

    - I was merely trying to establish if you thought there was a squash conspiracy at G.O.

    In his post #22, he tries to stir the pot again by saying "I'm certainly no squash expert, yet invariably that looks like Spaghetti Squash in the photo I posted", as if he thinks I'm unaware of that, though I'd made it absolutely clear I was aware of it.

    - I was once again attempting to state the obvious here...

    In his post #30, he says "It seems almost impossible if not highly improbable that they could accurately keep track of the multitude of price fluctuations that take place in their system on a regular basis.", implying that my complaint is about something that could be just an honest mistake. But I'd already made it crystal clear that that wasn't my complaint at all; my concern was that they didn't change the misleading sign when it was pointed out to them--a totally different issue with possibly disturbing implications.

    - I was referring to what ChefJayTay wrote:
    "I stopped buying at Best Buy for a similar reason. They advertised a price online, then when I arrived in store, the product didn't have a displayed price. It rung up $5 more than the advertised price. I complained and got the online price, but felt I couldn't trust them to be honest afterwords."
    My response was directed at ChefJayTay's, statement concerning Best Buy, and therefore had nothing to do with a supposedly misleading sign at Grocery Outlet, for that matter.

    "Best Buy, is another great example, they have literally tens of thousands of items in their inventory. It seems almost impossible if not highly improbable that they could accurately keep track of the multitude of price fluctuations that take place in their system on a regular basis."

    - So it looks as if you've completely misquoted me Dixon, by taking what I said out of context, and thereby truly distorting my words and the meaning of those words thereof. So it looks like therefore, because if you think that's trolling by your own definition, you're trolling me!

    Finally, in his post #36, eric reiterated some really obvious stuff as if he thought I was unclear on it, such as the fact that the store had run out of and then restocked the advertised butternut and acorn squash, in spite of the fact that I'd made it clear I knew that.

    -I truly wasn't sure if you were aware that the Butternut, or Acorn Squash, had been restocked the next day. I was merely rationalizing that that's why the sign was still up. Because those items were still on sale!

    Throughout his posts, he also made really poor, fallacious arguments (such as?) supposedly refuting the possibility that the store may have been purposely misleading customers--but that in itself doesn't make him a troll. What makes him a troll is his repeatedly ignoring or distorting my clearly stated positions, even after I pointed out he was doing it, in order to attack his insulting distortions of my position. If it were stupidity on his part I could be more forgiving, but judging from his articulateness and lack of errors in spelling, grammar, etc. I don't think we can accept the stupidity hypothesis. That leaves us with the troll conclusion.

    I don't see where I've distorted your words Dixon? As far as I can tell, and have clearly and evidentially established it's the other way around! So therefore if that's what your definition of trolling is , you're clearly guilty of trolling me by your own definition
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  36. TopTop #49

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

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  38. TopTop #50
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by theindependenteye: View Post
    >>> ... you're more of a complete squash-hole...
    .. I needed to express my admiration for the epithet. .. it sets a new standard for snark on the World Wide Web.
    really?? mal mots aren't really my speciality but I do like reading them - and that one didn't make an impression till you pointed it out. But to my surprise (sort of, actually my memory's awful) I don't have a better one at hand... so I'm off to a websearch. With luck I'll someday post a sampling!!
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  39. TopTop #51
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by eric: View Post
    ...Just because I didn't agree with you Dixon, does that mean I'm either an idiot, or a troll!?

    I'm leaning towards thinking you're more of a complete squash-hole for labeling me as such.
    I was merely stating my opinion, and if you don't like it, and want to bring things down to such a lowly insulting level than so be it... ....If you feel that justifiably gives you the right to victimize me with horrendously hideous insults then maybe it's your character that should be in question.
    Dixon, I think you've been had, even vanquished by Eric. You have used Ad Hominem attacks, and have not used Critical Thinking on this thread. Time to take your own advice, bitter as it may taste.
    Last edited by Barry; 03-11-2014 at 01:32 PM.
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  41. TopTop #52
    Victoria Street's Avatar
    Victoria Street

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Well, call me a conspiracy theorist, but I'll bet you dollars to wing nuts that if you dusted those squash for fingerprints, Efren Carillo's would be all over 'em!

    Diversional tactics, "The Squash Defense"...
    Ya know?
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  43. TopTop #53
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    Dixon, I think you've been had, even vanquished by Eric. You have used Ad Hominem attacks, and have not used Critical Thinking on this thread. Time to take your own advice, bitter as it may taste.
    jbox, an ad hominem attack is when someone ignores the issue under discussion in favor of name-calling. I did no such thing. I labeled a troll as such with evidence included, as an explanation of why I wouldn't be responding to his provocations anymore. Whether or not you agree that I made my case, it wasn't an ad hominem attack.

    If you think my Critical Thinking lapsed--well, that's always possible. I await your specific critique so I may be corrected. Please keep the critique on the real issue of this thread: whether the refusal to correct misleading signage evinced purposeful fraud on the part of the store (something which is apparently pretty common for grocery stores), or just flakiness on the part of one particular employee. I won't respond to further discussion about the troll.
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  44. TopTop #54
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    You...have not used Critical Thinking on this thread.
    Jbox, your "contribution" to this thread includes post #16, in which you praise GO for their low prices (a perfectly reasonable thing to mention except that it's entirely irrelevant to the topic of this discussion), then post #25, in which you sneeringly dismiss any notion that GO could be purposely misleading customers, without supporting your position with any evidence or arguments whatsoever, and now this post #51, in which you make assertions about, e.g., my having "not used Critical Thinking on this thread", again with no supporting evidence or examples. Allow me to suggest that you may want to put your own house in order before presuming to critique others' critical thinking, especially when your "critique" consists of nothing more than unsupported assertions.
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  46. TopTop #55

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    jbox, an ad hominem attack is when someone ignores the issue under discussion in favor of name-calling. I did no such thing. I labeled a troll as such with evidence included, as an explanation of why I wouldn't be responding to his provocations anymore. Whether or not you agree that I made my case, it wasn't an ad hominem attack.

    If you think my Critical Thinking lapsed--well, that's always possible. I await your specific critique so I may be corrected. Please keep the critique on the real issue of this thread: whether the refusal to correct misleading signage evinced purposeful fraud on the part of the store (something which is apparently pretty common for grocery stores), or just flakiness on the part of one particular employee. I won't respond to further discussion about the troll.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    jbox, an ad hominem attack is when someone ignores the issue under discussion in favor of name-calling. I did no such thing. I labeled a troll as such with evidence included, as an explanation of why I wouldn't be responding to his provocations anymore. Whether or not you agree that I made my case, it wasn't an ad hominem attack.

    If you think my Critical Thinking lapsed--well, that's always possible. I await your specific critique so I may be corrected. Please keep the critique on the real issue of this thread: whether the refusal to correct misleading signage evinced purposeful fraud on the part of the store (something which is apparently pretty common for grocery stores), or just flakiness on the part of one particular employee. I won't respond to further discussion about the troll.

    * * I may have initially played the devils advocate Dixon, and taken G.O.'s side as far as critical thinking in this debate. I may even have attempted to humor you concerning what could obviously be construed as a misleading sign placement... Yet it is you that abandoned the issue in favor of instigating insult hurling, and name calling, as well as disrespectfully applying untrue and offensive labels upon me!

    * * * * * * * As far as critical thinking is concerned you've made some considerable blunders here, even reinforcing that it is you that should be defining yourself as a troll, and that's by your very own definition of the term...
    I was merely trying to reason with you, and you started an inflammatory off topic discussion based upon false conjecture and insults.

    * * *
    * * * * * * *
    * * *
    Last edited by Barry; 03-12-2014 at 02:08 PM.
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  48. TopTop #56
    ChefJayTay's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Shandi: View Post
    Since squash has a hard outer shell, being scratched isn't going to affect this vegetable. Does everyone avoid any squash that has a scratch? Melons, too? How do you know when it was picked? Do you have inside information on when produce is picked at various stores? Because that's something many of us could benefit from knowing.
    Quote Winter squash is a summer-growing annual fruit [...] It differs from summer squash in that it is harvested and eaten in the mature fruit stage, when the seeds within have matured fully and the skin has hardened into a tough rind. At this stage, most varieties of this fruit can be stored for use during the winter.
    Basic knowledge of the plant tells me it was picked last fall.
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  49. TopTop #57
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by eric: View Post
    * * I may have initially played the devils advocate Dixon, and taken G.O.'s side as far as critical thinking in this debate. I may even have attempted to humor you concerning what could obviously be construed as a misleading sign placement... Yet it is you that abandoned the issue in favor of instigating insult hurling, and name calling, as well as disrespectfully applying untrue and offensive labels upon me!

    * * * * * * * As far as critical thinking is concerned you've made some considerable blunders here, even reinforcing that it is you that should be defining yourself as a troll, and that's by your very own definition of the term...
    I was merely trying to reason with you, and you started an inflammatory off topic discussion based upon false conjecture and insults.

    I couldn't have said it better myself, so instead of directly responding to Dixon's rather silly request for explanation I will let your statement speak for me and not get drawn into some pseudo-intellectual debate with Dixon over semantics.

    - jbox
    Last edited by Barry; 03-12-2014 at 02:58 PM.
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  51. TopTop #58
    jbox's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Dixon: View Post
    Jbox, your "contribution" to this thread includes post #16, in which you praise GO for their low prices (a perfectly reasonable thing to mention except that it's entirely irrelevant to the topic of this discussion), then post #25, in which you sneeringly dismiss any notion that GO could be purposely misleading customers, without supporting your position with any evidence or arguments whatsoever, and now this post #51, in which you make assertions about, e.g., my having "not used Critical Thinking on this thread", again with no supporting evidence or examples. Allow me to suggest that you may want to put your own house in order before presuming to critique others' critical thinking, especially when your "critique" consists of nothing more than unsupported assertions.
    Well, gee, Dixon. at least I shop at the store for at least the last 25 years and am familiar with the store, its practices, its employees, its peculiar niche. You don't even shop there and want to make a big deal over some petty little mistake about squash labeling. Dude, don't sweat the small stuff, unless that's what your life is all about. And if that is what your life is all about, please don't bother other people about it.

    Regarding this thread, howzabout you lose with grace?
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  53. TopTop #59
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    I understand that this summer growing vegetable is picked sometime in the fall, and can be stored for several months. What I'm not sure of is what's considered a great price. I recently paid 99 cents a pound for a small, beautiful spaghetti squash, (with a few scratches). That must have actually been an outrageous price compared to being able to get one at GO for 99 cents each. But you're saying that's even high, for a winter squash at this time of year. Please share where you've found cheaper winter squash, like spaghetti, butternut, or acorn? (GO is right across the street, but I didn't have time to check in there.)

    I just realized after I posted that I forot that the Spaghetti squash wasn't actually 99 cents, and that was the whole reason Dixon had originally posted his question about GO putting intentionally mis-leading signs. I hope this doesn't indicate diminished brain cells on my part, but just a momentary "lapse".....

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by ChefJayTay: View Post

    Basic knowledge of the plant tells me it was picked last fall.
    Last edited by Shandi; 03-14-2014 at 08:12 AM. Reason: mistake in details
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  54. TopTop #60
    Dixon's Avatar

    Re: Problem with Grocery Outlet?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by jbox: View Post
    Dude, don't sweat the small stuff, unless that's what your life is all about.
    Jbox, I started this thread to get some help in figuring out whether this issue with GO is small stuff or not. How can I know whether to sweat it if I don't know whether it's small stuff or something important? Your apparently unfounded, though vehemently asserted, assumption that it is just small stuff has certainly not been helpful in figuring out whether it is or not.

    Quote Regarding this thread, howzabout you lose with grace?
    Lose what? Is this dialogue some sort of battle that must yield winners and losers? Is that how you see discussions, jbox? And even if that were the case, how could I lose when I haven't even chosen a side?
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