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  1. TopTop #31
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Has anyone besides me noticed how we have all united on Wacco to talk about wildlife and especially "our" bear? With all due respect to my fellow feisty, caring Wacco-ites, today we're not arguing, angry or pushing a particular agenda---we're sharing. Regardless of who we are or how we vote in the rest of our lives, we have something wonderful in common that makes us a community: an amazing wild creature- a bear.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Claire: View Post
    Speaking of critters....
    Years ago, when we moved into the country near Geyserville, we were taking a walk up the hill from our house when we came upon a late rain pool of standing water in the shade, under a cliff. As it was a sizable puddle in the summer there were many tracks in the surrounding hardened mud. There we saw our first mountain lion tracks (huge) and bear tracks, front and back paws (bigger yet). As we moseyed on we inadvertently disturbed a rattlesnake who slithered off into the tall grass and who in turn, set off a series of unmistakably porcine grunts from the large troupe of wild boars who had been lounging there.
    It was a pretty cool, if somewhat dicey, welcome to California!
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  2. TopTop #32

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I did notice this and it has made me smile whenever I think about it. Our bear!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    Has anyone besides me noticed how we have all united on Wacco to talk about wildlife and especially "our" bear? With all due respect to my fellow feisty, caring Wacco-ites, today we're not arguing, angry or pushing a particular agenda---we're sharing. Regardless of who we are or how we vote in the rest of our lives, we have something wonderful in common that makes us a community: an amazing wild creature- a bear.
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  3. Gratitude expressed by 7 members:

  4. TopTop #33
    jesswolfe's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I have been hearing coyotes at the north end of Sebastopol. We also had a very loud fox calling at night. Freaked out the cats!


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    As far as I know, while black bears are somewhat carnivorous in that they will occasionally feast on a leftover carcass (they are opportunistic) coyotes are straight carnivores looking for (mostly small) fresh prey.
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  5. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  6. TopTop #34
    mamaj's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    When I hear about bears being in the west county areas I am not surprised. But I am concerned about these bears. I remember in the late1980's or early 1990's a couple of friends told me they were hiking on some property near the Russian River and seeing a horrifying sight . The property was part of Korbel Winery and they came upon a dead bear which died a horrible death looking like it was shot and then beaten to death and strung out with it's body was raised up into trees , all four legs spread out tied to different trees. Just left there ,the whole animal abandoned . Maybe they thought other bears would come and check it out and they would kill them also,who knows . One thing I know is this property is privately owned by Korbel and winery owners will kill anything that they think will threaten their grape harvest.......

    I hope these bears as the worst, only recieve safe handling and transportation to a safe area where they can live their lives in a peaceful,healthy manner.There are too many trigger happy people out there as well and I hope these animals recieve respect ,not fear from us all and death. Remember, the bear, the wolf, the bald eagle are respected as sacred animals to many native americans....take care.
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  7. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  8. TopTop #35
    theindependenteye's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    from Elizabeth --

    I was going to express gratitude for a post from odeek9, but found it had been deleted. I have no idea why, because it sure sounded sane and caring to me. So here's what I'd intended to say. Making this news in the PD and reporting it to F&G are probably the worst thing that could happen to "our bears."

    When CB and I moved here in 1999, one of the things that I found completely endearing about West County (after getting used to the idea that all this beauty was now my HOME) was the fact that Tom Waits could be left in peace. No mobbing, no pointing. In fact, I really felt like a Citizen when I stood in line behind TW at the Rite Aid and refrained from swooning.

    Now, these bears haven't signed for a major label yet, I understand that. But if they're really going to be "our bears," I think a little Tom-Waits-style respect is in order. Let's rejoice and enjoy among ourselves, let's give the critters their space, and let's not turn them into the newest McDonalds clowns.
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  9. Gratitude expressed by 9 members:

  10. TopTop #36
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

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  12. TopTop #37

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by theindependenteye: View Post
    from Elizabeth --

    I was going to express gratitude for a post from odeek9, but found it had been deleted. I have no idea why, because it sure sounded sane and caring to me. So here's what I'd intended to say. Making this news in the PD and reporting it to F&G are probably the worst thing that could happen to "our bears."

    When CB and I moved here in 1999, one of the things that I found completely endearing about West County (after getting used to the idea that all this beauty was now my HOME) was the fact that Tom Waits could be left in peace. No mobbing, no pointing. In fact, I really felt like a Citizen when I stood in line behind TW at the Rite Aid and refrained from swooning.

    Now, these bears haven't signed for a major label yet, I understand that. But if they're really going to be "our bears," I think a little Tom-Waits-style respect is in order. Let's rejoice and enjoy among ourselves, let's give the critters their space, and let's not turn them into the newest McDonalds clowns.

    Thank you Elizabeth. I deleted it as my insecurities rose their collective ugly heads and, as my first post, I felt that my message may have been a bit overbearing (unintentional pun). In retrospect, even though my caveats are perhaps valid, I did not want to cast a pall over such a joyous event and the attending posts.

    But I am convinced that over exposure, knowing full well that the temptation-mine as well-to want all to embrace the story of "our bear (s)" is intense, is fraught with potential dangers for the youngster e.g. the ramifications of over reactions by folks, the not always positive involvement of F&G, the appearance of unwanted and, in my opinion, immoral and unethical hunters, etc..

    A worrier by nature, I'm really concerned about the inevitable interactions with folks not as thrilled as are we especially if an increase in bear population within our area is true. All too often there are serious negative consequences when increased interaction between idiot humans and the rightful inhabitants of any area occurs. Sadly the loser in such instances are the non-human animals. All I'm suggesting/asking is that we are all a bit circumspect about sharing our story. Thanks-alan
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  13. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  14. TopTop #38

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Tommy: What is your reason for posting this video? I don't understand...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
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  15. TopTop #39
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    What happened when your friends reported this horrific death of this bear and it was verified it was killed on Korbel property?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mamaj: View Post
    When I hear about bears being in the west county areas I am not surprised. But I am concerned about these bears. I remember in the late1980's or early 1990's a couple of friends told me they were hiking on some property near the Russian River and seeing a horrifying sight . The property was part of Korbel Winery and they came upon a dead bear which died a horrible death looking like it was shot and then beaten to death and strung out with it's body was raised up into trees , all four legs spread out tied to different trees. Just left there ,the whole animal abandoned . Maybe they thought other bears would come and check it out and they would kill them also,who knows . One thing I know is this property is privately owned by Korbel and winery owners will kill anything that they think will threaten their grape harvest.......
    Last edited by Barry; 06-05-2013 at 12:58 PM.
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  16. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  17. TopTop #40
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by theindependenteye: View Post
    Making this news in the PD and reporting it to F&G are probably the worst thing that could happen to "our bears."
    Somewhat ironically, when the reporter from the PD called me up to interview me about the bear (although I didn't end up in the article and don't know how they got my phone number) she told me she heard about the bear from my posting here on Wacco. And while I wouldn't have called Fish and Wildlife (and didn't, my neighbor did) I was pleased about how they basically said the bear had a right to be here too and gave tips about how to help protect the bear.

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  18. Gratitude expressed by 5 members:

  19. TopTop #41

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Sorry - I'm struggling with adding this photo and details. I tried (and failed) to put it on the map. This photo (according to Facebook) was taken on Saturday, June 1st at St. Dorothy's Rest in Camp Meeker.

    I walk in the woods almost daily and I'm grateful to know if the bear is still roaming nearby. I hope it soon finds it's way to a wilder area away from so many people.

    Name:  Bear at St. Dorothy's 6-1-13.jpg
Views: 2535
Size:  56.0 KB
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  20. Gratitude expressed by 10 members:

  21. TopTop #42
    Thad's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    absolutely a falken incredible photo

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by studioslips: View Post
    Sorry - I'm struggling with adding this photo and details. I tried (and failed) to put it on the map. This photo (according to Facebook) was taken on Saturday, June 1st at St. Dorothy's Rest in Camp Meeker.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-05-2013 at 12:59 PM.
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  22. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  23. TopTop #43
    kinlinda's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    This bear is hilarious! One of the most laid-back looking wild animals i've ever seen!!!
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  24. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  25. TopTop #44
    mamaj's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    This was reported to animal control, we never heard anything about the bear after that. There was not any stories in the Press Democrat either. Very sad.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    What happened when your friends reported this horrific death of this bear and it was verified it was killed on Korbel property?
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  27. TopTop #45

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I too have been worried that a local hunter will kill that bear, or others.

    Not sure what we can do about that. What are the bears' and property owners' rights? Anyone?

    Mixing many headlines; what can we do to help how law enforcement handles all of it; responding to agitated wild life in animal and human form?

    * Starters

    Please help initiate Federal, State & local: mandates and funding for law enforcement's equipment & training for non-lethal response methods to calls regarding wildlife threats to: crops, other animals or humans.

    Is your local community prepared to take action that way?

    After the delightful sighting of a young bear in western Sonoma County recently, I was reminded of the mountain lion sighting in downtown Sebastopol not long ago. It had prompted me to call Fish & Wildlife that day to inquire about local police having the equipment to deal with their responses to these calls non-lethally. F&G's phone was busy ALL day, or not working right. With too many other priorities, I never followed up with this action.

    So last night at the Sebastopol City Council meeting, as the budget talks were going on, I mentioned this to the Chief of Police. He indicated he agreed that tranquilizer guns were better than bullets for bears, etc; and that their police force was not equipped with tranquilizer guns.

    Our: President, Governor, Congress, Fish & Wildlife, Counties, Cities, etc., need to hear from us. In my view, Wildlife deserves due process and relocation before annihilation; as much as humans do, in every land.

    To fund this value, we must add it to the City of Sebastopol budget before they finalize it very soon. Ask all our representatives to do it; have the State & Federal government re-direct their budgets to respect our humane values; at home and abroad.

    Humans don't have to fight; each other, or nature.

    Fund and operate only as defense = we all win. A true victory.

    No matter what the agenda item, Bill, Proclamation or Resolution; it will only happen when enough of us work until it is so.

    [I moved the balance of this post, about general political issues to "Civics + math can replace politics" in National Politics category. - Barry]
    Last edited by Barry; 06-06-2013 at 11:29 AM.
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  29. TopTop #46
    Scott McKeown's Avatar
    Scott McKeown

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Brock Dolman of Occidental Arts and Ecology just sent me this link to the OAEC website about a bear on OAEC property:

    The bear shown on the link was seen recently at OAEC at the same time there were bear sightings further east close to Sebastopol. Brock tells me that last year some folks on Willow Creek Road were monitoring a mother bear and at least two, possibly even three cubs. Since recently there were similar bears seen at two places at once, the thinking is that these might be sibling bears that were the cubs seen last year.

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  31. TopTop #47

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I have some simply horrible news. A neighbor, with whom I have not spoken regarding our bear, just informed me that a bear is in our vicinity and killed two small goats either last night or this morning. Please forgive me for any lack of clarity as I'm rather shaken. The killing occurred at a friend of my neighbors and evidently the bear was seen by him in a tree. Before or after I do not know-the facts? are limited.

    I live on the upper portion of Starrett Hill in Monte Rio & was told the incident occurred just over the hill-to the south. I know no more. My neighbor is not one to share untruths. The owner of the goats is not out for blood, but I'm afraid that this kind of thing was inevitable and my fears of harm befalling the young bear may be coming into fruition.

    In my estimation, though certainly not an expert by any means but having spent a great deal of time around bears when years ago my brother and I spent months at a time each year camping out in the Mokelumne Wilderness area in the high Sierra, it seems to me (perhaps grasping for hope) that our bear is a bit young and inexperienced for such behavior. Though it must be said that young goats are simple prey, not to mention the fact that they were being housed in a shed of sorts and trapped if you will.

    I pray that none of this is true, or committed by an older bear, mountain lion, or whatever. I probably should listen to my own warning and not even post this but am feeling that it won't magically disappear and that you should all be apprised of the situation. To reiterate, this has not been verified or validated so perhaps it is all a mistake on some level. I don't know-I'm a bit confused. Time will tell. Btw, in response to a post of days ago, bears are no longer relocated as it's a budgetary concern. Euthanasia is much more cost effective.

    I'm so sorry for, perhaps, trampling upon our lovely dream.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-06-2013 at 12:24 PM.
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  33. TopTop #48

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    How many years ago was this on Korbel property?
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    What happened when your friends reported this horrific death of this bear and it was verified it was killed on Korbel property?
    Last edited by Barry; 06-06-2013 at 11:36 AM.
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  34. TopTop #49
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    If it happened, it WAS a crime and I am amazed if Fish & Wildlife--who I respect greatly- never followed up and that the Press Dem ignored it. If it is just rural legend, then let's not slander wineries and Korbel unfairly. Anyway I intend to check this out. If I get some info, I will share on Wacco.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mamaj: View Post
    This was reported to animal control, we never heard anything about the bear after that. There was not any stories in the Press Democrat either. Very sad.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-06-2013 at 11:36 AM.
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  36. TopTop #50
    jesswolfe's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    All the more reason to follow the directions on the OAEC website. We don't want the bears to get cozy with being around people. Doing what you can to bear-proof and scaring the bear away is for their own good.

    I do hope that this is not a bear attack. There are other predators about, so who knows?

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by odeek9: View Post
    I have some simply horrible news. A neighbor, with whom I have not spoken regarding our bear, just informed me that a bear is in our vicinity and killed two small goats either last night or this morning. Please forgive me for any lack of clarity as I'm rather shaken. The killing occurred at a friend of my neighbors and evidently the bear was seen by him in a tree. Before or after I do not know-the facts? are limited.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-06-2013 at 11:21 AM.
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  37. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  38. TopTop #51
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    After I responded a little while ago to this post stating I intended to check this out further, I began some research which I would like to share. Here's a summary:
    1.) Grizzlies are extinct in California and are cited as the reason black bears are returning in numbers to Marin and Sonoma County.
    2.) The last black bear actually seen in Marin County before the 2000's was in 1863. That's right, 1863.
    2.) Black bears were extinct here in 1901 though there were stories of sightings up until 1971. None recorded..
    3) The first recorded black bear return to Sonoma County was in 1999 and it was in Glen Ellen California.
    Nothing after that until the 2000's. Nothing in the 1980's or early 90's.
    This is a summary of info available in greater detail at and ,for a list of actual bear sightings,, click "outdoors" tab and search for "Bear Tales: Ursine Mysteries." Written in 2008.
    I hope this info is helpful as we learn more about the re-emergence of black bears in our county.
    Fish & Wildlife has a Keep Them Wild campaign about respecting wildlife and the site is also very informative about all kinds of wildlife. Great to share with your loved ones!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by mamaj: View Post
    This was reported to animal control, we never heard anything about the bear after that. There was not any stories in the Press Democrat either. Very sad.
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  39. Gratitude expressed by 4 members:

  40. TopTop #52
    Vitality Glassware's Avatar
    Vitality Glassware

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    3) The first recorded black bear return to Sonoma County was in 1999 and it was in Glen Ellen California.
    Nothing after that until the 2000's. Nothing in the 1980's or early 90's.
    I have in my possession the casts from bear tracks on our driveway approx. 1980 from the ranch I lived on in North Sonoma County, on the ridge just south of Geyser Peak. A salmon BBQ drew them from wherever, and slumbering guests awoke to bears sniffing their sleeping bags in the wee hours.
    Whatever official records are kept by F&G, I'd say there are more sightings than reports made to government agencies.
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  42. TopTop #53
    lindasw's Avatar

    Re: Slandering korbel "unfairly" re slain bears and other injured critters

    i am not surprised that the pd never did a story on this--nor am i surprised that no one was ever prosecuted for such a horrific crime. realize this, dear wacconians: whether its a rape and sexual assault or the questionable bathtub murder of a female employee a couple of decades ago who threatened to "blow the whistle" on certain illicit activities on their property; whether its their illegal decimation of a grove of protected redwoods or dumping their chemical waste into the russian river, or the tragic slaying of roaming wildlife, korbel will always be exempt from prosecution in sonoma county! in 2006, i extensively researched their laundry list of questionable and blatant practices after my daughter's assault by the heck/korbel daughter's boyfriend in their private "executive playrooms".... this county has been bought and paid for by mister h and his cronies for years and will continue to be. beware of the power given to this wine industry that is so adored and blindly worshiped in this county.... let's pray our bear (s)--and most intelligent humans--- stay out of their way...

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    If it happened, it WAS a crime and I am amazed if Fish & Wildlife--who I respect greatly- never followed up and that the Press Dem ignored it. If it is just rural legend, then let's not slander wineries and Korbel unfairly. Anyway I intend to check this out. If I get some info, I will share on Wacco.
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  44. TopTop #54
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Thanks for the link, Scott!

    Here's the flyer and the great bear shot from that link. The full printable flyer is here.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Scott McKeown: View Post
    Brock Dolman of Occidental Arts and Ecology just sent me this link to the OAEC website about a bear on OAEC property:
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  46. TopTop #55

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Yes. Bear-safe shelters for pets and livestock is needed.

    Anyone know about how old the bear is?
    Last edited by Barry; 06-07-2013 at 01:14 PM.
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  47. TopTop #56
    scamperwillow's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I would add to that list:
    Keep chickens and pets tightly secured indoors at night.

    Are those actual pictures of "our bear"? Wow! Who took them?
    Last edited by Barry; 06-07-2013 at 01:14 PM.
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  48. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  49. TopTop #57
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I understand how shaken you are and applaud your common sense re the different possibilities regarding how these goats were killed.(I tend to think-coyote.) Black bears are among the least carnivorous of any bear species though can be opportunistic as in feasting off of mammals already dead. SO it's highly unusual if that is what happened.

    Fish & Wildlife should be notified. Did the person whose goats were killed and who saw the bear take a photo? That could be helpful. If the bear is an aggressive bear then F & W may choose to euthanize. As far as I know, here you do not transport bears back to the wild.

    Last but not least as I shared in a recent post, the website has helpful info about bears, and so does, plus (see recent post for link to history of bear sightings in the Bay Nation.)
    Knowing the history of bears in our county including their rare and now very gradual re-emergence after being extinct for almost a century, as well as their habits- could be helpful.

    Thanks again for your post. It is so important that we separate fact from rumor and just report what we know and learn with respect for all involved. You did this. You have my gratitude!
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by odeek9: View Post
    I have some simply horrible news. A neighbor, with whom I have not spoken regarding our bear, just informed me that a bear is in our vicinity and killed two small goats either last night or this morning. Please forgive me for any lack of clarity as I'm rather shaken. The killing occurred at a friend of my neighbors and evidently the bear was seen by him in a tree. Before or after I do not know-the facts? are limited.

    I live on the upper portion of Starrett Hill in Monte Rio & was told the incident occurred just over the hill-to the south. I know no more. My neighbor is not one to share untruths. The owner of the goats is not out for blood, but I'm afraid that this kind of thing was inevitable and my fears of harm befalling the young bear may be coming into fruition.

    In my estimation, though certainly not an expert by any means but having spent a great deal of time around bears when years ago my brother and I spent months at a time each year camping out in the Mokelumne Wilderness area in the high Sierra, it seems to me (perhaps grasping for hope) that our bear is a bit young and inexperienced for such behavior. Though it must be said that young goats are simple prey, not to mention the fact that they were being housed in a shed of sorts and trapped if you will.

    I pray that none of this is true, or committed by an older bear, mountain lion, or whatever. I probably should listen to my own warning and not even post this but am feeling that it won't magically disappear and that you should all be apprised of the situation. To reiterate, this has not been verified or validated so perhaps it is all a mistake on some level. I don't know-I'm a bit confused. Time will tell. Btw, in response to a post of days ago, bears are no longer relocated as it's a budgetary concern. Euthanasia is much more cost effective.

    I'm so sorry for, perhaps, trampling upon our lovely dream.
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  51. TopTop #58
    gypsey's Avatar

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    The SF Gate article was about more than reports to government agencies, and is interesting due to all the unusual sightings of the bears that like your sighting, could be verified. How great to add this one to the history.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Vitality Glassware: View Post
    I have in my possession the casts from bear tracks on our driveway approx. 1980 from the ranch I lived on in North Sonoma County, on the ridge just south of Geyser Peak. A salmon BBQ drew them from wherever, and slumbering guests awoke to bears sniffing their sleeping bags in the wee hours.
    Whatever official records are kept by F&G, I'd say there are more sightings than reports made to government agencies.
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  52. TopTop #59

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by gypsey: View Post
    I understand how shaken you are and applaud your common sense re the different possibilities regarding how these goats were killed...
    Thanks for your input. I only see my neighbor when he's on a walk with his wife so I can't comfortably gather additional information until I next see him.

    When he called out my name, from the street, I came to the deck while on the customary forever hold with Comcast hence I wasn't able to give to him my full attention, in addition to his somewhat frantic behavior. So, as I stated before, I do not have the full story.

    I agree with you that as far as bears go the black bear is usually relatively non-aggressive. Full of bluff and bluster is ordinarily the extent of it. There have been exceptions of course. As far as diet is concerned it's extremely eclectic but the taking down of a deer or moose calf, etc., which does happen (by adult males normally), is not a weekly event. Grubs, vegetation, berries, fish, small game, carcasses, our carelessly left food remnants are the norm. In my humble estimation, all of this combined with "our" bear but 2 years old, in all likelihood, and having just left mom makes it all seem odd. Perhaps I'm very mistaken and the attack is a common occurrence, but I don't think so. I certainly do not mean to sound as a know-it-all because I'm so far from it. But this even sounds a bit like that to me, lol. Please forgive me.

    As time goes by I'm leaning towards the story being suspect, unintentionally. Although he did tell my neighbor that he saw a bear in a tree. Who knows, in the relaying of the story and the excitement/fear/anxiety likely associated with it all perhaps things got skewed-at least this is my hope. Plus there has been no word of the attack from any other source to my knowledge. A bit strange is my feeling.

    As I mentioned once before, as did you, relocation is no longer a viable course of action. Too expensive. If a nuisance bear is not deterred by aversion practices-they now employ "specialists" in this area throughout the Tahoe basin-then it's in big trouble.

    Someone mentioned in an earlier post that they wished that the bears would migrate to areas free of humans. Though not feasible, due to many factors most notably population increases, my wish would be that humans would remain in areas free of bears and not be so arrogant as to assume our supposed superiority-gag-makes it our right to dominate and expand at the expense of all other life forms. Oh well, a fool I am.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-07-2013 at 01:18 PM.
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  54. TopTop #60
    meherc's Avatar
    Supporting member

    Re: A bear near Sebastopol

    I want a bear of my very own.
    Last edited by Barry; 06-07-2013 at 10:01 AM.
    Marilyn Meshak Herczog, EA
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