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  1. TopTop #31
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    give me a break. In my opinion, this is a relatively trivial issue. I think sometimes people hit on these trivial issues, due to their general negativity. My understanding is that the guy Bernie who owns and is developing this parcel is a long time resident/owner, sensitive to local concerns. It also demonstrates unintended consequences of government laws, in this case ADA. Legislation designed for one good end often screws up other things, and can contradict the main purpose of the law.

    I heard Bernie is even building a commercial kitchen for small entrepreneurs to use, to make local products, who would otherwise be unable to succeed. No one has spoken up for this guy. It also demonstrates the power of wacco and other media, that right wing Tea Party groups, have used successfully to push parochial issues to the forefront. I probably shouldn't say anything else.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Barry: View Post
    Did Bob give you permission to post this? Which part did he write and which part did you write, Colleen? Perhaps Bob would like to introduce himself further here.
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  2. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  3. TopTop #32

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    I think if you did a popularity vote, Bernie would still come out with a favorable majority. The fact of life is that he is a high profile figure in this town and what he does affects a lot of people. He signed up for this as part of his job description. What he does with it is up to him, but so far I am impressed and hope he is holding his strength. He's been busting his ass for along time on this development. It's like a mental marathon of Herculean proportions.

    That said, the heritage of this town is NOT trivial. You don't bull dose an 80 year tree with cultural significance because some pencil pushers thought ADA required it. Poll disabled people. You'll see they think this fiasco is BS.

    As for the commercial kitchen, any trendy property owner will look at it, if they think it will make money. That's life. And laws have changed. If people follow ServSafe certification laws, they can use their own kitchens. If entrepreneurs don't make money, they won't succeed.... anywhere.

    This situation with the tree is awkward, but I have some degree of confidence that the situation will work out well for everyone.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    give me a break. In my opinion, this is a relatively trivial issue. I think sometimes people hit on these trivial issues, due to their general negativity. My understanding is that the guy Bernie who owns and is developing this parcel is a long time resident/owner, sensitive to local concerns. It also demonstrates unintended consequences of government laws, in this case ADA. Legislation designed for one good end often screws up other things, and can contradict the main purpose of the law.

    I heard Bernie is even building a commercial kitchen for small entrepreneurs to use, to make local products, who would otherwise be unable to succeed. No one has spoken up for this guy. It also demonstrates the power of wacco and other media, that right wing Tea Party groups, have used successfully to push parochial issues to the forefront. I probably shouldn't say anything else.
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  4. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  5. TopTop #33
    photolite's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Interesting comment re the Tea Party and wacco. Comments by the more militant element on this thread and others around the Pellini property have often struck me as reflecting the other side of that same coin.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tommy: View Post
    give me a break. In my opinion, this is a relatively trivial issue. I think sometimes people hit on these trivial issues, due to their general negativity. My understanding is that the guy Bernie who owns and is developing this parcel is a long time resident/owner, sensitive to local concerns. It also demonstrates unintended consequences of government laws, in this case ADA. Legislation designed for one good end often screws up other things, and can contradict the main purpose of the law.

    I heard Bernie is even building a commercial kitchen for small entrepreneurs to use, to make local products, who would otherwise be unable to succeed. No one has spoken up for this guy. It also demonstrates the power of wacco and other media, that right wing Tea Party groups, have used successfully to push parochial issues to the forefront. I probably shouldn't say anything else.
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  7. TopTop #34

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    So how do we find balance? By ignoring the militant element (this tends to be my approach)? I believe that open discussion is beneficial and I further believe that criticism of certain things should not be seen as equal to heaping negativity on the person or people involved. I'm not a fan of character assassination but I don't think expressing the desire to save this tree is defacto criticism of Bernie--that's certainly not been the case with my comments. Indeed, I see this as a great opportunity for Bernie, The Barlow and the community.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by photolite: View Post
    Interesting comment re the Tea Party and wacco. Comments by the more militant element on this thread and others around the Pellini property have often struck me as reflecting the other side of that same coin.
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  8. Gratitude expressed by 3 members:

  9. TopTop #35
    The Barlow's Avatar
    The Barlow

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    We wanted to update everyone on the status of the Bunya Bunya Tree situation.

    Things are looking up for the beautiful tree! After challenging our engineers we came up with a plan that satisfies both Cal Trans and ADA. We are now waiting to hear back from the City of Sebastopol to see if they approve a 5 ft wide sidewalk instead of 10 ft.

    Note: We appreciate the community's voice for the tree. Believe it or not, we love this magnificent tree at the entrance of Sebastopol.
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  10. TopTop #36
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    When the Taylor project went in (across Morris Street), which Sebastopol Tomorrow opposed, Taylor wanted to cut the palm trees down. We persuaded the City Council that the trees were historically significant, and that, according to Neon Palm, they were very easy to move and survival was almost certain.

    I don't know how long the Bunya tree has been there, long before my arrival over 30 years ago, but It seems to me that unusual trees should be preserved. There may be an argument that the seed pods are big and could injure someone, but I think a solution to that can be found, perhaps some kind of visually unobtrusive netting
    Last edited by Barry; 01-15-2013 at 11:17 AM.
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  11. TopTop #37
    Richard Nichols's Avatar
    Richard Nichols

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Good going Barney, we knew you could do it!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by The Barlow: View Post
    We wanted to update everyone on the status of the Bunya Bunya Tree situation.

    Things are looking up for the beautiful tree! After challenging our engineers we came up with a plan that satisfies both Cal Trans and ADA. We are now waiting to hear back from the City of Sebastopol to see if they approve a 5 ft wide sidewalk instead of 10 ft.

    Note: We appreciate the community's voice for the tree. Believe it or not, we love this magnificent tree at the entrance of Sebastopol.
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  12. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  13. TopTop #38
    The Barlow's Avatar
    The Barlow

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    We are excited to share the good progress of the Bunya Bunya tree! It looks like the City of Sebastopol agrees to relax their standards if Cal Trans can approve our new plan.

    The meeting on the 16th has been postponed so that all parties can have time to approve the plan. We are waiting for our own approval to share this plan drawings with you all.

    Thank you all for your voices!

    (Barney showing his love for the Bunya Bunya tree)
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  14. Gratitude expressed by 8 members:

  15. TopTop #39
    Bird Watcher's Avatar
    Bird Watcher

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree (NOT)

    Thanks for this good news, Barney. (Not Bernie, people! Do your homework.) Some of us knew you weren't wanting to cut the tree. What I wanted to post earlier, but didn't, is that those of you who think the ADA thing was a smoke-screen, just ask Teresa at the Seb. Chamber of Commerce about the havoc raised a few years ago by an entity who threatened expensive, ADA-based lawsuits against several downtown merchants. Never underestimate the power of sweeping and generic Federal regulations and those who want to abuse them!

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  16. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  17. TopTop #40
    Helen Shane's Avatar
    Helen Shane

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Thanks, Barney. You are a good citizen. You set a good example for developers who want to be part of our community.
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  18. Gratitude expressed by 9 members:

  19. TopTop #41

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree (NOT)

    Thanks for clarifying Barney, not Bernie. I made the mistake, too, and I'm red-faced about it. Were I not down with the wretched flu virus, I would have caught it. But instead, I just looked at "Bernie" and thought, man, that doesn't look right yet did nothing.

    And as far as ADA stuff goes, no one should ever think it is a smoke-screen. Non-compliance can be an enormous problem.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Bird Watcher: View Post
    Thanks for this good news, Barney. (Not Bernie, people! Do your homework.) Some of us knew you weren't wanting to cut the tree. What I wanted to post earlier, but didn't, is that those of you who think the ADA thing was a smoke-screen, just ask Teresa at the Seb. Chamber of Commerce about the havoc raised a few years ago by an entity who threatened expensive, ADA-based lawsuits against several downtown merchants. Never underestimate the power of sweeping and generic Federal regulations and those who want to abuse them!

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  21. TopTop #42

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    I LOVE this picture! Sexy... tree ;-)

    Good job Barney! I'm really stunned by how well you are managing this whole project... This can ONLY come from having people you've worked with as a team previously. Too many parts are moving so fast, so decisions must be made quickly. You are quite polished in everything I've seen so far.

    Please forgive my misspelling your name. Of course I should have known better, I guess my own parts are flying in too many directions!

    I appreciate BirdWatcher's comments about ADA lawsuits (or goodness knows where the next piece of crap is going to fly for that matter). All the public comment will establish a clear history, so at least you'll be fine on that one. I am a stronger endorser for ADA, when it is REASONABLE and reviewed by those that need it.

    I'm happy to be in Sebastopol and know that our town character matters to nearly everyone. When CVS and Chase were getting close to approval it upset me greatly. Both these companies earn business by coercion rather than goodwill. I want to know that where ever I chose to be in America, that good old fashioned business ethics was why I work with people.

    That's how I see The Barlow working ...and it restores faith in my choice to be here instead of anywhere else in this HUGE world. We have quality people in every profession imaginable here! Real people according to everyone's definition. (((People should earn a living by the quality of relationships they have with others. This matters enormously!)))

    Thanks to The Barlow for all your hard work. I look forward to experiencing what you are creating.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by The Barlow: View Post
    We are excited to share the good progress of the Bunya Bunya tree! It looks like the City of Sebastopol agrees to relax their standards if Cal Trans can approve our new plan.

    The meeting on the 16th has been postponed so that all parties can have time to approve the plan. We are waiting for our own approval to share this plan drawings with you all.

    Thank you all for your voices!

    (Barney showing his love for the Bunya Bunya tree)
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  22. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  23. TopTop #43
    Magick's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    I am the Bunya Bunya

    I am the Bunya Bunya, from the family of Monkey Puzzle trees…

    I have stood amongst you for generations,
    So many sweet bird songs have been sung in my branches,
    I am home to hundreds of species,
    that no one is speaking for.

    Squirrels chatter in my arms,
    I feel the winds of change in my branches
    I bend and sway so I may keep growing,
    So can you!

    I can live 500 years…
    That’s many generations for you, my human sisters and brothers,
    Do you not know that you cannot breath
    If I do not live?
    I am witness
    to so many lumber trucks
    carrying the corpses of my kin,
    and yet I know
    In your hearts
    you care about me.
    You don’t want
    to sacrifice me to industry.

    What puzzles me
    Is that you make laws
    that do not abide by the intrinsic laws of nature
    and then feel compelled to uphold them.
    Some of these laws say you
    own me, how can that be?

    One of your Supreme Court justices, William O Douglass,
    declared in a court decision,
    That Trees have Standing,
    have the right to exist-
    our autonomy rooted
    in the rights of all species to exist.
    The earth is not a resource but source, itself.

    I like your song, “just like a tree standing by the water
    I shall not be moved”…

    I am an immigrant, my family is from Australia,
    I am not an invader, you brought me here,
    Maybe to deliver a message.
    The people of Sebastopol have felt divided
    again and again over the use of land.

    The aboriginal people honored me as sacred,
    I fed them and they gathered around me to declare
    an end to all feuds.
    I can help you heal.

    Let go of your hubris, become humble
    and really human;
    the roots of all those words are the same;
    they come from hummus, the earth itself,
    All of creation is calling you home.

    Circle me, let the music of the one song
    break down your animosity,
    let the drums of life
    find resonance in your hearts.
    All of us, you and I, are
    one family.

    Use your gift of consciousness wisely,
    Every day you must choose between right and wrong,
    it is not so hard, love will always guide you…

    I know you can do it-
    When you do are so beautiful, creative,
    Celebrating life…
    Let your children, and your children’s children,
    be greeted by me-
    they will tell the story of your finest hour;
    When you were no longer puzzled.
    by greed and power
    I am standing tall among you, let me be!

    Transcribed by Magick
    speaking for the Bunya, Bunya
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  24. Gratitude expressed by 11 members:

  25. TopTop #44
    The Barlow's Avatar
    The Barlow

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Thank you for this amazing poem! Love it!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Magick: View Post
    I am the Bunya Bunya

    I am the Bunya Bunya, from the family of Monkey Puzzle trees…
    Transcribed by Magick
    speaking for the Bunya, Bunya
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  27. TopTop #45

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Name:  IMG_0459.jpg
Views: 671
Size:  56.5 KBand when will that collar.... that is impinging into the bark high up the trunk.... when will that be removed?
    Last edited by Skye; 01-17-2013 at 09:49 PM. Reason: adding photo
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  28. TopTop #46
    Shandi's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    These Magick words moved me to tears....a very powerful message for all to take to heart.
    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Magick: View Post
    I am the Bunya Bunya
    Last edited by Barry; 01-17-2013 at 11:54 AM.
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  29. TopTop #47
    tommy's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Thank you for finding a way to save this precious tree! I am touched in my heart by how you have worked with those of us who love the tree, as weird as it is, that's probably a part of loving it's uniqueness... and the various government agencies with a say. I feel like an asshole for my prior post on the tree, including misspelling your name.

    I look forward to the opening of the Barlow, with one small caveat. I hope it doesn't turn Sebastopol into another Healdsburg. I love both towns, but I have more of an affection for Sebastopol, I was drawn here, by the various mystical elements of the town, the affection of people around here for the town, the care in affirming & keeping what is loved about the town, the localness & non touristy aspects, the beauty of west county, and the closeness of the sea.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Sereniti: View Post
    Thanks to The Barlow for all your hard work. I look forward to experiencing what you are creating.
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  31. TopTop #48

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Now I know why you are called Magick! Thank you for speaking for the Bunya Bunya part of US!
    These words brought a gush of tears for your openhearted Being with him, hearing him, feeling him speak from inside you - what a gift!
    Rev. BE

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Magick: View Post
    I am the Bunya Bunya...
    Last edited by Barry; 01-18-2013 at 01:31 PM.
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  32. TopTop #49
    Magick's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Friends, I am heartened by the concern for saving the life of the Bunya, Bunya tree, and thank you for your appreciations for my poem.

    I ask you to also become aware of the plans to cut trees the size of 8 football fields up in Gualala. Two projects, Preservation Ranch and Artesa, are in the pipeline and MUST BE STOPPED!. We will need everyone to get involved. Please go to for the background story.

    If we let them these multinational corporations will clearcut the tops of mountains, killing thousands of trees, the home of deer and so many of our other brothers and sisters, and dumping silt in creeks all to make more wine.

    Many of you appreciated Efren Carrillo for his support of medical marijuana but you need to understand that the money that put Efren in office had no vested interest in this issue so he could, and did, gain a lot of political capital when hundreds of you showed up at the Board of Supervisors.

    Those who follow these issues are very sure that Efren will support these clearcuts, and I hope you will not expect Efren to do the right thing then. I personally have asked Efren to speak out against them but he won't.

    He will tell you they will "perserve a swath of forest" which is just a cover for the massive destruction.

    Let him and the other supervisors know you oppose this.

    The miracle we need in this county is to turn "The Wine into Water"! There is already way too much land used for alcohol, moderation is needed in drinking as well as production.

    yours in truth, Magick
    Last edited by Barry; 01-18-2013 at 02:21 PM.
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  33. Gratitude expressed by 11 members:

  34. TopTop #50
    dominus's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    We are living through the time of the great "extraction." This extraction has enabled governments and businesses to function without morality. At the core of this battle for stewardship is our humanity. This is a stand for life, all of life and if that's not worth it, then what is?
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  35. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

  36. TopTop #51

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Strong new is never as good as strong old. I'm sure this magnificent tree has stories to tell :). No tree should ever be cut down unless they are a hazard or dying, period.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by tomcat: View Post
    Perhaps the Barlow folks would agree to plant 5 or 10 new ones of this type of tree in the development or in a park somewhere to replace this old one. That would be a nice gesture. I hate to see nice old trees cut down, but when they are replaced with strong young new ones, it feels better.
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  38. TopTop #52

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Avatar comes to mind. How a collective conscious comes together with action and not hot air is THE challenge.

    There are tribes rippling the world. Many know who I refer to here =) We all need to seek out those tribes and be committed individually to conservative consumption and acts to restore what we borrow from the earth.

    I see people's distress. This is very real under-current that is deeply affecting us. Our constitution must change and real people held accountable for their actions.... It isn't the only answer, but it is a HUGE piece.

    I have a feeling this conversation is about to get alot bigger.... I'm just a little person who has little affect on that law.... but then I realized even the little people can get creative!

    Did anyone hear about the guy in Marin who drove the carpool lane with his corporation papers. When the cop pulled him over, the driver said hey, I have a person in my car. Cop said no you don't. ....I can't wait to hear how THAT goes down in court!

    I see these kind of stunts exploding all over the place as people become more passionate in creating change.

    What we each do matters, so please continue to have courage and believe that you too can ripple the world.


    Quote Posted in reply to the post by dominus: View Post
    We are living through the time of the great "extraction." This extraction has enabled governments and businesses to function without morality. At the core of this battle for stewardship is our humanity. This is a stand for life, all of life and if that's not worth it, then what is?
    Last edited by Sereniti; 01-18-2013 at 06:48 PM. Reason: clarity
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  40. TopTop #53
    comodin's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Yes... gratitude for the poem, and the insights from all of our neighbors ! Hello from the north county where all this destruction is taking place!! I am a member of the Coastal Hills Land Trust in the Ft. Ross area of the county. I agree with you, Magick, every step of the way. I have been in this area for only 12 years, and I have seen first hand the destruction & despoiling of the land, the water and the habitat for so many of our wildlife, only for the sake of profit and vanity!! Profit because the agricultural and logging interests only see "products" from this endangered landscape, money to be made from land that will not recover anytime soon! And, the vanity we have witnessed by well meaning neighbors who do not understand at all the larger environmental implications of their special "dream" of owning their own vineyard or tasting room in an area which does not support the industrial traffic, the large number of tourists, or the development of this important fragile ecosystem.

    I also agree about our friend Efren on the board of Supervisors. He is young and I was hoping we might educate him about various aspects of the environment in these coastal hills. I pray he reads this as I am not giving up hope that we all might help each other learn about what is most important now in these times of discord, fear and anger. We also have been at the board meetings many times for these issues, and often, no matter how much research we have done, showing legal precedents, with facts checked etc., the board listens very distractedly, and then rules in the opposition's favor. It is always obvious who is "paying" for these decisions.

    I feel that the issue of the sacred Bunya Bunya tree and the issues of saving this incredible landscape from further destruction are so related. For those interested in our work up in these coastal hills as well, check out our announcement on the board here for the film about Judi Bari. We are the the Coastal Hills Land Trust, a community dedicated to preserving the ecosystem here in the coastal hills near Ft. Ross. "Who Bombed Judi Bari?" is the film to be shown here 1/26, and we hope to get support to preserve this land for the future. Thanks everyone!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Magick: View Post
    Friends, I am heartened by the concern for saving the life of the Bunya, Bunya tree, and thank you for your appreciations for my poem.

    I ask you to also become aware of the plans to cut trees the size of 8 football fields up in Gualala. Two projects, Preservation Ranch and Artesa, are in the pipeline and MUST BE STOPPED!. We will need everyone to get involved. Please go to for the background story.

    If we let them these multinational corporations will clearcut the tops of mountains, killing thousands of trees, the home of deer and so many of our other brothers and sisters, and dumping silt in creeks all to make more wine.

    Many of you appreciated Efren Carrillo for his support of medical marijuana but you need to understand that the money that put Efren in office had no vested interest in this issue so he could, and did, gain a lot of political capital when hundreds of you showed up at the Board of Supervisors.

    Those who follow these issues are very sure that Efren will support these clearcuts, and I hope you will not expect Efren to do the right thing then. I personally have asked Efren to speak out against them but he won't.

    He will tell you they will "perserve a swath of forest" which is just a cover for the massive destruction.

    Let him and the other supervisors know you oppose this.

    The miracle we need in this county is to turn "The Wine into Water"! There is already way too much land used for alcohol, moderation is needed in drinking as well as production.

    yours in truth, Magick
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  41. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  42. TopTop #54
    The Barlow's Avatar
    The Barlow

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    A beautifully written article in Sonoma West Times & News about the Bunya Bunya tree. Please take a moment to read and hear from Barney (the Developer).

    Thank you!
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  43. TopTop #55
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Here's the article since it's behind a pay wall.

    Bunya bunya tree enjoys stay of execution
    Posted: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 12:11pm
    by David Abbott Sonoma West Editor
    [email protected]

    Aldridge willing to ‘handcuff himself to the tree’ to save it

    The Australian bunya bunya tree on the corner of Sebastopol Avenue and Morris Street has survived for at least another week, as Barlow developer Barney Aldridge has vowed to do everything in his power to save the tree from removal.

    “I’m gonna handcuff myself to that tree if I have to, but I’m feeling pretty good about it,” he said. “We’ll know a lot more in a week. We’re spending a lot of money and bringing in the best minds to work on it.”

    A meeting to decide the tree’s fate scheduled for Wednesday (Jan. 16) was canceled as Aldridge wrestles with alternative plans for infrastructure upgrades to the southeast corner of the Barlow project.

    The trials and tribulations of the 80-foot tree, which has stood at the east entrance to the city for several generations and is rumored to have been planted by Luther Burbank or his wife, came to light at the Jan. 2 Tree Board meeting.

    In order to complete improvements to the corner that are part of Aldridge’s agreement with the city, the sidewalk needs to be brought up to Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, as well as conforming to both Caltrans and City of Sebastopol guidelines.

    After evaluating the corner, however, “the project team, City Engineer and City Arborist agree(d) that there (was) no alternative to the removal of the tree,” according to the Tree Board staff report for the Jan. 2 meeting.

    Hence, Aldridge was forced to apply for a tree removal permit, which included a plan to move the Canary Island palm tree, located near the bunya bunya, closer to the corner to serve as a replacement.

    “It has always been Barney’s intent to preserve the tree. The plan was approved with that in mind,” Planning Director Kenyon Webster said last week. “He would like to keep the tree, but in building the ADA ramp, the city and Caltrans require an elevation difference because of the roots.”

    Photo: Tyler Brassel
    Cali-Bunya - The bunya bunya tree on the corner
    of Sebastopol Avenue and Morris Street stands in the way
    of improvements to the corner. Developer Barney Aldridge
    is working with city officials to find a solution to spare the tree.
    According to Planning Department analysis, the sidewalk grade would have to be lowered by 2 feet and the curb radius would have to be changed in order to be brought into ADA compliance. That would necessitate removing a significant portion of the tree’s healthy roots growing under the existing sidewalk, which could lead to destabilization or the death of the tree.

    Destabilization would create a hazard for both cars and pedestrians, while the death of the tree would make the discussion moot.

    The issue is further complicated by the existence of a power pole and traffic lights, which decreases the space available for the sidewalk.

    Aldridge believes he may be able to get the city to agree to a new plan that includes narrowing the sidewalk from 10 feet to 5 feet, but sees more problems with the larger government agencies.

    “ADA, Caltrans and the city all have their standards,” he said. “It’s challenging as there is not a lot of room there. We might need the community to step up and help convince Caltrans.”

    The tree’s fate may have already been sealed, but questions about the proper public notification surfaced. The discussion was moved to the Jan. 16 date, but Aldridge’s efforts to find an alternative solution led to a further continuance.

    In the interim, the Planning Department received several letters from concerned citizens wanting to save the tree, although Design Review Board member Lynn Deedler had a different take on the matter.

    “I hope you will not encourage others to save this tree based on the simple ideology that trees are good and should be saved,” Deedler wrote in an e-mail to Planning. “Judgment should come from weighing all the issues. Many needs and values go into the equation that determines if this tree removal is justified, and my conclusion is the removal is justified. This opinion comes from someone who values trees more than most and who has fought hard battles to save trees in Sebastopol, often a lonesome battle. And who has cared for and planted more trees than you can imagine.”

    Deedler proposed preserving “a major section of the trunk” and incorporating it into the adjacent landscaping in order to help preserve the historic nature of the site, which he sees as lacking in the current state of the project.

    But if Aldridge — and a vocal number of Sebastopol residents — can come up with an alternative solution, the removal of the bunya bunya may not be necessary.

    “I want the community to be clear: I want to keep the tree,” Aldridge said. “Sometimes in life, someone has to compromise. We’re trying to step on as few toes as possible. I appreciate the community’s love for the tree and willingness to get involved, but we may need the community to get more involved.”

    Aldridge said there is an April target date for opening the Barlow, so he hopes the tree issue is settled within the next 30 days. He expects to have a new plan sometime within the next week.

    “The city has an interest in seeing these improvements,” he said.

    The city also has an interest in keeping the tree.

    “Nobody’s happy about (removing) it. It’s a big, prominent landmark,” Webster concluded.
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  44. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  45. TopTop #56
    caverly's Avatar

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    "Deedler proposed preserving a major section of the trunk " -

    you have to be kidding , this idea is just hilarious .
    Or maybe we could make a photo post-card to sell , so every one could remember 'The Tree" and what it was like ....”
    {it could even be a scratch&sniff , to really appreciate its natural beauty }.
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  47. TopTop #57
    Ice Queen's Avatar
    Ice Queen

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    I am all in favor of cutting this ugly, dangerous, out of place tree. Cut it, slab it, and make picnic tables with the slabs. It was probably planted when Luther Burbank was doing his horticultural experiments. It's time has run. If you like, hold a public funeral. Amen

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by caverly: View Post
    "Deedler proposed preserving a major section of the trunk " -

    you have to be kidding , this idea is just hilarious .
    Or maybe we could make a photo post-card to sell , so every one could remember 'The Tree" and what it was like ....”
    {it could even be a scratch&sniff , to really appreciate its natural beauty }.
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  49. TopTop #58
    David MySky's Avatar
    David MySky

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    How arrogant for any man to choose commerce and finance before nature and living things, to choose cutting down such a majestic tree, native or not, before relinquishing just one parking spot.
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  51. TopTop #59
    Barry's Avatar
    Founder & Moderator

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    Commerce, finance or parking are not the issues. Please read the prior posts on this thread, especially this post for the current status.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by David MySky: View Post
    How arrogant for any man to choose commerce and finance before nature and living things, to choose cutting down such a majestic tree, native or not, before relinquishing just one parking spot.
    Last edited by Barry; 01-24-2013 at 11:56 AM.
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  53. TopTop #60

    Re: Barlow Wants to Cut the Bunya Bunya Tree

    The Bunya Bunya tree lives 500 years. It could live another 400 years and probably much longer. Probably a lot longer than the Barlow Buildings will continue to stand. And it looks a lot nicer than those new tin shacks.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Ice Queen: View Post
    I am all in favor of cutting this ugly, dangerous, out of place tree. Cut it, slab it, and make picnic tables with the slabs. It was probably planted when Luther Burbank was doing his horticultural experiments. It's time has run. If you like, hold a public funeral. Amen
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  54. Gratitude expressed by 6 members:

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