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  1. TopTop #1

    How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    ‘Smart’ Meters are costing us $$, Privacy and our Health and Safety
    Avoid PG&E ‘Smart’meters for free!
    PG&E is in Fairfax as of August 11th – leaving cards about ‘'upgrading Smart Meters in your area'’--this is what they do before installing Smart Meters! Many people have been dropped from the delay list. Call today and advise your neighbors immediately! At 1-(877) 743-7378 Look out for your out-of-town neighbors. Fairfax currently has an ordinance against the placement of Smart Meters and is exploring a town wide opt-out. Call 453-5330 for police assistance.

    Friday, Sept 9th, 7 PM, Fairfax Women’s Club, 46 Park Road
    Doors open at 6:45 Please, have cell phones turned off.
    *Protecting your analog gas and electric meters
    *Town/county opt-outs and local rights
    *Privacy, health, cost, and safety
    *Community Involvement/Next Steps
    Layna Berman and Jeffrey Fawcett, Your Own Health and
    Fitness talk show hosts
    Larry Bragman, Mayor of Fairfax
    Joshua Hart, Director
    Cindy Sage, Environmental Consultant, expert on bio-effects
    of electromagnetic radiation
    Katharina Sandizell, Program Director Alliance for Human and
    Environmental Health
    Testimonials: David Wentjes, Sarah Reily, Sudi Scull
    Q&A: 1 minute/person comment or question for speakers.
    Free Event- Parking is limited, overflow pkg. @ Fairfax
    Parkade and Pavilion
    Wheelchair accessible- for more info call 415-454-2874

    Action Steps to take for anyone who has a PG&E account:

    1) CALL the 24/7 PG&E delay list 1(877) 743-7378- mention that what you really want is to opt-out. Do not let them lull you into complacency with talk about how the CPUC is going to make it optional. Until it’s law, they are currently installing new electric and gas meters. NEW RENTER? PG&E installs before you move in- call for delay when you put your $$ down! If utilities are included in the rent, provide this info to your landlord. Request this for your rental agreement.

    2) Call Wellington (the primary ‘Smart’Meter installers) M-F 8am-8pm Sat 9-5pm, at 1-866-671-1001tell them you do not accept the installation of a ‘Smart’Meter. Get a confirmation #, confirming that Wellington will send back the work order for installation to PG&E., indicating you declined to accept the installation. Tell them to call you if they receive a new order for your home.

    3) Make a Do Not Install Smart Meter sign on both your electric and gas meters.Place in a ziplock bag and tape to your meters. Do not block the numbers from being read. This is will stop miscommunication from steps 1 and 2. Later, buy stickers from

    4) Get a copy of this flyer to give to a circle of your neighbors 3 houses wide Go to and do a search for “How to Prevent ‘Smart’ Meter Action Steps Flyer—Updated” This flyer and updates will be posted there. This is formatted for a 1 page Word doc. smart meter symposium alert aug 17th.doc Organize a neighborhood watch. Wellington vans are unmarked and installers wear no uniforms. Set up telephone trees to head them off if they come into your neighborhood.

    5) If you’ve already got smart meters, check search “ What to do if you already have a Smart Meter” Check back regularly for updates.

    Last edited by ubaru; 09-03-2011 at 12:58 AM. Reason: Please note new date Smart Meter Symposium
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  2. TopTop #2

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Notes from the Fairfax Town Hall Meeting tonight 8/17/11

    We had quite a turnout fliers were taken and read and people came to talk to me- people are worried!
    Larry Bragman says he thinks they're going to try a massive install on the 22nd--damn!

    That's next Monday the 22nd in 5 days!! Please get the flyer happening above and guard your meter. I'll be sitting under mine with a baseball bat!
    In other places they have cut the locks and chains people have on their meters, and installed anyway. So it's down to putting your vehicle and your body between them and your meters. Stickers and signs won't do squat, though they are still important to build a legal case against them. They are behaving like fascist thugs and we need to respond accordingly. Santa Cruz had a show down like this in June and we're organizing something big. That's all of you folks!!

    Volunteer to hang out at the intersection of every street in Fairfax to use your vehicle to park in/block each unmarked Wellington truck/van. And organize a LOT of people to do this. Get phone trees organized in your area so when we know the trucks are coming, you'll be there to meet them. We'll post more here as we organize.

    Name:  Wellington-blocked-2_2.jpg
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    A Wellington installers truck was effectively blocked and rendered incapable of deploying PG&E Smart Meters for several hours by a local Anchor Bay woman, Annie M. -Humbolt County
    Last edited by ubaru; 11-11-2011 at 03:35 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  3. TopTop #3

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Layna Berman's Your Own Health and Fitness has done a very resource rich page on Smart Meters. Please take advantage of it.

    Check out her radio show with Larry Bragman and Josh Hart talking about Smart Meters Is This Even Legal?

    Much of the data I put in my Smart Meter Urgent Update Fairfax and West Marin--Flyer For Neighbors came from this radio show.

    Last edited by ubaru; 09-02-2011 at 11:51 PM.
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  4. TopTop #4

    Don't Fall For "Non-Transmitting" Smart Meters

    Don't be fooled by this talk from PG$E saying new non-transmitting meters are not hazardous for us:

    From a commenter in Santa Cruz

    So KTVU got it totally wrong. They said that Capitola lifted the moratorium on installing the meters, and that PG&E was developing a new non transmitting meter to be furnished to people that don’t want a radio meter.
    I knew they were wrong about both things, but I had to share with people what the mainstream corporate media is putting out.
    I actually like KTVU news for the most part, but they really dropped the ball last Friday about PG&E developing new meters that don’t transmit.
    In Marin County the new radio meters have been installed and are transmitting, but due to the topography and telemetry problems, they are transmitting for nothing. The DCU’s are in place, have been for about a year, but they are not working in most parts of the county. Only down in the flatlands , parts of San Rafael, Novato and Birdland (Tam Valley) have meters that are working transmitting as dreamed, a very small percentage of the meters total.

    People's response to non-radio meters is "If I can't tell whether it's transmitting without buying an expensive EMF detector, I don't want it." And "I don't want to be a part of your experiment."

    It's official.
    In May 2011 the WHO (World Health Organization) just released data that non-ionizing microwave radiation is a possible Class 2B carcinogen in the same category as DDT, lead, chloroform, and engine exhaust.
    Last edited by ubaru; 11-16-2011 at 12:50 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  5. TopTop #5

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Continuation of First Post

    This is the best we know so far to allow you to keep your analog meters until the CPUC hearings on the opt-out program are completed. This could take as long as one year or more, and may result in a no cost opt-out. If you do nothing, PG&E will install--and once it’s on, it’s impossible to get them to take it off. But you can take it off yourself.

    See What to Do If You Already Have a Smart Meter

    Resources including ways to lock your meters:
    Last edited by ubaru; 09-02-2011 at 11:45 PM.
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  6. TopTop #6

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated FLYER TO GIVE TO NEIGHBORS

    THIS FLYER IS BEING UPDATED NOW. I'LL LET YOU KNOW WHEN IT'S DONE. Please download this flyer to give to your neighbors. SmartMeterUrgentUpdatePublic.doc I will post what will fit of it here and the rest in the next reply.

    URGENT UPDATE:According to word from the Fairfax Town Council, PG&E/Wellington is possibly going to begin installing 'Smart Meters' in Fairfax Friday (8/19/2011) or on Monday in 2 days (8/22/2011), despite the Fairfax moratorium on their installation.

    Reports from other towns are that, PG&E/Wellington is cutting locks homeowners placed on their meters to replace the meters anyway. Thus placing yourself/your vehicles between installers and your meters/your neighbor's meters may be necessary. Lock your gates. Block your meters with your car or another heavy object, while still allowing meter readers to do their job (or post a card with the numbers at the front of your property). Despite this, it is important to take all available actions 1, 2, and 3 here to take all available measures to build a credible legal case to win a future legal battle as a town, if that becomes necessary. You have property rights, privacy rights, and health and safety rights, all which would be violated unless you stand up for them. A renter home alone in a big apartment complex DOES have the right to stop smart meter installation for the whole complex.

    Do not cave in to false threats. It’s illegal to turn off your power. We are working for free opt-out. The Town Council says the law is most definitely on our side. PG&E is violating the law in at least 7 different ways.

    Because Smart Meters “talk” to each other in a far reaching range of electro-magnetic frequencies, it’s important that everyone in the neighborhood not have them. They emit far more radiation than cell phone and wireless internet. Radiation from one house can make neighbor’s kids get leukemia. Please do your part to keep everyone safe. The WHO just released data that non-ionizing microwave radiation is a Class 2 carcinogen in the same category as DDT, lead, and chloroform. It is common for strong healthy people to report bad headaches, nausea, ringing in the ears, inability to sleep and hyperactivity as soon as Smart meters are installed. The elderly are getting sudden heart attacks. Pets and children are even more susceptible. You can get a better idea of the distance radiation emits from a single meter in this informative YouTube video

    Besides this Smart Meters intrude on your privacy, decrease property values, give unreliable billing, and are not UL certified (they ARE bursting into flames--want one on your gas meter)? Meter installers are NOT licensed electricians, they are temp workers.


    1) CALL the 24/7 PG&E delay list 1(877) 743-7378- mention that what you really want is to opt-out. Do not let them lull you into complacency with talk about how the CPUC is going to make it optional. Until it’s law, they are currently installing new electric and gas meters. NEW RENTER? PG&E installs before you move in- call for delay when you put your $$ down! If utilities are included in the rent, provide this info to your landlord. Request this for your rental agreement.

    2) Call Wellington (the primary ‘Smart’Meter installers) M-F 8am-8pm Sat 9-5pm, at 1-866-671-1001 –tell them you do not accept the installation of a ‘Smart’Meter. Get a confirmation #, confirming that Wellington will send back the work order for installation to PG&E., indicating you declined to accept the installation. Tell them to call you if they receive a new order for your home.

    3) Please make ‘DO NOT INSTALL SMART METER’ signs and place on both your electric and gas meters. Place in a ziplock bag and tape to your meters. Do not block the numbers from being read. This is will stop miscommunication from steps 1 and 2. Later, buy stickers from because they take 10 days to arrive. Yes, a sign won’t necessarily stop them, but you do need to say NO to establish a legal precedent. Take a photo of the date on a newspaper with your sign in the background for evidence. The Delay list is said to be a joke, but please call it and the Wellington number for the same reason.

    Here is a suggested sign for your meters:

    I am the ratepayer responsible for utility services at _______________. I herewith authorize any neighbor or ANYONE, including you, dear installer, to act on my behalf, representing my interests in declining installation of any "Smart Meter" or similar surveillance and activity monitoring device, or devices, at the above address.
    //your signature//

    4) Form a Neighborhood Watch and keep your eyes out for installers. Set up a telephone tree. They don't wear uniforms and they just drive white, blue, or gray vehicles with another company's name on it (probably Wellington). Nothing says PG$E on it so you would not know. They park away from your house, do not knock on your door, and work quickly. They could easily complete the install right under your nose. You might mistake them for your neighbor’s gardener. One woman reports, “If it hadn’t been for my dog barking, I never would have known he was there.”

    part 2 below
    Last edited by ubaru; 09-02-2011 at 11:42 PM.
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  7. TopTop #7

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    part 2

    5) Get a copy of this flyer to give to a circle of your neighbors 3 houses wide. Go to and do a search for Smart Meter Urgent Update Fairfax and West Marin--Flyer For Neighbors

    Please also see How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    This flyer and updates will be posting there. Here is the download link SmartMeterUrgentUpdatePublic.doc Distribute widely. Look out for each other especially when your neighbor’s on vacation.

    Organize neighborhood volunteers to head off installations. Call the Fairfax Police at 453-5330 or the Fairfax Town Hall at 453-1584 or (add your names and phone numbers) to intervene. The Police may have their hands full if the installers come in fleets like they did in Santa Cruz. Meanwhile if you see a truck in the neighborhood, grab your cell phone, get in your vehicle, and park in their truck, blocking it, (you can also use your body) while you call the Police, or us for reinforcements. Do not let them do that installation. If they continue playing dirty tricks like they have been, our only recourse it to physically defend our meters and our neighbor’s meters.

    (Edit this paragraph with your info as desired)

    I am (add your name) @ (your address) (your phone number) and I have distributed 27 copies of this flyer to the circle of neighbors around me covering (add street addresses). I have also distributed it via email to everyone I know in Fairfax, the San Geronimo Valley, Marin (and beyond). Please pay it forward.

    Please email me @ (add your email address) and let me know when you’ve completed steps 1,2,and 3, and if you need any help. Please put “I’m your neighbor at your address” in the subject line. Please indicate if you want to be blind copied or open copied. Include your phone number(s) if you want to be part of a telephone tree to alert neighbors of an unmarked Wellington van/truck in the neighborhood. The following documents can be obtained by emailing me: Medical waiver letter, the letter to email to the CPUC below (flooding them with letters gets their attention) Timely Updates,.Resources, A map of the addresses of the residences that have been informed and have completed action steps 1,2, and 3. And these flyers in the form of Word docs to email and print for your neighbors. If you feel like it, please send me a few bucks via PayPal or to (add your email and address) as I’ve put many days work into this, I’ll continue to work to protect our neighborhood, and I’ve spent about $150 to date for stickers and printing costs. (And I’m just a renter ;-)

    If you have smart meters already installed, please let me know so we know who needs EMF protection. (There are devices one can obtain but it’s far better to not have Smart Meters). You can buy an analog electric meter at your hardware store, hire an electrician to switch it out, and keep his name private. Similarly, use a plumber for the gas meter. Mail Smart Meters back to PG$E return receipt along with a complaint letter (listing your symptoms or how it’s negatively affected you and your neighbors), medical waiver letter, etc. and a bill for changing them out.

    If you don't have a smart meter yet and you don't want one you can do something about it by downloading and submitting this file:

    If you have a smart meter and you don't want one you can do something about by downloading and submitting this file:

    Please send this prewritten letter to the CPUC (flooding them with letters gets their attention)
    The CPUC said they weren't many complaints so let them hear from you! It really only takes a small group of committed people to overthrow a big monopoly with a bad idea.

    THE SOLAR OPTON: If you have solar, they can't install a smart meter (but they can install one on your gas, unless have propane, so please guard your gas meter). Let PG&E know if you're intending to install a solar system ASAP, (PG&E is looking to have all smart meters installed by February, also people on the delay list). See if your neighbors are interested in installing solar panels too. It’s possible to lease a $0 down solar system from Sungevity which can result in a monthly payment similar to your current bill, cheaper, or even make you money if you are in tiers 2,3, or 4 on your electric bill. You must be a homeowner or perhaps your landlord can find out more from:
    Michael Peterson Solar Consultant Sungevity
    (w) 510.496.5561
    (m) 510.295.5008
    [email protected] If you tell him the referral code of MPETERSON when you request a quote before the end of August 2011 you will get a rebate of $1000 and a free iPad. Beginning September 2011 you will get a $500 rebate and a free iPad.


    (Your name, phone, email)

    You can download this as a word doc here

    Last edited by ubaru; 11-11-2011 at 04:18 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  9. TopTop #8

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    we have had a warning that pge will be attempting installation of wireless smart meters in fairfax today- i have added an update that i received this morning about your rights- please watch for Wellington and pge trucks- if you see them, you have the right to call the fairfax police 453-5330 and town hall 453-1584 to intervene. Please take this seriously. We have a moratorium against the installation of smart meters in fairfax. call pge and put yourselves on the delay list today-(877) 743-7378
    thanks -valeri

    The Town of Fairfax, using its constitutional authority and police powers, has passed an ordinance prohibiting the installation of Smart Meters in the town limits. This ordinance remains in full force and effect until a court of competent jurisdiction declares it either unconstitutional or invalid.

    The police cannot enter your property uninvited, without probable cause or a warrant. There is no way a private person or corporation has more power or authority than the police.

    In addition to your No SmartMeter signs, add a No Tresspassing sign and keep your gates locked. It may be an inconvenience for you but you have private property rights and you have the right to have the law enforced.

    If any uninvited person tries to enter your property and you feel threatened, dial 911.

    For years PG&E has read meters from outside properties, either from the public right of way or a neighboring property. There are some Fairfax homeowners with dogs and warning signs and no-one enters their property. The owners read their own meters and place a card at the entryway with the meter readings.

    Remember you have private property rights. Should PG&E, supposedly under the authority of the CPUC, force their way onto your property, they are violating the law.

    By placing a SmartMeter on your home without your permission and causing you a loss in property value by making it impossible for you to stay in your home because of adverse health impacts from the SmartMeters, they, PG&E and the CPUC may well have created an inverse condemnation. It's called a "taking" and the CPUC and PG&E could be held liable for damages.

    The law is on your side.

    Frank Egger
    Last edited by ubaru; 08-28-2011 at 04:01 PM.
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  10. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  11. TopTop #9

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Forward :

    I found this online! Fellow Human beings in this state have already drawn up a petition to State Government Officials requesting that P.G,&E.s Corporate Charter (not supposed to be a license to kill and poison people) be REVOKED!

    It appears to me that the first leg of our mission has already been established by other outraged Citizens. Please let me know that you received this.

    - Najma



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  12. Gratitude expressed by:

  13. TopTop #10

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    to Revoke P.G.&E.’s Corporate Charter



    TO: Kamala D. Harris, Attorney General of the State of California, and Debra Bowen, Secretary of State of the State of California, and all California State Legislators:
    We, the People of the State of California, as law-abiding citizens, taxpayers, ratepayers, and voters, respectfully request that you, and each of you, swiftly and without any hesitation, delay or excuse, revoke the Charter of Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and any and all of their parent and subsidiary corporations, herein after referred to as P.G.&E., and dissolve said corporations as per the powers vested in you in accordance with California Corporations Code 1801 (a) (2), related provisions, and the rights and rights explicitly outlined in California State Constitution Article (1) section (1), as critical functions of your duties, responsibilities and obligations as elected officials, lawmakers and law enforcers.

    We, the People, note that no armed robber, or gang of same, would be allowed to roam free and violate laws while threatening and harming the health and safety of the people and their privacy and property in our beautiful state of California; therefore, we will no longer tolerate such actions by P.G.&E. We will hold you, and each of you, personally liable for any and all damages.

    Despite local ordinances and repeated public comments to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), which is chaired by Michael R. Peevey, a revolving door regulatory bully and corporate-funded and corporate-captured bureaucrat, P.G.&E. has willfully and repeatedly poisoned, injured, harmed, killed, trespassed, harassed, and violated the privacy of the people threatening our health, safety, property, and livelihood, in violation of the California Constitution Article 1, Section 1, which you are sworn to uphold.

    A summary of wrongdoing of Pacific Gas and Electric Company includes, but is not limited to, the following:

    (1) Wanton disregard of the seismic hazards in the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Reactors, particularly in light of the massive meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Plants in Japan where radiation levels are now acknowledged to be LETHAL. The CPUC’s directive for P.G.&E. to study and “look at” the numerous earthquake faults, at a cost to us of $17 million is essentially extortion of the ratepayers and fails to address the imminent harm posed by fuel rods. Nuclear reactors are an elaborate expensive methodology to create boiling water and steam to turn a turbine and pose an unacceptable risk.

    (2) Their willful and repeated violation of privacy, and exposure to the public of highly injurious Electromagnetic Frequency Emitters, by devices known erroneously as “SmartMeters,” against the will of the public and without their consent and in violation of Ordinances duly enacted by elected officials, including, but, not limited to Santa Cruz County Ordinance Number 5084, Lake County Ordinances and similar Ordinances in the Cities of Capitola, California and Seaside, California;

    (3) Ongoing poisoning with hexavalent chromium, a known carcinogen, in the Mojave Desert town of Hinckley, California;

    (4) The September 2010 San Bruno Fire, which killed eight people, is now considered by PG&E and their lawyers to be the fault of the residents and local governments of San Bruno, as per their recent court filings in State Superior Court.

    Paying to poison people, or paying a pittance for human life after the fact, is a crime. Only such chartered corporations would be allowed to engage in such heinous wrong-doing with complete impunity. Therefore, you MUST revoke their Corporate Charter.

    Name (Print:)
    Address (City or County):

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  14. Gratitude expressed by:

  15. TopTop #11

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    I commend Iolchan's posting (above) of the Petition to Revoke the Corporate Charter of PG$E. I urge you all to download it here Petition to Revoke PG&E's Corporate Charter.doc and send it to TURN
    The Utility Reform Network
    115 Sansome Street,
    Suite 900,
    San Francisco, California,

    Here is a comment from the website listed above that was so well written I had to share

    Najma Fichthorn | August 9, 2011 at 9:56 pm | Reply During these times, Americans can no longer stick their head in the sand like escapist ostriches. Profit-oriented corporations with genocidal agendas have repeatedly displayed their total disregard for life, people’s health and environmental protections. They lie about the dangers and risks pertaining to nuclear power plants, and now they are incarcerating us in our homes with radioactive surveillance boxes.

    In Layna Berman's interview with Fairfax Mayor Larry Bragman and Smart Meter activist Josh Hart, Josh said Carmel and Capitola, CA have had locks cut on barriers people put up, despite these towns having agreements with PG$E to respect the barriers. Josh also said when it comes down to it, the only thing that works is putting your body/vehicles between the installers and the meters; direct action and civil disobedience. It's in minutes 5-7 of this audio Is This Even Legal?

    Personally, if you feel comfortable, I would grab my cell phone, follow the installation truck while calling the Fairfax police at 453-5330 and when it parks, block it in with my vehicle and/or my body to prevent installation of smart meters at my property or anywhere it's happening. Please keep it peaceful but firm. If the installer tells you they need the homeowner's authorization to not install, remind them that the town of Fairfax has a town wide ordinance outlawing Smart Meter installation and that they are in violation of that ordinance. Often this has resulted in their saying they don't recognize the ordinance, so be persistent and stand between them and the meter until they get back into their vehicle. At that point you can decide whether you want to block their vehicle and tie them up for the rest of their work day, or follow them and repeat until they leave town. Hopefully the police will have shown up to uphold the town ordinance.

    (Edit: I would think twice about calling the police. Unfortunately, they will not stop an installation from happening and they may issue YOU a citation or arrest you for protecting your private property which is, of course, your Constitutional right). It's an insane world, but we're working on it. Keep it peaceful, and know it's probably up to you and your friends and neighbors to keep these "radioactive surveillance boxes" out of your homes.

    Note: If your town does not have an ordinance against Smart Meter installation, go to your next town hall meeting and say you would like one. We need every town in California and the United States to have an ordinance in solidarity until this crime against humanity is a distant memory. You might contact Fairfax Mayor Larry Bragman who initiated Fairfax's ordinance for support. Copies of the ordinances are posted at While you're there, check out the recent correspondence between Fairfax Mayor and attorney, Larry Bragman, and PG$E's attorney. My short version of it is -- Larry: I hear you are coming. Respect our Ordinance! -- PG$E Attorney: We're not there yet, but before we arrive in town, we will be sure to spread lots of propaganda to your citizens.

    Homeowners: installers have been reported to ask for authorization for your neighbor or one of us to stop installation at your home. Even though the Fairfax Town Ordinance states that no installations may happen, (they have happened despite this) as an extra precaution, it would really help us protect your electric and meters if you would please post two waterproof sign like this on them. Downloadable word doc here



    I am the ratepayer responsible for utility services at _______________. I herewith authorize any neighbor or ANYONE, including you, dear installer, to act on my behalf, representing my interests in declining installation of any"Smart Meter" or similar surveillance and activity monitoring device, or devices, at the above address.
    //your signature//

    If anyone would like to be on a volunteer list to head off installers if they should arrive, please email me your daytime phone number, email address, and street/town at the button at the bottom of this post. Please also keep me in contact with the head of each phone tree you form so I can give them updates.

    There are 3 possible trucks to look out for. PG&E, Wellington, and Good Cents. We are expecting installers to be in trucks PG$E has contracted out. Here's a photo of a Good Cents vehicle and a Wellington vehicle being blocked by a dedicated citizen in Humboldt County.

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    Latest word today from Fairfax Town Hall (Tuesday August 23nd 2011) is that there have been no reports of installations Mon or Tue and that there is a regular PG&E truck that maintains this area that carries both analog and smart meters, but this truck is not installing them. If anyone sees installations happening, please call your phone tree
    and give them the type of vehicle seen, the location, and details of what was happening. You may choose to call the Fairfax police department at 453-5330 and Judy at Town Hall 453-1584 give them the same details, and she may or may not post updates at

    Please email me these details too, and I'll be sure to post them here and at the Fairfax Yahoo group.

    Thanks and stay tuned,

    Last edited by ubaru; 11-16-2011 at 12:52 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  16. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  17. TopTop #12

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Calling all strong men in twos and threes to help lift heavy objects in front of analog electric and gas meters to protect them from being changed over to the "Smart" versions. This will help anyone who wants to protect their meters when they are not home.

    If you have heavy objects that are slated for the dump, but could be used for meter protection instead, we might have a win/win situation for you.

    I will connect you with homeowners who can think of creative ways to place heavy objects (heavier than one man can lift) in front of their analog meters. If yours are in your driveway, perhaps you can keep a vehicle parked in front of them.

    Preferably this would not prevent the innocent meter readers from doing their job, but you can also put the numbers on a card at the front of your property or call PG$E for an estimate.

    Strong men, heavy object owners, and homeowners alike, please email me for connections.


    Last edited by ubaru; 08-29-2011 at 11:41 PM.
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  18. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  19. TopTop #13

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Latest blog post from

    Locking ring cut by SCE

    Posted on August 23, 2011 by admin
    Deborah Tavares, a leader in the nationwide Refuse Smart Meter movement, who owns property in Southern California, secured a metal locking ring around her analog meter to protect it from being replaced with a ‘Smart’ Meter. She also changed the lock on the cabinet where the meter was enclosed. Many people have taken similar action to protect their analog meters. Today, however, Southern California Edison (SCE) cut off both the cabinet lock and the analog locking ring, forcibly installing the new meter. Deborah said, ” This is tyrannical take over, a technocracy takeover- we are at war!”

    SCE has been ordered to provide a delay list by the CPUC, but they have not complied.
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  20. TopTop #14

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    For those under the "protection" of the Fairfax ordinance banning Smart Meters, I'm in communication with the Fairfax police department regarding if they will prevent Smart Meters from being installed, and I'll confirm the information here if they respond to my last email. But so far, the info I've got is no, they won't. When you call them at 453-5330 they will come out with their note pads and take down the names and contact info of the installer and the resident. Then they'll forward this info to the Fairfax Town Hall who will issue an administrative citation. That's it! An administrative slap on the wrist. A tickle? They are encouraging us to "back off, don't engage" with the installer, but meanwhile they'll be new meters on your house.

    So the two best things we can do right now are:
    1) Network on is how to create blocks in front of meters to prevent installation so that even folks who at home taking a shower, can rest easy knowing the installation won't occur right under their noses. And then help our neighbors get their meters blocked.

    Any entrepreneurial types out there who are looking for more work could go door to door offering to help homeowners blocks their meters in this way.

    Electric and gas meters are installed at different locations in each residence. The block must be better than something installed over the meter with a lock. PG$E is instructing their contractors to cut the locks. They need the depth of the meter clear to install plus enough room to get their body near it.

    Here are a few ideas to get your cogs moving: Railroad ties. Outrageously heavy furniture. An old piano. Boulders for low to the ground meters. Your vehicle pulled very close to the meter.
    A guard dog. A new locked gate for those who don't already have one.

    Please lend your creative ideas here so others may start thinking how they could block theirs.

    2) Organize phone trees of people willing to place yourself/your vehicles between installers and their vehicles and your meters/your neighbor's meters. (I am willing to call the heads of each phone tree if you email me their contact info). You may want to think twice before calling the police, as they may issue YOU a citation or arrest you for protecting your private property which is your Constitutional right to do. So much for my thinking they would protect Fairfax's ordinance. Horse shit! They are OUR pubic servants, paid by OUR tax dollars, and they won't uphold OUR ordinance? One of the Fairfax police I spoke with said, in his opinion, they shouldn't prevent installations from happening. What??

    Also, re: PG$E is working on an opt out, which Josh Hart of calls a 'cop out'. If that goes through, they would offer an opt-out for a fee. I've heard it's approximately $270 + $10 monthly fees to opt out. That's extortion. Many will feel that's too much money and cave in. My recommendation. Just don't pay it. Turning off your electricity is illegal, so you don't need to get intimidated by that. Please tell your neighbors and assure them that we are fighting these lawless thugs, and until we win, to please hold their ground and protect everyone from their hazards.

    Last edited by ubaru; 11-16-2011 at 12:54 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  21. TopTop #15

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Here's a message from Supervisor Steve Kinsey's office which really clarifies how much weight an ordinance carries and gives the big picture.

    Summary: Ordinances outlawing Smart Meters are seen by PG$E, and apparently even the Fairfax police department, as 'Symbolic' and unenforceable. They're nice in theory, but when it comes down to installation day, don't be lulled into passivity by the presence of an ordinance in your town. When it comes down to it, what works is blocking your meter yourself or by a physical barrier.

    Last edited by ubaru; 09-17-2011 at 12:32 AM.
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  22. TopTop #16

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    Important new info for those who don't have a meter yet: Being on the Delay list 1(877) 743-7378 to PG$E means you've given your implied consent for installation of a smart meter at a later date. While you're on the phone tell them you don't want a smart meter at all, that you want a NO COST opt out. They'll probably tell you it's mandatory. Just smile and nod, as they are just following their master's orders.

    Then it's REALLY IMPORTANT to follow it up by printing out the letter below, making 4 copies (1 for you and 3 to send) to the parties listed, certified mail return receipt.

    If you don't have a smart meter yet and you don't want one you can do something about it by downloading and submitting this file:

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  23. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  24. TopTop #17

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    {Some one might do well to print up a batch of these, on
    heavy stock paper, 8 1/2" x 11" - & distribute them.}

    Sign to Post, prominently, on your property

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    The Owner of this property DOES NOT CONSENT to the installation of a Smart Meter on this property because it:

    • Produces EMF that are harmful to the residents;

    • Invades the privacy of the residents;

    • Creates an unacceptable degree of uncertainty about actual utility usage and legally appropriate utility charges; and,

    • Constitutes an unwarranted infringement upon the Constitutional, legal and property rights of the residents.

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  25. TopTop #18

    Re: How to Prevent Smart Meter Action Steps Flyer--Updated

    { Letter to P.G. & E. } :

    (Customer Name & Address)

    TO: Kent M. Harvey, Senior V.P. & CFO
    PG&E Corporation
    1 Market Plaza, Suite 2400
    San Francisco, CA 94105
    RE: Account ID #______________________

    Dear Mr. Harvey,


    Any attempt to install a SmartMeter at said location shall be deemed actionable under
    relevant state and federal laws, and in violation of the Constitutions of the State of
    California and the United States of America. Please be aware that under federal law, “If
    two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten or intimidate any citizen in free
    exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the constitution or laws
    of the United States, or because of his having exercised the same, or if two or more
    persons go on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his free
    exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured – they shall be fined not more
    than $10,000 or imprisoned not more than ten years or both.”

    Please be advised that the land use fee for the above address is hereby declared to be
    $5,000.00 per person per day, or any portion thereof. Installation of a SmartMeter™ at
    the aforesaid location will result in the initiation of a claim for damages for trespass,
    wrongful burdening of a utility easement, invasion of privacy and violation of other
    constitutionally protected rights, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and for such
    other personal injuries and torts as the facts may warrant. Please be aware that activity at
    this location may be under surveillance. Kindly advise the undersigned of the name,
    address, policy number and phone number of PG&E’s insurer or surety. Please accept
    delivery of this letter by certified mail as a good faith effort by the undersigned to exhaust
    all applicable administrative remedies and claims procedures that may be a precondition
    to legal action in relation to the installation, or attempted installation, of SmartMeters.

    (Customer Name)

    cc: Anil Suri, Chief Risk & Audit Officer
    PG&E Shareholders Association
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  26. Gratitude expressed by:

  27. TopTop #19

    CPUC says OK to Opt-Out, Now We're Waiting to Hear if Paid or No Cost, Please Send Letters

    Liz's note: Meanwhile, they continue to install Smart Meters. Interesting factoid: About 70% of the people are taking Smart Meters lying down or just unaware. And about 30% are resisting.

    Name:  CPUCWorkshop.jpg
Views: 969
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    Dear friends and supporters,

    On September 14, 2011 the CPUC held a Smart Meter opt-out workshop [pictured above] to discuss the different technologies and opt out options.

    The workshop was tightly run, with two armed guards posted at the entrance and many comments sent in, or questions posed were dismissed as being "beyond the scope" of the workshop.

    The judge threatened to shut down the workshop when David Wilner challenged a utility vendor statement that the meters were only one watt. Later in the day the vendor announced that it is one watt with an antennae gain which effectively can double the radiated power.

    • SCE said they will now allow opt out and set up a delay list.

    • Silver Springs representative admitted that power line carrier (PLC) adds microwaves (RF) (aka dirty electricity) to the home's wiring.

    • The truth about how Smart Meters transmit data finally has been publicly exposed and admitted by the utilities. Smart Meters "chatter" all day, all night long. PG&E said transmissions occur 6X a day, but the Silver Springs representative admitted the network needs to talk to itself to function well.

    • I pointed out according to an ITRON study the pulses could be as many as 2 per second, the rep did not consider that "constant" (as defined by the FCC). They time average the RF peak pulses, minimize the duty cycle (rather than 100%) and claim they only transmit for a minute or so a day. What do you 2 pulses per second constant?

    • Jim Meadows who represented PG&E stated that if anyone was on the delay list and got a smart meter (SM) that PG&E would "make it right".

    • Utilities stated that an analog cost $20 and a SM cost $100.

    • SM have a shelf life of 20 years according to ITRON and Silver Springs.

    • There was not a lot of support for fiber optics, telephone or wired meters.
    The Judge said she will meet next with the "staff" (President Peevey and the energy division who are promoting SM) and we would be able to comment and reply comment to their decision. That likely means no evidentiary hearings, no cross examination, just a proposed decision followed by comments.

    For those interested in viewing the workshop on webcast:

    Meanwhile, this week the City of Solvang Ca. sent a letter to the CPUC asking for a no cost opt out.

    The Wireless Utility Meter Safety Impacts Survey is completed and the final results are here:

    Thanks to all who participated in the survey. There were so many great comments.

    If you are able to contribute to please donate! There is a new paypal/credit card button now set up on the website:

    Thank you for your ongoing support.


    Sandi Maurer

    Also, please see this post and the one that follows it for news about the CPUC allowing one man to go back to his analog meter. He showed up during public comments time and spoke of his health ailments that only occurred when he was home with his Smart Meter.

    So it's perfect timing to make a phone call and send a letter to the CPUC saying that you want a no-cost opt out. Public pressure does make a difference. With a no cost Opt-out, we will end up having far fewer neighbors who cave in because they feel that they can't handle the fees. Or who don't realize they are miniscule compared to the thousands of dollars saved in avoiding health issues and fire hazards. Not to mention our personal freedoms lost through surveillance and rationing of power. More on that soon...

    San Francisco Office (Headquarters)
    505 Van Ness Avenue
    San Fransisco, CA 94102

    phone: 415.703.2782
    800.848.5580 (Toll Free)
    fax: 415.703.1758

    Will the first person who writes a letter to the CPUC please email me a copy? Then I'll post it here to make it easy for the rest of you.

    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  28. TopTop #20

    Strategy to Stop Smart Meter Installations: The Three Week Plan

    So as I've written about in former posts on this thread, physically protecting your meters is what it comes down to. Here is what that looks like. Plan it out now and implement when they arrive.

    Redi Kilowatt says:
    August 29, 2011 at 6:57 pm
    If you refuse a new meter to a Wellington employee, they will notify PG&E as refused. They (Wellington) will only be installing in any given area for about 2 weeks. So, if you are there to “run them off”, they will make one more attempt within a few weeks to sneak onto your property, yank out your analog meter and slap in a new digital piece of crap meter.

    Wellington is instructed not to attempt to install a meter onto someone’s property of someone who has personally refused if there is any indication whatsoever of someone being “there” on the property when they return for the second time.

    I know for some people, it is an expensive hardship to stay home and guard your meter, but it will be a great ROI of your time that will yield you thousands of dollars of savings in the near future.

    The ways to effectively protect your property from being trespassed on are many, but the very best way in addition to locked gates, fences and security animals and devices is to have someone “there” during normal working hours during the week, and overtime on Saturdays. If you or a family member cannot provide “yard duty” 6 days a week, hire a friend or a security company for the hours that you cannot cover. This is a small window of time, 2 or 3 weeks max.

    Keep in mind that there is usually a million things to do around the house and in the yard year round, some of which is fun to do yourself, and some of which you can find a friend to do for very little money considering the savings that you will enjoy by not letting Wellington install a new meter.

    Liz’s addition: If they come to install during the cold and wet months, hanging out and doing yard chores will not be feasible. It only takes them 5 minutes to do an installation. Plus, most people are gone during the day and will have to keep their schedules during this 2-3 week period. I see us organizing neighborhood collectives, or smart meter homeowner’s associations of sorts, that hire someone to guard the meters of the whole neighborhood (paid and unpaid homeowners) during that 2-3 week period. They could be at strategic locations at the entrances of neighborhoods and the cost to be protected could be miniscule divided by that many people. Also, people could organize town-wide guards.

    I've already talked to the police. They will not stop installations from happening. We have to do it ourselves physically.

    Step 1 is finding an individual or a few who is/are willing to be a guard to protect a certain area from installations of Smart Meters or talking to a private security guard company and pricing out this service. Determine the parameters of the area.

    Step 2 is printing up an invitation to join a smart meter homeowner’s protection association for a fee, along with a 1 page educational flyer.

    Step 3 is having someone at a strategic location for each neighborhood handing the flyers out and collecting the fees. Having someone parked at this location for 3 days twice or thrice, spread out by 1 week ought to give enough time for contact of most of the homeowners.

    Step 4 is implementation when the installers come. The guard will park at the entrance to their neighborhood for that 2-3 weeks from 8am-5pm Monday-Saturday and keep them out and/or head them off at residences. And they’ll be paid for their time.

    Optional: If guards are willing to volunteer then do only steps 1 and 4 and perhaps they can alert residents to what they are doing and ask for tips for their time.

    Residents should have this flyer on their meters to allow for the guard to head off an installation from happening, and guards should be aware of these kind of scenarios as well as have backups to cover for them if they get arrested and detained for part of a day:

    Maybe an opt-out plan will be in place before installations happen. And maybe not. Given the numerous threats posed by Smart Meters, including new evidence that the bees and plant life are killed in the radiation field of meters, and that they are being used to ration power, I'd rather have a plan like this in the ready, than be sorry. Update 11/22/11: an unacceptable opt out has been proposed. It's still the same hazardous meters. See here:

    Let me know how you can help.

    Let me know how I can help.

    Last edited by ubaru; 11-24-2011 at 02:40 AM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  29. TopTop #21

    Did You Know About the What To Do If You Already Have a Smart Meter Thread?

    I want readers of this thread to know about the "What To Do If You Already Have a Smart Meter" thread located in the Sonoma General section. It is a living, breathing, work in progress. Please indicate at the top of that thread if you'd like to follow it.

    You've probably wanted to know how to help people who have Smart Meters...there's a lot of resources there to help them from getting it taken off and doing it safely, to covering it with aluminum foil.

    It contains a huge amount of info that is useful for educating yourself and others, which can help when you are talking with neighbors who do not yet know the many dangers of Smart Meters.

    Here are some highlights:

    The Table of Contents of a Downloadable eBook on Smart Meters & The Many Reasons Why You Might Not Want One--Used to Ration Power

    Make your own back-pocket cell phone radiation shield

    The latest on the fight to get the CPUC to remove the Smart Meters of those who request it.

    "We Wish We Had Known More Before the Meters Were Installed"--Who To Call for Remediation

    New online Smart Meter Complaint Form, Easy to Submit a Complaint

    Bees and Bats Leave After Smart Meter Installed, Koi Fish Die.....How Far Do They Emit?

    There are several very interesting videos there too.

    I hope this is helpful and informative,

    Last edited by ubaru; 11-18-2011 at 02:03 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  30. TopTop #22

    Opt-Out Outrage

    Yesterday CPUC President Michael Peevey issued a proposed decision on opting out of having a Smart Meter. $90 upfront fee and $15 a month for a radio off meter. Analog meters were not included.
    Peevey writes, "We must balance the concerns expressed by customers against California's overall energy policy"

    Parties in the proceeding will have until December 12 to comment and Peevey hopes to conclude the proceeding by January 12.

    If you have questions, ideas, or comments please consider posting them online so others in the movement can learn from you.

    Read more: Opt-out Outrage

    Sandi Maurer

    For the most current EMF news-
    Follow us on Twitter!

    A few things to note about this:
    1) Radio off Smart Meters still emit "dirty electricity" throughout the wiring of your homes.
    2) You would have to trust PG$E to keep them turned off and they are not trustworthy.
    3) Smart Meters are being/will be used to control us; even by rationing our power.
    4) Charging a fee for not having something is extortion.
    5) Don't believe their threats to turn off your power. It's illegal to turn off the power of a paying customer. If they leave you an urgent voice mail message about your Smart Meter issue, ignore it. They are bluffing you.
    6) Rebel and fight this. People are deciding enmasse to not pay that part of their bill.
    7) Don't accept a Smart Meter, even a radio off one. Stay with your analog meter.
    8) Read your own meter and call it in to PG$E or email them a picture.

    9) The CPUC is clearly not representing the interests of the people. A lawsuit is already underway. More will ensue.
    10) This is clearly not an acceptable solution. We do not accept it.
    11) Read the comments to learn from many people how to handle this. Opt-out Outrage


    Last edited by ubaru; 12-03-2011 at 11:09 PM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  31. TopTop #23

    **Action Alert** Contact CA Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Re: Extortionist Opt-out

    Dear Stop Smart Meters! Supporter:

    Californians- who have been under attack from utility smart grid radiation- are now facing the prospect of being forced to pay $90 up front and $15/ month simply to receive a "transmitter off" electric meter. Not only have these 'opt out' meters been implicated in health damage, there is NO PLAN to offer opt outs for gas or water meters.

    This is extortion. Plain and simple.

    Name:  extortion-PGE-style.jpg
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    An individual opt out plan- even a free one- will not address the insanity of the growing cloud of "electrosmog" caused by cell towers, 'smart' meters and other wireless devices. There is now solid documentation of the serious and pervasive harm this is causing to people, animals, and plants.


    Unfortunately, the CPUC and state government don't seem to be getting the message. Maybe they're not hearing us. Maybe we need to TAKE IT UP A NOTCH.


    The commission as a whole has the power to vote down this extortionate opt out proposal, and they need to know how much we object to it. Comments should be submitted asap, but latest by December 12th. You should also contact your legislators and Gov. Brown at (916) 445-2841.

    CPUC Public Advisor, San Francisco:
    Telephone: 866-849-8390 or 415-703-2074
    Email: [email protected]

    Postal Service: CPUC Public Advisor, 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2103, San Francisco, CA 94102

    CPUC Public Advisor, Los Angeles:
    Telephone: 866-849-8391 or 213-576-7055
    Email: [email protected]
    Postal Service: CPUC Public Advisor, 320 West 4th Street Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90013
    TTY 866-836-7825

    Phone numbers for CPUC Commissioners:
    Mike Florio 415-703-1840,
    Catharine Sandoval 415-703-2593,
    President Michael Peevey 415-703-3703,
    Timothy Simon 415-703-1407,
    Mark Ferron 415-703-2782

    Tell them to reject the extortionate 'opt out' plan, open a full and independent investigation into 'smart' meter health damage being linked to wireless radiation, and to pull the plug on the 'smart' meter mesh network NOW.

    Thank you for taking action to protect our unalienable rights to health, safety, and privacy.


    Joshua Hart
    Director, Stop Smart Meters!
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  32. TopTop #24

    PG&E supports analog meter option AND the CPUC needs to hear that we need these things:

    PG&E supports analog meter option

    Posted on December 19, 2011 by admin
    In Reply Comments sent to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) today PG&E declared its support of an analog meter option. “PG&E supports approval of an analog meter option, in addition to the non-communicating radio-off option, in response to customers’ and parties’ continued requests for an analog meter alternative in Opening Comments, as well as in customers’ direct communications to PG&E and the Commission.
    “PG&E has received the very clear message that some customers will only be satisfied with an analog meter option.”
    This is a major concession from PG&E. However, we still need the CPUC to hear loud and clear that we need:

    • a no cost analog opt-out, no initial or monthly fees
    • meters co-located in banks banned and restored to analogs
    • immediate restoration of analog meters for people suffering health impacts
    • evidentiary hearings and investigation into RF health impacts
    • Community wide opt-outs and safe zones
    It will be up to the Commission to decide what they do with PG&E’s concession and whether or not they will include an analog option, and whether or not that will apply to utilities statewide. More information on the opt out proceeding can be read here.
    Listen to a short radio interview with Sandi Maurer from KSRO news.
    Last edited by ubaru; 01-20-2012 at 01:36 AM.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  33. TopTop #25

    Smart Meter SCAM

    Smart Meter SCAM

    Posted on December 21, 2011 by admin
    PG&E’s recent comments to the California Public Utility Commission that customers could have an analog meter option is a ‘better late than never’ concession, but we still have a long way to go to ensure public safety and restore consumer rights.

    There has been no cost evaluation, no hearings, no fact finding and no cross examination by anyone on PG&E’s proposed fees to opt out.
    The fees are ARBITRARY and intentionally PUNITIVE to discourage customers from opting out.
    Considering customers were not provided full disclosure about the RF technology (which is an FCC rule) and the meters were forced upon consumers without consent or choice, there should be NO CHARGE to have the smart meters replaced with analogs.

    The utilities removed perfectly functional equipment with an inferior product with a shorter expected “usefulness” and charged every customer through rate hikes.

    If you have managed to fend off installation and kept your analog meter now they are trying to charge you again, $90 more, to keep what you already have!

    This is a SCAM and a SCANDAL!

    They also want to charge a monthly fee of $11-15 ($5 CARE customers) to cover the costs of a meter reader. In town it takes a meter reader a couple of minutes to read a meter per house per month. It outlying areas, people have self read their own meters for years. These fees are UNREALISTIC, ARBITRARY, AND INTENTIONALLY PUNITIVE!

    What do you think? You can submit comments about the costs to and they will be delivered to the CPUC, the governor, state senators and assembly persons.

    Posted in Commentary, Government, Smart Meters 2 Comments
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  34. TopTop #26

    Important to Be on the Delay List to Be Offered an Analog Opt-Out

    Activists are still working to get the following.

    • a no cost analog opt-out, no initial or monthly fees
    • meters co-located in banks banned and restored to analogs
    • immediate restoration of analog meters for people suffering health impacts
    • evidentiary hearings and investigation into RF health impacts
    • Community wide opt-outs and safe zones
    We won't know until the CPUC announces their opt-out plan in January.
    Meanwhile, what we believe now is that an analog opt out will not be across the board. If you want to keep your analog meter you must be on the pg$e delay list. Call today and advise your neighbors immediately! 1-(877) 743-7378 24/7

    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  35. TopTop #27

    No Cost Analog Meter Petition

    Please take a few seconds to sign this "no-cost analog meter" petition. If enough of us do this, it will go out to the entire list.

    Even if you are not personally feeling the effects, you can sign-on because you know and care about someone who is being harmed by smart meter technology.

    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  36. TopTop #28

    Next Steps to Take For our Privacy and Health


    Together we have accomplished a great deal in 2011. We all owe a
    debt of gratitude to the courageous people in Santa Cruz who protected their
    health by removing their smart meters and to countless others who have been
    instrumental in the assertion of our right to choose, to health and to
    constitutionally guaranteed privacy.

    It is PGE's worst nightmare that people will continue removing
    smartmeters and installing analogs. As a result, in the hope
    that they could discourage this, they have proposed to CPUC that those who
    wish, be allowed to pay for an analog "opt out". Paying for something we
    originally had, is not sensible. Trying to exclude those on fixed or lower
    incomes, who could not afford the analog "opt out" is offensive and
    unacceptable.We all have a right to a NO FEE ANALOG METER. We have shown
    that there is strength in numbers. We believe our positive actions have and
    will prevail.

    In order to maintain our momentum, we recommend the following:

    1. Public Education: There are many who do not know they have a new
    smartmeter attached to their homes, let alone, understand that it is a
    surveillance device, or the adverse health effects which they create. It is
    important that we contact media (TV, radio, newspapers, journalists who write
    articles on the subject), asking for in depth coverage of the issues surrounding
    smartmeters: Freedom of Speech, Right to Privacy, Deleterious Health Effects,
    etc. City banners, such as Fairfax is proposing, are an excellent idea.

    2. Self Read Meter Program: In order to circumvent PGE's proposal for a
    monthly charge to maintain an analog meter, call PGE and ask to be placed on a
    self read meter program. It has also been suggested that one can take a picture
    of the meter, once a month, and send it along to PGE.

    3. Write your ideas and submit to Marin Independent Journal Letter to The
    Editor or Marin Voice, or to any other local newspaper.

    4. Write or call California Public Utilities Commission,
    Representatives, Senators, Governor Jerry Brown and voice your opinion, for
    example, "No cost Analog Meters Should not be a privilege of the rich, but a
    right for all"; communities should have a right to be smartmeter free. Please
    send comments by January 12, 2012

    5. Contact your local government (mayor, city council) and ask them to take
    a stand for NO FEE ANALOG CHOICE and SMARTMETER FREE ZONES in your city, for

    6. Attend the next CPUC meeting to voice your opinion.

    7. Go Door to Door letting your neighbors know they have a right to choose
    the analog option at no cost.

    8. Don't forget to attend the Board of Supervisors Meeting next year to
    support a continued moratorium of installation of smartmeters in unincorporated
    Marin. MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR January 10th, Board of Supervisors, Civic
    Center, San Rafael, 10:00AM.

    9. Ask one stranger every day, if they have a smartmeter, etc.

    10. If you have an analog meter, PROTECT IT.


    Gov. Brown at (916) 445-2841.

    CPUC Public Advisor, San Francisco:
    Telephone: 866-849-8390 or 415-703-2074
    Email: [email protected]
    Postal Service: CPUC Public
    Advisor, 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2103, San Francisco, CA 94102

    CPUC Public Advisor, Los Angeles:
    Telephone: 866-849-8391 or 213-576-7055
    Email: [email protected]
    Postal Service: CPUC Public
    Advisor, 320 West 4th Street Suite 500, Los Angeles, CA 90013
    TTY 866-836-7825
    Phone numbers for CPUC Commissioners:
    Mike Florio 415-703-1840,
    Catharine Sandoval 415-703-2593,
    President Michael Peevey 415-703-3703,
    Timothy Simon 415-703-1407,
    Mark Ferron 415-703-2782

    Thank you all for your continued efforts.

    We wish you HEALTH, PRIVACY, and happiness in 2012,

    Katharina and Linda
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  37. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  38. TopTop #29

    Revised PG&E smart meter opt-out proposal--VIP get you and your neighbors on delay list

    The very most important thing you can do right now is get yourself and your neighbors and towns on the Delay List (Opt-Out List) which will not exist much longer. Call 1-877-743-7378 24/7. Many people have been dropped off this list, so call again and make sure you are on it. If folks are concerned about the one time $90 fee, $10 a month, just realize that it is nothing compared to the expense of having a smart meter. I'll list the ways a smart meter is very expensive in the next post.



    Revised PG&E smart meter opt-out proposal now available

    Posted on January 17, 2012 by admin

    The revised PG&E smart meter opt out proposed decision is now available. This will come before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to be voted on at their business meeting on Wed. February 1 in San Francisco.

    Here’s the highlights: The opt out choice will only be the analog meter, not a “radio off” meter. Customers can choose to either have a smart meter or an analog meter. The proposed interim cost is $90 initial fee per customer and $10 a month fee. For low income proposed fees are $10 initial fee and $5 a month. This revision allows for a second proceeding to further analyze costs and community wide opt out.

    For a quick review read the summary at the beginning and/or the Findings of Fact/ Conclusions of Law and the Order at the end of the paper.

    Another Commissioner can submit an alternate proposal. We will support an alternate proposal if it includes hearings on health impacts of smart meters and a no cost interim fee until the second proceeding is complete. Failing a modification, or alternate proposal that includes these issues we will urge the Commission to reject the proposed decision.

    Call or email the CPUC: 866-849-8390 or 415-703-2074
    Refer to revised proposed decision 11-03-014. Ask the Commissioners to:

    • Modify the revised proposed decision to include hearings on health impacts in the second proceeding, along with cost evaluation and community wide opt-out.
    • Provide immediate relief to those requesting it and restore the analog meters, however do not charge any fees for opting out until a full cost evaluation is complete.
    Attend the CPUC meeting on Wed. February 1 at 9 am at the CPUC, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco. Plan to arrive by 8:45 am to sign up to speak to the Commission. Prepare a 1-2 minute statement.

    If you have comments please post them to the website:

    Thank you,
    Sandi Maurer
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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  39. Gratitude expressed by:

  40. TopTop #30

    How to Opt-Out

    How to Opt-Out

    May 1, 2012 is the deadline. Do it now!

    Download a PDF here and share it with your friends.

    Name:  OptOutAd9.9.jpg
Views: 927
Size:  89.8 KB

    [Note: correct URL for ]

    Slick ad copy alert at PGE's website to make having a Smart Meter look advantageous over an analog one. Just ignore it.
    Opt-out of having a smart meter whether you have one now or not, anytime. 1-866-743-0263 24/7 Spread the word. More info here.
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