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In our continuing efforts to educate about the importance of labeling GMOs, Mark Squire from Good Earth, Frank Plughoff from Label GMOs, and Label GMO Activist Lori Grace will present a powerful and informative evening of film and discussion.

Bitter Seeds Trailer

Tuesday, July 10 ~ 7:30 to 10 PM

Lori Grace, Mark Squire from Good Earth, Frank Plughoff from,
at Sunrise Center

Bitter Seeds explores the future of how we grow things, weighing in on the worldwide debate over the changes created by industrial agriculture. Companies like U.S.-based Monsanto claim that their genetically modified (GM) seeds offer the most effective solution to feeding the world's growing population, but suicides tell a different story.

Dr. Don Huber,
2012 Calcium Products Soil Conference

This is a new video that Dr. Don Huber, professor emeritus at Purdue University, presented on "Glyphosate Effects on Crops, Soils, Animals and Consumers" at the Calcium Products Soil Amendment Conference. This video contains very powerful scientific information on the in effect of GMOs on crops and malnutrition.

Mark Squire, labeling GMO activist and organizer, has been an owner and manager of Good Earth Natural Foods in Fairfax, California for the last thirty-six years. Good Earth has been a leader in promoting and marketing organically-grown foods for much of this time and has been a model for many other stores in the US. Prior to his involvement with retailing, Mark managed his family's farm in North Carolina and transitioned it to organics.

As a member of California Certified Organic Farmers Board of Directors from 1983 to 1988, representing CCOF's North Coast Chapter (Sonoma & Marin), he helped to write some of the original organic certification standards still in use nationally. Mark was on the board and then on staff with the Organic Crop Improvement Association for six years starting in 1988. OCIA was at that time the largest certifier of organic foods worldwide and Mark oversaw international certification staff training and operations for both farm and manufacturing.

He is one of the original proponents and authors of Measure B, the Marin County initiative that prohibited the outdoor cultivation of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs), which passed by 61%of the popular vote in 2004.

Frank Plughoff is the creative force behind The Earthnik Gazette, an online satirical broadsheet that parodies the ills and weirdnesses of an out-of-control food system with a penchant for big targets; a scathing sense of humor; the desire to joke and inform simultaneously. But mainly, The Earthnik Gazette is evidence that there are many fun ways to throw a Fair Food fight.

"Like all of us today in these times that seem so intense, I am just another trying to wade through it all. I'm trying to figure out how to live a good life and still live responsibly in order that future generations may enjoy this beautiful Earth. I do it because every day some new news of a new way of screwing up the planet crosses all our paths. It's not enough to raise your voice once in protest. To create real and lasting change you must raise your voice in defiance as loud and as long as it takes in order that, eventually with other voices in the chorus, you'll be heard by someone who can make a sustentative difference."

Lori Grace assumed a leadership role, along with others, in putting Labeling GMOs on this Novembers ballot in California with almost one million signatures. She is now devoting the bulk of her time to doing what she can to make the proposition win in November 2012, including making sure that exit polls will be happening to reduce the chances of votes being stolen in this election. Her non-profit Sunrise Center has been an epicenter of signature gathering training and education. Lori has been deeply involved in educating people here in California about the dangers of GMO's. She has delivered her powerful power point and given talks about the dangers of GMOs at critical hubs including New Living Expo, Higher Ground, Global Exchange, the Sierra Club, and Rotary Clubs as well as giving ongoing education at Sunrise Center. She is helping to support the work of scientists who are being a number of biotech companies. She is working particularly closely with Don Huber, plant pathologist professor emeritus at Purdue University. Additionally she has a organic farm in Maui, Hale Akua Garden Farm, which is where she first experienced the powerful influence that Monsanto has on island farming and on agricultural education in Maui.

Free. A Sunrise Center community education event.

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