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Legislation is needed against the "reckless operation of a
corporation" to check the "military industrial complex
" and
Red Collar Crimes of American Roulette"
Needs editing, but the reference material is over ten years of work.
Feel free to review, edit and publish, with or with out credit to myself >

Revolvers are for Russians.:

In America, we use use products, health care services, BP Oil Rigs
nuclear reactors (y, z), food safety, Safety On The Job and labor rights. Amy thing
that can "turn a profit", while not being easily recognized
as the life and death gambling for profits with "Red Collar Crimes".

Michael McCann, the longtime district attorney of Milwaukee County,(retired 12 / 31 / 2006 )
was best known for prosecuting Jeffrey Dahmer. McCann had also prosecuted more than ten
corporations for reckless homicide over the last two decades and had won every case 162

While convictions of corporations for negligent homicide are rare,
it has been done
(162). Though presently, such "situations" usually result in
Deferred and Non Prosecution Agreements.

The reasons why this is so rarely done are investigated, here (work in progress)>

"Red Collar Crimes of American Roulette"