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    Dead Women Walking - (with link re: Smart Meters)


    Many weeks ago, I sent a request for assistance to this list regarding this friend's need for help with injured dogs after an auto accident. I'm sorry I did not get to responding to one your requests for an update. Here it is, and then some. Her situation is still quite sad, and unfortunately I am connected in a similar, very sad way as well.

    As someone who has for many years taken a strong stand and every vital social and environmental issue; I know too well how law enforcement and the courts are willfully blind to the injustice of people who speak out like me; and in some instances even work to harm them as well.

    If any of you are motivated to want to make a difference; please contact me directly.

    With gratitude,

    Colleen Fernald

    By Ruth Hull


    Across America and particularly across California, women are beaten
    again and again. They run to the police but are lucky if they don't
    wind up in jail for their opposition to being beaten. Even after
    women are victorious in obtaining domestic violence restraining
    orders, they lose everything. Judges, who gave wives the restraining
    orders against their brutal husbands, turn around and eagerly give
    batterers all the property rights they want -- even when those
    actually owning the property are not part of the proceedings.

    After a victim gets a restraining order, there is nobody to stop the
    batterer from living in the crawl space above his victim's living
    quarters and nobody to prevent him from coming back and killing his
    victim. "Restrained" batterers can critically injure their victims
    and then cut the health insurance of those victims, leaving the
    victims to die horrible deaths.

    The government has policies in place that are used by batterers to
    stalk or kill their victims or their families. Batterers are allowed
    by governmental agencies and judges to imprison relatives of the
    victims and endanger the lives of their children. There is no help
    for victims, but there is a lot of state and federal assistance
    available to help batterers succeed in killing their victims.
    Domestic violence is the number one killer of young women in the
    United States. Our government and its leaders have made it so. It
    is time for a change or for a revolution.


    From John Edwards to George W. Bush, our leaders have shown that it is
    OK to trash the lives of women and gain in popularity as they do so.
    Even at the local level in Orange County, neither party has any
    respect for women. Republican District Attorney Tony Rackauckas (who
    was put in office by an alliance of the Democratic and Republican
    Party leadership in Orange County), will not prosecute the most
    terrifying cases of domestic violence. If he goes after anyone in a
    domestic violence situation, he goes after the victim. Frank
    Barbaro, Chairman of the Democratic Party of Orange County, also seems
    to feel that victims are responsible for the violent beatings they
    incur. At the March 28th meeting of the Democratic Party of Orange
    County, Barbaro showed no hesitation in launching an orchestrated
    attack, blaming domestic violence victims for the actions of their


    Under federal law,

    (1) A batterer may suspend or cancel the phone service of his victim.

    (2) A batterer may get full disability for injuring his hand as he
    knives or kills his victim while the victim, if she survives fully
    disabled, is frequently only entitled to the same benefits as an

    (3) There is no program in place that will allow a domestic violence
    victim to gain a job or keep her home or often even get food for her
    children. In fact, the laws are mostly to the contrary.

    In most families, the husband has his name as the lead on the phone
    bill. Under federal law, this gives him the power to suspend the
    cell phone of every member of his family. Without a phone, the wife
    cannot call for help when her "restrained" husband comes back to kill

    Of the single-income families, the vast majority involve the male as
    the sole bread-winner. This means that women in those situations,
    even if they worked to put their husband through college, often have
    not paid enough quarters into Social Security to get full Social
    Security Disability when their husbands beat them into a disability.
    The husbands on the other hand could collect full disability as a
    result of injuring themselves while killing or nearly killing their

    It is the single-income situation where women are most often
    imprisoned in relationships without recourse. They know that, if
    they leave, they will take food and shelter away from their children
    and probably end any chance that their kids could get into college. No
    loving mother would leave and subject her children to that if she saw
    what was coming.

    Often batterers lure professional women into this situation by having
    them stay at home to raise and/or homeschool the kids until they are
    no longer employable due to the long absence from the workforce. It
    is about control and disrespect. Often the batterers wait until they
    have their victims right where the want them and then the beatings

    Two years ago, I spoke to a homeschooling mother who had left after
    violent beatings. Her daughter was about to graduate from homeschool
    but could not even get a ride to the California Homeschool Network
    graduation ceremony. Friends often wash their hands of domestic
    violence victims, saying that they brought it upon themselves or it's
    not their lives. The mother related that her daughter's brilliant
    future as a concert pianist was destroyed by the mother's decision to
    leave the violence. She said that any chance of her daughter
    attending college had ended when she walked out. She felt sad about
    her daughter's situation and was tempted to return for more beatings
    for the sake of her daughter. This story is the norm among
    stay-at-home moms who have to decide whether their own life is worth
    more than their children's health and careers. Most mothers love
    their children so much that the answer is unequivocally that they
    would stay and gladly die to protect their children's futures. Such
    loyalty is never rewarded. If they live long enough to get their
    kids into college, loving mothers are treated as if they are little
    better than moldy trash.

    A lot of times, society blames women for their situation but domestic
    violence expert, Dr. Lundy Bancroft explains in Why Does He Do That
    that victims of domestic violence are never enablers and that they
    really do not have choices. Enablers are people outside the
    relationship who accept the batterers with open arms when the violence
    becomes apparent.

    By the time women imprisoned in the stay-at-home scenario are ready to
    go back out into the workforce, there are usually no jobs available to
    them and they are ineligible for regular Social Security or disability
    benefits. Even if they worked 24/7 for their husbands, unemployment
    benefits are unavailable. The U.S. Government treats these
    unemployed women as if they don't exist in calculating their
    unemployment figures.

    There are no federal programs that allow battered women to get HUD
    grants to fix their property, refinance loans to save their property
    or obtain a job. To obtain food stamps, women generally have to get
    their violent husbands to voluntarily come into the food stamp office
    and present their identifications and proofs of earnings. Why would
    a man who wants his wife dead voluntarily help her get food stamps?

    There is no legal counsel available through federal or state law for
    battered women. Battery victims have fewer rights than the most
    brutal of killers. Attorneys will not take cases pro-bono for
    battered women and so battered women are powerless, waiting for their
    batterers (who now have all the rights) to come back and finish the
    jobs. If a victim is rich or can borrow $60,000 from a deep pocket,
    she has a chance. Otherwise, there is little hope.


    A California Public Utility Commission mandate assists batterers by
    helping them to track their victims' movements so they will know
    whether their victims are at home or away. This allows them to
    better plan the time to either burglarize the victims' houses or
    finish what they started before the victims left.

    The new smart meters allow anyone who has looked at the outside of a
    house's power meter to track the movements of the person or persons
    inside. From a remote computer, the batterer/stalker/would-be-killer
    can see when the lights are on, where in the house the power is being
    used and when the power is turned off for the victim to leave or go to
    bed. It is an excellent tool for stalkers. Battering husbands would
    have been close enough to their own houses to look at the look at the
    codes on the outsides. Even a stranger, a Charles Manson type, could
    casually drop by, take a peek and then sit and wait at his computer
    terminal. When the meter shows the victim leaving, he can enter and
    wait for her return. The Public Utilities Commission has mandated
    that these be in every home in California.

    District attorneys turn the other check to batterers. Women are
    often prosecuted for defending themselves against rapists and would-be
    killers. For example, in South Orange County two women on
    different occasions were pulled into the bushes by an assailant.
    Instead of looking for the assailant, the women were almost prosecuted
    for accusing a MAN of attacking them.

    In Sonoma County, a beautiful woman was raped by her former husband.
    The police did nothing as is the usual case in California. Later she
    was attacked again. He had a phone. She did not. She went to the
    police station to report the crime and was arrested because he called
    them while she was en route to report his attack on her. Though this
    man was in possession of, and possibly also involved in child pornography, a probable pedophile, there was also evidence and witnesses to his possession of illegal drugs (not even kept locked up) and prostitution, he was given
    full custody of the minor daughter. I know the victim. She is one
    of the most honorable, caring women you could ever meet. She has a
    small, slight build and doesn't look like she's physically strong
    enough to fight off a small, weak man.

    Many victims have told me that they also discovered the police were
    not interested in taking reports of batteries when they asked for
    help. I and my daughter personally reported my husband's violence
    and our concern that he would kill me to the police on multiple
    occasions. No report was taken back then. One of the times I
    called 9-1-1, my husband called them back and said it was a child
    playing with the phone. Another time, he told them this in person
    and they accepted his statement. At another point, after people in a
    shopping center and/or neighbors called the police because they feared
    for my safety, the police showed up and spoke first to my husband.
    Then one of the officers tried to explain to me that my husband's
    violence was caused by invisible physical problems he had and that I
    should be more understanding of his violent temper. They did not
    want to take a report. At Yosemite, a woman, who intervened, was
    verbally attacked and almost physically attacked by my husband.
    Though she reported it to the ranger, nothing was done.

    After my restraining order, my husband, and another batterer he had
    trained, camped out in my mother's house. When I tried to see my
    mother, fearing she was in danger, he used my restraining order
    against him to keep me away from my mother. The police told me he
    had the right to do this because, since he couldn't be within 100
    yards of me, that meant I had to stay away from my mother's house when
    he was there. She didn't want him there and he had told me she would
    be dead before we got him out but that didn't matter to the police.
    After all, if I had a restraining order against my husband, why would
    I try to see a mother I thought was in danger of being harmed by him?
    The police did not care about any danger my husband might pose to
    my mother. Batterers like my husband are not the concern of
    authorities in my county. The police and authorities seem to be
    there only to oppress the weak, confiscate their property and assist
    violent batterers when necessary.

    Another Orange County victim with a restraining order against her
    husband was surprised to find that he had spent a year camped out in
    the crawl space above her house. The police weren't interested in
    doing anything about it. According to the police, domestic violence
    restraining orders are civil and they don't enforce civil orders.
    That's not true that they are civil, but without the police to enforce
    them, they are unenforceable.

    State agencies are not equipped to assist wives who are victims of
    domestic violence. Once a girl turns 18, the state doesn't care who
    beats or kills her.

    Domestic violence shelters are caught up in making money with workers
    back-stabbing each other in an effort to keep their jobs while over
    95% of the women in the most danger are turned away to risk death.
    If you have family you care about or dogs, the shelters don't want
    you. When you check on your family or dogs, your batterer might
    follow you back to the shelter.

    Domestic violence victims often turn to pets for love and they must
    discard these pets along with any relatives they might have in order
    to enter a shelter. When someone whose ego is beaten down rescues
    herself, she isn't likely to throw away the one who loves her the
    most- even if it is a dog, a cat, a bird or a distant cousin.

    The ultimate insult is where the victims are forced to pay the bills
    run up by their batterers. Organizations that try to collect from
    victims for their batterers' debts include: Chase, Discover, Wells
    Fargo, the City of Santa Ana, the Orange County District Attorney's
    office, the Mouton Niquel Water District, San Diego Gas & Electric
    Company, the Gas Company, and Cox Cable.


    In divorce court, the spoils go to the person who can afford the best
    attorney. Absent a quality attorney, no victim can legally prevent a
    batterer from violating the restraints in the divorce summons, prevent
    a batterer from harassing or killing her in violation of the domestic
    violence restraining order, or prevent a batterer from liquidating all
    the victim's assets or the assets of her family and putting her or her
    family's money where it cannot be found. Without a good attorney, no
    judge will tell a batterer "no" to any of these illegal actions.

    No family law attorney in the State of California will represent a
    domestic violence victim unless she is rich or has access to lots of
    money or unless he thinks he can get it from one of her relatives.
    One of my friends got a result she wanted. It took her $60,000
    borrowed from relatives. $20,000 is not enough as attorneys take the
    money from victims and then do nothing for the victims. I personally
    gave an attorney $2500. That attorney took the money for essentially
    no work. The firm was gone with the funds in less than four days.
    Later, another attorney found me, but he wouldn't do any work at all
    for my side of the case or even inform me of important court
    appearances. Based on his comments, after four months of no work for
    me on his part, it was apparent that his plan was to split my mother's
    money with my husband and my husband's attorney. I stood firm to
    prevent that from happening and he no longer represents me. If you
    are a victim and you only have $2500 or $25,000, cut your losses and
    forget about the case. That's the most common advice of people
    familiar with the system. That's not enough to make any California
    family law attorney care.

    Legal Aid is usually available to violent batterers but not their
    victims. After the restraining order, the first place a batterer
    goes is Legal Aid. It doesn't matter if he is poor or rich. Either
    way and even if he is ineligible for Legal Aid, the victim is placed
    on a list banning her from using the services of Legal Aid in her
    county for the rest of her life.

    There is a California law that requires the judge to take domestic
    violence into account when setting support. It is California Family
    Law code section 4320 (i). Judges ignore this law. Absent an
    attorney, the wife is unlikely to get enforcement of this law.
    Picture this, it is not uncommon for battering husbands from 30+ year
    marriages, in which the wives stayed at home taking care of the kids,
    to walk away with paying no support out of six figure salaries while,
    at the same time, getting away with disabling their wives and
    preventing the wives from working and from even having food money.
    This could not happen if judges were more conscientious about
    protecting the rights of domestic violence victims.

    If you have kids, watch out. Judges often give batterers custody of
    the children when the victims enter domestic violence shelters. The
    stated and well-known principle is that a domestic violence shelter is
    no place for children and judges consider children better off with
    violent batterers than in shelters.

    The restraints in the summons prohibit the husband from transferring
    property or from canceling insurance. For victim after victim, this
    is simply not enforced. My son said my husband's attorney had advised
    him that my husband could get away with violating the law and the
    courts would let him, and it turned out my husband's attorney was
    correct. My health insurance was canceled while I was in the cardiac
    intensive care of the hospital right after a heart operation. My
    husband sent a harassing message to me after surgery while I was
    recovering. I could keep my insurance if I could pay for it. Of
    course, he had taken all my money.

    At least, I just had a heart problem which could result in sudden
    death if things went badly. Some of my friends, who lost their
    insurance after they got their batterers out of their lives, had some
    really horrible conditions, like cancer. It is important to note
    that pre-existing conditions of a serious nature mean the victims are
    uninsurable when their batterers cut their health insurance. Without
    medical care, too many victims just wait to die. Isn't this exactly
    what the batterers want? Our public officials will do nothing to
    stop this injustice. Is this a form of eugenics? Survival of the

    Often the intent of batterers in crippling their victims by paying no
    support, by canceling the insurance and by physically handicapping
    them is to punish them, hoping the victims will return and apologize
    or die and be no further problem. Most victims go back at least
    twice because the justice system is so favorable to the batterers and
    battered wives generally have no choice if they want to live. THIS
    victim would rather die than go back.

    Sometimes the husbands cancel the car insurance and then the brakes or
    the steering goes out, leaving the wives without any way to get to
    work. This is especially effective if the husband has also cut the
    wife's health insurance, making it difficult for her to hike 30 mile
    distances over hills to work every day. In much of California, mass
    transit is non-existent.

    Often the restraining order is a token thrown to the victim. When I
    got the temporary restraining order (which preceded the permanent
    restraining order) against my husband, the judge crossed off my
    mother's name and address. This allowed my husband to camp out in my
    mother's house along with another person he was training to become a
    batterer. Finally, when we rescued my mother, they had starved and
    dehydrated her, broken her dentures, crippled her, stolen her
    identification and looted her accounts. During the restraining order
    hearing, the judge had sealed the photos of my face and body because
    they were so graphic. Why did he let my husband stay with my mom?

    Later this same judge gave my husband an ex parte order allowing him
    to sell a piece of property in which my husband had no equity. My
    mother owned all the equity after the first and second deeds of trust.
    My mother was not notified of the hearing and neither was I until
    after it was over. The clerk was ordered to sign my name to the
    sales documents. My husband's ex parte was supported by false
    declarations under penalty of perjury so the judge's actions were not
    entirely arbitrary. However, that same judge had previously stated
    in court that my husband was not credible. A title search attached
    to the false declarations showed my husband had no equity in the
    property. Fortunately, my husband's realtor never sold the place and
    legally could not, in spite of the ruling, without my mother's
    signature. So instead of having to pay restitution, my batterer has
    proven that batterers can nearly kill or cripple their victims, take
    their life savings and be financially rewarded by the legal system.
    There is no downside to trying to killing a woman in the State of

    Back to Sonoma County, the young girl who was forced to live with the
    pedophile hated the arrangements so much she slashed her wrist.
    The judge in that case refused the wife's request for a psych
    evaluation of the daughter to protect the girl. Instead, the
    mother/rape/battery victim was ordered to undergo her own evaluation
    while the girl was forced to stay against her will with the

    In Orange County, a domestic violence victim is having to fight to
    protect the trust of a disabled woman she is helping. The argument
    of her batterer is that he should get anything his victim has access
    to and apparently the judge could rule in the batterer's favor on

    In Northern California, a domestic violence victim who survived to
    become a public official previously lost her house, her car and her
    health insurance due to bias of the judicial system in favor of
    batterers over victims. She has noted that the system is stacked
    against women.


    College students who come from a background of domestic violence get
    no support as they try to survive college. Because of funding cuts,
    the University of California at Berkeley throws students out of the
    dorm after four semesters. This forces these students to find
    apartments close to the university in a violent crime area in order to
    continue attending the school. However, apartment owners will not
    rent without co-signers. Since batterers often wreck the credit of
    their wives and get revenge on their families by refusing to help
    their offspring, children from domestic violence backgrounds risk
    being thrown into the streets to live as homeless students so they can
    continue to attend Cal (Berkeley). This is because neither the
    University of California at Berkeley nor the State of California will
    back the students up to the apartment owners -- even if the students
    have high grades and full financial aid or other resources that would
    cover the cost of the apartments. Leaders who have failed to respond
    to faxes and emails about this issue include: Dianne Feinstein,
    Barbara Boxer, Jerry Brown and University of California, Berkeley,
    Chancellor Robert J. Birgeneau. Over the phone, Dianne Feinstein's
    office expressed a complete disinterest in preventing top students
    from becoming homeless because a domestic batterer would not co-sign
    for their living quarters. Dianne Feinstein is running for
    re-election in 2012.

    While at Berkeley, it was guessed that my daughter had whooping cough.
    Though she was a student, the health services at the college did not
    provide for a test for this potentially life threatening illness.
    She wound up taking antibiotics based on guesswork.

    She had once had full coverage but my husband cut her health insurance
    in violation of restraints in the divorce summons. Though he broke
    the law, nobody in the state enforces that law.


    Batterers often take out their hatred on animals. Dogs are often
    protective of victims and batterers will want to get the sympathetic
    animal out of the way.

    My two favorite dogs Venus and Cynthia (named after Cynthia McKinney)
    are dead. Through a series of events seemingly aimed at crippling me
    or ending my life, they lost their lives. Both of these dogs had
    attended Democratic conventions and met top political and government
    leaders. Venus (pictured in this article) was especially fond of
    Cynthia McKinney and that is why Venus's first and only daughter was
    named after Congresswoman McKinney. Before her death at less than a
    year of age, Cynthia had also met her namesake and had really taken to

    Venus hung on for a little while and there was a good chance of saving
    her. I took Venus to the 24 hour San Francisco Veterinarian
    Specialty Clinic on Alabama Street, where there was a veterinarian
    neurologist. They refused to treat her or even let her stay
    overnight without thousands of dollars up front. The amount they
    wanted was a fraction of the amount of support money my husband owed.
    I called my son and asked him to tell my husband that we would be
    even if he would just pay them that smaller amount that night to keep
    Venus at the hospital. The answer was a refusal, even though it
    would have been a drop in the bucket for my husband. I, my friend and
    Venus were forced to leave the animal hospital because I could not
    come up with that money late night. Without a car, I wound up
    wandering the streets of the Bay area begging other veterinarians to
    save my dog's life. Venus died. She and her daughter Cynthia were
    the kindest, most loving dogs I have ever seen. For me, there loss
    is the part of this tragedy I will never get over. From then through
    now, I have continued to wish that I could trade my life for the lives
    of my dogs. This is not a negative statement about my feelings for
    myself but a statement about how special those dogs were. Picture
    how it would feel to lose someone you love and later see the person or
    persons you feel are responsible laughing about your loss.


    Imagine living every day not knowing whether you will die before the
    day is over. Imagine being told over and over again everything you
    do is worthless. Even worse, imagine believing it as most domestic
    violence victims do. Imagine wanting to leave but knowing that your
    loved ones will become collateral damage if you even try. Imagine
    living with the constant voice and violence of the man on the
    following youtube video, which is of an actual and typical incident.
    Picture that this is not a one-time incident but happens every time
    you ask to see a doctor or for anything else or try to leave.
    Imagine this scene continues day after day after day. Imagine
    knowing there is no escape. Because there is no escape if you love
    your children or the people in your family or your dogs.

    You can choose not to listen or to turn it off. You don't have to
    find out what one in every four American women goes through. But a
    domestic violence victim cannot turn down the volume or put this on
    pause. For domestic violence victims, there is no safe way out and
    this never ends until they choose to jump into the fire, risking death
    and loss of everything and everyone they love.

    Then realize this. The leaders you voted for in the United States
    and California Governments do not care if he kills you. Has even
    Kamala Harris done more than pay lip service to opposition to domestic
    violence? Of the local leaders, I've found one who cares. She is
    in the San Pablo City Council. If you don't live in San Pablo, then
    don't count on your local leaders, either. The police don't care if
    he kills you. The judges don't care if he kills you. As a domestic
    violence victim, you are all alone.


    One in every four men is a violent batterer. This statistic applies
    whether you are looking at Congress, the U.S. Senate, the California
    legislature or the slate of California Executives. This is why these
    leaders will do nothing to end domestic violence but mouth words and
    platitudes. Most women who get into office feel a duty to concede to
    a man's agenda, much like a domestic violence victim conceding to the
    wishes of her violent husband. If these female office-holders fail
    to live up to a man's agenda, they will be put down, made fun of or
    otherwise trashed. This whole set-up leaves domestic violence
    victims without any champion.

    With all the women dying every day in the worst epidemic in American
    history, maybe it is time for revolution. We women can let our
    leaders know we're fed up. We can make this the number one issue in
    every election and run our own candidates who aren't afraid to tell
    the truth. The question for leaders will not be "What WILL you do"
    but "What HAVE you done and has domestic violence stopped in your
    state or district?" We women have the power and right to demand
    results, not words. There are more of us than them. We can put
    those who fail to act into permanent retirement if we band together.
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