Seniors will be severely impacted if this law is overturn. The law was put in place by our state legislature in the late 1980's, early 1990's when land prices started soaring to protect and maintain affordable housing for low income workers and seniors, Please read and follow to protect housing for the some of the most vulnerable in our community.

The Issue: Should Rent Control Laws That Protect Mobile Home Owners be Eliminated?
R. Keith Traphagen, 61, pays $370 a month in lot rental fees at his Goleta, Calif., mobile home park. That’s enough, he says.

But those fees could skyrocket if the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ends rent control for Goleta’s mobile home parks. The owners of the 150-unit Rancho Mobile Home Estates, Daniel and Susan Guggenheim, are seeking to overturn the rent control ordinance. Their argument: It amounts to a “regulatory taking” of their property and unfairly suppresses its market value. Court records indicate the Guggenheims would increase fees to $1,000 if regulations are lifted.

But Traphagen, who was disabled by a neck injury and stopped working at an electronics manufacturing plant in 1980, says he doesn’t know what he’ll do if rents or fees go up. “I simply can’t pay more,” he said. Traphagen receives Social Security and worker’s compensation, and has lived at the park since 1977. He bought his current mobile home in 2002 for $64,000.

More than 3 million mobile home households include someone over 50 (about half of them over 65). Their median income is $22,000, compared with $44,000 for age 50-plus single-family households. In California alone, there are more than 370,000 mobile homes.

The ordinance currently in place caps annual increases in mobile home lot fees at 75 percent of the consumer price index or 5 percent, whichever is less, and it allows a “discretionary increase” covering extra capital expenses. Most recently, Traphagen’s bill rose $25.18 for rent plus the extra discretionary charge of $5.62.

Read full posting in WACCO READER CALIFORNIA