Hello WaCCos

In a follow up to my posting of "We need YOU for PEACE today!" please take this poll on my Daily Kos Diary page, so all candidates will know how important it is to stand up for CityCare & AmericaCare not unfundable WARfare.

Additionally, what about...

Global WARming

Get the picture?

Just how big is the US carbon footprint for all our OPTIONAL conflicts?

I really hope to see you all at the Art of Peace event at the Sebastopol Community Center this Sunday 9/12 from noon to 7; The Love Choir will perform too.

It has been quite healing for me during a very difficult time to prepare some of my art for this event. I invite you to bring images of peace to be part of an interactive art of peace project with our amazing community.

Much thanks & love!,

Colleen Fernald

Candidate for PEACE!

Sebastopol City Council



Will you pledge to give your vote to only Candidates for PEACE in every office?

YES. I trust in our strength through Peace!
50% 5 votes

No, more war funding is what keeps America strong.
20% 2 votes

I will consider it.
10% 1 votes

I don't vote.
20% 2 votes
10 votes