How You -- Yes You -- Can End the War

Submitted by davidswanson on Mon, 2006-02-13 02:50. Activism | Organizing Locally By David Swanson

Simple acts and a little courage have worked wonders in the world. Nonviolent people's movements won democratic reforms in Russia, booted the British out of India, resisted the Nazi occupation in Denmark, drove a dictator out of El Salvador and another out of the Philippines, ended Jim Crow, crushed Soviet power in Poland, toppled military regimes in Argentina and Chile, ended Apartheid, and brought democracy to the Ukraine. George W. is no match for a force this powerful.

As powerless as we may feel in the United States right now, we have at our disposal the tools needed to end the war in Iraq and to impeach the criminals who began it. The impeachment may have to precede the peace, but, in one order or the other, we can achieve these two goals.

There is a multitude of ways in which each of us can alter our daily habits to help make this happen.

read the many great ideas of how to contribute to stopping the war(s):