please pay close attention to the wording in the third paragraph - "opening the door...". then compare it to the last paragraph where the author faults the republicans for supporting special interests and corps.

this is a glowing example of propaganda, double-speak, manipulation, pr and any other term appropriate to this kind of crap. good democrats, bad republicans. and just as agilely good republicans, bad democrats.

pelosi is promoting in no uncertain terms big pharma/medical industry. mammograms should be outlawed. many people are up on the vaccine scam. but the majority of people who read this kind of indoctrination will readily associate one side with sincere care and the other side with egregious business interests when in fact both sides are pushing the very same corporate and potentially deadly interests.

just a reminder to stay alert and do not buy into the democrat/republican scam any more than the vaccine scam. it's a very unhealthy habit. eat natural foods, get plenty of fresh air and sunshine, exercise and stay away from vaccines and pharmaceuticals.

dr tenpenny's comments after the indoctrination article.

good health and happiness to all.

See more news releases in: Health Care & Hospitals, Health Insurance, Domestic Policy

Pelosi Statement on Administration's Regulations Providing Preventive Care Benefits in New Health Plans

WASHINGTON, July 14 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today after the Administration issued regulations implementing provisions of the Affordable Care Act that provide for free preventive care benefits in new plans. Specifically, the regulations will help make prevention affordable and accessible by requiring new health plans to cover recommended preventive services without charging a deductible, copayment or coinsurance.

"Today's announcement marks another step forward in our effort to fulfill the fundamental goals of health insurance reform: providing access to affordable care for all Americans and ensuring the health and well-being of every family. With this change, prevention coverage will improve for as many as 41 million Americans next year and as many as 88 million Americans by 2013.

"Opening the door to preventive care means vaccines and flu shots for our children, and regular visits to the pediatrician – key building blocks for a lifetime of health. It means women will be able to get counseling, screening, and vaccines for healthy pregnancies, and have easier access to mammograms and a wide range of critical services. And it means greater access to cancer screenings, routine immunizations, and blood pressure, diabetes, and cholesterol tests for all patients.

"Despite the broad benefits tens of millions of Americans will reap from these new rules of the road, Congressional Republicans continue their calls to repeal health insurance reform. As families, seniors, small business owners, young adults, and children begin to realize the benefits of reform, Congressional Republicans stick to the same script: protect the special interests and insurance companies, and say 'no' to progress at every turn. The American people cannot afford this type of leadership. Democrats will keep fighting for Main Street and the middle class."
SOURCE Office of the Speaker of the House

Dr. Tenpenny's comments:
In 2008, The US surpassed $2.3 trillion in spending on health care, more than three times the $714 billion spent in 1990, and over eight times the $253 billion spent in 1980. Also In 2008, U.S. health care spending was about $7,681 per resident and accounted for 16.2% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP); this is among the highest of all industrialized countries.

Stemming this growth has become a major policy priority as the government, employers, and consumers increasingly struggle to keep up with health care costs. But the new health care bill will not lower these costs; if anything, costs will soar as cost shifting occurs to keep the current system in place.

Technology and new drugs are driving the system. It seems that no thought goes into anything these days. Doctors use a "because we can, we will" approach to everything. For example, a patient told me last week that her 95 year old father-in-law had a heart attack and after he was stabilized in a community hospital, was taken by Life Flight helicopter to a major medical center where the ER doctor told them that,"We're going to put in a stint and then we can put him on the heart transplant list." Seriously.
There is no emphasis on true prevention, now or in the upcoming Obamacare plan. Scroll down on this page and look at the pie chart, showing where the dollars are spent. Not even a tiny slice for Get Well medicine. It's all about managing disease. Conventional medicine truly believes that mammograms, vaccines and taking medication on time are "preventive medicine." They are not. These are but three examples of the skewed thinking of our "health care" system.

Taking responsibility for your family and truly learning how to take care of your health is not hard, but it is essential for your health and the future financial viability of this country for your children and grandchildren.


Dr. Tenpenny's comments:
Vaccines, vaccines and more vaccines! And while we're are at it, let's do more mammograms and cholesterol tests on children. And if that doesn't make you chronically ill and a customer for life, they'll just keep on trying. For example, more kids than ever are being prescribed cholestrol lowering drugs. And keep in mind that 15% of all persons diagnosed with mildly elevated cholesterol levels have undertreated thyroid disease.

And this fall is going to be a HUGE struggle for health care workers. Last week, The Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) formally asked federal health officials to recommend making flu shots mandatory for health care workers (HCWs), saying this is probably the best way to protect patients from contracting flu in health care facilities.

In the revised guidance released in June, the CDC stresses the importance of flu shots for HCWs but does not call for requiring them. A letter dated July 15 written by CDC Director Thomas Frieden and IDSA President Richard Whitley, MD, states the proposed guidance doesn't go far enough on flu shots for HCWs. They wrote: "We feel the CDC should provide a definitive recommendation for mandatory influenza vaccination of health care providers."

It seems to matter not a speck that multiple peer-reviewed articles and leading publications show that flu shots are worthless, and even deadly.

I've said it before in Health Doesn't Come Through a Needle, we have exchanged chicken pox for autism, flu for asthma, ear infections for diabetes...and the list goes on and on. In the zeal to eliminate relatively benign microbes, we have traded temporary illnesses for pervasive, life-long diseases, disorders, dysfunctions and disabilities.
True health cannot come from this "health care" package, only more sick care.