Flash! End your Thanksgiving Weekend with a highly powerful and pleasurable group massage ...called THE CALIFORNIA CLUSTER MASSAGE ADVENTUROUS VOYAGE... (sensual yes, sexual no!) at the Temple of Love (Art and Anika's home) 3890 Serrano, Martinez, Ca. 94558. SUNDAY NOVEMBER 29th Beginning at 4 pm and continuing to 6 pm... with snacks socializing and a hot tub afterwards. Only $25 per person. Please RSVP to RD at 415-596-9956 as space is limited.

The California Cluster Massage is facilitated by Paul Ramana Das Silbey, tantric teacher and group energy innovator for many years, with his beloved Marilena co-hosting. These group massage techniques have roots in ancient Mongolian social rituals... and Ramana Das (RD) has dynamically re-framed them so that participants can master and share them together in clusters (pods) of five participants. Many tantric energetic tools are incorporated in a fun spontaneous manner: breath, coordinated movement, continuous eye contact, touch and massage.
RD guides participants by utilising pre-recorded rhythmic music selections as a stimulus to express these tantric energetic tools on the body lying in the middle of each 'pod'. Each person in the 'pod' gets ten minutes (five on each side of the body) to be massaged in sync by the other four... who are sitting on opposite sides of the body being massaged. Then all positions are rotated and the person who was massaged gets to return to the circle and the next person goes down in the middle. This continues (with guidance by RD) until all have had a turn... then the entire group gets up to dance and form a larger circle. More movement exercises, and a couple of final rituals take place. (this is more or less spontaneous) The entire cluster massage experience takes about an hour and a half. People are encouraged to wear minimum clothing. (some people might prefer to have underwear) RD's experience with leading this practice for almost 40 years is that deep bonding takes place, not only within the pod clusters, but also with the entire group! (Hot tub and socializing afterwards). Please note that the clusters are NOT gender balanced..there may be more people of one sex or the other... and it is highly recommended that participants not be homophobic... just open to the uniqueness of each body being played.

The California Cluster Massage offers a post-taste of Burning Man, whether or not one went to this fantastic event in the black Rock Desert of Nevada. Join this adventure and share the fun!"

Paul Ramana Das Silbey has been a leader in Tantra for many years. His Cluster Massage originally was created in NYC in 1972, became very popular and led to his paperback "BODY MUSIC: How to Play the Body as a Musical Instrument Through Group Massage" being sold all over America. In recent years, with his wife Marilena, they have created American Tantra, an eclectic blending of many esoteric traditions and techniques. Their 1994 video " INTIMATE SECRETS OF SEX AND SPIRIT... HOW TO WORSHIP EACH OTHER IN BED", and their CD "Ecstatica 1", have been enjoyed by many thousands of people. They have shared intimate relationship skills and American Tantra techniques at many conventions in the '90's. Recently, RD has resumed facilitating his form of Cluster Massage at various personal growth centers, including One Taste in San Francisco and at selected home temple settings in the Bay Area and the Midwest