What does a man want, and Who is curious?

Zohar says that Who and What (Mi/Mah)
Are the “beginning and the end” of the universe.
They existed before the creation of Elohim.
Whatever was there before the Big Bang.
And Who is what arises in the Wilderness
As The Indwelling Presence.

I have no idea what a man wants.
(And what a woman wants kinda frightens me.)
They will look for some thing until they find it.
And miss every thing that passes by the way.
And maybe every One.

I want No Thingness.
And that’s way more
than not wanting any thing.

Not wanting may not know any thing
As in being sleepy.
Wanting No Thingness has much knowing,
And requires wakefulness.

So, I care not for your wanting, should you decide.
But of your Presence, I am most curious.
And of your caring, I am indeed wanting
To care for, and be careful
Of not wanting
While being curious.
