This ad (a google ad appearing on WaccoBB) promotes a book or other form of instructions claimed to enable you to build your own solar panels for $200, and that the parts can be purchased at a hardware store. This leads to a web site called

Since the validity of this seems highly unlikely, as hardware stores don't sell the basic components for solar panels, I did some online research. There are many so-called "reviews" that seem to be actually just promoting the power4home or a similar product (probably from the same source). The few independent comments I found indicate that it is indeed a scam:

New Member Ohio -

"Power4home system is a scam. All they give in general info that is available for free elsewhere on the web"

"Unfortunately power4home is an internet scam, and the information is pretty much useless."

If anyone has information to the contrary, I would be very interested to see it.