Prov 8:22-31 LXX

Before time was established, in the beginning,

Before the Earth was established:

Even before the depths were established;

Before the fountains of water came forth:

Before the mountains were settled,

And before all hills,

I Am there.

Before Divinity established the uninhabited

And the inhabited parts of the world,

I Am there.

When the heavens were prepared,

I was present with Elohim*;

And when the Divine Throne was set upon the winds

And when the clouds were established above;

And when the fountains of the Earth were made secure:

I Am There with Elohim.

As a Master builder I Am with Elohim
when the foundations of the earth were strengthened:

And daily they rejoiced in My Presence continually.

Lady Wisdom,
Prov 8:22-31 LXX

Elohim comes from two Hebrew words 1) El, meaning “strong one”,
representing God, and 2) Eloah the ancient term for the Goddess,
Ashera, who was always carved from living trees, and was found in the
kitchens and bedrooms of the Hebrews. She was also found in the Temple
of King David.