A new release from the Transition Network


Who we are
and what we do
Rob Hopkins and Peter Lipman

“All living systems are networks of smaller components, and the web of life as a whole is a multi-layered structure of living systems nestling within other living systems – networks within networks”. Fritjof Capra “The Web of Life”.
Peak oil and climate change have rapidly moved up in people’s awareness in recent years, but often, particularly in relation to peak oil, solutions tend to be thin on the ground. Since its initial emergence in Kinsale in 2005, the Transition idea has spread virally across the UK and increasingly further afield, serving as a catalyst for community–led responses to these twin challenges. As the Transition network has grown, questions have been raised regarding how this emerging movement might structure itself, which this document is the first formal attempt at answering. We have already been seeing a structure emerging organically over the last two years and what we propose in this document is based on a deepening and a supporting of this emergent model, on the principle that self-organisation, innovation and action are to be encouraged and supported where they arise, supported by a distinct set of principles and clear guidelines.