From Mark Crispin Miller BUSH STEP DOWN!

Dear friends,

I write to alert you to a crucial national effort in which I am proud participant--an effort to drive out the Bush regime.

On Jan. 31, during Bush's State of the Union address, and then again on Saturday, Feb. 4, there will be mass protests nationwide, demanding that Bush step down, and take his cohorts with him.

The State of the Union will define the Bush agenda in the coming months. Will Bush be able to legitimize the rampant spying by his government, andhis unnecessary losing wars, and his malign neglect of New Orleans, and his efforts to transform the Supreme Court into a bludgeon for his own imperial authority? Will he drag this nation that much closer to the brink of fascism? Or will he be challenged and confronted hugely, and in the light of day?

It's up to us. It's up to you.

Please spread the word. Give money.

Hit the streets in your own city on Jan. 31,

and be with us in Washington on Feb. 4.

Visit for more information.

Please join me and other patriots--Harry Belafonte, actor Mark Ruffalo, filmmaker St. Claire Bourne, U.S. Representative Cynthia McKinney, U.S. Representative Bobby Rush, U.S. Representative Maxine Waters, Susan Sarandon, Rev. Al Sharpton, Sean Penn, Jessica Lange, Congressman Major Owens, curator of the Darwin Show at the Museum of Natural History Niles Eldredge, Lewis Lapham, Martin Garbus, Executive Director of the National Lawyer's Guild of Los Angeles Jim Lafferty, Tom Morello, Michael Eric Dyson, Cornel West, Howard Zinn, Harold Pinter, among many others--in signing the Call below.


Mark Crispin Miller