I have uploaded a zipped folder with three mp3 files featuring Catherine Austin Fitts, former managing partner of NY investment bank Dillon-Reed and former assistant Secretary of Housing under Bush One. She and her fellow guests talk about the banking crisis how we got there, who did it, what should be done about it, and what individuals might do to protect themselves.

The first file includes Bill Murphy of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, the second file features Andy Goss, monetary historian and international banking expert. The third file is Catherine on her own taking questions from the public.


For some flavor of what you are about the hear, you should read Catherine's email to Goldman Sachs and the commentary that follows which includes her mention of their reply.

I offer Catherine's calm and somewhat humorous presentation as a balance to the breathless, hand wringing Naomi Wolf video now being emailed around the country which, although fairly accurate as a threat assessment, gets rather hysterical. Both consider what is happening a coup. Catherine who originates from the right, takes a more calm view as she is bolstered both by her faith in God and in the people of America. Both talk about what we can do to take back the country.


You might also want to listen to Another Frightening Show About the Economy which interviews Wall Streeters on the terror on Wall Street. It explains some of the truly wild and crazy trading schemes that contributed to the meltdown. Credit default swaps for dummies.
