Below is the text from the website of our initiative to organize another annual protest against police brutality in Sonoma County. We are hoping to broaden our area of focus around policing issues to include it's effects on the homeless, immigrants, people of color and other portions of the population most directly effected by police abuse.

Join us to help give collective voice to the People's concerns about law enforcement, both locally and globally, in this year’s 13th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality.

We are: A collective of individuals and groups who invite you to get involved with organizing, endorsing, or supporting the residents of Sonoma County. This is our 2nd year of protest. Last year’s march and rally was recognized as a powerful expression of community dissent and solidarity.

What we stand for: The Sonoma County October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Abuse seeks to expose the systemic oppression of our community by local law enforcement. Last year, several hundred people marched in response to the unprecedented number of law enforcement-related deaths in Sonoma County. This year, we’re expanding our focus to protest the many different forms of abuse that lead up to the most visible forms of police brutality. Our goal is to build an even more diverse, inclusive coalition of concerned people who feel that law enforcement in Sonoma County needs greater accountability.

We welcome all those who refuse to accept: either overt or subtle forms of police brutality, abuse, racism, sexism, classism, and ageism - the harassment of Latinos both documented and undocumented - the harassment of the homeless & working poor - the use of jails as de facto mental health facilities - the collaboration between ICE and the Sheriff’s Department - the failure of the Sheriff to provide correct information to the Grand Jury – the jail’s failure to dispense legal medication, resulting in human suffering and death - the political targeting of individuals or groups who exercise their constitutional right to observe our peace officers and engage in other legally protected activities - the increasing militarization of law enforcement - the usage of Tasers - an overly broad gang criterion abused by MAGNET - the decade-old neglect of a U.S. Commission on Civil Rights recommendation to implement Civilian Review Boards due to our extreme level of police abuse - the disproportionate ratio of funds allocated to law enforcement as other vital infrastructure, like schools and hospitals, close down – the media bias in law enforcement reporting and the portrayal of those who speak out as radicals – law enforcement’s blanket denial of all fault for 11 years of deaths in Sonoma County, in spite of SRPD now in public shambles due to mismanagement - and the complicity of larger governing bodies of the County to not represent the People in spite of years of dialogue, community forums, and broken promises.

We believe: that resisting these abuses of power is both necessary and possible. Please join us in speaking out to Unite! Resist! Liberate!

Volunteers and Organizers meet weekly: Sundays at 3 pm, Free Mind Media. 546 Pacific Avenue @ Slater in Santa Rosa. Organizers, endorsements, speakers, and other forms of assistance are appreciated. We will try to hold the meetings in both English and Spanish.

We are endorsed by: The Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County, The Committee for Immigrant Rights Sonoma County, The Idriss-Stelley Foundation, Impact!, Police Accountability Clinic and Hotline, SRJC MeCHa, Santa Rosa CopWatch and Petaluma Copwatch, Santa Rosa Food Not Bombs and Petaluma Food Not Bombs, Left of the Dial, Free Mind Media, The Petaluma City of Refuge Campaign.

Media inquiries may be directed to:
  • Robert Edmonds - (707) 292-7642
  • Patrick Cadell – (707) 373-0922
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New Myspace page for Sonoma County O22 Organizing Efforts.


