Poetry Leading up to New Year by Betina

I Live to Be Moved 12-16-07

These thoughts traced across my awareness
As I felt an internal agreement
Although I have appeared to my own eyes to be asleep
Maybe its just my perception , my belief
Is not my core always wanting to be touched
Maybe the season of laziness is not what I think

Nature , Passion , family and friends, the world
I ask to be consciously in the knowing and visceral sense of my inseparability to all

PURE SIGHT 12-30 -07

Becoming more and more aware
That the way I see is skewed to say the least

Often internally embarrassed
By the comments that fill my mind space

The onesss thing flies out the window
Only to have opinions upon opinions

I just want to close my eyes in that second
And open them again and See Sweeter

In all of my senses, I wish to be more of me
Not to experience a slice of life when it is ALL so obviously available

May I see with pure sight
When I place my vision on all beings
May I hear with pure listening with out believing i am right
May I taste and smell with quiet but profound appreciation
May I touch with pure and sincere intention

May I keep eyes closed, mouth shut , ears open until all that I sense around me is PURE

May I love deeper in every moment
May my look, my speech , my voice , and my touch be of benefit to the PURE STATE that is in through ,under , sideways , backward , and over all things as ME

May all contributions which emanate from me be useful and uplifting
May I cease to judge what needs to be loved , in me and everyone else
May I listen to everything that wants to be heard in all realms ( not simultaneously and gently please )
May the bird find a language I can understand and may I find a language he/she will comprehend

What do flowers sound like when they speak to each other ?
Can I , may I be privy to their conversations . May I learn their vibrations .

I place my eyes in my heart
I place my mouth ( speech ) in my heart , tasty huh :)
I place my ears ( listen ) in my heart and take time to know people
I place my hands ( touch ) in my heart

So today let me be clear
I want to see , hear , smell , and touch with pure intent
And may these expressions be filtered through love
So Be It and SO it is Done


A year of magical surprise
Miracles made manifest
Inner discipline achieved

Balance obtained between will and ease
Lottsa love in every possible way

Released judgments
Replaced by healing thoughts

Self nurturance of a gentler kind
Cessation of Comparisons

Total awareness and experience of Oneness
No separation from anything

Transcendence from any and all perceived limitations
Gratitude and appreciation for fulfillment of dreams
Conversations with nature
Sacred journeying of life in 2008

Current Events for 2008 by Betina 1-1-08

Thesis : Does the sky speak to the sunset
This and other things I wish to know and have direct visceral experience of

Subject : Communications of ALL Kinds in 2008

WHO : Betina wants to hear how the ocean speaks to the sand
Betina wants to hear how the birds chat with one another
Betina wants to hear what the sky sounds like when it breathes, rises , and sets

WHEN : All the time
Where : All places I am
WHAT : I would like to have further communication with all of nature and its inhabitants
HOW : By being open to each aspect of life's speech
WHY : Because life is always waking me into awareness and for this I am grateful

The Immaculate Conception

Out of nothing came forth something

Somewhere in the thought of the ONE Mind
A desire for a teacher was born

So in that sense there is a moment of conception
And manifested in form is the effect

So out of the void of allness and nothingness
I set forth my own wishes

I ask that food , water , and shelter miraculously cover this world and any other worlds where the appearance of inequality and suffering exists

may this " reality " be done once and for all and in its place peace , food , shelter, water for ALL

It is so done in faith and so be it

looking fwd to hear all about you and your year
and of course your wishes for 2008