Bookmarked! Here's a website that's totally cool for those of us who may be perhaps a knowing the neighborhood where we live. "ZIPskinny" is a site which displays, both graphically, and textually, the U.S. Census data for any given zip code. Want the skinny on your zip? Here it is! Further, it allows visitors to compare their zip census data to all the surrounding zip codes. Further further - it enables visitors to compare up to 20 zip codes of their choice. You can locate your municipality by state and name, or simply by zip code. Census data searched & parsed by Google.

When you want to impress your WaccoBBian neighbors with the excruciating detail of your knowledge of your particular Sonoma County neighborhood, this is the place to go to to get the stats.

WARNING - Use responsibly. This site has the potential to suck up enormous amounts of your time!