If one see a rose does the sun shine with every smile and yet one's heart shall feel the touch of love for only the heart hold the key.
When a man love a woman for one love thy self yet life is liie a rose that bloom in the spring to see a woman for one see a princess.
For every smile for there shall be a new rose for who wear a rose shall fall in love what does one see for it's not what one see but what one feel.
Thus for where does one feeling come from and yet love is specail when a man love a woman for one give his heart may one's eyes twinkle like the stars in the night for some where in the night one search for one's true love.
When a man love a woman for one will take one for thy self and yet love is not for sale but love is for free if one has respect let one show thy respect.
When a man love a woman for she shall be one's specail love may a rose bloom at thy princess feet for thy princess has found her true love.