Why , Love Bush ?

It is my intention to ask you to reflect upon your convictions about love and peace. North Bay, CA projects a hip, loving, ecologically conscious community. This is certainly an aspect, however, we seem to not be able to love the person who needs it most. Peace is a choice it begins with your heart, thought, intention, word, and action.

Love and Compassion
We want a president who is compassionate to those less fortunate. Are we compassionate even in our own hometowns? Sonoma and neighboring counties, as well as this entire country has homeless people, drug addicts, underage smoking / drinking, and high incidence of DWI 's. When we get real, loving and awake in our own community then we can expect that on a world level.

Imbalance and Greed
It is not Bush's fault that the average home in this county is $450,000. This necessitates a $108,000 dollar yearly income. The median income is 55,000. We manifested a greedy president because we are a greedy community and nation. People have no homes and we have million dollar homes that are empty 10 months out of the year.

How many of us drive luxury cars, not necessity cars?

If 4,000 people in Sebastopol alone(where I reside) downsized their cars from $50,000 to $40,000 how many people could eat that day? How many pieces of our jewelry collection could feed a small village for months?

Hint: Obesity is the second largest killer in the United States!

Heart Disease is the first. Too much food!!!

Every aspect of our lives is excessive, not necessary.

Nature is upset not because we don’t recycle, but we because we don’t share . Maybe the planet’s ills are a response to the pain inflicted by human action and maybe it would spontaneously heal itself if we were kinder and willing to sacrifice (a luxury or two) for others.


If our actions are oblivious to the suffering of others what can we expect of a president who represents the U.S?

How many of us fly to these third world countries and partake in their beauty without contemplation of the life these people lead?

Why not vacation for seven days and spend three days with the people helping in some capacity. Taking without giving is not real. If you believe that the money you give to tourism gets to the poor, you are in denial.

I, we, act in denial= denying president

I, we, act apathetically = apathetic president

I, we, act selfishly = selfish president

" Be the change you seek "

Personal Responsibility
What are you willing to do/change to shift the planet's current state; not for yourself, but for all. What do you want Bush to do that you are already doing? Is your speech violent towards others? Are your actions gentle in nature? Do you meditate for your peace or world peace?

If we are truly ONE, One being, One energy, One self…than denying any aspect of Bush is denying our own self. Where does your idea of oneness stop? Would it beneficial to expand that idea?

Honesty and Illusion
Often heard " Bush is a liar " What does our own integrity look like? Where are we dishonest? Was it not a lie to believe that the current system of government would function so much better with Kerry. Talk about illusion. Kerry would have made many egos stand up and say " I WON ". We all lose if we miss the messages behind appearances.

We are an " I " and " me " society. We are really primarily concerned with Our safety, Our family, Our needs, Our shelter, food, etc. We think because we sponsor a kid here and there we are truly giving of ourselves. Where is the inconvenience? How deep is your love for this world and its inhabitants?

Bush as perfect mirror/lesson giver
There is a reason why many wealthy people feel so tired. They are exhausted because they are not sharing the resources. It takes more energy to amass more things. Christmas is tiring because we shop too much. We complain about lines in the store and how long it took to wrap presents and send out cards. Spoiled children we are! "It's mine, mine, mine " Having as much as we do when others have nothing cannot be natural.

Bush is the perfect mirror and lesson giver in the following areas:

Greed, Apathy, Power of Love, Accepting What Is, Non- resistance Introspection, Heart opening, Compassion, and so much more. Just look inside and you will see why he is here.

The lesson will repeat, as it has for eons

Bush is here for a reason. Our planet is not designed to be haphazard in its projection of reality .Who is designing it?

We would not be so afraid for the future if we really had faith, trust, and understanding of the Law of the Universe. We are creating imbalance with our lives!

Love is more powerful than hate. What is your heart's truth? Does your chamber harbor hate?

We want Bush to change a world he did not create alone. We are constantly creating reality and it took a certain kind of creating to manifest Bush for 8 years. Just as it took a certain consciousness to create a Hitler.

Bush is but a puppet to our thoughts and feelings about him. What strings do you pull? What is your intention in the moment? Be rest assured that consciously or unconsciously you are a puppeteer!

" He is the anti-christ " " He is the devil ". Possibly he is who

you are creating him to be .

The people who voted for Bush and support him may very well be less toxic to this world than we are?

Forgiveness and Healing
To disagree with policies and decisions regarding a person's actions is one thing BUT to expend the energy of hate, greed and resistance is quite another choice.

As with forgiveness it does not justify the actions of another but what it does allow for is healing for both parties. What do your beliefs about healing and forgiveness mean if they cannot be applied to worldly situations and people?

Creative Visualization
Can you visualize Bush changing?

Can you visualize a just government?

Can you visualize no more homelessness or hunger?

Can you visualize world peace ?

Can you visualize one heart?

If not you, who?

Fear and Suffering
False Evidence Appearing Real

The more we fear the damnation of the world, the more it will exist. The more afraid of Bush and his actions we are, the more we will create suffering for all of us . There WILL come a time that the suffering of third world countries will be our own. Why wait til that happens to be more open and loving?

We honor and respect MLK , Ghandi , Princess Diana , Angels ,Buddha, Jesus, and Mother Teresa because they addressed needed change without hate or violence of any kind .

Kids today wear outfits (sneakers, shirt, pants) that can be valued at over $250.00. This is just what they put on in the AM. How happy would a kid be to know that if he could cash in one outfit and turn that into food, he would feed a family for weeks. Who is supposed to teach this humility and appreciation to them?

Eating disorders, anti-anxiety meds, ADD, all affecting our kids today. WHY? 12 Step programs are filled with people suffering from addictions to things that are used in excess without thought: gambling, alcohol, over eaters, and more.

When I completed writing this article I was in a local sauna listening to a few high school students who were discussing that it is a shame that now that Bush is really president ,(post inauguration)the people of the US are divided. " United We Stand Divided we Fall "

What the Bleep Do We Know Anyway
The book Hidden Messages in Water explains that water is affected by the words that are wrapped around it while in a container. The significance was expounded upon in the above titled movie. If words can do this to water what can they do to us ? (the premise being that we are 90 % water) .So is the president? What worlds/words are we surrounding him in?

Words from the Buddha

For harsh words do not serve as a remedy
Master Yourself

To straighten the crooked

You must first do the harder thing

Straighten yourself

The Sharpest Word

The greatest gain is to give to others: the greatest loss is to receive without gratitude

The most dangerous thief is an unwholesome thought: virtue is the most precious treasure

Practical Application : How to Love Bush

In the limited realm of human " beingness" love is a verb.

So.....how could that love be expressed in action ?

There are a myriad of ways:

Watch our speech.... speaking through love

Listening with compassion ...hearing with love

Observing with love your own hateful, apathetic, and violent actions

Love is a transformative tool for change

Holding love and peace in your heart for those you dislike broadens your capacity to love. Is love your essence? Or are you just as ignorant about REAL LOVE as so many of us have demonstrated overtime?

* I love Bush because the alternative puts blood on my hands, sadness in my mind, and a limited experience of my heart's capacity to give and receive love. I can assure you that I do not agree with 90% of his decisions. However, I recognize now, how I can change this and it is with love.

Written by a child of earth, just like you and just like Bush

If you would like to send responses: luvnpeace@earthlink