The Thundering Failure of the Democrats

Here is a snippet of what the gist of the 'article' which expresses what some of my thoughts and feelings are, (and why I am registered {voting reg.} as "declines to state";
The article is authored by by (Pen Name) “One Pissed Off Liberal”:

Quote My judgment is especially harsh for the Democratic Party because the whole world looked to them for justice and were denied. Justice is what we owed the world. JUSTICE!

The prospect of a Republican freak out is no excuse for Democrats not pursuing justice. We're always crowing about what a great nation we are – but we can't even manage to bring our own worst and most public in-your-face criminals to justice.

This is not political, it's criminal. They stole trillions of dollars from the U.S. Treasury and lied us into invading what they knew damned well was the wrong country costing hundreds of thousands of lives, creating untold human misery and creating ISIS and a global jihad. And they did it on purpose so they could have their precious forever war and a Military Industrial Complex wet dream. And they only got away with it because the Democratic Party enabled them, aided and abetted them and then let them slide. All for filthy lucre. What could be more shameful?
The rest of the article is @