Ziji has done one session with me, and I am feeling beneficial results physically as well as emotionally and mentally.
I recommend him without qualification.

Your first session is totally free and thereafter they are most modestly priced.
He requests 2 photos be emailed, one of your face and the other full body (clothed);
he'll talk with you to get a sense of context, then do the work in silence while you remain on the phone.
He calls within 24 hours to follow up and check in on results.
My friend mentioned how she'd noticed that my energy had changed after this work by him.

Ziji is a humble, perceptive, beautiful being - when he inquires how you've connected with him, l will earn a bit of credit towards future sessions, which I intend to have.

Check the website and see if you are moved to connect with him.

Blessings of healing, wholing, growing, Jude Iam
