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  1. TopTop #1
    Berry O's Avatar
    Berry O

    Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!

    Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!
    Warning to all who use the Rodota trail to walk or ride on, there is a group out by the trail using a field across from the big white and black metal cow on Highway 12 on the south side to fly some radio controlled planes and stuff. I was walking with some friends and we came across a couple of guys flying some radio controlled planes, so we started to walk out to watch what they were doing only to be stopped and verbally attacked by both. They started yelling and screaming at us telling us to get the hell out from their field, we told them that we were only wanting to watch and they said get away this is private property and if you don’t leave I will do whatever I have to, to make you. We were totally shocked that we would be threatened with such a threat. I asked them why can’t we watch from the trail, and one of the guys said because it’s not safe and if one of the planes crashes and was to hit you; we don’t want to be responsible. So you need to leave now before I get mad and have to make you.

    We also noticed a bad odor and noticed the two guys were smoking marijuana, I told them that we could call the police and let them know that they were smoking marijuana. The one guy said go ahead we have medical cards and we are on private property which allows us to do it, and if you were to try that it would be the last time you would use this trail. I then asked what are your names and was told we don’t have to give them to you and you had better get the hell away from here and we had better not ever see you around here again or you will regret it. The one guy had glasses and a bald head, they other guy was some skinny little guy with a big mouth but wasn’t the one doing most of the talking. They were driving one of those grey van type cars; I think it was Ford Transit or something like that. So watch out if you run into this group out by the trail, we are looking into who owns the property and also contacting the proper authorities’ to what is going on out there. Does anyone know who might over see these kind of activities, CHP, Sebastopol PD, Sheriff, FAA or something like that? Please advise of any agency that might over see these types of groups.

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  3. TopTop #2
    Thad's Avatar

    Re: Warring to all Rodota Trail users!!

    A user of the trail has the pleasure of passing through areas they normally wouldn't have access to. A property owner beside the trail has the fact of a constant stream of people passing through, not exactly a pleasure. If you step off the trail you are trespassing.

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Berry O: View Post
    Warring to all Rodota Trail users!!
    ...They started yelling and screaming at us telling us to get the hell out from their field, we told them that we were only wanting to watch and they said get away this is private property and if you don’t leave I will do whatever I have to, to make you. ...
    Last edited by Thad; 07-07-2013 at 10:53 PM. Reason: Oops
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  5. TopTop #3
    Berry O's Avatar
    Berry O

    Re: Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Thad: View Post
    A user of the trail has the pleasure of passing through areas they normally wouldn't have access to. A property owner beside the the trail has the fact of a constant stream of people passing through, not exactly a pleasure. If you step off the trail you are trespassing.
    That is true, but the property on either side of the path is part of the easement. If you look up the zoning, the fence is where the owner of the property starts. And we didn't go beyond that point, because we were only watching from the edge of the path, the guys were out picking up a plane that looked as if it had crashed, and they approached us and started yelling at us to leave the area. I don't think they have the authority to tell people using the path to leave if your not beyond the fence lines.

    We have now found out that there is a governing body for model air craft, it's called Academy of Model Aeronautics. We have contacted them and made a formal complaint and we are going to watch them when we walk on the path and the next time we will be recording them for AMA, and here is there number incase anyone else comes across these fools. 1-800-435-9262 and thanks to the people who told us about whom to call. And it was great that they put a sign up telling everyone the name of their club, so make sure you give that info when calling in a complaint.

    Berry O
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  7. TopTop #4
    nicofrog's Avatar

    Re: Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!

    Where I think you got off your "rights" was when you said"I told them that we could call the police and let them know that they were smoking marijuana. "

    at a certain point you decided it was a good idea to meet a threat with a threat,you were incensed ,and acted from anger saying "mine's bigger than yours" an unwise choice, there was no reason to engage in that way(what they are doing and its legality is not the subject and not your concern) and you could have been hurt.There are a lot of crazy people in this world ,and "right" can be dead right. escalating a conflict with bullies? you need to back away unless you want a fight. if that's the case then you need not whine about it here.

    I believe "trespassing"does not come in to play until you have crossed a real boundary(such as an intact fence) however if anyone claims this if you choose not to conflict you do not threaten them. They sound like some boys who are playing at being "drone" pilots and were all amped up on their pretend power and you came along as an imaginary target.

    It does not sound like a danger worth a warning,if one just walked bye,there would be no conflict

    I have been on both ends of this issue,and in spite of the fact that they acted like jerks.You just decided to thro gas on their fire and got off lucky.

    If you have a legal recourse or a video of their activities,you may be able to play them but In my experience,there are people like this,fortunately not to many,choose your battles wisely .
    good luck

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by Berry O: View Post
    That is true, but the property on either side of the path is part of the easement. If you look up the zoning, the fence is where the owner of the property starts. And we didn't go beyond that point, because we were only watching from the edge of the path, the guys were out picking up a plane that looked as if it had crashed, and they approached us and started yelling at us to leave the area. I don't think they have the authority to tell people using the path to leave if your not beyond the fence lines.

    We have now found out that there is a governing body for model air craft, it's called Academy of Model Aeronautics. We have contacted them and made a formal complaint and we are going to watch them when we walk on the path and the next time we will be recording them for AMA, and here is there number incase anyone else comes across these fools. 1-800-435-9262 and thanks to the people who told us about whom to call. And it was great that they put a sign up telling everyone the name of their club, so make sure you give that info when calling in a complaint.

    Berry O
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  8. Gratitude expressed by 2 members:

  9. TopTop #5

    Re: Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!

    Agree with both perspectives. It's very disturbing to think of being confronted in such a way while on a public trail such a JR....however, this is a day and age when confrontation needs to be minimized at all times unless one is ready to go the distance and risk winding up severely injured or in jail. I was almost mugged at the bus stop just up from the Community Market in Santa Rosa about a year and a half ago. Some guy that looked like a pit bull was suddenly in my face demanding, "Do you have a problem with me?" I stepped off the curb putting a light post in between the two of us, and replied, "Hey man...I got no problem with you...I think you're great man!" He backed off and later ran by with his buddy like a pair of pitbulls...yelling..."Sorry, man...thought you were someone else!" Bottom whenever possible...
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  11. TopTop #6
    podfish's Avatar

    Re: Warning to all Rodota Trail users!!

    Quote Posted in reply to the post by decterlove: View Post
    ... this is a day and age when ...
    as opposed to when, exactly?
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