Let's get right to the bottom line: antibiotic resistance has become on of the world's most pressing public health problems. And the cause of the resistance is overuse of antibiotics.
Antibiotic resistance means just that: antibiotics aren't working as well as they used to. Bacteria, in their quest for survival, are figuring out ways around them. And when we use antibiotics a lot, the weaker bacteria get killed, leaving the superbugs behind.
Those superbugs are causing infections that are increasingly hard to treat. And while these infections are bad for everyone--last longer, are more likely to lead to hospitalizations, require stronger drugs with more side effects--they can be very dangerous, even deadly, for people with weak immune systems. That's why the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is working with partners to sponsor "Get Smart About Antibiotics Week" November 12th to November 18th.
So how smart are you about antibiotics? Are these statements true or false?